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Sugary Sweets (A Taste of Love Series Book 2)

Page 12

by A. M. Willard

  “I was hoping you would say that. I found this one here that seems to have everything we need. What do you think?” she asks as she pushes a brochure in front of me.

  “Looks perfect,” I reply as I glance through it looking at the pictures.

  “Perfect, I’ll call the guy later today and see what we need to do. Now, as far as color schemes go, what do you think? I still want to have the polka dots, since that’s our branding, but I was thinking we could modernize it up a little. You know, change the style just a little, but not so much people question who we are.”

  “I like that. Keep the pink and brown but maybe add some cream or an off white to it.” I say as I look at a few more brochures she has with tables, chairs, and other items for out storefront. “Now, are we going to carry over the design from the new place to this one, also?”

  “Yes, whatever we decide to do there- we will do here as well.”

  “Perfect, I say go for it.” One pamphlet catches my attention and I grab it from her pile. “What’s this for?” I ask as I notice some baby furniture, a changing table, and other daycare looking items.

  “Well, I thought we could design a room just for the baby in the back. I figured you would be bringing Madison with you to work and we’ll need a place to lay her down.”

  “You’ve talked to Hatcher, huh?”

  “I might have, but I also know you and no one will ever meet your needs for child care. I mean, why have a family style business if we can’t bring our children to work?”


  “Yes, I said children. I mean, one day I’ll have a baby, so why not?”

  “I think it sounds perfect.” I was worried about what I would do after the baby arrives and I know we talked about it in the past. Now it just seals the deal. Between Hatcher and me, we’re covered on that matter.

  “Quick question before we wrap it up. Natasha said you were having nightmares, what’s going on with that?”

  “Nothing. They’re better now, but the first few nights all I could see was you and everything that had happened. You know me, I don’t do well with all that stuff. Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

  “Okay, but next time tell me.”

  “I will,” Morgan says with a sweet smile.

  “Now, help this whale up so she can go to the restroom and then I want to go take a look at the kitchen.”

  “Why do you want to see the kitchen?” Morgan stops to stare at me.

  “Because I want to be nosy, why else?”

  “That’s what I thought, and for the record you will not find a thing in that kitchen for this weekend. I moved it all to my place to prepare for your visit today.”

  “You’re evil, you know that?” I say and scoot towards the back.

  Morgan makes sure that I stay off my feet and doesn’t allow me to help much at all. Being back here just makes me want to heal faster so I can gain back my life without the hindering leg. A few more hours pass with me sitting, chatting with Jaime, Morgan, and other customers before Hatcher arrives to pick me up. On the ride home, I express my concerns for Morgan and her nightmares. I also explain how Frankie is talking with everyone but me. Hatcher being himself, explains that I shouldn’t worry, that things will work out in the end. But something tells me that something is off with her. I just need to figure out what it is or how to find out.

  Chapter 17

  Today is the day of our grand BBQ and gender reveal party. I woke up this morning tired, sore, and cranky so Hatcher has made me sit in the kitchen while I watch him prepare some of the food. We only have about two hours before people start to arrive and I’m expecting Morgan, Jayden, and Natasha any minute now. Just as I stand and try to make him let me help I hear the bell ring. “I’ll get it,” I say and slide on my scooter to answer the door. I swing the wooden door open and welcome my friends with open arms as I position myself in the foyer off to the side with my wheels. Just as Jayden closes the door, and everyone heads to the kitchen, I hear another knock. Curious to whom it could be I sling it back open, receiving the biggest shock of the day. Frankie is standing before me with pink and blue balloons. “Oh My God! I didn’t know you were coming; why didn’t you tell me?” I scream at her. “We wanted it to be a surprise,” I hear Hatcher say from behind me, taking the items from her hands so she can properly hug me. “It was hard not to tell you, so I had to resort to avoidance. Do you still love me?” she asks, as we hug for what seems like forever.

  “Of course I forgive you, now get your ass in here and let’s have a party.” Frankie follows behind me and my wheels as we join the others in the kitchen.

