Enacting Revenge

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Enacting Revenge Page 12

by Erin R Flynn

  “Am I mean to you, Hunt? Am I that woman in the song?”

  His eyes flashed shock, and he shook his head. “No, you’re nothing like her. You push further than most with the teasing, but it’s just teasing. That song’s about a woman who enjoys the pain of others because she’s missing her soul, likes the wielding that power. You’re nothing like that. You’re amazing, Soraya, not a monster.”

  “Good boy, Remy,” I praised, brushing my lips over his. I used my magic to undo his pants and straddled his lap. I pushed the skirt out of the way, grabbed his dick, and lowered myself on him, smirking when he let out a deep groan. “Is this what you want, Remy?”

  “Yes, yes it is,” he whispered as his hands moved to my breasts. “I want you, Soraya.”

  “Is this worth the teasing and times I’m mean to you?”

  “Yes, and I love those times too,” he promised, kissing me again. “I don’t know what’s going through your head, but I have not a single complaint. I put the distrust and anger in you. That’s on me. Not you.”

  I nodded, kissing him as I rocked my hips. I pressed my lips to his ear and teased him with dirty thoughts of everyone smelling him on me or leaving the mess when we were done as shifters loved. His hands moved to my ass, and he pulled me onto him faster, praising me and what I did to him in between kisses.

  “It’s rude to lurk,” I told the wolf elder who’d joined us and was leaning against the wall. “I’m a bit busy here, Michael.”

  “I see that,” he chuckled, smiling brightly at me.

  Yeah, he was one of the vultures. He was a deplorable person, and I loathed him. He acted noble, and it was all an act. He was the ultimate martyr, running his mouth that everything he did was for his family, his pack, and people. But really it was the praise. Everything he did was for the pat on the back others would give, the bragging rights he got, and how it gave him a leg up to look down on others.

  But I saw the truth in his aura, and he hated that about me.

  “I never thought you’d get so close with one of my wolves, Soraya,” he said when I let the silence hang. Hunt flinched under me, but I’d foreseen this coming.

  “Why did you stop moving, pet?” I asked Hunt, moaning loudly when he started again. I undid his tie and showed Michael Hunt’s collar. “He’s not yours, Michael. He’s mine.”

  His eyes filled with anger. “For now. That’s just a debt collar.”

  I leaned back and put my hands on Hunt’s knees as I kept moving. “Yes, but you won’t get much out of him when I’ve had my fill of his many attributes. He’s agreed to let me wipe every memory from him to protect me.”

  “That’s a bit extreme, but he’s still a chip to use as James is using young Theo.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not getting him anything but upsetting people that he would use one of his own that way. Theo is a loyal, loyal cat, and I understand and respect that. Hunt will be the same, but he won’t know anything, and our time will be over.”

  Hunt snorted and cleared his throat when we both shot him a look, mine of confusion, his of anger. He addressed Michael’s first, giving him just as angry of a look. “I’m hers, and my loyalty will always be to her. I’m a wolf, and I follow our laws, but let’s not pretend the wolves have always been good to me.” He smirked at Michael. “I’m a cop. I know you would check into me if you thought me a pawn to use for power.

  “Let me be clear that you can’t, even if she takes the collar. I gave my word to protect her, and I will always.” He narrowed his eyes at his elder as he leaned in and licked my lower lip as a sign of submission. “I went to my old Alpha for help when Mina was in trouble. I asked to speak to an elder for help. None was given, and I had to figure it out alone. According to Soraya, all he had to do was pick up the fucking phone and call her.

  “So if you think my being a wolf will make me betray her who did help and make it right, you should not hold your breath and wait for that day, Elder. My Alpha here seems fine, but I also listen to the mayor and wouldn’t betray those who matter for political shit or to hurt someone good. I hope she never takes off the collar and I’ll always be hers. Let me be her pet forever and at her side. I don’t care what I am as long as I’m near her.”

