Craving Maul (Star Joined Book 1)
Page 14
“Stop that, Maul! You can’t just use sex on me when you want me to do things your way.”
“Of course I can. You do what I want when I give you pleasure,” I say with a chuckle.
I kiss her neck briefly before giving it a nip.
“Stop that! It’s not working,” she says as I feel her ass begin to move in a very slow circle.
She’s lying, of course. I can get my heart’s desire by pleasing her sexually. Thankfully that is usually in accordance with what I want. If I didn’t truly think it important for her to heal I wouldn’t be pushing this issue.
But with one much larger issue sitting on my shoulders, I need her in peak mental acuity.
“Why is this so important to you, Maul? I can feel you pushing me into this, you know?”
Our bond, it does have its upsides, but hiding my one piece of information from her has been straining me.
“Open your eyes, Lexi,” I say in a stern voice. Feeling her hips slow down to a stop, I know she can feel how serious I am. “Do it and I will answer your question.”
“What about your parents?”
“They will accept you regardless of your fears. My mother especially.”
My parents have no choice. I love her and I’ll accept no other outcome.
My hand slides back up to hold her stomach. She is so small in my arms.
“Promise you don’t think I’m ugly?”
Pushing as much care as I can down our bond, I try to send her all the feelings I have deep down in my soul. Especially now that she is truly mine.
“Mmm,” she moans softly as she pushes back hard against my chest. “I can feel that, you know. It makes me feel so happy and loved. Horny too, if I’m being honest.”
“If you will please open your eyes so we can get on with this talk, we will have more time to spend doing the things we enjoy before we get to our home planet.”
And there goes any sense of calm I have tried to instill in her. Her body locks up as she shakes her head. “Not the time to mention going to your planet, Maul.”
“Do it,” I say, exasperated.
Finally sighing, she opens her eyes to see what is on the mirrored screen before us. Smiling at our reflection, I smile with her. She’s so achingly beautiful to me. She sits there, clad in only a pair of black panties with my arms wrapped around her small, pale frame. Her dark hair has fallen down, flowing over her shoulders and shrouding her heavy breasts. My hand rests on her flat stomach and the small indentation of her belly button is still a marvel to me.
I push a finger into it and she giggles before swatting it away.
“Stop that!”
I let my hand slide down towards her panties only to have it swatted again. “No more until we do this horrible task you are giving me.”
“Fine,” I grumble before saying, “Computer, give us a view of the back of her head. Split screen one showing her with her hair up and the second with it down. Make sure to show her the implant.”
The left side of the screen shows her thick black hair falling down her shoulders. Nothing is visible from the surgery. On the right is a picture of her hair pulled into a ponytail. The ponytail barely reveals a small bit of metal glittering through all of her hair.
“Now spread the hair to show the implant.”
There, on full screen, is a picture of the back her head with the implant at the base of her skull showing. The only noticeable feature is the small metal hole where a plug could be pushed into if she would want to transfer information into its node.
“Oh…” she says quietly. “From the way it feels to my fingers, I thought it would be so much bigger. I don’t know what I was really expecting when you said I would be like them?”
“Did you expect a rotating little dish on your head, my bonded?”
Chuckling quietly, she nods her head. “So what would I plug into that?”
“From what I understand, if you wish to learn things, such as languages or star maps, you can upload them directly through the node. They can even upload mathematic courses or sciences. Just about anything.”
“What about it being a transmitter?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Only if you wished to be connected to someone I would suppose.”
“Jack can’t connect to me, can he?” she asks and I can see the pain it causes her to say his name.
If I find the one named Jack, I swear I will crush his fucking skull with my bare hands.
“No, beloved, that man is gone from your mind permanently.”
She sighs quietly. “Good. He was supposed to be my friend… But he became a monster.”
I can feel the ache of anger and loss. I can feel her sadness. He put a hole in her soul. I suppose not all wounds are physical with that bastard.
The mirror screen goes away with a wave of my hand.
“We owe the Vicarions much more than they ask,” I say as I pull her back against me.
“What exactly are you planning on doing for them?”
“I’ll be giving them the location of your race’s solar system. From there they are on their own with how they go about introducing themselves. They have been informed of the Tribunal’s laws and resolutions.”
“Huh. Do you think they will go stealing people off my planet like everyone else has been doing?”
“I don’t know. Your race was one of a few I wanted to investigate. It seems, with the Paxzies and you being in one cage, whoever is doing the taking doesn’t care for any law. I had thought that the Crima were a part of this... But not seeing any Crimas, not seeing anyone beyond Prigs, I have to wonder exactly who’s doing the taking and who’s doing the shipping of slaves.”
“That’s why we thought the Tribunal was a part of it. My office couldn’t any answers from them beyond ‘they were looking into it’. It felt like the Tribunal didn’t think we were big enough fish to worry about some going missing.”
“I had that feeling too, though it wasn’t through official channels. The deeper I investigated, the more things would happen to interfere with it.”
“Do you think someone was blocking you?”