  “Wow, you’ve become domesticated. I thought I’d never see the day where my best friend would trade in her hippie acting days for all this,” Frankie says as she twirls around, taking in the room.

  “I know, but I have to admit that I’m starting to get used to this. Maybe not so much on the cooking, as I just bake dinner. But, you know I love what the house is becoming and what our future holds,” I say, causing everyone in the room to look at me like I’ve grown a second head. Hatcher strolls over to me and wraps me in his arms, allowing his gratitude to burn through me with our embrace. It’s true what I said, and even I have to admit that I just shocked myself with that statement. I pull away from Hatcher and look at my friends, “Now, do not get this confused with me loving Sheila McDomepants. I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy her fake laugh, bleached blonde hair, or her ton of makeup wearing self. Oh and trust me ladies, you will want to grab a chair and take notes at how she drools over Hatcher.”

  “How do you come up with this stuff?” Jayden questions me.

  “Watch and learn buddy, I’ll show you today,” I say, offering a wink in his direction.

  “Now, let’s see what’s in these boxes and I am dying to check out the cupcakes,” I say and scoot over to the table where Morgan and the girls have everything piled up. We hear the guys exit before we drag them into baby gender reveal hell. Just as I glance over at Frankie, I remember that Brody is bringing someone with him today. My internal freak out starts, “Hatcher, can you help me find that notebook in the living room?” I call out and roll out to corner him.

  “This isn’t going to be good,” I say and realize he’s confused by my statement so I clarify. “I’m talking about Brody and his plus one with Frankie being here. This might just crush her,” I say softly allowing my shoulders to slump forward as I still have hope for those two.

  “Zara, it is what it is babe. They are adults and she can’t expect him to wait for her forever, you know.”

  “I do, but I just want them both happy. Plus, I miss her and if they can work it out, she might come home.”

  “You have to let them do this, Zara. Put yourself in their shoes and think about us. Would you have just dated me because your friends wanted you to?”

  “No, I dated you because of your massive package. How do you think I agreed to marry you?”

  “Really, you agreed to marry me, huh? Somehow I recall it a lot different than that. But, I like that you love my package. Want me to carry you upstairs so I can show it to you again?” he asks with a wink, earning him a slap on the shoulder and me rolling back to the other room. I hear him call out, “Love you, Babe,” which only causes me to flip him off as I pay him no attention.

  I take in all the stuff on the table and I wonder what they were thinking. “You guys know this is not a baby shower, correct?”

  Morgan’s head pops up, eyes wide and an expression that resembles someone who’s been busted. “Of course, but you have to have this stuff for this kind of event. I mean, what was I supposed to do, just have cupcakes? Ha, no you get the full Morgan Lewis package. No lip, as you said I could do this as long as it wasn’t frilly. And as you can tell I left out the frill to only add the sass in my process.”

  “Well, this is a lot of sass then, sassy pants.” I want to see if she will reach that high octave she does when she’s exasperated. “This is not sass and don’t you t
hink you can sass me with that rolling cart because I will take it away and make you use your crutches all day today, missy.” And there it is, I have succeeded with my plan. I wheel over, and offer her a hug as I pout my lips at her. Once she takes me up on the offer, I whisper. “It looks amazing and thank you.”

  “Oh My God… Write it down, she actually likes something.”

  “Slow your roll Morgan, I said it looks amazing and no, I am not agreeing to pink frilly shit for the shower. If you keep it along this line, then I agree to what you all have in store for me.” As soon as I finish that statement I want to take it back. Morgan’s eyes are wide and she has that look, the one she gets when she’s in full party planning mode. I turn my head to Frankie and Natasha pleading with them to jump in at any moment to help me out. But it seems they have jumped ship and joined Morgan’s wagon. It’s official, I’m doomed with an over the top shower and I have no one to blame but myself.

