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Page 4

by Liza James

  Fuck them. I’ll take Dom out myself if I fucking have too. No regrets, no hesitation.

  I hurry down the hall and slip through the small door that leads back into the club, I keep tightly against the wall, making sure my head is down and I’m not making eye contact with any customers. Hopefully, with my baggy black tee, jean shorts and converse, nobody will immediately assume I’m one of the dancers. I like blending in when I don’t have to be on stage, it’s a big reason why I intentionally wear what I do. Sal used to hate it, but pretty soon he realized that I actually made more money dressing like this. For the simple fact that I’m different than everyone else.

  I spot the narrow entry that leads to the private rooms, knowing that at the end of that hall is the exit from the club. I hurry towards the door, my heart hammering with every step I take that leads me nearer to room five. I focus on steadying my breaths, on keeping my steps quick, but quiet. The red lights above me are dimmed, washing my skin, my clothes, the carpeted floor in an eerie shade of crimson. How ironic, the red. It reminds me of all the nights Dom—

  “Ruby, you don’t usually keep me waiting this long.” Dom’s dark voice breaks out from behind me and I whip my head around to meet his gaze.


  He’s leaning against the wall casually, clearly having come up behind me while I was trying to escape. His long dark hair is pulled up into a small bun on top of his head, his lower face is covered in that shadow of a beard he keeps neatly trimmed against his skin.

  He’s definitely attractive. But as I look down to see his fists clenched tightly against his thighs, flashes of every moment he’s spent hurting me, hurting the other women in this club, come crashing to the forefront of my mind. A handsome face doesn’t make me forget the way he forced himself inside of me. A muscular body doesn’t turn me on to thoughts of him naked, instead it reminds me of how fucking strong he is. How toxic and painful his grips are. It reminds me of the bruises he leaves on my body, the ones that are still fading under the hem of my jeans or on the backs of my upper arms.

  No, his looks do nothing to elicit positive emotions from me. Instead, his face makes me sick, his body makes me fucking angry, and his voice? His voice makes me crave his death.

  “Not tonight, Dom. I’m taking off,” I reply firmly. I turn to face him entirely, squaring my shoulders and lifting my chin as I address him. But the smirk on his face tells me that he enjoys my defiance. It’s all a part of his game.

  “Every night, Ruby. As long as I fucking want it, I fucking get it.” He steps towards me just as I take step back. I watch as his dark eyes narrow as I move away from him, his hand lifts to quickly reach forward and grip my wrist. But I thankfully have the advantage of already being a few feet away from him. I anticipate his quick actions, because this is how he always is, and I hurry my pace just as I twist and turn away from him.

  “Ruby,” he bites out harshly as I listen to his heavy steps quicken behind me. “Don’t make me come after you. I don’t fucking wait and I’ll make you pay for this.” His voice drops to an even darker sound, something demonic and livid as he speaks. But I’m already running now and I’m just about to reach the door when he sounds his threat. It’s too late, I’m far too close to getting away from him. I don’t fucking care what he’s promising.

  “Eat dick, Dom,” I mutter under my breath just as I throw the back door open and the cool night air collides against my figure. I breathe it in, inhaling deeply just as another smaller frame crashes directly into my own. Whoever it is was racing as well, and the two of us ran directly into each other. The door slams shut behind me and I instinctually throw my hands out to grip the other person, hoping to catch my own fall.

  But we hit hard, and she yelps out in pain and surprise at the same time that we plummet to the cement below us. My bag slips off my shoulder and spills to the ground, but I am hardly paying attention to that as I hold onto her. I land first, and immediately roll to my back as she falls down on top of me with a groan. My arm tightens around her waist, pulling her against me so that she doesn’t roll and drag me with her.

  “Shit,” she mutters, and suddenly it’s that voice that pricks along my skin. It’s her higher tenor, the silky sound that slips across my ears and wets my lips with her poison. “Sorry.”

  My eyes snap open, my gaze finding her familiar ponytail and that light blue sweater that’s pulled tight across her chest with our collision. “Vibe Girl, looking for me already?” I say quietly, a smirk pulling at my lips as I watch her eyes widen in surprise.