  I stopped moving when he dropped that huge bomb I didn’t know and more. I saw the anger in Michael’s eyes and even worse in his aura, scared for Hunt as he’d just pissed in the cereal of someone powerful for me like few ever had.

  “This will hurt,” I warned, getting Hunt’s attention. He seemed confused but nodded, trusting me. I chanted under my breath and seared the collar into his skin. He bit his lip, but a growl still came out, his fingers digging painfully into my ass. I met Michael’s enraged gaze with a smirk. “He’s mine for good now, Michael, so piss off. And you’re a guest, remember that.”

  He spun on his heel and stormed out of the room.

  Hunt gasped for air as the pain faded, staring into my eyes. Then he mashed his mouth to mine and moved us with such passion and fever I would have fallen off his lap if not for his hands keeping me where he wanted me. We finished together, gasping for air as we stared at each other. I twitched with another small orgasm when he leaned over and sucked on my nipple through the dress, his wolf moving behind his eyes.

  “You protected us from our elder,” he growled, moving to the other nipple. “Why?”

  “Because I know the monster he truly is.” I nodded when his eyes flashed shock. “That’s why there were no pretenses he’s a good guy like he normally acts. I see his aura. I know the truth. He does everything for the glory and the way people praise him. He’s a lazy fuck who makes others do most of it and knows how to play the system.”

  “People paint him as the Santa and a saint of wolves all in one,” he muttered, shaking his head.

  “I didn’t know you went to your Alpha for help,” I whispered, feeling guilty.

  He shrugged. “I was going to tell you when you were ready to hear it instead of only rightfully angry at me.” I reached out and touched his collar, his eyes studying me, and he let out a shaky breath when I nodded. “I’m sorry, Soraya. I’m so, so sorry I chose the wrong side and betrayed you.”

  “I need more time.” I hugged him though when tears filled his eyes. I pressed my lips to his ear, too afraid to see what was in his eyes. “Tell me if you ever don’t want the collar. Promise me that. I can take it back off.”

  “I promise. I swear if I ever want it off I will tell you,” he whispered as he hugged me tighter.

  “You should bite my thigh again. This one’s almost worn off,” I muttered, relieved when he twitched inside of me. “You like that, pet?”

  “Yes, and I even like when you call me pet with your sexy accent,” he admitted, teasing my breasts. “I so want you again and twenty more times, but you should get back to dinner.”

  I nodded, standing and using my magic to clean us up and right our clothes. Then I went and sat on the table, parting the skirt so he saw all of me as I spread my legs for him to bite.

  “Fuck, let me be your pet forever,” he groaned as he hurried over to me. I moaned as he bit me, digging my fingers into the table as pleasure shot through my body.

  “We’ll have some more fun while Colin’s having his last sex,” I promised as I slid off the table. “Maybe you should sneak under the table.”

  “Yes, please,” he whimpered, kissing me again.

  He walked me back to my table, and I shrugged at Brax as I sat down and nodded to the server to load up my plate. I didn’t want to interrupt the performance, and I figured he’d heard from Hunt’s mind what we’d done.

  “Did you have fun?” Cameron teased me in between songs.

  “Always,” I purred, taking a big bite of meat as if it made my point. She and Sangria laughed while the men shook their heads at my antics.

  “Most wouldn’t let their pets bite them,” Cameron pushed, pumping me for information.

  I shrugged. “It makes him go wild. I know his eyes are glue
d to me where he’s standing as he’s counting the moments he can do whatever I allow him to do. Plus, it drives me crazy. It gets warm and then tingles. I should have let shifters bite me more often. It excites the area it’s near.”

  She dropped her fork as well as Bacchus practically spit his drink out at the table.

  “What?” I asked, sharing a glance with Sangria who only shrugged.

  “You help so many shifters sometimes I forget you aren’t actually one of us who doesn’t understand all our nuances,” Cameron apologized as she picked up her fork again. “That doesn’t happen for everyone, Soraya. If your pet bit me, I wouldn’t feel that.”

