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Fear the Reaper: Brotherhood Protectors World

Page 5

by Kendra Mei Chailyn

  Nova “Star” Shuman

  Molly, I hadn’t been used to. But if she was sent over by Montana, she was cool in my books. I’d seen her twice before and though we hadn’t had a chance to speak, she seemed okay.

  I stood by the window, back to the glass, hands pressed in behind my back. The room around us fell into silence. It made my heart race. The fear of another bomb lurking around was enough threaten to drive me mad—so much so, me head pulsed behind my eyes.

  “What are you thinking?” Molly asked.

  “I think the better question should be, what am I not thinking?”

  Molly chuckled. “Okay. Let’s break it all down. Throw one at me.”

  “Has Reaper ever been married?” It was out my lips before I could silence it.

  Molly smiled and I bowed my head.

  “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Molly said. She got up to close the door before sitting again. “I don’t suppose so—I mean, Montana would have told me, right? I’ve only met him just now. I’m sure you know he kind of vanished after he retired from the force.”

  I nodded.

  “I, personally, don’t really know much about him.” Molly continued. “But the guys trust him. They think he’s good people and that’s enough for me. Why?”

  Without thinking, I shrugged.

  “Maverick Forge is very easy on the eyes,” Molly said softly. She was already reading me like a book. “If he’s single and you’re single, why not?”

  I smiled. “I doubt he will ever see me as more than a damsel in distress. The first night I met him I spent the entire night wishing I was stronger. It was no secret that any would Reaper choses would have to be. Now, I’ve met you, riding in here like Wynonna Earp, gun holstered to your thigh, looking as gorgeous as you do and I wish I was you. Or at the very least, like you.”

  “Trust me, honey. You don’t want that at all.” Molly’s shoulders rose and fell. “I had to fight to get to where I am. It hasn’t been easy. I had to prove I could hold my own. I mean, I joined a boy’s club and the moment they see these tits and my ass? They thought it was a feeding frenzy. A couple of times I’ve had to put my foot up a few asses. But with the Brotherhood—I’ve never felt as if I had to prove anything to them. I mean sure, coming in and joining them, I had to prove I could be trusted—they never once questioned my qualifications.”


  “Yeah. And now, I have Kujo and that was no easy task either. I fought for my man. If you want Reaper to be yours, you’re gonna have to do the same. These boys don’t want damsels. They don’t want some little girl who is afraid of breaking a nail. You have to show them you can stay strong at their sides and in their beds.”

  “Ugh—I’m pretty sure Reaper won’t let himself be seduced by a dead woman. Damn it. Listen to me talk like we’ve been friends for years. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said all that—let’s change the subject.”

  Molly laughed softly. “All right. Gimme another one.”

  “Do you think if I asked they’d send someone to look in on Estelle? She’s my best friend and I’ve already flipped her life enough as it is.”

  “That’s why I’m here. Reaper is taking you to get her but if he needs an extra gun.” Molly patted her weapon. “I’m the back up.”

  “You were military too?”


  “Oh!” I said. But my heart suddenly crashed all over again. When she gave me the speech about joining a boy’s club I thought she was a nurse or a medic or something. Molly was bad-ass. A woman had to be in order to make it in that field of work. “Wow.”


  “Nothing. I’m just a little scared, you know?”

  “I know. I get scared too. But, we’re going to figure this out. Besides, Reaper comes highly recommended. If you feel overwhelmed just focus on Reaper. As long as you keep your eyes on him, nothing else matters. He’s the man between you and what may come.”

  “Sounds ominous.”

  Molly rose and walked over to me. She rubbed her palms up and down my arms. “It’ll be okay. You have an entire army on your side. We got this.”

  I nodded and after another hug, we talked about things that wouldn’t break my frayed nerves. By the time Reaper called us down for food, the sun was setting and I couldn’t remember being so exhausted. We sat around, eating and speaking. By the time Molly and I washed up, the plan was set.

  I called Estelle after the dishes were clean.

