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Her Mistletoe Husband

Page 16

by Renee Roszel

  It was interesting how Alex D’Amour’s name was never mentioned after he left that night nearly a week ago. Her family had been supportive there, too. Somehow they seemed to understand that she not only needed to have him out of her inn, but also out of her thoughts. She wondered if her sisters suspected that she hadn’t been able to scrub him from her heart.

  She flinched, not wanting to admit the feeling. What did it matter now? He was gone, and with any luck, she wouldn’t see him again.

  She waved goodbye to her family, managing a real smile. With their help, she would get a new start. If she wanted to open another bed-and-breakfast in Branson, her family would aid her in every way possible. What a relief it was to know she didn’t have to depend wholly on herself.

  That’s what Alex had meant about her family being a gift She truly had squandered that gift for too many years. Ironically it had been due to Alex’s interference into her life—and her heart—that she’d found out what she’d been missing. She’d never felt so free, so unburdened—at least in most areas of her life.

  Yet, in one small place, deep in her heart, she was weighted down with a sadness she didn’t think she would ever be free of—the heartbreak of foolishly loving the man who took away her dream.

  With a bleakness in her soul, Elissa decided to take a walk. Snow fluttered down across the hills and valleys of the Ozarks, a peaceful sight. She loved a soft snowfall, and hoped that ambling in the pure loveliness would lift her spirits.

  It was January 31 and the inn was officially closed. An hour ago, she bid her small staff a tearful farewell. Suddenly the place had been too quiet to bear. Tomorrow the movers would come to put her things in storage. With her future so unsure, she had decided to stay with Bella for a couple of weeks so that she could continue to check out properties, then take an extended visit to Helens and Damien’s home.

  Though her real estate agent had been helpful, showing her a number of excellent locations, Elissa’s heart wasn’t in the search, and she hadn’t been able to make any decisions. She hoped she would become enthusiastic, soon. She needed to get on with her life.

  Wandering along a woodland path, she tried to think of nothing more substantial than the dancing snowflakes. It was cold for midafternoon, and the snow was fluttering down at a fast clip. At least two inches of pristine whiteness covered the land and adorned the winter boughs. The Ozark mountains were enchanting in every season, but her favorite was deep winter. She took a long, slow turn around, gazing at the undulating landscape. Then she stopped. Where was she?

  It came to her in a flash. The sledding hill—on Alex’s property. With a spasmodic swallow, she made another slow turn, her mind drifting back to the last time it had snowed. To the time she had lain on her back, beneath Alex, kissing him with all the unbridled passion in her soul.

  “Oh dear...” she breathed, reliving with painful clarity, the wonder of Alex’s lovemaking. How could it be that her longing for him hadn’t dimmed one iota? “You fool,” she cried.

  “Did you say something to me?”

  Astonished to hear a human voice—especially that voice—she almost fell as she spun around. Searching the white expanse, she saw movement as Alex strode into her line of vision from behind the lofty oak at the top of the rise.

  Shocked by the impact of his appearance, she froze. He was so compelling, his magnetism so powerful, the mere sight of him was an erotic adventure. Light-headed, she inhaled to regain herself.

  Though too far away to feel the heat of his body, she still found herself suddenly warm. Her rational mind told her to turn and run, but her love for him held her to the spot.

  He began to walk her way, and she stopped breathing, her gaze gobbling him up. In his parka, jeans and work boots, he strode down the hillside like the conqueror he was. Plunging his hands into his coat pockets, he scanned her, his eyes assessing.

  When he was within three feet, he came to a halt, his features enigmatic. “Were you?” he asked.

  Confused, she frowned. “What?” Her mind had gone to mush, and now that she could detect his aftershave, she was afraid she wasn’t going to get much more lucid.

  “Didn’t you call me a fool?”

  She remembered and her cheeks burned. “I was talking to myself,” she blurted, then wished she could cut out her tongue.

  His lips quirked.

  Defensively she sputtered, “I, er, people have a right to—it doesn’t mean you’re crazy if you talk to yourself!”

  “I hope not.” His grin was wry. “I’ve been doing it a lot lately.”

  That melancholy smile did horrible things to her insides and she gulped. She knew she should hate this man, and she had tried! Hard! But she couldn’t seem to find it in her. Looking at him standing there, so tall and powerful, yet somehow vulnerable, she had to blink several times to hold back forlorn tears.

  “Don’t you want to know why I’ve been talking to myself?” he asked, his features serious.

  Unable to trust her voice, she shook her head, wishing she really didn’t want to know.

  He dropped his gaze to the snow, looking strangely defeated. The uncharacteristic stance touched something inside her. And even though he was responsible for her current plight, she felt a need to thank him for the important lesson he’d forced her to learn. “About my family,” she murmured, “you were right, and I owe you for that Thank you.”

