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Enticed (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  The limo driver opened the door as I grinned, “What’s stopping you from doing it now?” I said with a laugh.

  His eyes became serious as an almost dreamy smile lit his face, “The first dance with my wife,” he said, grabbing my hand as he exited the limo, pulling me along with him.


  I noticed the men at each exit when we arrived. My eyes widened as I realized that they were guards. Though dressed in the same attire as the rest of the attendees, their scents told me with no uncertainty they were werewolves. I swallowed as I glanced around the reception hall, finding them posted everywhere. Their presence at first worried me even though Luc ignored them. It was Lilly who calmed my fears when she told me why the Brazils felt the need to have them there. I was horrified as she told me about Eli’s attack while she had been on her way to the restroom at her reception. He had nearly blood bonded with her then but Marco had saved her from that fate. I glanced around the room again, suddenly grateful for the guard’s presence.

  It took a while for me to push the story to the back of my mind but I finally convinced myself that instead of thinking of danger, I should revel in the safety around me and have fun. So, I danced and drank a little more wine than I should have. When the night ended, I was surprised. It seemed that it had only just begun.

  It wasn’t until I was sitting next to Luc in the limo that I experienced the exhaustion of the day. He must have noticed because he gently pulled me into his side so that my head rested on his shoulder and allowed me to sleep as we traveled to our home. Only the sensation of being lifted woke me. My eyes flew open in alarm only to find Luc grinning at my surprise as he pulled me to his chest.

  “What are you doing?” I asked in a high pitched voice which echoed around us.

  He chuckled, “I’m carrying you over the threshold,” he said as if it should have been obvious. He shrugged, “I was told it was good luck. Marco carried Lilly and Andre carried Aurora…It seemed to work for them and I figured we could use a little luck.”

  “It’s only lucky if you don’t trip,” I said, glancing at the step skeptically as I imagined falling to the ground.

  “No faith,” he said as if wounded and then, stopped at the foot of the steps before taking a leap and landing deftly on his feet just inside the door. A small squeal of fear broke from my lips.

  He laughed as I struggled within his arms. He pulled me closer to him, “One of the perks of being a werewolf,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes, “We’re extremely agile.”

  “Not funny,” I said as he sat me down on my feet. I blinked as I finally, took in my new home and gasped. A Kitchen of stainless steel and light wood stretched before me. To my right was the living area. The driver’s and passenger’s seats were turned toward the cabin. I stepped into the room and found soft white sofas lining the sides along with a small booth. A large television hung on the wall.

  “What do you think?” Luc asked and I turned to find him biting his bottom lip. His eyes had darkened in worry.

  “It’s perfect,” I said and he sighed in relief before giving me an enormous smile.

  He took the few steps toward me, grabbing my hand in his before pulling me back through the kitchen. A small room with bunk beds lined the wall. Across from it was the bathroom. He stopped in front of the closed door to what I knew was the bedroom we would share. His breathing picked up in rhythm as did mine. Vivid images slammed through my mind causing me to shake in want and need.

  Slowly, he turned to me and his eyes met mine. He licked his lips before swallowing audibly, “This is our bedroom,” he said in almost a whisper. I nodded unable to tell him that I already knew.

  I bit my bottom lip as he opened the door and he moved aside, allowing me to step through. A large bed covered in white silk sat before me. A glance around afforded me with a dresser and armoire of the same light wood as in the kitchen. My eyes moved to the mirrored doors of a closet but the bed held my attention.

  Luc stood behind me and I inhaled sharply as his presence swamped me, “I don’t expect anything from you,” he whispered hoarsely. I stiffened as I realized how hard it was to even utter those words. The sweetness behind them spoke to me but something else did too. He was my husband and I would always be connected to him because of a choice I had made. There would be no one else that I would be bonded to and the truth was I didn’t want to be bonded to anyone else. My eyes widened as I realized there would only ever be him.

