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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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by Samuel David


  This book and its contents are a work of fiction. All the characters and or places and or companies referred to are a part of the Author’s imagination.

  All ideas, concepts, and story line are the sole property of the Author.

  Use of biblical scripture in this book and interpretation, is the Author’s opinion and not necessarily that of other scholars.

  First Release 2010

  Revised Release 2014

  Dedicated to my family for their

  Inspiration and support;

  Especially that of my wife,

  Ginger Brown Jordan.


  The Gentile Witness

  Tribulation or the time of sorrows will begin with the two witnesses:

  Revelations 11:1-12

  1I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, "Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the worshipers there. 2But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. 3And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth." 4These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. 5If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6These men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

  7Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. 9For three and a half days men from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

  11But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

  What if there is no pre-tribulation Rapture?

  How will the witnesses use the world’s media to get God’s final message across to the world?

  Brad Williams is the top Anchor in the U.S. and the world. He works for “The Network,” number one ranked news show in the country and the world. Brad makes or breaks politicians and corporations at the direction of their largest stockholder, Aafre Waldger.

  Aafre Waldger, world-renowned financier with his web of control over the economies of the world and its’ politics, knows that the witnesses are the ones prophesied. Moreover, through his Master starts a plan to destroy them and allow the Antichrist and the False Prophet to rise.

  John Roddenburg, Anchor for Bear News, runs a close second to Brad Williams and his network is constantly attacking The Waldger Group. He befriends the Gentile Witness, Jack South.

  Jack South, your common everyday baby boomer now in his late fifties is, selected by God to be the Gentile Witness. His only credentials are that he is a Christian. Jack is reluctant and has difficulty dealing with what he needs to do as he starts to bring down Brad Williams and The Network, and take the word of God to a worldwide audience.

  The other witness selected by God, Shraya, the non-conforming, Jewish Rabbi who lives in a cave on the Israeli Jordanian border, helps guide Jack and teach him what he needs to do. Both witnesses take on the world powers to deliver God’s message for the last time of God’s gift of salvation.

  Read what happens when a panel of religious experts on a worldwide broadcast questions Jack South, God’s Witness.

  Read what powers the witnesses actually have and the destruction they can cause to get people and countries to listen.

  See how quickly with God’s power, which in a four-day period the world is shocked, and brought to its knees in worship of the true God, by Jack South and Shraya.

  Read what will happen in the closed doors of the most powerful countries in the world and its’ largest corporations.

  This is a book of fiction and all characters are a figment of the author’s imagination, but it is loosely, based on the prophecy of the two witnesses as described in the Bible in Revelations 11. It also refers to the Book of Enoch from the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  Books by Samuel David

  The Gentile Witness Book I Enoch

  The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

  You Paid What, by Darrell Jordan

  The Gentile Witness Book III Cain released in 2015

  The Gentile Witness

  Book I, Enoch


  Samuel David

  Darrell Jordan

  Edited by Ginger Brown

  Chapter 1

  6:00 AM EST Monday June 1st New York - In the City

  June in New York is always different. Some days are nice and warm, others cold. At 6:00 a.m. though, it was difficult to tell if it would warm up or not for it was still dark and New York like other cities blocks the view of the sky at night. So if there were clouds or clear skies I could not tell. I had just left the hotel paid for by The Network Morning Headlines TV show that had recruited me to come to their studios to talk about winning the lottery. I was in a rented limousine provided by the studio on my way for my National Interview on television at about 7:20 this morning.

  I had just won a couple of months ago two major lotteries paying out over 450 million dollars after taxes. I am not the first person to win a big payout; but I am the first person to win two multistate lotteries in two different states the same week with the exact same numbers. Therefore, I supposed that makes it newsworthy. I had bought a Superball and a Multi Rich Millions dollar ticket using the same number sequence and the same bonus number sixteen. I won both lotteries in the same week.

  I had just received the payments a few weeks ago, so I was, contacted by several, news and entertainment shows as to whether or not I was willing to appear on their show. They wanted to discuss my incredible luck at winning such grand prizes. Through a public relations firm we hired, we chose the ‘The Network Morning Headlines’ which had the most viewership and was considered the primary news outlet in the country.

  This large viewership was very important, for we had an ulterior motive that really had nothing to do with discussing winning the lottery prize. Part of our plan was to prove to the world that The Network was a disinformation network and censored the truth. We knew powerful individuals controlled them. They would imply certain things to fit the needs of politicians, governments, corporations, and members of their own group regardless of the truth.

