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Sugary Sweets (A Taste of Love Series Book 2)

Page 2

by A. M. Willard

  “Hey, Morgan?”

  “Yes, Zara.”

  “Did you know that Hatcher and I left our mark on the front counter one morning before opening? Oh, and I think it was the first table by the door one night, oh no… It was this booth here that we’re sitting in now,” I tell her as I turn to look at her and smile. Morgan’s face is bright red, and her big hazel eyes are almost to the point of popping out of the sockets.

  “Zara James, stop! I don’t want to hear it.”

  “You know what you have to do to shut me up, right? I can go for days about this, you see?”

  “Oh I’m sure you can, but please don’t because I’m not telling you.”

  “How’s Jayden?”

  “Fine… Why?”

  “Just wondering, especially since you had that weird face this morning,” I say, as I try to direct this conversation elsewhere. She’s prepared herself for this, I can tell. Her knee is still going a mile a minute, but she’s not climbing away yet. I wonder if Hatcher prepped her. That’s it; he had to get to them all before I did. That little sneak… That’s okay; I know just the way to make this work. Without a word, I slide out and head to the back of the bakery to put my things away. This will give me enough time to come up with the whole plan before I put it into action. It seems the only person not against me right now is Frankie, but then again I have to wonder if she is. I mean, she knew to call the girls last night and conference them in on our conversation. It was totally her… That’s okay Francesca Gino, prepare for this hormonal pregnant woman to kick it up a notch. She might’ve run away to hide in New York, but that’s not going to stop me one bit. Once I put this plan in motion, she’ll be my focus as Hatcher won’t know what hit him.

  I waltz back out front and notice Morgan is leaning across the counter whispering to Jayden. Those two have to be the cutest thing ever. It makes my heart swell with happiness that she’s found a great guy like him. We didn’t know what we were going to do if she married Simon. When we told her that we were all ready to kidnap her and run, we meant it. I know you’re supposed to stand by and support your friends, but the closer and closer it got to the big day we were praying something would happen. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Simon started out great, but the last year before the wedding it all went to shit. Now, Jayden is something totally different. He’s someone that you can just tell by watching him that he adores her, and would do anything for Morgan or any of us girls. He’s learned quick how to make her slow down and enjoy the moments that happen around them. Jayden has also learned quickly to hide chocolate, and that she’s slick when she wants it. We’d actually discussed making the bakery chocolate free, which ended with her threating to change the locks and kick us all out of her business. I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t happen, but Morgan has been known to go a little crazy when it comes to her sweet tooth. I wonder how she would react if I took it all away like they have taken away my sex life? That would be fun to watch, and time to slide that one in the secret notebook for later.

  “What’s up, Jayden?”

  “Hi Zara, nothing, just came to get my fix and back to work I go.”

  “Your fix, huh? More like a double fix if you ask me. And why do you have that same weird look on your face? What is going on with you two?”

  “Nothing,” they both say in unison which sends the Zaradar on high alert. My eyes dart between them both and I even glance over to Jaime, who notices the same thing apparently, as she shrugs her shoulders in the I don’t know either fashion.

  “You two can’t fool me, I’ll figure it out soon enough,” I say and walk away. But before I get too far out of ear shot I hear them both say ‘We know’ which only causes more suspense to what it could be. Usually, Morgan can’t keep her mouth shut for nothing. If you don’t want one of the other girls to know something, you don’t tell Morgan. But, when I stop to think about it I wonder which one of us really can keep our traps shut. I believe that it would be Natasha; she has been known to keep secrets from us all. Maybe that’s why she was here this morning. Morgan had a secret and told Natasha, who will not tell either Frankie or me. Hmm. Or… It could have just been because she wanted to see my irritated face this morning from the lack of sex. See, this is what happens to me every time something happens. I end up having to question my friends’ motives. I turn around and head back out front, and don’t stop to look before I open my mouth. “What are you all up to? You’re all being evil little shits, and I can’t trust anyone,” and that’s when I see the smile on my husband’s face. Most wives would smile back, but not this one as I shoot him glares like I’m throwing knives at the spinning board you would see at a circus. With one glance towards Morgan who is now handing Jayden a box full of treats, I pivot on my heels and go back to the kitchen. Hatcher is the last person I want to see right now. Hell, I’ll give in with one touch if he tried anything.