  “I’ll let you get dressed for bed,” he said after a long moment of silence. I could sense him backing away. My heart sped up as the fear of being separated from him slid through me.

  “Don’t go,” I said, surprised by how calm I sounded when everything in me jittered with nervousness.

  He paused and there was a long moment of silence as his confusion gave way to understanding. I didn’t turn to him. I couldn’t because I was waiting for his choice to be made. My stomach flipped afraid of what it would be.

  His clothes rustled as he turned to me. His breath touched my neck as he spoke, “Are you sure?” He asked in a voice so husky and deep that it reverberated through me.

  I took a deep breath and nodded, realizing that he had given me this last chance to take it back, “Yes,” I whispered so softly that I wasn’t sure he would be able to hear me.

  He was quiet for another moment. His breaths whispered over me as I began to wonder if he would refuse when he shifted, moving closer to me, “You said you were a virgin. Have you ever done anything sexual, at all?” He asked as his breath touched my ear.

  I shook my head, “No,” I said as my heart thudded against my chest, “You were my first kiss. You’ll be my first…everything,” I heard him gasp at the last word.

  “You’ve never been with anyone but me in any way?” He asked astonished.

  I shook my head as I kept my gaze on the bed, “I haven’t but I’m assuming that you have.”

  He sighed, softly, “A long time ago,” He said as he touched my nape. I stiffened as I experienced a slight pang of jealousy before his lips touched the space where my shoulder connected to my neck and it floated away, “But you are the only one who has ever consumed my dreams.”

  His teeth nipped lightly as he nibbled up to my ear, causing a moan to break free from my lips, “Because of the blood bond,” I said as a violent shiver slid down my spine.

  “No,” he said, pulling me against him as his arm wrapped around my waist, “From the moment you looked at me, you’ve had me. I was stunned when I found out who you were. I was unable to leave your side while you healed. When you were in pain from your parent’s death, I wanted to take that away and I was relieved when you began to move on from your grief because I wanted to begin to deserve you. All of that happened before the bond. So, I know that I have always wanted you.”

  I turned to face him with wide eyes. What he said couldn’t be true. I didn’t believe someone could want that type of connection from the beginning but his face didn’t show deception. It only showed truth.

  Heat slammed through me as I twisted my arm around his shoulders. My breath hitched as the need to touch him, rose. Without thought, I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me in a bruising kiss. Instantly his mouth melded with mine as he returned the kiss with a furiousness that left my lips swollen. His hands slid to my back as I felt the buttons release on my dress and then, the zipper. I inhaled sharply as it slid down my body and pooled on the floor. His hands skimmed down the naked skin of my back, causing me to shiver in delight. My mind screamed. I wanted more.

  I slid my hands to the front of his shirt and began to untie his tie. It finally loosened and I pulled it, before it joined my dress at our feet. The kiss continued as I unbuttoned his shirt, desperate to have his skin touch mine. Finally, it fell open and I pushed it off of him only to find a t-shirt beneath. I groaned in frustration as I resisted the urge to rip it from him. Instead, I pulled it over his head and stepped back to see him. He was muscled and firm but his eyes w
ere what caused my stomach to flip. They were consumed with need as he reached out and pulled me to him. I moaned as his heated skin touched mine.

  “I’ve dreamed this,” he whispered against my lips, “But the reality is better.”

  The evidence of his arousal pushed against me and my pulse quickened even more. I was frightened but I wanted him desperately. Slowly, my hand moved downward to the button of his pants. With one quick movement, the button gave way and his zipper followed. He pulled away for a moment as he toed off his shoes and bent to rid himself of his socks. His pants followed, leaving me breathless as I stood there in only my bra, panties and high heeled shoes. He caught sight of me and inhaled sharply as his gaze darkened.

  “You…are…so…beautiful,” he said in a voice that was saturated in predatory pleasure. He stepped closer to me as he bit his bottom lip, “And you are mine and only mine.”