“Yes, but who isn’t an easy answer. Returning to Rathturia will give us some answers though because of the evidence we found on the slavers orbital.”
“Why do the Vicarions want you to be their envoy?”
Sitting on the edge of the bed is becoming uncomfortable. Lifting her up, I start sliding us back until I can use my legs to push us against the bulkhead. Keeping her luscious ass pressed against my cock, I lean down to kiss her neck while my hands slide up to cup her bare breasts. I’ve kept our cabin at a very warm temperature intentionally to get her used to being in as little of clothing as possible. I think she knows this because walking around wearing only panties inside our cabin has become a habit.
She only allows my attention to flag for a moment before she pulls my hands down. “You haven’t answered my question.”
“They want to be put on the register of races that the Tribunal recognizes as independent of them but not at war.”
Grumpily my fingers clench for a moment to keep them from going for her heavy breasts.
“That wasn’t the only warship they live on. Since they have been living in the outer cluster of this galaxy, their fleet is much larger than I believe the Tribunal has any idea of. They have charted planets and worlds, races and organisms that have never been heard of. I personally believe they have visited more than our distant galaxy neighbors.”
She stiffens slightly. “Really?”
“Yes, their technology is far superior to most things the Tribunal uses unless it’s been classified.”
“Yes, and they don’t even care about the Tribunal as an authority beyond not wanting to war with them. If they did go to war, I worry about the outcome.”
“So, they want to live in peace?”
“That’s what they say.”
“Will they get their wish?�
� she asks.
“If the information I’ve gathered about them is real then yes, I think so. The Tribunal is not foolish.”
“Okay,” Lexi says as she allows my hands to slide back up to cup her breasts. My fingers lightly pinch her nipples and I stretch them out as I gently roll them.
“Mmm,” she moans.
“Lexi, my beloved bondmate?”
“Are you satisfied with your questions?” I ask as my stiffening cock pushes against her ass.
“Yes… for now… I probably have more somewhere in my head for later though.”
“Good, one last thing I must tell you then.”
“Yes?” She’s rocking her hips now, pushing her thick ass cheeks against me. Making my balls start to swell with seed.
“When they were replacing your modification, they informed me that you were carrying my child.”
“Oh, okay,” she groans again as my hand slips down between her thighs. My fingers slide to the crevice that contains her clit. Lightly grazing it with my fingertip, I push down to find her already wet.
“I’m glad you are accepting of this,” I say as I kiss the side of her neck again.
“Wait, what the fuck did you just say?” she shouts as she looks back at me. Her legs slam together, trapping my hand there.
Chapter Sixteen
Sighing with exasperation, Maul tries to free his hand from between my thighs as he repeats, “You are carrying my child, my heart.”
A plethora of emotions hits me at once. It’s like my body is cycling through every emotion I’ve ever felt. There’s disbelief, shock, joy, and amazement. But mostly I feel a lot of fear.
There’s so much that could go wrong…
With a growl, Maul yanks his hands free from the clamp of my thighs and picks me up, turning me around on his lap to face him.
“There is nothing to be afraid of,” he says firmly and grabs the sides of my face, pulling me in for a kiss.
I want to believe him, I do, but there are too many unknowns. Given that we’re two completely different species, I didn’t even think getting pregnant with him was possible. I’m not sure a human has ever successfully conceived with a non-human before. It just hasn’t been done.
“How?” I murmur, tearing my lips away from his lips to break our kiss. My mind is racing, no matter how good kissing him feels, I feel like I’m about to freak the fuck out.
“Do you not know how babies are made?” he asks teasingly and rocks his hips up.
His hard cock grinds against my panties, rubbing against my clit. Stars flash in front of my eyes and I groan, wanting but unable to jerk my hips away from him.
“I know how human babies are made,” I groan out, putting extra emphasis on the human part.
“Ah,” he says and his green eyes gleam mischievously. “I see. You want to know how Rathturian babies are made?”
“Yes,” I moan as his hips rock back and forth.
I know what he’s doing, he’s trying to distract me by making me horny.
And unfortunately it’s working.
As his cock works against my pussy, creating the most delicious friction with the fabric of my panties, I’m finding it harder and harder to hold on to my fear.
After all, if there was something to be afraid of, wouldn’t he be freaking out too?
“In order to make a baby, the male Rathturian must first penetrate the female with his seed,” Maul smirks and tries to pull my panties off. “Shall I demonstrate?”
I slap his hands away and sigh. “I know that, dummy. What I wanna know is how this works with you and me. Do you guys like lay eggs or something?”
God, I hope not. I shudder a little just picturing myself giving birth to an egg. What if it was bigger than a baby? That could really hurt.
Hell, what if my baby takes after his daddy and is just plain huge, period?
Sensing my renewed distress, Maul slides his hands up, no longer trying to relieve me of panties. Instead, his palms cover my breasts and squeeze.
I can’t stop my back from arching a little bit.
“Do humans not lay eggs?” he asks, trying to sound casual as he plucks at my nipples but I’m not fooled.
“No, humans do not lay eggs,” I drawl out and stare hard at his face. “We grow and incubate the babies inside our bodies for forty weeks then give birth.”