  I swallowed my next bite loudly. “When do you feel that?”

  “When a shifter’s animal has accepted someone as their mate,” Brax answered, not sounding all that thrilled. “They can make their own special erogenous zone. It’s like his animal is courting you as well.”

  “And my enjoyment of it?”

  “Means you’ve bonded. Not mate bonded, but there’s a bond there between you and Hunt and you and his wolf.”

  I bobbed my head and glanced over at Hunt as the performer jumped into his next song. I couldn’t see his eyes in the lighting, but given what I was seeing in his aura, I was pretty sure he’d heard us and he liked what he’d heard.

  Shit. I might really be in trouble.


  I took a break from the party after dinner, heading out to the terrace to get some air. Raising an eyebrow when I saw an angel standing out in the distance, I couldn’t ignore his presence. “Will I have one of you trailing after me all the time now that he claimed I’m his intended? That will really cramp my style, as I go places and do things angels would not approve of.”

  He moved closer, smiling widely at me. “Not always. Just for now. There’s a very loud response to what others learned and how you handled the elders. You understandably have a lot on your mind, and until things calm down and you’re not so distracted, Brax asked one of us to watch over you.”

  “It’s sweet but creepy since he didn’t tell me,” I drawled, feeling him and Hunt join us.

  “I was going to, but you keep chugging wine and booze, so I figured I’d wait until you were settled with what happened,” Brax defended. “I did tell Tommy, and he was glad because there are a lot of balls in the air and your safety is most important.”

  I nodded, feeling better he’d cleared it with Tommy at least so it wouldn’t cause a conflict.

  “What is the big deal that you’re a Warloc?” Hunt asked gently as he moved over to me. “I get it. You’re an elder’s daughter. The biggest one. So what? You’re already an elder, and you did it completely on your own.”

  “Enchanters don’t recognize female elders. You didn’t see any but men, right?”

  He shrugged. “The other elders recognize you. Who cares? They’re all gone now.”

  I accepted the glass of wine he brought, sighing as I realized I’d have to tell him, but Brax actually took the question.

  “There is a reason ‘Warloc’ translates as ‘devil’ or ‘outcast’ in certain tongues,” he explained as I sat on the stone ledge and stared out at the stars. “Her distant ancestors were the first with any magic. You are a shifter, but it is more than blood that makes you change into a wolf. There is magic to you. A Warloc did that. They did it all. The world was without any magic or supernatural anything until her ancestor made a deal with Hades for the power.”

  I shot him a nasty look. “If you’re going to be an asshole, don’t answer questions for me then.”

  He frowned, glancing to his sibling before looking at me again. “How did I do that?”

  I backed down when I saw the confusion in his aura. “Fine, you only know what you’re told, but that is not what happened. That is what many others have postulated, and most of it stems from jealousy, as you have to have seen over your many years how jealousy leads to oppressing and tearing down others. It’s why enchanters are looked down upon by other supes and even humans—we have the most power.”

  “Yes, but that is how it happened,” the other angel defended.

  “Were you there?” I snapped, sipping my wine and chilling a bit when he shook his head. “That is not the truth. The true story is a male ancestor of mine, way back when, did not make a deal with Hades but Mother Earth. It was the early time of man, and he wanted more than only what nature provided. No longer were caves enough to live in, as they didn’t offer much protection besides from some weather.

  “And man wanted more. Sad and upset that she’d failed in her task to tend to the inhabitants of her world, she took corporeal form so she might understand what she had done wrong. After much searching and learning, she found nothing but greed. Until she stumbled upon a man who was thanking her for the tree he would cut down to build his home, promising to plant another in its place.

  “She was touched by the man and his good heart. When she showed herself to him, he immediately offered her food and drink, shelter as a storm was coming. In this man she found what she was looking for. Hope. She had hope for man again, understanding it was not her failing but man’s evolving as other species did. As she ate what he offered, she devised a plan for how to help and evolve in her role to aid her inhabitants.