  “For some reason, my beautiful pregnant wife left the house this morning without giving me a kiss goodbye. Have you seen her around here today?” Hatcher asks, in that deep sexy voice that vibrates through me like only his can. You know that voice that can make you weak in the knees, where you want to hold your legs together and bask in the vibrations? Well, that’s how his sounds all the time, and it’s one of my many weaknesses when it comes to him. “I haven’t seen her today, but I’ll let her know you’re looking for her when she shows up.” I respond without looking at him, already knowing where he is. He’s in his favorite part of the kitchen where I’ve found him several times over the years, leaning up against the metal shelf near the door, just watching me with his arms crossed over his chest. I’d bet money that his glasses have slid down his nose and he’s got the sexy Hatcher smirk that he only reserves for me. I take a chance and sneak a peek, trying to be slick and not let him notice that I’m looking. Bingo, I nailed that one and have him memorized for the rest of the day.

  “Zara, how long are you going to be mad at me?” That’s when I stop and turn to face him. I lean my body back towards him until I’m flesh up against his body. I look up in his eyes, raise a finger and place it over his lips to hush him. “Oh, my dear Hatcher, I’m not mad, I’m getting even for you hiding all my sexy clothes; so prepare for war. And when I say war- I mean it will be an all-out battle until I make you crack under the pressure or, from the lack of pressure from this body.” And with that last sentence, I back away slowly, keeping eye contact with him until he’s the first one to blink. “No one can be trusted... Not our friends, our family, and not even those crazy ladies in our neighborhood. You and me, Mister…”

  Hatcher pushes off the shelf, uncrosses his arms and prowls toward me like I’ve never seen him do. It’s at this moment that I know he holds all the cards in his hands, but I try to regain my composure and keep my wall up to win this battle. He stops inches away from me, raises his hand to my face, and wipes the hair away that’s fallen in my eyes. After he’s done, Hatcher gently raises my chin up so I’m staring right into his eyes before he speaks. “Zara, you know you couldn’t tell me no if your life depended on it. Are we really going to play this game?”

  I suck in the air around me as I prepare my voice, “Dear sweet husband, you started this war, not I. So prepare for a long road ahead … I can play this game just as well as you can.”

  “You do know that it was a joke, right? I was trying to make a point that we need to do other things like preparing the baby’s room, eat, unpack… you know, taking care of the house duties instead of just having sex all day long, right?”

  “Joke or no joke, it wasn’t nice Hatcher, and I do take care of the house duties.”

  “You do, but I want you to settle in and become comfortable in our home, make it your space not mine or the baby’s… It needs to be ours.”

  “Maybe, I’ll see what I can do. But… for the record you’re still not getting any.”

  “We’ll see who cracks first,” he says, and takes a step back and puts his hand out like we’re making a deal or something. That�
��s when it hits me… He is totally playing me and thinks I’ll crack first. That bastard…

  “Now that that’s all set, I need to head to the office. Oh, what’s up with Morgan?”

  “Thank God someone else sees it, too. That’s what I’ve been asking but haven’t been able to get a peep from her. Which clues me in that something is up.”

  “Agreed,” he says, before he lands his lips down on mine claiming a kiss like no other from me. It’s deep, full of need and desire. It’s the kiss of all kisses, one that would bring me to my knees if I wasn’t thinking of baking dishes and casseroles. That’s how I’m going to beat this, I’ll think of the suburban wives and those fifty disgusting meals they’ve brought over. Just as I figure this plan out Hatcher pulls back from me and gives me that suspicious eye of his, and with a wink he’s gone. It’s okay though as I welcome the alone time. I need to figure out what is happening. At first I thought it was me and hormones, but I know it’s not. Well, part of it isn’t while the other part is. Since I can’t fix anything now, I do the only thing I know to do in a time like this; I pull the long slip of orders off the board and set out to bake. Morgan had one thing right when she opened this place and said it would be the best thing to happen to her and me. It’s become part of our life, a way to deal with the pressure of every day hustle and bustle. At the end of the day the answer will be covered in frosting, sprinkles, and decorations.