  “Oh, sweet, baby Jesus, you’re alive!” Estelle cheered. “What is this about your house exploding? Where the hell are you?”

  “It’s a long story. Where are you?”

  “Home. I’ve been trying to go check out the damage at your place but all I know is what is on the news. They won’t let me anywhere near your house. They’ve evacuated the whole street—claiming it was a gas leak.”

  I frowned. “Listen. I want you to lock your doors. Turn out all the lights and pack a small bag. We’re coming to get you.”

  “Star—what the hell?”

  “I’ll explain everything.” I could hear her rushing about her place. “But I need you to listen to me, okay? There was no gas leak. Do not open your door until you see my face? Understand?”


  I hung up and handed the phone to Reaper. Molly was busy checking a gun then handing it back to Reaper. Those things always put me on edge. But there was something out there wanting me dead. In this case, I would make an exception.

  “Ready?” Reaper asked.

  I nodded. But I didn’t feel ready. I wanted to run back upstairs and crawl under the bed. I wanted to build a pillow fort and stay there until all the bad things were over. That was not to be. I had to grow a pair and get a move on. In order to stress the point of getting shit done, I lifted my chin and preceded the both of them out the front door to the SUV.

  After Reaper put Estelle’s address into the GPS, I pulled on my seatbelt and pressed my palms between my knees. I glanced into the rearview from time to time to see Molly was behind. Sometimes a car or two behind us.

  I took peeks at Reaper as Molly’s words filled my head. Could I ever be so brave? Could I shake off the fear of another Roger and just—what? Ask him out?

  “We’re here.”

  “Um—no, the house is up there.”

  “We’re stopping here because we don’t want to draw attention.”

  The dashboard crackled, and Molly’s voice filled the interior. “There’s another entrance to the condo. I’ll pull in there.” She sounded all business.

  “Good. I’ll give you the all clear once we have Estelle,” Reaper said.

  I glanced back to see Molly making the right turn along a side street. If my memory served me right I could have sworn that was a one-way street. Ignoring the worry, I watched as Reaper turned off the ignition and leaned back in his seat. He pulled out a cell and pressed it to his ear.

  “Montana—who’d you send?” Reaper asked. “Let him know I’m here. Thanks.”

  After about a minute, he reached for the door handle. “Let’s go.”

  With a deep breath, I scrambled from the SUV and hurried to catch up to Reaper as he glanced both ways. He reached back for my hand and without thinking, I gave it to him. I jogged to keep up with his long strides and soon we were in the lobby of the elegant building. The elevator arrived quickly and as we stepped in, someone hollered for us to hold the door. When I reached to do it, Reaper took my hand away and hit the button to close the door.

  “We’re trying to limit the amount of people we interact with,” he said.


  I hit the button to would take us to the twentieth floor and sooner than I would have liked, the elevator’s doors were opening again. Reaper stepped out first.


  He took my hand again and we hurried along until we were able to knock on the main door to the suit. It took some time before Estelle opened up but when she did, it was to shove past R
eaper and barrel into me for a hug.

  “Where’s Mare?” I asked.

  “I don’t mean to be an ass,” Reaper said before Estelle could reply. “But can we leave the questions and reunion until we can get you safe?”

  I frowned at him. “Grab your bags.”

  Estelle disappeared into the apartment again and soon returned with a Gucci carry-on bag and her purse. “It’s a good thing Mary is away right now,” Estelle muttered.

  But I wasn’t really paying attention.

  Once more Reaper turned toward the elevator but stopped and pressed a finger to his temple.

  “Damn it!” He growled. “We can’t use the elevator. We have company.”

  “What?” I asked. “How?”

  “They’ve been watching Estelle.” Reaper shoved opened the doors toward the stairs and we scampered down the steps. It was going to be hell on my muscles, but I’d rather be in some pain than dead.

  Taking Estelle’s bag, we bounded down as many flights of stairs as we could before Reaper, eased opened the door on the eighth floor and stuck his head in.

