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Born of Embers

Page 21

by Harper Wylde

  God, he’s so hot. Damien projected her thoughts into my head. I stiffened slightly underneath her. She glanced down at me in concern. I smiled for her, letting her know I had no problem with Damien watching. Damien pushed her feelings towards me: arousal, confusion, anxiety. I was glad to know she had enjoyed what we had done.

  She shook her head and stood up, careful not to put too much weight on me. Silly thing, as if she could hurt me. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the show. I think it’s time to turn in for the night though.” Her eyes slid over me, landing on my lips before she glanced to Damien and back again.

  God, he tasted good. His mouth was so soft. So hot, Damien pushed the words at me. I nearly groaned.

  Her grin was a little shaky as she glanced at us. “Top of the stairs, door to the right of the bathroom.” Damien told her quietly as she passed. She paused, arching an eyebrow at him. He began to laugh, the sound rumbling up from his stomach. “No, Nix, that’s not my room. It’s the room we set up for you. Not that I’d object to you in my room, mind you. Watching you kiss Killian as you pinned him to the couch was incredibly hot.” She blushed and pushed past him, nearly running up the stairs for her bed.

  They’re all so damn sexy. The words echoed in my mind and I barely contained the laugh that bubbled up.

  I glared at Damien when I heard her door shut. “You just had to interrupt, didn’t you? I was enjoying that.”

  His laugh was husky. “I was enjoying it too. Watching her savor you was surprisingly erotic. I figured that we should make sure her hormones don’t override her sense, though. A kiss is one thing. If you had kept going…” He trailed off. “I didn’t want her to regret it in the morning. I didn’t want her afraid or thinking we took advantage. She died yesterday, Kill. She’s fragile.”

  I swore at myself. It felt like she’d been with us for weeks. How in the hell had I let myself be so swept up? I could have hurt her. Damien strode over, holding out a hand to help haul me upright.

  “You wouldn’t have hurt her, Kill. You know we’ve only reached the tip of the iceberg in regards to her past. We need to take this slowly.” His eyes were soft as he studied me.

  Fuck. All I wanted to do was head up to Nix’s room and continue what we had started. She had tasted so fucking good and was so hot and soft against me. I had never felt this kind of raging need, a craving that wouldn’t release me from its grip. I knew Damien was right though. If she ended up hating me for pushing her too quickly I didn’t know how I’d deal with it. I wanted to show her she could trust me, trust us. We’d move things forward however she was comfortable, no matter what my body was saying. Not all men were like the ones in her past and I planned to prove that to her.

  “Let’s both grab some drinks. Then I’m off for a cold shower.”

  Damien chuckled as he patted my shoulder. “I’ll probably be taking one of those as well.”



  I wasn’t a great cook but I wanted to try and do something for Nix so I stood at the stove scrambling a large pan of eggs. It was a little late, closer to a brunch rather than breakfast, but I knew she had been up late watching movies. I didn’t know if it would be too presumptive to take her breakfast in bed, but I also didn’t want the food to get cold. I was passable at breakfast, but it wouldn’t be great when it was cold or reheated. I was debating with myself when she walked into the room, yawning and stretching her arms over her head. I had to bite my tongue to keep in the groan. Her hair was rumpled and her eyes heavy. I wanted to toss her right back into the bed and follow her in. Instead, I tossed her a soft smile. “Good morning. I made eggs. I hope that’s alright?”

  Her smile was wide. “That’s amazing. You didn’t have to cook for me, you know. It’s one thing when Damien cooks dinner for all of us, but I don’t want to put you out.”

  I shrugged. “It’s fine. I like to have a full breakfast before classes.”

  Her eyes widened. “Fuck! I forgot!” She pushed her hair out of her eyes, frantically glancing at the clock. When she saw it was only ten-thirty she blew out a breath of relief. “God. My first class starts at one. I can’t believe I forgot classes start today!”

  I began to fill her plate with eggs and toast. “Nix, give yourself a break. You were shot yesterday. I honestly wasn’t even sure if you’d be up to attending class today. What all do you have?”