  Chapter 3

  The day went by as I expected- fast. This year the bakery has been busier than any other, and it’s good for not only Morgan, but me as well. Now part owner with Morgan, I look at things a little differently, just don’t go letting that fool you as I still allow her and Hatcher to handle the business side. I’ve been working on the attractions, like cupcake decorating for couples. Morgan hates it when I use that word. I think she is afraid that I’ll turn the place into some circus act. Hah? The joke is on her though as I’ve come up with what I believe are some fresh ideas on transforming the bakery. I love how Morgan has transformed into our social butterfly; it’s like our roles have reversed on some level. Before, I’d be the one out front laughing and carrying on a conversation with people while Morgan would be baking up a storm to drown her worries away. While driving home, this is all I can focus on. I know I’m happy, but I question everything. I question the switch in our personalities. I question the way I look at life now. I question if I’ll be a good mother, wife, friend, co-owner, and how to juggle it all. An example is today I only came out of the kitchen to eat and then went back to work again. I lost myself in the dough and the kneading as my mind went blank. But it wasn’t empty at all; in fact, it was jumbled like a bowl of jelly beans being sifted through as you look for your favorite color. What do I have to worry about? I have a job, house, a loving husband, friends, family, and a child on the way. It’s picture perfect if you’re standing on the curb looking at it through the window. Something, however, is missing, and I just don’t know what that is yet or why. How can this be possible when I have more than most people and half the world dreams of the life I’m building? Oh wait, I spot the one thing wrong in my life, and she’s standing on the curb flirting with my baby daddy.

  As I pull into the drive, I cut my eyes toward Sheila McDomepants where she is gracefully batting her eyes at my husband. I can tell she has yet another one of her awful casseroles in her hand that I’ll end up throwing away in disgust. I turn the engine off and take a few deep breaths before I decide to waltz my round ass over to them. I know Hatcher is faithful, but this woman makes me want to start a wrestling match or just go bat shit crazy on her. I’ve never been the super jealous type, but since finding out I was pregnant I’ve taken this to a whole new level. I mean a WHOLE new level. Just last week I bit the cashier’s head off while she was ringing up our groceries, and all she did was laugh at something Hatcher said to me. See, I’m positive this is all the baby’s fault. I blame it on the pregnancy because I just didn’t care before. Now, I feel as if my whole life is at stake here. This is just another one of the reasons I need to beat dough daily or screw my husband until I can’t think straight. The closer I get to them standing by the mailbox, the straighter my back gets and my hand tightens into a fist. I’m pretty sure they can hear my heart racing before I even get close, but right now I don’t care. I want her to go back across the street and my husband back to my house where we are safe from these people.

  I step up to Hatcher and wrap my arms around his neck as I slowly pull him down to my lips. It’s right now that I put all this pent up energy into this kiss. Yes, I might be claiming him, but that’s not the point. The point is I want to kiss my husband, and while doing this, I can show her exactly what is mine- and mine only. I don’t let up as I tangle our tongues together as if they will never see each other again. My hands tighten their grip at the nape of Hatcher’s neck. A few minutes pass by and McDomepants Sheila clears her throat, “Hi Zara, I made you a chicken and rice casserole,” but I don’t pull back from our embrace until I’m ready and completely satisfied. When I turn towards her, the look of shock, and maybe a little disgust, is written all over her face as I wipe the corners of my mouth like I just had a snack. Oh wait, I did, and it was good… Hatcher’s eyes are hooded with want and need, which will benefit me only more once we get back inside. I don’t care if I give in and lose our game, needing to feel close to him right now. I need Hatcher to confirm that what we have is real, and not because of our accident. I just need him… It’s like I can’t breathe without him; I literally can have a panic attack if I think about losing him. This is all so new to me that I can’t process it all. Maybe something is wrong with me? Maybe I’m just not wired the way most women are? I don’t know, but this conversation with Shelia is over.

  “Thanks, Shelia, but I’m allergic to casseroles now and need to go,” I say quickly as I reach for Hatcher’s hand and pull him towards the safety of our home. Once we are both inside, I turn towards him and notice the heated look in his eyes. I slide my shirt up and over my head allowing it to crash to the floor between us. Before I remove another article of clothing, I stop and ask. “This needs to be agreed upon before I move another inch. I’m requesting a timeout from our bet. Just long enough to feel whole again and then we are back on- do you agree to this?”