  When he lifted his gaze to hers again, she was stunned at what she saw. His magnificent eyes shimmered with emotion. “I know that was hard for you, but it means a lot to me that you said it.”

  She felt a blow to her heart for the little boy who had never known the gift of a loving family. With difficulty, she squashed it. This was the end of their brief relationship, and she needed to cut the bond she felt for him before she did something stupid. Not knowing what else to say, she took a step away. “Goodbye, Alex, I hope—”

  “You can have your inn, Elissa.”

  She stumbled to a halt and stared, positive she hadn’t heard him right.

  His features grave, he added, “I’ll draw up the papers.”

  He turned to go, and had taken several paces before she found her voice. “But—but why?”

  With no more answer than the shake of his head, he kept trudging away from her.

  Unable to believe he meant it, she ran after him, grabbing his wrist “I—I can’t accept this!”

  When he turned his gaze on her, it was intense and sad. “You’re backsliding. I thought you’d learned to accept help.”

  “From my family! People who love me!”

  “I love you, Elissa.” His tone was so solemn it sounded like an apology.

  Her lips formed a stunned “oh” as his declaration echoed in her brain.

  I love you, Elissa. I love you, Elissa. I love you, Elissa.

  She shook her head to clear the mental fog. “What?” she breathed in a whisper.

  He swallowed, looking charmingly defenseless, for the first time not in control of his world. “I know you hate me, but I needed to say it.”

  She was so shocked, she couldn’t move. Yet his gaze, roving over her face, was so stunningly honest, she knew he spoke the truth.

  Atex D’Amour loved her.

  “But I thought you didn’t believe in—”

  “Selfish people make selfish love, Elissa.” He tenderly scanned her face. “I’ll always regret the way my parents hoarded their love. But after knowing you, I’ve grown to understand love’s power—and I’ve made my peace with my mother and father.”

  His smile was brief and sad, but the beauty of it wrapped around her like a warm blanket. “Because of you, I know I could be a different kind of parent. You see, in the last few weeks, I’ve missed having my sweaters dribbled on by baby girls. I found out I like children, and I want some of my own.”

  He shook his head, looking miserable and irresistible. “There’s just one problem. I need for my children to be—ours.” His eyes drank her up, rueful and passionat
e. A knot rose in her throat. She had never seen such tender passion in anyone’s gaze before. It was a sight she would cherish forever.

  The only physical contact they shared was her hand on his wrist. He hadn’t made a move to touch her, though he was declaring his love for her, as well as his desire to be the father of her children. She recalled vividly, the last night they’d seen each other, that she’d angrily told him she didn’t want him to touch her. How sweet that he was trying to honor her demand.

  Glorying in this new knowledge, a surge of womanly power rushed through her. She released his wrist, and he promptly slipped his hand into his jacket pocket. She sensed that he was doing it to keep from taking her into his arms. Joy, hot and heady, bubbled up inside her, but she hid it, lifting her chin a notch. “ Is this your idea of a marriage proposal, Mr. D’Amour?”

  The tensing of his jaw displayed deep frustration as raw emotion glittered in his eyes. “It would be if I thought you’d accept.”

  At that instant, she was blissfully happy, wholly alive. Alex loved her! The time for playing coy games was over. Why waste another precious second? She threw her arms around his neck.

  Taken by surprise, with his hands in his pockets, Alex lost his balance and stumbled backward into the snow. He lay there, the breath knocked out of him, staring up at her. “I didn’t see that one coming,” he gritted. “Knee me and get it over.”

  With a wily smile, she straddled him. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid. I thought you were never afraid.”

  He frowned, appearing confused by her buoyant tone. “Elissa, what...”

  She bent to within an inch of his face. Grazing his jaw with her lips, she trailed her tongue to his ear.

  “This isn’t karate, is it,” he murmured, a note of wonder edging his voice.

  “No...” She nibbled his earlobe. “Have you ever made love in the snow—Mr. D’Amour?”

  He groaned, sounding like a man who was having a hard time remaining unaffected. “Elissa, I—”

  “Hmm?” She teased his ear with her tongue.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m accepting your proposal, silly man.”

  He drew slightly away to scan her face, and she relished the widening of those remarkable eyes. “Which proposal?” he asked. “The one about marrying me or making love in the snow?”

  “No, no,” she said sweetly. “The snow thing was my idea.”

  He searched her face, his eyes reaching into her thoughts, her heart, and she could tell the instant he grasped how she felt. With a low moan, his arms came around her, and he pulled her against him. “I don’t know what happened here, but I think I’m ready for it.”

  Pressed against him the way she was, she could detect his arousal and her heart thrilled. “Oh, yes,” she sighed, “you’re definitely ready.”

  “Does this mean you’ll marry me?” he asked huskily.

  “I love you, Alex,” she whispered, his hot, nibbling kisses driving her wild. “And my answer is yes...”