  She shrugged, taking the plate from me and beginning to eat. “I’ve only got two today. The first is an English class. The second is a criminology intro.”

  “I doubt any of us will be in those since they’re intro courses and none of us are taking anything justice related.” I hesitated, eating a forkful of eggs. Thank God I hadn’t burned them in my distraction. “Nix,” I began, hesitant of her reaction, “we’re all still worried about you. I know you said it usually takes you several days to recover and it’s only been about 24 hours. Would you be willing to let one of us shadow you to class? We won’t go in, or disturb the learning process. You can pick who goes with you, and as long as there isn’t a class conflict I’m sure any of us would be willing.”

  Theo entered behind her. “I’d be willing even if there was a class conflict.” He grumbled, dropping into the chair next to Nix.

  She sent him a smile as she kept eating. “I know it would be the smart thing to do. I really don’t want any undue attention, though. Can we just hang out and walk? Be inconspicuous?” Her tone was wary, as if afraid she would offend me.

  I smiled. “Of course, it won’t be an issue. However you’re most comfortable is fine.”

  “What are everyone’s class schedules?”

  “Ryder’s already in class. It’s why he didn’t stay up last night, he had a lab this morning. I think Damien and Kill both have afternoon classes but I’m not positive. I don’t have any classes scheduled for today. Theo?” I called over to him. He looked half-asleep at the table.

  “I don’t have anything scheduled. I was just going to be working today,” he said simply, laying his head down on the table.

  Nix’s eyes were concerned as she studied him. “Are you ok, Theo? Are you sick?” She reached out a hand to lay on his forehead.

  He grunted. “I got like an hour of sleep. I was wrapped up in that fucking project for the Council.”

  Nix hopped out of her seat. “Coffee, tea, or energy drink? I’d prefer you going back to bed and actually getting some sleep, but for some reason I doubt you’ll comply with that idea.”

  Theo mumbled around his arms, “I’ll go back to bed if you’ll go with me.” Nix froze, her eyes locked on him. He sat up quickly, his eyes blurry. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Nix. My mouth is as bad as Ryder’s when I’m sleep deprived. Coffee would be amazing. There should be iced espressos buried in the back of the fridge. Check the cottage cheese container.”

  I raised an eyebrow at Theo. Nix beat me to it before I could open my mouth. “The cottage cheese container?” she asked, already opening the fridge and digging to the back.

  Theo was back to mumbling around his arms. “Ryder on caffeine is a nightmare. He’s usually too lazy to make his own coffee or tea and he hates energy drinks. I prefer iced coffee when I need a jolt since I’m usually too out of it to make decent coffee. I know he won’t look in the cottage cheese container, he hates the stuff.”

  Nix was chuckling as she pulled out the small can of doubleshot espresso. She gave it a few hard shakes and I choked on the sip of juice I had just swallowed. That motion made her breasts bounce like crazy. Not to mention that it looked like she was… I coughed, trying to clear my airways as she shot me a look. “You guys are worried about me? You’re all falling apart. Arms over your head, Hiro. It’ll make breathing easier. Theo, I’ve got class. I can’t go to bed with you. Drink this.” She set the coffee right next to his hand. “Thanks for the eggs, Hiro. If it’s okay with you guys I’m going to go grab a shower and get my stuff together. I’m a little nuts about being early to places.” She paused as she left the room. “Hir
o, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like you to come with me today.”

  I grinned. “Of course. I’d love to go with you.” I watched her leave the room to get ready as I tried to keep the stupid grin from taking over my face.

  Theo snorted from where he was still half asleep on the table. “Yeah, you’re not excited at all. Totally believable.”

  I just shot him the finger. I would get one-on-one time with her and didn’t have to worry about her all day. I loaded the dishwasher and went to head upstairs for a shower when Damien came in, looking nearly as ragged as Theo.

  “You look like crap,’” Theo said from the table. I hadn’t even seen him open his eyes.

  Damien ignored him, heading for the coffee pot like it was a life preserver. “Long night,” he muttered.

  “I thought you didn’t stay up for the final movie?” I had known he was already tired, I hadn’t been surprised when he had opted to turn in rather than watch The Avengers for the hundredth time.