  Before we know it, we’re stepping back to take a look at the table. I’ve got to give it to them for keeping things confined to this room and not all over the place. They made a frame with two ultrasound pictures and a sign that says, ‘Team Pink or Team Blue, sign in here. Use a Pink marker if you think it’s a girl, or a blue marker for a boy.’ I also notice a bowl of pink and blue clothes pins for the guests to wear as their choice. The balloons that Frankie brought are both pink and blue to throw them off, but I find it funny because only Morgan, Hatcher, and I know the true gender of the baby. The cupcakes look delicious and I want to dig into them now. Morgan spots me eyeing the buttercream frosting with pink and blue sprinkles that have pink and blue decorations on top. She walks over and whispers, “Once they bite in they will see pink frosting, and since you’ve been so good about this, here...” She hands me my very own cupcake that she covered with a ton of frosting for me. “Thank you,” I say before taking a huge bite and bask in the flavor of the icing. “Thank you all again, this means the world to both of us. Not only have you put up with me all these years, but you all love me unconditionally,” I say, as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

  “Oh my, you’re crying,” Frankie says.

  “She does this a lot now ladies, so brace yourself. It’s new, and weird,” Hatcher states.

  “Tell me about it. How many other firsts are we going to have today?” Natasha questions and I just shrug my shoulders as I have no clue what can happen next. Just as I wipe my face, I hear a knock at the front door. “Showtime,” I say and turn my amazing transportation around to help greet our newest house guest.

  Chapter 18

  The house is filling up with family, friends, and neighbors, and it’s all a little overwhelming. I keep an eye out for Brody and wonder where he is. It’s like with every knock I expect him to waltz in here with his sidekick. I want to warn Frankie, but how do I tell her this? Hatcher notices my unease and comes to check on me. I reassure him with a smile that I’m fine, but he knows the real reason for my constant looking. I find Natasha sitting next to Cassidy and I head over to join them. Diesel showed up about an hour before the cookout and I haven’t had much time to catch up with him nor his bouncing daughter. I maneuver myself close enough to where Cassidy can jump on my lap. Which, let me tell you, is not easy since this seat on the scooter is only so big and my protruding tummy is taking the rest of my lap. Okay, maybe it’s not that huge yet – but it feels that way. Just as I go to ask Natasha if I should warn Frankie, she clears her throat and motions to the back porch. There he is, with his plus one who I’ve never seen before. I can tell right off the bat that this is a total rebound gal because she is so not his type. She actually looks like she could fit in with Sheila and her group. Tall, skinny, blonde, and ten-inch-thick makeup. Like really, I can tell what color her eye shadow is from here, and I am like at least four feet away.

  “Did you know about this?” Natasha whispers. All I can do is shrug as I notice Frankie joining us. I offer her a gentle smile, but before I can say anything she holds her hand up to stop me. “Zara, I moved away and he’s free to date, like, and whatever else with anyone he pleases to do so with. I have no control and you guys know I had someone back home.”

  “Had?” I ask, questioning the fact that she said this in past tense. Which to me means she dumped him, and is ready to take a new adventure with the one she’s meant to be with.

  “I’m not getting into this right now, but I called things off with him. No, it’s not because of Brody, but for other reasons I am not ready to speak of today. So, let’s welcome her and enjoy this party.”

  I gulp and nod my head at her while I reassure myself that this will be okay. Brody approaches and we all give him a great big fake smile. Pretty much just like his date’s hair, but hey, what can I say – I don’t like her. Brody introduces us all to Lindsey and we turn on our Southern hospitality and welcome her to the party. In the mean time I notice Sheila McDomepants approach Hatcher. I clear my throat and nod over in that direction. I mean, it’s showtime and I need popcorn for this. Sheila brushes her arm up against him as she leans in chest first to say something to Hatcher. All I can do is roll my eyes at how awful this woman is. Seriously, who the hell shows up at your BBQ and hits on your husband in front of the whole neighborhood? Oh that’s right, Sheila does. Her crew, as I call them, is all hackling over at the table under the porch as they sit by and watch this happen. I open my big mouth to show her who’s boss. “Hey big daddy, your baby momma needs some sugar.” This only causes my group to laugh while the hags turn their noses up at my statement. Hatcher waves at me as he knows what I’m doing over here, rubbing my big round belly for the whole world to see. Yes, I might be staking claim on him and the fact that his package did this to me and not them. But I just can’t help myself. Legally, I’m sure I can plead a case of massive amounts of hormones, but you never know, that’s Natasha’s job to figure out for me.