  Then he was on me, pushing me onto the bed. His hands were hot as one found my breast and began to slowly need. My nipples hardened as I arched into him. My stomach clenched deliciously as his free hand reached behind my arching back and released the clasps of my bra. Then, it was gone and I was exposed even further for him.

  “My God, you are perfect,” he whispered as his hand grasped my chin, forcing me to gaze into his hooded eyes. I bit my bottom lip against the moan from just those words as he lowered his head and kissed me again before making a path to my breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth and then the other as he began to slide my panties down my legs, only breaking contact to rid me of them. His eyes blazed with passion as he gazed down at me exposed for him.

  That look seared me and I realized I needed him more than I needed anything. His eyes remained on me as he shed his boxers. I couldn’t help but to peer down at what would join us. My heartbeat quickened because I was suddenly afraid of its size.

  He covered me once again as he gazed into my eyes, “I don’t ever want to hurt you,” he said as he caressed my cheek, “That’s why we are going to take this slow.”

  My fear melted away as my hand moved down his body, finally gripping his manhood. He hissed through his teeth as his eyes widened. His lips touched mine becoming more demanding as he shoved his tongue into my mouth. A tremble of pure need slammed through me as I felt his finger slip past my folds and move within. A groan slid from him, rumbling in his chest. Pleasure gripped me as I began to slide my hand along his length.

  “Mary Jane,” he growled pulling me to him as he continued to pleasure me with his fingers before withdrawing completely, “I can’t wait anymore. I have to be in you.”

  My breathing was rapid, “I can’t wait either,” I said on a moan pulled from the depths of me. My legs fell completely opened, cradling him against my womanhood. The crown of him nudged my entrance.

  “Keep your eyes on me,” he said as he inched in, allowing me to stretch around him before pushing further. It was slow too slow but finally, he nudged my innocence. His teeth were clenched as he whispered hoarsely, “Don’t move your gaze from me. I want to see you the whole time.”

  I opened my eyes wide and an expression of satisfaction lit his face as my eyes met his. He groaned, “Tell me you are mine,” he said as he reached forward and cupped my cheek.

  I kept my eyes firmly on him, “I’m yours,” I said, trembling as I did, “Only yours.”

  In one quick move, he pierced me. I moaned as a sharp pain sliced through me. I inhaled sharply as a single tear fell from my eye. He leaned forward and kissed it before melding his lips once more with mine. He stayed still as the pain passed. Slowly, he began to move again. Something was beginning to build as my body tensed. I began to move my hips in rhythm to his, reaching for something that I didn’t understand. His eyes met mine as his hands gripped my hips nearly bruising me but even that pain caused the pleasure to heighten more and more until I thought I would burst.

  Suddenly, pleasure unlike anything I have ever known rushed through me and I moaned with its impact. Luc began to pound into me as I tightened around him. I screamed as warmth spread through me as wave after wave of pure bliss traveled through my body. An animalistic growl erupted from him as he spilled his seed in me. He shouted my name as he fell on me spent.

  Minutes passed before he gazed into my face. His eyes were shadowed in concern.

  “Are you alright?” He asked, caressing my cheek, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  I raised my brow at his worry and laughed, “No, you didn’t hurt me,” I said, allowing my hands to roam up and down his back, “Actually, I was wondering…Can we do that again?”

  He laughed before he kissed me long and hard and said against my lips, “As many times as you want.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The Inevitable

  It was amazing how things changed in such a short time. When I was first told of my betrothal, I had imagined a horrid life. I couldn’t see past the fact that I had been forced into marriage with someone I didn’t know. As the first week of my marriage to Luc passed, I was surprised by how different my outlook on our betrothal and marriage was. Where I thought I would be miserable, I was happy. My fear of Luc had disappeared and when I thought of him, I could only see who he truly was. He protected me. He allowed me to be exactly who I was without ridicule. He was patient and most of all, he actually liked that I wasn’t going to change or bow down to him.