  The Network was, owned by people who many thought were part of a worldwide group of powerful people commonly referred to as The Waldger Group. The Network had also been recently the focus of certain anti government groups as being the biggest culprit of deliberately feeding information to sway public opinion. After today they might well pay a price for being that arrogant and controlling, at least that was part of the plan.

  My thoughts were, brought back when the driver said “Sir” as his head leaned over toward the back “We will be pulling up soon to the studio door here in a minute, but I will be back around 9:30 a.m. to take you back to the hotel. They usually have the guest wrapped up around that time and I will be in the same area I am letting you off at to take you back to the hotel.”

; “Thanks, I do appreciate it, but I was planning on wandering around the area before I go back to the Plaza, maybe do some shopping, or have lunch.”

  “No problem. You can use your cell phone. I assume you have one,” he hesitated.

  “Yes I do.”

  “So when you are done with your walking around, call me and I will come and pick you up wherever you are. I am, assigned to you the entire day. You are the studios guest all day. Therefore, this limo and I are available to you until around six or so. I will give you my card with my cell number and I will pick you up when you are ready.” He passed back his business card through the space in the privacy glass. I took it, glanced at it, and placed it in the side pocket of my sports jacket.

  “I appreciate that.”

  He then pulled into the studio parking lot, drove up to the studio door, and stopped the limo. Putting the vehicle in park, he got out of his door and walked over to my side door of the limo. As he opened my door he said, “Good luck on the show and I suppose from what I hear, you are the luckiest man alive winning the two lotteries with the exact same number. Wow! Wish it would have been me,” he added.

  I just looked at him not really knowing what to say for even today I still am not sure, how this all came about anyway. A chance meeting that now I knew was deliberate. Here and now, a few weeks later, as the instructions that were given to me, I am standing here about to go on National Television and shock the entire world. However, not about the lotteries, which were only my tickets to a national television appearance and to fund what I was about to do. All of this was a carefully laid out plan that had been in the planning for a very long, long time.

  I graciously told the driver thanks then pulled a hundred dollar bill out of my pocket for a tip. As I handed it to him I said, “I appreciate your good wishes and I will call you when I am ready to go back.”

  The driver replied, “Thanks,” we shook hands, and I started towards the studio door where a security guard was checking information of others coming in.

  As I walked up to the door, the guard looked at me and then at his clipboard and said, “Good morning sir, you must be Jack South, the lottery winner.”

  “That’s me.” I then handed him the stage pass that had been, left at the hotel for me. He looked at the document, waived me in, and said as he pointed down the hallway, “The orientation room is up on the second floor, and the elevators are just around the corner over there. They are expecting you and there is a buffet set up for the guests today. Oh, our producer, Mr. Jonathan Langer, will be in soon to give you an orientation about your interview.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate you being so helpful. By the way, has my attorney Mark Anderson shown up yet?”

  He glanced at his list then said, “Not yet sir, but he is on the list. When he arrives, I will tell him you are here and send him up.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it,” as I started walking towards the bank of elevators.

  Moving towards the elevator, I started thinking about what I was about to do and how here in the twenty first century, not the days of Genesis, I am about to make the world stand up and take notice. An elaborate plan had been, laid out to me by Gabriel and Ariel several weeks ago. Since that whirlwind meeting and soul searching, here I am, a plain old average citizen Jack South, fifty-eight years old, married, five kids, and about to pick up where someone left off over two thousand years ago.

  A few months ago, I was more concerned with finding a good job and having a nice life. Things can change, but not like this. For now, everything I was, knew, and believed in, was completely shattered. My whole life’s purpose had changed. I was just your ordinary man, not rich, but comfortable. I was not that well educated, but I read a lot so at least I can function around just about anyone and feel comfortable in a conversation. I am about six foot one, lean body, blue eyes, and gray hair. I consider myself healthy, but I do have one bad habit and that is smoking. Why, I really do not know. I just like it and I really want one right now, but figure we cannot smoke here.

  Most of my career had been in sales and I was quite successful in the computer industry. Unfortunately, the industry became entrenched with foreigners and eventually the jobs along with the big bucks just stopped. The imported immigrants worked for nothing and computer sales and consulting just went away. Or else the work was, outsourced to other countries for cheaper labor. Since that time, I had sold everything from home improvement to advertising, and even wrote a book that was not quite as successful as I had envisioned.

