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Everything After

Page 5

by Melissa Toppen

  “What you see is what you get.” I shrug, lining up my first shot and sinking it perfectly into the side pocket.

  He thinks on my comment for a moment, allowing me to nail my next three shots before stepping up next to me. I can feel the heat from his body as he lowers his mouth to my ear.

  “Now why do I find that hard to believe?” His voice is almost a whisper and sends a chill spiraling down my back.

  “Maybe you're just not very good at reading people.” I manage to get out through the lump that has lodged firmly in my throat.

  He laughs lightly and then steps away, crossing around to the other side of the table. I take a deep breath and line up my next shot, hitting it too far left and missing the pocket completely.

  “On the contrary. I think I am very good at reading people.” He smiles, seeing how flustered he's making me.

  “Okay, so then enlighten me. Tell me about myself.” I challenge, watching him sink his last two balls back to back before looking back up at me. He wraps his hand around the pool stick and tilts his head to the side, clearly trying to decide what he wants to say.

  “You're intelligent, driven, determined. You don't do well with inconsistency and you have an overwhelming need to control everything around you.” He continues, slowly circling the pool table towards me. “You are very good at finding a common ground with people to create topic for conversation. And...” He steps up next to me, leaning slightly in as he drops his voice. “You are extremely beautiful and yet, seem to be completely unaware of this fact.”

  Heat immediately floods my cheeks and I look up to find his face hovering just inches above mine. “Which if you ask me.” He says, laying his hand on top of mine as it rests on the side of the table. “Makes you that much more beautiful.”

  “Wow.” I breathe, feeling suddenly lightheaded. “You're good.” I admit, immediately pulling my hand out from under his and taking a step back, feeling like I am suffocating by being so close to him.

  His scent is overwhelming and I can't think when all I can do is smell him, hear him, see him. It's too much. He's all consuming and honestly, it scares the hell out of me.

  “But you forgot one very important detail.” I say, crossing to the other side of the pool table, dragging my finger along the wood ledge as I do.

  “What's that?” He asks, giving me a seductive smile.

  “I'm not one of your bimbos that is going to fall for that little spiel.” I laugh. “In my line of work, sexy smooth talking musicians are a dime a dozen and every single one of them think they are God's gift to women.”

  “So you think I'm sexy?” His smile only grows wider as he leans down and lines up his final shot, clearly ignoring the rest of my little rant.

  “Of course that's what you took away from that.” I shake my head, not able to contain my laughter. He looks up, meets my gaze for a short moment and then calls his shot.

  “Eight ball, side pocket.” He winks and then looks back down at the table. Hitting the eight ball just a tiny bit too hard, it hits the pocket and then pops right back out.

  “Or not.” I laugh, crossing to his side of the table to line up with the cue ball. “Excuse me.” I say, when he makes no attempt to move out of my way.

  “My apologies.” The laughter in his voice immediately brings a wide smile to my face.

  I swear, I feel like a nerdy teenager that gets to hang out with the captain of the football team. It's this weird, surreal, exciting feeling. Giddy. I think that's the best way to describe it.

  Trying my best to ignore the fluttering of butterflies that are flapping wildly in my stomach, I line up my shot and sink it with little effort. I take my next two down just as easily and much to Killian's surprise, am one ball away from winning.

  “Nervous?” I ask, lining up my shot on the eight ball.

  “Not about the game.” He smiles, clearly trying to work me up so that I will miss.

  “If I had to guess, I would say you don't really get nervous.” I close one eye, trying to make sure I have the perfect angle.

  “Not usually. Though I must admit, you make me nervous.” He says, his voice void of all playfulness.

  I stand up straight, laughter streaming out of me. “You really want me to miss this shot don't you?” I shake my head at him. “Pulling out the big guns.”

  “Is it working?” His infectious smile only grows wider.

  “Maybe a little.” I admit, leaning back down to line up my shot again. “Eight ball, corner pocket.” I call, gesturing to the far left corner.

  I let out a slow breath and then shoot, the ball hitting the side of the pocket and bouncing just shy of the hole before finally falling in. “Yes!” I exclaim, doing a little celebration dance before Killian's laughter halts me in my tracks.

  “Oh no, by all means, please keep going.” He laughs, gesturing to my dance moves.

  “Shut it. You owe me a shot.” I crinkle my nose up at him.

  “I thought you didn't drink?” He questions, taking my pool stick and hanging it on the wall next to his.

  “I don't, but a wager is a wager.” I say, laughing as I follow him towards the bar.

  “Well?” Chet hollers over the moment he sees us approaching.

  “Schooled him.” I laugh, leaning over to give him a fist bump when he holds his balled up hand out to me.

  “Damn son. You let a girl beat you?” Chet teases, the moment Killian appears at the table, a shot of clear liquid in his hand. Holding the shot glass out to me, I immediately shake my head and point to him.

  “You take it.” I say.

  “But you won. Loser buys winner a shot. Remember?” He laughs, having clearly just had this conversation with me.

  “And you paid up. Now, I'm giving my winnings to you.” I smile, watching his expression, the cute way his forehead crinkles and the goofy smile that pulls up one side of his impossibly sexy mouth.