  He shot me a conspiratorial look. “Kill and Nix were projecting a bit. So I decided I really needed some water.” With that, he sent me a mental image of Killian sprawled out on the couch, his shirt riding up his abdomen while Nix straddled him. Her hands seemed to be pinning his wrists to the couch as her mouth worked hungrily against his.

  Theo and I groaned in sync. “Well, fuck,” I spat out. I wondered what this meant. Was she only interested in Killian? She knew Rini had multiple partners, but that didn’t mean it’s what she wanted for herself. It had been hot seeing her dominate Kill like that. I wondered if she’d like the roles reversed. Apparently I projected that image loud and clear because a second round of groans echoed.

  “You’re killing me, mate,” Theo muttered.

  I only shrugged. I wasn’t going to apologize for my predilections. I was an adult and anyone I was with consented. I never hurt anyone. So I liked things a little rough, liked to be in control. It wasn't a crime and I wasn't going to let anyone make me feel ashamed. I hoped Nix would be into it, but even if she wasn’t, I doubted I could resist her. I doubted anything would taste vanilla with her.

  “She thought my watching was pretty hot. I honestly don’t think she’ll have a problem sharing once she wraps her head around the idea. She obviously thinks that all of us are attractive, so that won’t be an issue. We just have to nudge her out of her comfort zone a little. Hell, she’s seen Rini with the guys so she’ll come to think of it as normal.” Damien poured himself a mug of coffee as he spoke.

  “Wait, you watched? She knew you were there?” Promising, I thought.

  He snickered. “No. I only interrupted when Kill’s Puca filled the room with fireworks and I thought they might be heading a bit further than she would be comfortable with had Killian not gotten her wound up. But I caught enough of her thoughts to know she thought it was hot that I had watched them.”

  God, and he thought I was shameless. “Well, now my morning plans include a cold shower before I take Nix to class.” I sighed as I left the room. This was going to be harder than I thought if I had those images of her playing in my head all day. I was a little jealous that Kill had gotten to taste her first, but I was glad she was opening up to all of us. Honestly though, I hoped I got to taste that lush mouth soon.



  The first class of my college career was boring as the professor mainly just read the syllabus out loud. I spent most of my time doodling on said syllabus, which outlined a semester's worth of work, and wishing I was back at the house with the guys. It wasn’t the reaction I had expected from myself. I spent the last two years preparing for this moment, dreaming of going to college and of finding some normalcy. Meeting Killian, Theo, Damien, Ryder, and Hiro had already changed everything. Glancing over at Hiro I couldn’t keep the small smile off of my lips. He had slipped in after me when I had sent him a pleading look. I was definitely nervous to be alone, even knowing someone was outside waiting for me. The professor hadn’t even bothered with attendance, so Hiro was as anonymous as the rest of us listening to this man drone on. I loved that he was here with me today, and I couldn’t deny that I felt safer with him around. There was a bite in the air as he lead me across campus towards my next class. I breathed in deeply, enjoying the sensation of the crisp air filling my lungs. It was so different from home, where the heat and humidity could make a person feel like they were drowning rather than truly breathing. It was nice to be able to follow Hiro, rather than having to pull out my student map to double check where I was going and look like the other frantic and confused freshman I was surrounded by. He kept sliding his eyes towards mine, flushing a little when I’d catch him. I knew he was worried about me, they were all worried about me. I didn’t know why they cared so much, I didn’t feel like I was worth all this attention, but I admitted that I liked and appreciated it. It was calming to have someone else looking out for me, to know my life wasn’t solely on my own shoulders.

  I shook my head, biting my tongue as I tried to change my train of thought. I knew better than most what happened when you let yourself start relying on people. While I wasn’t jaded enough to believe that most people were intentionally cruel, I was smart enough to know that life happened. When things got busy for them, when a new lover showed up, when they got bored with the new girl, their interest would wane. They would go back to the little family that they had made and I would be alone again. Exactly how I had always wanted it.