  CHRISTMAS was special in the Ozark mountains. This Christmas was especially so. Elissa couldn’t believe almost a year had passed since that day Alex proposed. A month later, they had been married Alex had surprised her by inviting his parents. And they’d surprised Alex by coming. Though their interactions had been somewhat stiff after years of estrangement, Elissa sensed that Alex’s parents truly wanted a reconciliation. Perhaps their advancing years had taught them a lesson or two about the joys of family and children.

  Because Alex had been immediately and wholeheartededly welcomed into the Crosby family, Elissa knew that one day, he would also find his way back into his own.

  This year, once again, the Crosby girls and their growing family were gathered together to celebrate the holiday. Alex and Elissa hosted the event at the remodeled D’Amour mansion, which would open that coming spring as a posh resort.

  The twins, Gilly and Glory, weren’t the only children to arrive this trip. Jack and Lucy introduced their five-month-old son, Jonathan Crosby Gallagher, to the Ozark mountains. Damien and Helen delighted the rest of the clan with another set of twins. This time boys—three month old Jake and Jerod Lord.

  After dinner on Christmas Eve, all the children were finally asleep. The family toured the mansion, but Elissa’s mind was preoccupied. She promised herself that after everybody was in bed, she would give Alex his Christmas gift. She would present him with a brand-new cashmere sweater, to announce the impending birth of Baby Alex Junior or Alexandra, due in the fall.

  “I can’t get over how fabulous this place turned out!” Helen said as she returned to the downstairs parlor. Elissa watched her baby sister gaze around the room. With pride, she glanced around, too. She loved the new decor, so light and airy.

  A tinted glaze brought depth to the freshly painted yellow walls and a hand-woven rug brightened the hardwood floor. Wide green bands woven into the rug complemented the many plants Elissa had added. The furniture was large-scale and comfortable in this private wing, reserved for family and friends.

  “And to think, I climbed through that window on my twenty-first birthday.” Helen pointed to one of two tall, arched windows, now unobscured by heavy velvet drapes. Outside, a light snow drifted silently down, the newly landscaped grounds inspiring awe, even blanketed in white. “It seems like an eternity ago.”

  Damien took her hand and led her to a linen sofa, embellished with a cheerful fern design. “I’m glad you broke in that night,” Damien murmured, hugging her against him. “Without you, where would I be today?”

  Helen snuggled into his protective warmth, waving Jack and Lucy into the room. “Damien, my love, you’d be a sad, lonely man with more money, women and leisure time than you’d know what to do with.”

  He laughed. “What a tragic figure I would have been.”

  Jack and Lucy sat down in a pair of armchairs across from Helen and Damien. “We owe this place a lot,” Lucy murmured, touching Jack’s arm with affection.

  Elissa stood before the stone fireplace. Relishing the fire’s warmth and Alex’s sheltering arm around her waist, she met her sister’s gaze and grinned.

  “Lis?” Lucy asked, “I hope you have a room set aside someplace for single girls to sleep in on their birthdays. Even though you don’t believe in the myth, you wouldn’t keep other women from giving it a try, would you?”

  Elissa hugged Alex to her, wondering if she would ever tire of his scent, his texture, the melting beauty of his smile. “Actually...” She cleared her throat. “There is one little thing I’ve been meaning to tell you all—” She slanted a sheepish look at her husband. “I’m afraid it’s about the myth—and it affects you, honey...”

  Alex cocked his head. “Really? How?”

  She stretched up on tiptoe and kissed his smiling lips. “You won’t get mad?”

  His silver eyes shone with mischief. “Only if you tell me you slept in the damned place on your birthday, then you came out and kneed me in the groin as a reward for being the first man you saw that day.”

  Stunned, she backed far enough away to get a good look at his face. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t—not really.” He dragged her into his loving embrace, his gentle gaze full of devotion. “I only know, darling, that my love for you is mythic in its proportions.”

  Jack chuckled wickedly, “Get a room before you show it to her.”

  The rest of the family burst out laughing and Elissa was reminded once again of the joys of a close family. She had so much to be thankful for she hardly knew where to start. That wasn’t totally true. She knew where she intended to start. Taking her husband by the hand, she tugged him toward the door. “If you folks will excuse us, Alex and I have something—to do.”

  Noticing her sisters’ stunned expressions at her revelation about sleeping in the mansion, she asided, “I’ll explain later. Trust me—I’m a believer.”

  Alex squeezed her fingers, setting sparks of electricity sho
oting through her. His subtle touch telegraphed delightful lovers’ secrets that made her sizzle with need.

  Moments later he took her into his capable arms, his touch and his kiss stealing her from the world, as wonderful as it was, and soaring with her to their own private heaven.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6315-4


  First North American Publication 1998.

  Copyright © 1998 by Renee Roszel Wilson.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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