  “Well.” He laughs, holding up the shot glass. “Cheers.” He says to everyone at the table before pouring the liquid down his throat.

  “So, what did my winnings get me?” I ask, referring to the drink.

  “Sprite.” He laughs, seeing the surprised look on my face. “You said I had to buy you a shot, you didn't say what it had to be.” He laughs, sliding back into his stool across the table from me.

  Like clockwork, the waitress reappears, her hands once again going on Killian the moment she reaches our table. “Anything else I can get you guys? Killian?” She asks, turning her body into him and leaning down to whisper something in his ear.

  “I'm good.” Chet speaks up, clearly used to this type of behavior from the waitress. Killian shakes his head, his eyes finding mine for a fraction of a second as the waitress pulls back.

  “Yeah, me too.” Aiden says.

  “Let me know if you change your mind.” She says, more to Killian than anyone, before turning around and sauntering off.

  “Where's Gabe?” I ask, realizing for the first time that he is not at the table.

  “Being Gabe.” Aiden snorts in disgust. He doesn't say anymore but he doesn't need to. The look says it all.

  “He works fast.” I observe, not really meaning to say the words out loud. Everyone at the table erupts into laughter and I immediately relax, having feared that maybe my comment would offend his friends.

  “You have no idea.” Chet laughs harder.

  “Well he better hurry up. We have sound check in thirty.” Killian chimes in, his eyes once again finding mine before quickly looking away.

  As if Gabe's ears are burning, he immediately appears. “Well ladies and gents.” His voice echoes through the bar as he steps out of the back hallway that I'm assuming houses a bathroom, a skinny little spiky haired brunette coming out behind him. “Let's go be rock stars.” He slides up next to me at the table, the girl stepping back behind the bar, clearly an employee here.

  “He works really fast.” I can't help myself from saying it, given that they could not have been in there
more than ten minutes. Everyone once again bursts into laughter and Gabe looks from me, to his group of laughing friends, clearly having no clue what we all find so funny.

  Chapter Seven


  Watching Everything After perform is unlike anything I ever expected. They are incredible, pure magic on the stage. I look out over the crowd from my place backstage, immediately taken with how enthralled the crowd is.

  Men and women alike scream and push their way towards the stage, fighting for the opportunity to get as close to the band as possible. There has to be thousands of people here. The entire street is packed with bodies as far I can see, all moving and jumping around with the band's addictive beats.

  I have never been to an outdoor music festival quite like this one but it is clear to see that people travel from all around to attend and it's easy to see why. With three stages and multiple venues hosting indoor acts, there is something for everyone. I wish I had more time to explore but with Everything After closing out the night on the main stage, we didn't get here until just a couple of hours ago.

  I turn, nearly running directly into Sean in my attempt to join the crowd. “Everything okay?” He mouths, knowing I won't hear him over the music.

  “I'm just going down there.” I say loudly, pointing in front of the stage.

  He gives me a wide eyed look like he can't believe I would want to subject myself to being squished together with all those people, but only nods, stepping to the side so that I can climb down the metal staircase that leads from the stage to the ground.

  I slip past a few security guards and then manage to get one to help me over the four foot high fencing that separates the crowd from the stage. Squeezing my way along the metal rail, I manage to get almost center stage before pulling my cell phone out of the back pocket of my pants and snapping a few action shots of the guys.

  While Clive will likely use a professional photographer for the article, I don't want to waste this opportunity to get real life photos of the guys in action. They are incredible to watch, especially from down here, surrounded by thousands of their fans.

  It's impossible not to get caught up in the excitement, in the rush I feel knowing that I will get to experience this numerous times over the next two months. This is what it's all about. The crisp guitar solo cutting through the roar of the crowd, the screams of the fans, the sound of Killian's voice as he demands they give him everything they've got.

  I am so busy watching the entire scene unfold in front of me that it takes me a moment to realize Killian has stripped his shirt off. After taunting some of the women in the front, he tosses it out into the crowd, the sea of people dipping as several women fight to retrieve the article of clothing. I watch in amusement, laughing when a tall blonde finally stands up, the shirt clenched tightly in her outstretched hand as she screams excitedly at the stage.

  It isn't until then that I look back up at the stage, my heart leaping into my throat the moment my eyes land on Killian. He's hovering over the crowd, his broad chest and rippled abdomen on display for everyone below. And while his body is something that deserves to be admired, I can't rip my eyes away from the massive tattoo that covers his upper torso.

  It's two halves of one tattoo, a dragon, split into two pieces, leaving a bare strip down the center of his chest and his stomach almost completely untouched by the ink. One half of the dragon covers the right side of his chest and down his side, the other half identical on the left. The wings of the dragon spread across his shoulders and biceps. When he turns, I also see that it wraps around onto his back, dipping just below his shoulder blades.

  It's an incredible piece of art. Unlike anything I have ever seen before. The detail is clear, even from where I am standing several feet from where Killian is. I can see sweat rolling down his torso, across the ink, dipping along each defined muscle before disappearing out of view. It is hands down one of the sexiest things I have ever witnessed.