  “Later when the night came and the storm settled, she offered him a great gift. A gift no one had ever received and she thought only he deserved. She would give herself to him and bestow many blessings on him so he may be her champion and aid man in their evolution. Honored and in awe that the woman he’d helped was Mother Earth, he gratefully accepted what she offered.

  “She shared his bed that night and many nights after that, always giving him power to help those and tap into her vast energy and wonders no human could ever fully understand. Which was what she came to see after their continued collaborations. Instead, she gave herself more than a corporeal form but a womb, and together they birthed a child, the first enchanter, the most powerful enchanter, as he was the son of Mother Earth.

  “And from there, with the wise teachings of his mother who was everything and his father who was a mere human and had much insight of his own to keep their ideas on the right path, the child did wonderous things. He bespelled some humans with the strength of wolves, the cunningness and caring hearts only a wolf could have. And thus, wolf shifters were born. There are tales for all the species, but they all came from my ancestor.”

  “That’s a bit…” Brax trailed off and looked at his sibling.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “And making a deal with Hades is so believable? Really? At least mine explains how everyone else came to be too.” I held up my hand to ward off what he might say next. “It’s not rewriting history. It’s what happened. If our powers were stemmed in evil, how come we have backlashes when we use them for evil?”

  “I don’t understand,” Brax admitted.

  “I do,” Hunt murmured, studying me closely. “That’s why your power lashes out at you when you change memories or like you stopped time to save Helen.”

  “Yes, our power is rooted from Mother Earth, and when we do anything that goes against nature like messing with time, our power punishes us. I might have done it for the very best reason, and I would do it again or a hundred times to save Helen, but it punishes me, as I went against what is ‘good’ and ‘natural.’”

  “Okay, no offense to angels, and please don’t smite me, but I’m buying her story,” Hunt said to them. “I mean, for real. She’s even got proof of how it worked out and like logic. Your side sounds like the powers upstairs got pissed that a human went around him/them for immense power and then created more than just humans. Yeah, fine, ‘Warloc’ translates however, but people use words as they want, like they call us abominations.”

  “You just want sex during Colin’s orgy,” I teased him, much to his amusement.

  “I’m going to go load plates of desserts for you and set them at your table along with more wine,” he murmured as he squatted
down and ran his fingers over his bite that was visible with all the slits. “And then I’m going to get under the table and have all the dessert you allow me while you eat all the nummies you want. Later, I’m going to carry you off to bed and wear you out so you do nothing but sleep tonight.”

  “You’re getting bold now that you have a permanent collar, pet,” I teased, giving him a smoldering look over the rim of my glass. “A bit presumptuous, aren’t you?”

  “I can smell that I just made you wet, Soraya, so no. I think I’m right on the money and know how to spoil you since I can’t give you extinct flowers and seeds.”

  I frowned, into it before that. “It’s not a competition, and I’m not a toy to fight over.”

  He stood when I did and slid his arms around me. “That’s not what I meant at all. I was saying I treasure you too. We’re not fighting over you.”

  “He’s right, we’ve shown we want to share,” Brax murmured as he moved behind me so I was sandwiched between them. “And I’d love to help wear you out some too. In front of the fire?” He chuckled when I shivered. “We’ll tire you out, Soraya, and then tomorrow it will be nothing but sun and fun and too many drinks and lots of good food. A day off for all of us.”

  So that was what we did.

  Colin had a dozen women volunteer, several vampires who wanted to bite him during because blood from an elder would be powerful. Good trade off, and he was going to lose his blood anyways, but the women probably wouldn’t have gotten any.

  I wasn’t the only one who misbehaved at their table.

  Hunt gave me a heated look when Sangria moved to sit next to me and enjoy Hunt’s technique. To his ultimate shock, I offered her a turn when I needed a break.

  “Truly?” she asked, nodding when I assured her it was fine. “Well, pup, do you want to taste elder elf pussy and turn on your master?”


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