  Quickly, my gaze darts to the door behind her, making sure Dom isn’t waiting for me or witnessing this exchange. I don’t want him to see her. I don’t even know her, but I can’t help the immediate need to keep her away from him.

  “You know, I’m usually not into the clingy types. You get too close and I might burn you,” I whisper into the narrow space between us. Because it’s true. I’m all fire and she’s all wind. I spark and burn while she whips through the air in fleeting moments of temptation.

  I don’t think she’s processing what’s happening right now. Her forest green eyes are trained on mine, her breaths are coming in shallow bursts, but she won’t move. She’s practically paralyzed on top of me and while I’m trying to catch my own breath, I can’t help but become glued to this moment with her.

  Her head absently drops closer to mine, her lips just inches away from my own. I can almost taste her breath on my tongue, and I’m tempted to lean forward and suck her bottom lip into my mouth, drag my teeth across her flesh until it’s red and swollen from my touch.

  “Fuck! Aura, are you okay?”

  Aura. That’s her name. Oddly fitting.

  Her fucking boyfriend races towards us after falling to her. The toy she’s keeping around while her attention is all fucking mine. He’s the one who interrupts this fucking moment and all of a sudden, I want to kill him for it.

  Let go. Let go of her.

  What in the actual Hell is happening to me tonight? Everything feels different. All of it. Every moment with Hawk, every glance I take towards Bethie and her date, every breath I breathe while I’m stuck on top of this unknown dancer.

  Was my drink spiked? That has to be it. This isn’t me. This isn’t me.

  Suddenly, I feel Hawk’s strong hands wrap around my waist as he tries to pull me free. But at the same moment, Ruby’s arm tightens it’s hold across my back, keeping me pressed against her for just a split second longer than I should be. My heart rate spikes at the brief moment, and that knowing smirk spreads across her lips once more.

  Hawk lifts me so that I’m back on my feet and then Bethie is immediately at Ruby’s side, reaching for her arm and helping her up as well. A small ache of something uncomfortable flashes through my chest, but I turn my gaze back towards Hawk and give him a thankful smile, leaning up and pressing my lips against his in a quick kiss.

  “Are you guys all right?” Bethie asks, her eyes darting back and forth between myself and Ruby. “Aura, you rushed out of the club before we could even catch you. What the hell happened?”

  Panic grips my throat and refuses to let me speak. I don’t want them to know why I raced out. I was feeling overwhelmed, and even when the next dancer came onto the stage, my mind was still clouded with thoughts of Ruby. Watching Ruby dancing against the pole, her hands on my body. Suddenly, all of these unfamiliar thoughts and ideas sprang forth in my mind and I needed to breathe fresh air. So, I left. I ran outside in hopes of clearing my head before I returned to our seats inside.

  “I—I just needed to take a break. I wanted to come out and breathe for a moment,” I struggle through the words, refusing to look Ruby in the eyes as I say them. Bethie narrows her gaze on me though and clearly doesn’t believe what I’m saying. Hawk’s hand drops to the small of my back as he pulls me into his side. His warmth washes over my skin, coating me in that familiar wave of comfortability.

  Bethie turns towards Ruby and continues speaking. “And you? Are
you okay?” she asks as she lifts a hand and drops it to her shoulder. Her thumb brushes against Ruby’s shirt in a kind way, but that doesn’t stop my eyes from zeroing in on the action.

  “I’m good, I just need to get out of here,” she replies harshly. She doesn’t sound angry, necessarily. Just impatient as she drops to pick up her bag that spilled in the fall. “Fuck, I need my keys.”

  I look to the ground, searching to see if they rolled out when we collided.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” she mutters under her breath and then she comes to my side, joining me as we both begin looking for her keys.

  “I can give you a ride?” Bethie’s offer sounds behind us and I can’t help but halt my steps as I hear it. Beth is going to drive her home? She doesn’t even know her.

  “Beth,” I immediately say, my voice laced with hesitation as I turn to look at her. But I instantly feel Ruby’s eyes land on me from the side. I can see her out of my peripheral vision, watching to hear whatever I’m about to say.