  “Hey!” Someone hollered.

  “Go!” Reaper yelled to us. “Down the stairs!”

  The loud boom of a gunshot followed by the bullet clanging off something on the other side of the door pushed me into action. Estelle screamed but after a bomb, it seemed I was a pro at this. I took her hand and yanked her after me.

  “What’s going on?” Estelle asked.

  “Questions, later!” I barked. “Run, now!”

  Reaper descended backward, pointing his gun upward. When he fired, there was a painful grunt followed by the echo of flesh hitting concrete—hard. I glanced back to see him stopping the man’s roll with a foot. When the man lifted a gun at Reaper, he fired again. I looked away and kept running. I knew that had to be a kill shot. Though I didn’t know why they called him Reaper, I was going to assume it was because he didn’t miss—especially in close quarters.

  Another bullet ricocheted off the rail by my hand and I did scream then. The gun battle continued. Each fire a loud boom as if it in a tunnel. My ears rang painfully but there was no time to stop and pay the pain the attention it deserved. Instead, we struggled down the steps, Reaper between us a few dozen bullets. It crossed my mind that he only had one gun—

  No, it wasn’t time to panic. He was military, he had his job and I had mine—to get Estelle out of there without her getting shot. On the third floor, the door swung opened and Kujo pushed his head out.

  “This way.” He ordered. “Hurry!”

  Estelle hesitated but I pushed her toward Kujo and held the door opened for Reaper. A loud boom echoed through the staircase. Kujo stopped and looked up.

  “And his name that sat on him was death and hell followed him.” Kujo whispered.

  “What?” I called.

  “Come on!” Kujo shouted. “No time to explain.”

  “We’re not leaving him!” I said. “Reaper, hurry up!”

  When he reached me, he wrapped an arm around my hips and drew me onto the corridor with him just as a bullet crazed the door. I shoved my face into his neck to muffle my scream. There was no time to wait, or for me to catch my breath for he was already pushing me down the corridor. As we motored it through the halls then down another set of stairs, I couldn’t help wondering how they were going to explain the gunshots, spent shells and dead bodies in the stairwell.

  “Montana,” Kujo was saying. “We need a cleanup.”

  Well, that answers that.

  We dipped out into the night finally. Reaper herded Estelle and I toward the SUV, while Kujo and Molly headed for their vehicles. I tossed Estelle’s bag into the back seat and climbed in. She dove in from the other side and soon we were peeling from the parking lot.

  None of us spoke until we were back in the freeway, Molly’s truck right behind us and Kujo’s jeep further down.

  “Okay.” Estelle shrieked. “What. The. Actual. Fuck?”

  “Where’s Mary?” I asked again.

  “She’s in Canada for a couple of months with my mother,” Estelle said. “You remember me telling you, right?”

  “Someone is trying to kill me.” I reported.

  “It was bound to happen.” Estelle shrugged. “What I don’t get is why am I being drawn into it?”

  “You’re the only person they know of that would pull Star out in the open.” Reaper explained for I was too shocked at her reply to say anything. “They were trying to get to her, through you.”

  “Who are they?” Estelle asked.

  “We don’t know yet.” I replied. “Right now, we’re just trying to cover all the bases.”

  “So far, they’ve been making creepy calls, following you around, blew up your house and now is trying to kill me because we’re friends. Am I even close?”

  “Pretty much.” I sighed. “I’m so sorry. Out of all the things I thought would happen, this isn’t even in the same damn ballpark.”

  “And who are you, Mr. Tall, Dark and Yummy?” Estelle leaned forward.

  Her flirting with Reaper sent my back up. The thought of Reaper being with her or any other woman, for that matter, infuriated me. To hide my reaction, I turned my gaze out the window.

  “They call me Reaper.” His voice was soft yet hard. “I’m with Nova.”

  “With Nova?” Estelle asked. “You’ve been holding out on me?”

  Before I could speak, Reaper beat me to it.

  “It’s a fairly, new thing.”