  Hatcher doesn’t respond right away; he’s making me wait it out to see what I’ll do. I hold his stare until he answers. “First, you’re something else, and we’ll talk about that little stunt you just pulled outside. Second, you’re absolutely beautiful and all mine. Third, I missed you today in more ways than you can imagine. Fourth, I’ll grant you a timeout only if you tell me why you need to feel whole.”

  I release the breath I’ve been holding, but I don’t answer. A part of me wants to tell him why I feel so vulnerable, while the other half says to shut up and put my shirt back on. I’m afraid he’ll think I’ve completely lost my mind if I tell him. I believe it’s the domestic life that has caused me to go bonkers. I never thought that I would be married, pregnant, co-owner to the bakery, and driving to a house outside the city. The thought of it all usually sends me into a minor panic attack. I’ve got to own it, and let him in on what has been bothering me. I can give him a little something to satisfy him for now, but it will only hold him off for a few days as he always sees right through me. Hatcher’s the only one that can read me like a book.

  “Hatcher, I’m stressed, scared, and just need for you to want me.”

  “Zara, what would make you think I didn’t want you? I can’t imagine life without you in it. I’ve loved you from the very first day I met you.”

  “I know, but look, this life is moving so fast and one day you might wake up and think that it was all a trap and leave. What am I going to do living here in this big house near the robots that walk around this neighborhood? Face it, Hatcher; I’m not going to be able to make you happy for long. This is all new and exciting today, but what about six months from now? Huh?”

  “What am
I going to do with you?” he asks as he moves closer to me. Once he’s reached me, he places his hands on the sides of my face causing me to look up at him. I try to give him a shy smile, but he shakes his head at me before he speaks again. “Zara, you have got to calm down, do you understand me? This isn’t healthy, and it’s insane that you think this way. I asked you a million times before the baby to marry me, and I know it wasn’t a trap. You need to open up to me, tell me your fears and allow me to take them away as you will mine. Every day when I roll over and watch you sleep, I thank God that you are mine. When I see you place your hand on your belly without knowing that you’re doing it, I thank him again for giving us this life together. You, me, and this child are all that matter- nothing else.”

  “You say that now, just wait until I can’t see my feet or you see how huge my vagina will be after giving birth. You’ll change your mind…” I say, giving him a sideways smirk.

  “You are something to be reckoned with. Now, if you feel better I’d like to take the rest of these clothes off you. I mean, it’s been more than twenty-four hours since I’ve had my wife, you know?”

  “I’m done, and your wife would very much like that, Mr. James, but remember you’re cut off and that means my clothes stay on. You started this, and I’ll be the one to finish it.”

  Chapter 4

  Needless to say, it was another night of tossing and turning while I lay next to the man in my bed who, by the way, puts off a ton of heat while resting comfortably. If this is the way it’s going to be until I give in, I need to go ahead and give up because I love to sleep and need it- along with a little action to top me off. I reminded Hatcher that us girls are going to New York tomorrow, which means I’ll be home early to pack. I texted Morgan to see if I could just bunk with her tonight and save on time in the morning, but apparently her and Jayden have plans and by plans I mean they’re doing what I should be doing; playing in the sack. As I’m sitting at the traffic light near the parking garage, I notice Natasha and Diesel walking across the street to the bakery. I smile as I plan to ask her if I can stay over. Since Morgan denied me a sleep over before we leave, it’s only fair that I try the next friend. If Natasha agrees, I’ll rub it in Morgan’s face that we’ll have a girl’s night without her. Of course, I should remind you that her rebuttal was the simple fact that we will be in New York having girl’s night with Frankie, so I should go home and suck it up with my husband. I hurry up and park, making my way around the corner and heading in so I can figure out the rest of our plans. We still haven’t said anything to Frankie and I hope we can keep it that way until tomorrow. The last conversation we had with her, you could hear it in her voice that she missed us. Which is the reason we plan to surprise her. Once I enter, I notice the cute little blonde standing next to Diesel looking through the glass of the front counter. I smile as I hear her voice, “Ms. Morgan, can I have one of those, please?”


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