  Hatcher was smart enough to recruit a friend to man the grill for today, knowing that in my condition I wouldn’t be up to mingling with the whole world. I just want to hang with my friends and take it all in. Plus, Frankie is here and I want to hold on to her as tight as I can, while I can. The first round of burgers, dogs, and sausage are ready. When I stand to roll over and fix my plate, both Diesel and Jayden tell me to sit back down while they gather my food for me. “What do you like on your burger, and what sides do you want?” Jayden asks.

  “Listen carefully fellas… The burger needs to have cheese, mayo, mustard, ketchup, one slice of tomato, two rings of onions, four pickles, and one leaf of lettuce. I’d like a scoop of pasta salad, baked beans, two scoops of banana pudding, three cookies, oh and some of that other salad looking thing one of those housewives brought. And if you find a slice of lemon cake that would be great.”

  “Can we get you anything else to go with that order?” Diesel asks while Jayden laughs. I, on the other hand, find nothing funny about my order. I plan to eat every bite while I sit back and rub my tummy afterwards and prepare for cupcakes.

  “Guys, I’d say you better get it right. Have you ever seen this one upset about food? No, and let’s say if we thought she was bad before the baby, now is ten times worse. Zara loves food, so you better deliver,” Frankie states as a joke, but they might want to send warning signs out for that. I take a moment to look around my backyard and I have to say I never in a million years thought I’d picture this for myself. We have at least sixty people here including our family and friends. I have to say that I’m tickled pink that my parents and Hatcher’s are finally getting along. I’m thankful for that because I don’t have to stress myself over entertaining them while I enjoy myself. They’ve been resting in the shade chatting and I’m planning out a babysitting schedule for our unborn child. Hatcher told me the other day that his mother ordered baby furniture for one of the spare rooms. She’s hoping that we allow her to keep Madison overnight once she’s big enough. Currently, I don’t see this as a problem, but I want to make sure that the grandparents spoil her in a good wa
y, not the normal ‘oh you can have everything you want’ way. Hatcher’s explained that his mother will most likely be the hard love, while his dad on the other hand will be a big softy. I can totally picture that, but something in me says they both will be easy. My parents were never the touchy feely type, more the get in touch with nature type of parents. I honestly have no idea what to expect from them. Plus, my mother just informed me that they’re taking a month long vacation around the time that I’m due in September. I’m not shocked at this news, as this just shows they’re truly not invested in being grandparents. I shrug her off and went to search out my friends, who are my true family.

  “Food for the baby momma,” Jayden says as he shoves two plates in front of me. My eyes grow wide at how well they both did. One plate is full of what Hatcher would call real food, while the other is loaded with what I call MY food. “Very impressive guys, you both might be keepers after all.” I smile and dig in as I savor each and every bite.

  The girls head over to fix their plates, leaving me here with Diesel and Jayden. I’m busy stuffing my face when Jayden clears his throat. “Zara, would I rain on your parade today if I pop the question to Morgan?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I scream, causing a few people to stare our way. “Zara, hush up before she hears you, and no, for the record I am not joking. Since the accident I realized that I don’t want to waste any more time. I love her and want what you have. I want to start a family and give her the world.”

  Pregnancy emotions take over now, and I have no control over my body. Tears of joy, tears of excitement, and just baby tears flow and I mean flow hard. So much that Hatcher drops his plate to the ground and runs over to me. “What’s wrong, is it the baby? Is it your leg?”

  “No… It’s… Well… I’m happy,” I say between the cries that have now caused the whole backyard to stare at me. Natasha joins the table without a blink and starts to eat. Diesel looks over at her curious to why she hasn’t asked what is wrong with me. She understands the look, shrugs and states, “I already know what he asked her, and I warned him that she’d become a blubber of tears. Just the other day Hatcher said she cried because a bird was sitting on the deck singing a song to her.”


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