  “I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight.” Killian's voice echoes through the night as he speaks directly into the microphone. “We got one more for you so I want to see every single one of your hands in the fucking air.” He smiles when the crowd erupts in screams and does exactly what he says.

  The music immediately kicks back in and Gabe steps to the edge of the stage, sticking his tongue out as he rips through the guitar intro. Killian picks up a bottle of water in front of the drum set, takes a long drink before dousing the crowd in the cold liquid. This only sends them into further hysterics.

  Women cry out Killian's name, men scream in his direction. Every single person begs for his attention. I can't imagine how that must feel; to have so many people admire and love you the way this audience so clearly does Killian and the rest of the group.

  I flip between each member of the band, Chet beating away on his drums, a huge dimpled smile pulling up his mouth. Aiden bouncing up and down as he strums his bass, his shaggy hair covering his face, shielding him from the audience. Gabe jumping up and down, thrusting his hips at the screaming women at the front of the stage that reach and scream for him. And then there's Killian...

  The moment my eyes find him leaning over the crowd, his incredible voice echoing all around us, I lose my breath all over again. He is something magical. The way he moves across the stage, his guitar hanging loosely at his side, the way he commands the audience, it's inspiring to watch.

  By the time they reach the end of the song, I find myself screaming my head off with all the other adoring fans. How can I not? They are incredible, unlike anything I ever imagined. And while I knew they were good, seeing them live puts things into a whole new perspective.

  Killian holds his microphone over the crowd, encouraging the audience to sing along with the last part of the song, which they all do. A wide smile stretches across his face as his eyes move across the first few rows of fans and then out over the thousands that stretch behind them.

  “Thank you everyone. We love you!” Gabe screams into his backup microphone as he strums out the last chord of the song.

  The crowd erupts into a roar of applause as all the men hold their hands up, waving to their fans as they quickly exit the stage. Pushing along the side railing, I quickly locate the guard that helped me over the fence, thankful that he recognizes me and immediately helps me back over.

  I make it back to the side of the stage just as the boys come running down, smiles on every one of their faces. “We fucking killed it.” Gabe boasts, knocking fists with Chet who seems just as pleased with their performance.

  “There you are.” Sean startles me from behind and I turn just in time to see him step up next to me. “So, what did you think?” He asks, turning his face towards me.

  “They were incredible.” I say, turning slightly to meet his gaze. “Absolutely incredible.”

  “Thanks.” I hear Killian's voice and like a bolt of electricity, my insides come to life. I turn away from Sean to see him standing just two feet from me.

  “Though I have to admit, I was surprised to see you out there.” He gestures towards the crowd, sliding on a shirt that one of the crew members hands to him.

  I try not to let my eyes linger on his flesh as he slides on the material. Focusing on his face instead, not that his face is any less distracting, I try to act completely unaffected by the sight of him standing in front of me.

  “You saw me?” I ask, surprised. Given how many people were in the crowd, I can't imagine it's an easy task to pick one face out over another. You would think they would all blend together.

  “I did.” He nods, his smile widening.

  “We should get the guys and head to the bus.” Sean interrupts, his eyes studying the two of us curiously which immediately makes me feel paranoid like he can somehow sense where my thoughts are going just standing here looking at Killian.

  “I got a few things I need to do first. Meet you there in a bit.” Killian says, nodding to Sean and then winking at me before disappearing into the cro
wd of people working backstage.

  “Just make sure you are on the bus by midnight.” Sean yells after him, though I seriously doubt he hears him. “Shall we?” He turns his attention to me, offering me his arm as he turns towards the street where the bus is parked. Nodding, I link my arm with his and allow him to lead me through the crowd.

  By the time we reach the bus, everyone but Killian and Gabe are on board, including Kate, who immediately waves me over to where she is sitting on the couch. “Weren't they amazing?” She sighs, the moment I sit down next to her.

  “They really were.” I agree. “So are we leaving tonight?” I turn my attention to Sean as he takes a seat at the table across from Chet.

  “We are. It's about a five hour drive to where the next show is in Alabama, so by the time we leave here we will probably arrive sometime early morning. The guys have another radio interview tomorrow evening and then they will be playing a two song acoustic set on the air.” He says, checking the folder in front of him as he rambles off the information. “The show is the next night and then we leave for Mississippi the next morning.”

  “I just can't wait to spend the fourth in Texas.” Kate announces next to me. “My family lives there and the guys have almost an entire week off between shows so me and Chet are going to stay a few days with my parents. You should come with us. At least on the fourth. They have a huge Fourth of July cookout and fireworks display they do every year. It's always a blast. All the other guys are coming too.” She tacks on. “Besides, they have tons of room and it will at least get you off of the bus for a few days.”

  “Sounds fun. Thank you.” I say, not committing to going but leaving the option open. It's not like I have anything else to do.

  “Where's Killian anyways?” Kate asks, clearly just now noticing his absence.

  “He probably went to say goodbye to Alice.” Aiden says, reappearing from the back of the bus in gym shorts and a fresh t-shirt.

  “Probably.” Kate agrees. “He always hates leaving her.”


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