“Ah,” he murmurs.
“You didn’t answer my question,” I remind him, trying my best to ignore the stimulation he’s giving my breasts. The more he squeezes me and plays with me, the heavier and more sensitive they feel.
“What was the question again?” he asks before his head dips down.
Pushing me back, my spine arches, forcing my breasts up. His hot, wet mouth covers my left nipple and then he suckles.
A jolt of liquid fire floods my core.
“Maul,” I groan and grab him by the ears, giving him a sharp tug.
He ignores the tug, suckling me harder into his mouth. I can feel the rough texture of his tongue scraping across the tip of my nipple as all the blood in my breast feels like it’s being sucked towards the surface.
“Do Rathturians lay eggs?” I ask, tugging on his ears once more.
“Mmmhmm,” he murmurs against my breast and then releases it with a wet pop.
“Mmmhmm?” I repeat, staring down at my poor little nipple. It’s now blood red and glistening wet. “Is that a yes?”
His head moves to the right and he sucks that nipple into his mouth. “Mmmhmm,” he repeats and I just want to scream in frustration.
“Am I going to lay an egg? Please Maul, just tell me,” I beg, pushing my fear through the bond.
With a growl, Maul releases my breast with another wet pop.
“No,” he answers, his glowing green eyes finally meeting mine. “You will not lay an egg like a Rathturian female. It is clear from the scans done by both Marketh and the Vicarions that you carry our child inside you, like a human does.”
“Oh, thank god,” I breathe, glad to have that fear put to rest.
Maul makes a hungry sound in the back of his throat and his hands slide down my sides to snake around my back. He grabs two big handfuls of my ass and begins to knead the flesh.
“Does everything look okay with the baby?” I ask just as his head starts to dip back down.
He pauses, his lips just shy of my right nipple. “Yes,” he answers with an annoyed growl. “All is well.”
His head begins to move again and I lean back, just out of his reach. “Does it look like me or like you?”
He pauses, an annoyed look forming over his sharp features.
“It looks like a little blob,” he answers, his hands squeezing my ass hard to keep me still.
“A little blob?!” I repeat with alarm.
With a sigh, Maul’s hands relax and his head drops forward. I hear him take a deep, calming breath before he looks up. “Yes, it looks like a little blob right now, my soul, but it will grow.”
“Oh,” I answer and then that oh turns into a needy groan.
His hungry mouth covers my right nipple again and he suckles hard as he rocks his hips up, his cock rubbing against my folds. His hands squeeze my ass again and then I feel my panties being pulled to the side.
“Could you tell if it’s a boy or girl?” I ask just before I feel the warm, bumpy flesh of his cock making contact with my soaking wet sex.
With a growl, he grips my ass again and lifts me off his lap.
“It’s too early to tell,” he snarls coming down on top of me.
He pushes me down, stretching me out until I’m flat on my back.
Maul is nearly twice as big as me but there’s just something about his body coming down on top of mine that feels right.
“I hope he’s a big, strong boy, just like you,” I sigh as he fits himself between my thighs. “With beautiful, silvery scales…”
Reaching up, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his
head down, closer to mine.
“And I’ll be perfectly happy if she’s a beautiful girl like you, with soft, milky skin and hair as dark as space,” he groans while staring into my eyes.
“Truly?” I repeat, feeling myself being sucked into his powerful green gaze.
“Truly,” he confirms, the word a deep rumble in the base of his throat, before he kisses me.
Through our bond, I can feel his joy, his happiness that he’s planted a part of himself inside of me that’s growing.
Our love has created an entirely new being, I suddenly realize.
As his mouth devours my mouth, I wrap my legs around his waist, locking my thighs tight.
His hand stops gripping my ass and I feel him moving it, squeezing it between us. The soft sound of fabric tearing reaches my ears and then my panties fall away.
There are no more barriers between us, physical or otherwise. My mind, my heart, my body and my soul have all been touched by him in some way. Through this weird and amazing connection that fate has blessed us with, we’ve created something great.
The crown of his cock bumps against my sex and I press closer to him, aching to feel him deep inside me.
His tongue plunges in and out of my mouth, and just as his hips rock up, the crown of his cock spreading me open, I feel him pushing all of his emotions inside of me.
His relief of finally finding me after so long of searching…
With one, powerful thrust he pushes his cock inside me, stretching me deliciously.
His fear that he’ll somehow lose me now…
He begins to withdraw but my walls squeeze around him, trying to hold him in.
His confusion over the strength of our bond…
With a groan of effort, he manages to pull himself out.
His need to keep and protect me… forever. He’ll never let me leave his side.
“Mine,” he growls inside my mouth, something more primal coming to the surface as he once more drives himself forward, losing himself in my body.
With each thrust, with each grunt, his emotions fill me up until I feel like bursting.
“Mine,” he repeats as I moan and shudder around him, clamping down with my pussy.
He’s just so big, and his emotions are so powerful, I can’t help but feel like he’s trying to push his very soul inside of me.