  “What? I haven’t had anything to drink yet. Chad can go home with you and Hawk, I’ll take Ruby home and I’ll meet up with you guys when I’m done.”

  “Wait, I have no problem riding with you and Rubes, babe. Not one problem at all, you both could use the protection of a man.” Chad is joking, being sarcastic, but the comment immediately sets me on edge because I know what he actually wants. It’s pretty clear in the way his eyes drop down Ruby and Beth’s figures in a seductive gaze before his eyebrows kick up and he smirks.

  “One, don’t call me Rubes. Two, I don’t need any man’s fucking protection. But by all means, continue spouting sexist bullshit and we’ll see how far that gets you.” Ruby turns on her heels, walking towards the street and leaving us all standing behind the club.

  I can’t help the laugh that falls from my lips at her words to Chad. Fucker deserved it, and I’m extra sensitive about any sort of male hierarchy bullshit. Been there, done that. Not doing it again.

  “Wait! Chad is an idiot, he’s not coming. Let me drive you.” Bethie runs after Ruby and I force my feet to stay still as I watch. Chad chokes out a scoff, clearly offended by his easy dismissal. As if he’s so important. Dude was a random fucking hook-up.

  Ruby turns around just as Bethie reaches forward and wraps her fingers around the back of her upper arm, but she immediately pulls out of her grasp and takes a small step away from her.

  “I think I’ll pass, I can get my own ride home,” Ruby says, but Bethie is right there, trying her hardest to convince Ruby to go with her. I’ve never seen Bethie fight this hard to sleep with someone. She’s usually the one fighting off the advances of other men. Selfishly, I can’t help the unfamiliar waves of jealousy that are sparking inside of me. But then I wonder if Bethie is feeling the same way I am towards her. Maybe it isn’t anything special between Ruby and I, maybe I’m just caught up in her own energy, something magnetic that isn’t unique to anyone in particular, it’s simply who she is as a person.

  “How about you crash at our place tonight? We have a spare room anyway. Beth can take you home in the morning,” Hawk’s deep voice is what surprises me most and my head whips towards him while my eyes widen in discomfort. At our place? No fucking way. I have a hard enough time making sense of my thoughts while we have several feet between us out here in the open. In my own space? At my own home? I have no fucking clue how I’ll feel.

  Ruby’s eyes fall to me and I think she can sense my hesitation, because a slow smile pulls at her lips as she steps away from Beth and comes towards us again.

  “Your place? I don’t know, I hardly know you guys.” She’s being sarcastic, I can hear it in her tone and in the way her eyes are glimmering with mischief. She doesn’t give a shit how long she’s known us which makes her either reckless, or dangerous.

  I think she’s a bit of both.

  Hawk slides his hands casually into his jean pockets and rocks back on his heels. “I’m sure we’ll get to know each other.”

  What the fuck? Was that just a come on? Or was he being polite? Fuck, I can’t tell and honestly the dark tint to his eyes has me thinking his intentions aren’t quite as pure as I believed they would be.

  Beth drops one arm across Ruby’s shoulder and tugs her into her side, a devilish smile pulling across her features as well. “We’re good, I promise.” Her voice states otherwise, and suddenly I’m caught in a group with people I love, and someone who’s ripping through my emotions and head in ways I don’t understand. Everyone seems to want a piece of her, everyone wants to take her for themselves, but oddly enough that isn’t what terrifies me most.


  What has my heart hammering in my chest is my own careless thoughts and worried actions, because I’m afraid that if I get my hands on her, I’ll never want to share her.

  And that’s impossible because I don’t like women. I love my boyfriend, only my boyfriend.

  So, if Bethie wants to get it on with Ruby tonight? Have at it. I’ll be far too busy with Hawk to pay any attention to them.

  I straighten my shoulders and meet Ruby’s gaze with my own, hardening my stance and tilting my chin upwards just slightly. “Yeah, stay with us tonight. It’s no big deal, one of us will give you a ride in the morning. We just live on the upper east side of town.”