  With my change in view in my marriage there was also a form of normality that I had not expected. It was a distinct pattern in our everyday life. Three days after our marriage, he began to work with his father and two older brothers, so his days were spent with them. At night, he came home to me. It was the days alone, when I began to see that there was a little more to my feelings for him than what I had before.

  I missed him when he was gone and it had nothing to do with the bond. It was a deep longing that I had never had before and I was too afraid to examine it. I was too afraid that he wouldn’t return those feelings.

  However, there was another change happening within me. Something was about to break free and I realized it was that part of myself that I was most afraid of. It was the monster beneath my skin that burrowed in my soul. It was the worst part of myself and I was afraid because I had begun to worry that I was about to transition.

  It had been two weeks past my marriage when I decided to speak to the other women in the Brazil family. They crowded around me with curiosity lighting their faces as they watched me pace before them. I began to twist my hands in front of me, wondering where to start the conversation and finding no beginning point.

  Sophia’s gaze darkened as she stood up and grasped my shoulders. She shook me slightly before studying my face with an intensity that made me shift, “What’s wrong?” She asked simply.

  I took a deep breath and just blurted it out as quickly as I could, “I’ve been feeling odd lately. It’s been something that has been worrying me for about a week. The only explanation is that I’m transitioning.”

  Sophia released a pent up breath and then, frowned, “Thank goodness. I thought we had failed to keep you pure until your wedding night and you were pregnant,” My mouth opened insulted. Sophia just shrugged her shoulders and continued, “I suppose since your parents are no longer with you, you came to us to find out for sure?”

  I nodded but was still giving her a narrowed look, “I didn’t want to worry Luc,” I said, glancing around the room at the other girls. Finally, the bit of hurt I had felt at Sophia’s assumptions turned to worry as I bit my bottom lip. I sighed before I spoke, “At least not until I was sure.”

  Sophia smiled as she nodded her head, “I think we can figure out whether you are or not,” she said as she tilted her head, “I’m going to inhale your scent and see if I can find the beast there. The stronger it is. The closer your transition is.”

  I nodded as she walked around me. Slowly, she took a deep breath, inhaling my scent. A frown marred her brow as she moved to stand in front of me.

  “Your scent cer
tainly says you’re close,” she said, taking my hand and leading me to one of the bar stools surrounding the kitchen counter. She waved at the chair, “Sit. There is more that we can do.”

  I sat down but shifted on the padded seat, “It’s hard to stay still,” I said, wincing, “I always feel like my skin is going to break a part. It doesn’t hurt. It just tingles constantly.”

  “That’s another sign,” Sophia said, patting my hand in reassurance. She pursed her lips as she thought.

  I glanced at Mirella, Aurora and Lilly, “Did you go through this?”

  “I haven’t yet,” Mirella said with a smile, “I’m not old enough. To tell you the truth, I’m thankful for that.”

  I nodded. I had forgotten. Mirella was around the older women so much I always forgot that she wasn’t their age. I turned to Lilly.

  “I didn’t transition naturally,” she said, wincing at the memory, “I forced it to come by taking Wolf’s Bane.”

  “Why would you do that?” I asked with wide eyes. The very thought of forcing the wolf to surface frightened me.

  “Eli kidnapped Aurora. It was the only way I could get her out,” She said with a shrug. I blinked and then, shook my head in amazement.

  “You’re lucky you didn’t kill anyone,” I said, frowning at the thought.

  She winced again, “I did kill someone,” she said, shifting, “I killed, Katie, Andre’s crazy ex,” Lilly shifted as the color rose in her face, “She brought it on herself. She hit Aurora while I was in full form.”

  I blinked in shock. I couldn’t imagine Lilly killing someone. She was too sweet. I swallowed as I turned to Aurora who was bouncing Ruby on her knee. When she noticed that my attention had turned to her, she bit her bottom lip, “I think it would be different for me too,” she said and shrugged, “I transitioned on my way back to Andre after my father kidnapped me. I was lucky Garridan was there to lead me back home.”


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