  I was watching Hiro walk a few steps ahead of me, trying to memorize the way he walked. Just because I would always be alone didn’t mean I couldn’t hold on to these memories. Suddenly I was shoved sideways so quickly I almost fell over. I whirled, my bag falling to the ground as my fists rose instinctively. My Phoenix hissed and flapped in my head, wanting to defend us. I faced the beautiful, bitchy brunette who had confronted me in the dorms. What the hell was her name again? I shrugged, not really caring either way. “You again. What the hell do you want now?” I snapped the words at her, my voice thick with irritation.

  Hiro sighed from where he had turned to face us. “Ahmya.” Oh right, that was her name.

  Her dark eyes met Hiro’s over my shoulder. She flipped her hair over her shoulder with a small smirk as she cocked her hips to the side and thrust out her breasts. I struggled not to roll my eyes. Could this girl be any more obvious?

  “Hiro, hi.” Ahmya’s voice was a husky purr as she sent him what I think was supposed to be a seductive smile.

  “What do you want, Ahmya?” Hiro’s voice was so different from what I was used to. It was cold and almost flat. My Phoenix hissed in my head, not liking his musical voice sounding that way. I wondered what she had done to him to get him to use that tone with her.

  “You, of course.” She strode around me, shooting me a disgusted look as she reached up to place a hand on his chest. A quick step backwards took him out of her reach. “I haven’t seen you all summer. I’ve missed you, baby.”

  “I told you, Ahmya. We’re done. There’s a reason you haven’t seen me. It’s because I didn't want you to. I’ve said it, and the guys have all said it.” He wouldn’t meet her eyes, turning his gaze to the ground instead. He shifted around her outreached hands, bending down to grab my bag and trying to guide me around the scowling girl. We had made it only a few feet down the sidewalk before Ahmya’s voice chased after us.

  “Is she your new plaything, then?” Ahmya was nearly feral as she glared at me, her lips twisted in a grimace. “You’re too good for your own kind, now? Well, does she know about you yet? Does she know how your family gave you up? Does she know that you like it rough, all teeth and nails? I bet you haven’t shown her that side of you yet, because you know she’ll run when she sees it. You need someone… foxier.” She was spitting the words at Hiro, glaring at me as she made her inference. Huh, another kitsune. I wondered what her powers were. His eyes had shuttered and he stood frozen in place beside me. Well fuck this.

  “You’re just a jealous bitch. Hi
s real family loves him. I know all about what he likes, because I like it too.” I smirked at her, and reached for Hiro’s face to pull him down to me. His eyes were still hard and shuttered. I wouldn’t let this bitch win. I pressed my lips against his own, his soft lips chilled from the wind that surrounded us. He froze at the contact, his eyes locking on my own. I didn’t give him a chance to shut me out. I pulled him flush against me, locking one of my hands in his dark hair as I let my mouth open slightly under his. He groaned, and wrapped his arms tightly around me, his body hot and hard as it pressed against me. Always the gentleman, Hiro kept his tongue in his mouth. A part of me swore at that, wanting to taste him. It shouldn’t be here though, not like this.

  Pulling away, I sent him a quick smile and turned to face Ahmya who stood as though glued to the sidewalk. With quick strides I was right in front of her, my face pressed nearly against hers as I invaded her space. “You warned me once, now I’m warning you. You will stay away from him, do you hear me? You’re jealous, petty, and spiteful. I don’t know what went down between you, and frankly, I don’t need to. Nothing gives you leave to treat him that way. If I find out you’ve been harassing him, calling him, or seeking him out in any way, I will make you pay. Believe me, I can. Not just Hiro, either, mind you. Leave Rini alone. Don’t talk to the other guys. If they don’t want you in their lives, well, I’ll damn well make sure they get what they want. They’re my friends and I protect what’s mine.” My Phoenix reared in my head, in complete agreement. I felt heat flash from my fingers, enough to singe the pretty top she had been wearing.

  Ahmya staggered back, swatting her hands against the embers that still burned on the silk fabric across her chest. Her face was pale as she began to stride away quickly. “Fuck the both of you. I don’t need a perv like that. You better watch out. He’ll just use you for your powers and his twisted desires. I won’t forget this.”


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