  It’s quiet for a moment, only the hectic sounds of cars whipping by and random drifters exiting or entering club behind us. The stale scent of cigarettes wafts across the air and suddenly I feel a chill work its way into my bones.

  I hear the sound of the door to the club opening behind us and Ruby’s eyes immediately fly to the entrance as I turn to see who’s emerging. An incredibly tall, muscular man steps out from the doorway, his dark hair pulled up on his head and his features sharply morphed into something that looks impossibly angry.

  “Yeah, that sounds good. Let’s go,” Ruby says as she reaches for Beth’s hand and yanks her back into the street, hurrying them in the direction they had initially been headed in. We’ve all parked in the annex lot across the street, so Hawk, Chad, and I quickly follow suit as we make our way to our vehicles.

  At the last moment, right before I jump into the Jeep Grand Cherokee that Hawk and I share, I look back over my shoulder one more time. My eyes collide with the hard gaze from the man who had stepped out of the club as he watches us. He lifts a cigarette and brings it to his lips, blowing out a cloud of smoke without ever taking his eyes off of me.

  An eerie shiver breaks out across my shoulders and slips down my spine, sending cautious waves of confusion rippling through me. I don’t know him, I’ve never seen him before in my life, but something tells me that I should want nothing to do with him.

  Nothing at all.

  Fucking Dom. He saw her and it took everything in me to reach for Beth in hopes that it would keep his attention off of Aura. I’m livid. The rage seeping through my blood and splintering my bones is nothing if not a constant reminder that I need to pay more attention to what’s happening around me.

  We’re in Beth’s sleek black Mazda, traveling down the busy city streets in silence. But Beth lets her gaze drift my way here and there, for only a few short seconds before focusing on the road again. The others rode with Hawk, so I’m waiting for Beth to either breach conversation or make a move on me. Either one is possible, but I know which I would prefer.

  Her car has a masculine scent, like Black Ice—the air freshener. I’m not surprised by the choice honestly, it proves two things about her personality. Firstly, she wants to intimidate other women, showcasing an air of confidence, masculinity, and a false sense of assumed sexist power in order to instinctually set herself as an “alpha” if you will. Secondly, it shows men that her car smells like other men. As if they aren’t special, she isn’t into commitment, no one cages her in.

  Intimidation and playing hard to get? Ironic seeing as she’s been throwing herself at me since we met. Good luck with that one, I'm already on to her and I have my own games I like to play.

  "Are you sure you want to crash at the apartment? I can drive you home, it's no big deal, really. I'm sure you'd prefer sleeping in your own bed?" she asks as she reaches forward to turn on the radio. I don't think it's an accident that her hand brushes against my thigh while she shifts forward.

  "Yeah, I'm positive. I live a little out of town anyway, so this actually works well. I can catch a ride back to the club or to my apartment in the morning. Thanks for the offer though, I'm sure Chad is ready to get you back as well." I let my voice raise in pitch at the end, hinting towards the filthy things I'm sure he's already got up his sleeve. Her eyes dart towards me for a moment before settling back on the road. Her hand slips up and down her leg, as if she's anxious or getting heated in a way that makes her uncomfortable.

  "Chad? He isn't anything. Just a fuck boy, really," she replies, as she turns her gaze back towards me momentarily. "I'm not really feeling him tonight anyway."

  "Oh really?" I ask as I shift my body towards hers slightly. I lift a hand and gather all of my hair, feeling the silky strands as I pull them to the side and over one shoulder. Her eyes shift back to me again, dropping to the action and then focusing back on the road. "He's cute."

  "Yeah, cute. That's a good word for it. He's just not the one catching my attention tonight," her hand slides off of her own leg, drifting towards my own as I track her movements. Part of me wants her to make a move, intentionally try to hit on me. Just so that I know without a shadow of a doubt what she's doing. But there's another part of me, that oddly makes me feel like this is a betrayal in some way. I don't actually feel anything for this woman, in fact, there is something about her that grates against my nerves. But I'm a selfish bitch and another part of me realizes that the closer I get to Beth, the closer I could possibly get to someone else.


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