  As I was waiting for the elevator, my thoughts were, interrupted when a woman came up to the elevator carrying a couple of dog cages. She had with her what appeared to be a porter, whom had a cart with two larger cages on it. She was babbling to the porter about how the dogs were getting upset. She seemed quite rattled and appeared to be not in a good mood at all, at least to me. As I was standing there, waiting for the elevator and watching her fumble with the cages, I asked her “Are you part of the show today?”

  She rather snapped out a, “Yes.” Then realizing she was somewhat impolite, added, “My dogs are quite upset and things are not going well, so far this morning. We just got here late last night. The flight had a three-hour delay, and I have not had time to get my bearings and the dogs are restless. I hope they will behave when I do the interview. You never know about how dogs are going to react.”

  “Are you a breeder or a trainer?”

  “I breed Labradoodles in Indiana. They are a new breed that people are wanting so I was invited to talk about the breed on the show today.”

  “Is it a special breed?”

  “Yes, they do not shed very much and people who are allergic to dogs can have them for they are suitable for people with allergies. They’re a crossbreed of a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle.”

  As we were talking the elevator, door opened and as we entered, I helped her put the two loose carriers into the elevator and the porter pushed the cart on with the other ones. She responded with a quick, “Thank you.”

  It is puzzling whom television morning shows have for guests and what the show finds interesting or informative. So far, they have a lottery winner and a dog breeder. Goes to show you how much they will scrape the bottom of the pot to, continuously feed the desire for information of any type to the viewing public. Seems stupid, but that is the way it is.

  As we were going up the elevator she asked, “Are you a guest today, too?”

  I responded to her with a simple yes, which seemed to temporarily, satisfy her curiosity. I really did not want to discuss it and the elevator door opened before she could ask any details. I helped her get the dog cages off the elevator where we were, met by a nicely dressed woman, in a business suit, holding a clipboard, and spitting out questions, almost as soon as we were off the elevator.

  “Hello, I am Michelle Richards, Assistant to the Producer and you are?” directing the question to the dog person.

  “Molly Sifers, from Indiana Breeders.”

  “And you must be Mr. South?”

  “Yes I am, pleased to meet you.”

  Michelle fit the stereotypical assistant producer I would expect looking like she just came off the pages of Glamour Magazine. She is around five foot five inches tall with perfect facial features, long blonde hair, wearing a tailored suit perfectly fit to her body and a smile as big as Texas. She seemed, if nothing else, pleasant to look at and acted and spoke 100% business. Looking at her, I guessed she probably took this job in hopes of being, discovered by a major producer while working as an underling on the show. With her looks, I am sure she would be a hit on TV at any level. I wondered however, if Michelle really was an assistant producer or just a very attractive greeter, probably the latter.

  “If you will follow me please, I will show you to the orientation and buffet room. It is right down the hall to our left. Do you need any help with the dogs or the cages Ms. Sifer?”

  “Thanks, but no, the porter is helping and the rest I can handle,”

  To help, I picked up one of the cages not on the cart. Molly smiled at me in thanks as we followed the porter pushing her cart with the other two cages down the hallway.

  Michelle then said to Molly, “You can’t bring the dogs into the orientation room, but since we have animals quite often, we have a different area where you can care for them. If you like, you can drop them off there and then go to the orientation room and have some breakfast.” She then turned to me and pointed to a door that was open. I assumed it was the orientation room. She said, “You can wait in here Mr. South.”

  Not waiting for a response from me, Michelle continued down the hall to a double glass door, which opened into an outside garden. Since I already had one of the cages, I followed Molly and Michelle instead of going into the orientation room. As Michelle opened, the door into an area that I assumed was originally only a rooftop, but had been, redone as sort of a garden. There was some green space and in another area was a patio set on a deck. The furniture was, covered with a gazebo.

  Turning to Molly, Michelle said, “This is the area you can keep the dogs in. There is a dog run over there.” She pointed to a chain linked area about six feet by twenty feet in length. Then specifying another area, she told Molly there was a table set up for grooming and caring for her dogs.

  I sat down the one dog carrier and Molly came over and opened it up. She let out a furry black dog that looked like it had a perm in its hair. The dog started running around the area avoiding her master Molly who was trying to snap the leash on the puppy. With a little coaxing, the Labradoodle puppy returned to her and she snapped the leash onto the dog’s collar and then handed the leash to me.

  Molly said, “Thanks for helping, I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. What is the dog’s name?”

  “Skyez, pronounced Sky-zee,” but then she added that when the puppy was, adopted out, she would probably, be renamed.

  I asked her where the name Skyez came from and she replied, “Well it was supposed to be just Skye but since she was the last puppy in the litter we added Z to the end to be creative.”


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