  I smiled.

  Nova “Star” Shuman

  While Estelle spoke to her mother in Canada, and the others sat to discuss my demise, I excused myself and climbed the stairs. My body was shaking again, and this time I refused to go into shock.

  Nope. Not gonna happen.

  These people were trying to break me and I will show them I am stronger then they believed. I refused to crack a second time during this mess. I’d rather burn their pathetic lives to the ground then dance around the fucking flames. This was too much and as my nerves turned to fear and fear to raw, pulsing rage, my body shook for an entirely different reason other than shock. I closed the bathroom door, braced my hand on the sink and stared into my reflections eyes.

  “Let them come.” I muttered. “Enough is fucking enough.”

  But even with my pep-talk to myself, I still couldn’t stop the fury surging through me or my hands from shaking. I turned on the tap, ensured the water was running to the right temperature for my body, then reached for a bottle of shampoo. It slipped from my fingers and landed, loudly, in the tub.

  “For fuck’s sakes.”

  My frustration heightened when I tried reaching back to undo the zipper for my top. I thought it was the sexiest blouse a woman could wear since it hugged the body and the zipper sat just right all the way up to the back of my neck where my hair started. But in that moment I wanted to hurl it out a window.

  “Nova?” Reaper’s voice was soft from the other side of the door followed by a knock. “Nova, are you okay?”

  “No.” My honesty left my lips before I could stop it. “I’m not okay.”

  Why stop now?

  “Can I come in?”

  Why the hell not? I was still fully dressed even though the water had been running a while. I sighed. “Sure.”

  The door opened slowly and Reaper stuck his head in. I guess that was his way of making sure I wasn’t buck-naked. He then drew the rest of his massive frame into the room and closed the door behind him.

  “Did you fall?” He asked.

  I shook my head then reached into the tub to grab the wet bottle. “I knocked this over. I’m trembling.”

  He instantly came closer, held my shoulder in one palm and drew up one of my eye lids followed by the next to look in. I knew what he was searching for—any signs I was going to lose it again. It had been a while since anyone showed that intimate of a concern for me, so I allowed it. He backed away when he was satisfied I wasn’t about to keel over

  “Talk to me.”

  “Where do I even start?” I muttered. “All I want to do was steal a little time for myself. Everything has turned to such shit, all I needed was just one second to breathe.”


  “I wanted to wash my hair and shave my legs because even if the world is crumbling around me, I didn’t want to have sasquatch legs!”

  Reaper laughed softly. It was the first time I’d heard that sound from him. For a moment, I just stared at him, watching the way his cheeks tugged up at the corners, loving his perfectly lined and very white teeth—I love the way the corners of his eyes crinkled in his mirth. How could this man get any sexier?

  Was that even possible?

  I blew out a puff of air and reached for my toiletries bag. Molly had hooked a girl up and I couldn’t even use any of what was in it. If I tried shaving anything, I’d nick myself so many times I was liable to bleed to death.

  “Here.” Reaper took the bag from my hands. He set it back on the small vanity and turned his back. “Get undressed and wrap in a towel.”


  “Come on, Sasquatch legs. I don’t have all night.”

  “Ass.” I muttered, irritably. Still, I tried doing as he suggested. “Could you help me with this zipper?”

  I turned my back and waited. Soon, Reaper gathered my long ponytail in one hand and gently eased it over my shoulder. I wished he would kiss the bare flesh that action exposed. But he didn’t. instead, he tugged the zipper down—slowly—until the air in the bathroom brushed against my skin.

  Touch me.

  Just once. Trail your fingertips down my spine. Please?

  But, I kept wants to myself and was happy when he turned away from me again, so I could get undressed. I took a few extra seconds to make sure I wouldn’t have some random towel wardrobe malfunction then held my breath. “I’m done.”

  He turned slightly, looked at me then shifted on his heels to face me completely. “Good.” He sat on the rim of the bathtub and grabbed my bag. “Close the toilet and sit on the seat.”


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