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The Hill of the Ravens

Page 23

by H. A. Covington

  “No, we’re not here after Ted, whoever he is. Why, what did he do?” asked Nel.

  “He and two other boys, whom to give him due credit he honorably declines to name but whose identities I know quite well, got drunk and played a very stupid practical joke,” said Rogers in exasperation. “There’s a large formal photograph of President Morgan in the main foyer, which you may have seen as you came in. That’s new. We had to replace the old one. Ted and the others brought beer into the locker room and consumed it after football practice. Rather a lot of it. They subsequently went into the art room, got scissors and cut up a watercolor done by one of our more talented Christian students. Then they went into the foyer, took down the photo of the State President and mutilated it most shockingly. They cut out his head and replaced it with the head of Satan from the student’s painting. The girl is very upset. It’s true Ted’s family are Old Believers, but the other two are Christians. I am sure there was no religious message or incitement intended,” Rogers hurried to assure them. “It was just a drunken prank.”

  “How long before anyone noticed?” asked Redmond, trying to suppress a grin.

  “Three days,” admitted Rogers shamefacedly.

  “If you don’t mind a suggestion, read those guys the riot act and make them apologize to the girl whose property they destroyed, then give them extra work or detention or whatever, but don’t gut your football team and don’t worry about any religious or political issues,” said Redmond. “It’s not that big a deal, and no one wants to

  make it one. Teenaged kids kick up the traces sometimes. This isn’t the United States any more, thank God, and we don’t lock up children for political incorrectness. Take my word for it, Corby Morgan is big enough not to take offense at some drunk kid taking the mock, and it isn’t the first time he’s been compared to the Devil. And you might remind those young men what happened to kids their age forty years ago who dared to make jokes at the expense of politically protected minorities.” He thought of seventeen year-old Trudy Greiner thrown into living hell by the Americans for daring to make fun of a sacred perversion. After what they did to her, how could she take any amount of money from them? Redmond wondered, not for the first time. It just doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t jibe with everything we know of her character. “We want to speak to one of your teachers, Lars Frierson. He’s not in any trouble, we just need some background from him. A case has come up that involves some rather shady goings-on during the War of Independence, and he remembers some of the people and events in question.”

  “Lars is our History and Moral Philosophy teacher,” Rogers told them. “To be frank, he’s the best I have ever seen. Who better than an Olympic Flying Column veteran to instruct our children in the foundations of our state and our society? We’re very proud to have him. His sixth period class is just starting, I believe. That’s our prize senior group, every one of them on track for eventual Alpha citizenship, or else I’m very much mistaken.”

  “Presuming they pass Mr. Frierson’s course and he checks them off as having the basic understanding of moral principles necessary to assume the duties of citizenship in the Republic,” Nel reminded him.

  “Yes, that’s true. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you sat in.” They entered Frierson’s classroom on the second floor quietly,

  the principal with them. Frierson looked up from his blackboard, caught the principal’s thumbs-up, nodded to the two newcomers, then without a second glance went on with his class. He was a lean and hard old man, hatchet-faced, and a curved white moustache that was not quite a handlebar framed his upper lip. Unlike all the rest of his students who were dressed in neat linen shirts and blouses and all wearing ties, including the girls, Frierson wore a dark blue turtleneck sweater and a tweedy jacket with leather patches on the elbows.

  “1970 meets 1910,” whispered Redmond to Nel. “This twentieth century fashion revival business can get weird.”

  “Would you rather have them all naked, like in the United States?” whispered Nel back. “How silly can those people get, I wonder? Even after all that has happened in the last century, is there no limit to how insane they can become or how low they can sink?”

  “None whatsoever,” replied Redmond. “Oh, excellent! This must be some of the NS part of the course!” On the board Lars Frierson had written: TEN PRINCIPLES OF NATIONAL SOCIALIST THOUGHT. Frierson touched a button and the Ten Principles appeared on a large screen above the blackboard:

  I. BE HONEST. A National Socialist faces a fact whether he likes it or not. Dishonesty is the mark of the enemy. National Socialism above all represents living truth in its purest form.

  II. BELIEVE IN GOD AND YOURSELF. The God of Destiny subjects only His strongest mortals to enormous tasks which would crush lesser men. God wills only the best to fulfill the highest task of life: to perfect mankind. Give yourself utterly unto Destiny, and God will shield you in your fight. God helps only those who help themselves. We will lose only if we lay down our arms due to our weakness and cowardice. There is only one true disgrace: submission to the enemies of our race.

  III. BE FAITHFUL TO YOUR RACE. No one must be allowed to spoil what Nature created down through aeons of racial evolution. Your highest purpose in life is to carry on that evolution toward a stronger, better, more beautiful mankind. The purity and strengthening of the Aryan race is the basic requirement of every future higher evolution.

  IV. FIGHT FOR YOUR RACE. Fight for the holy ideals of National Socialism, the heart of your great race. Only in this struggle can you prove your true worth as a man or a woman. Only thus can you fulfill your potential for courage, dedication, and ennobling self-

  sacrifice. Life’s struggle for survival brought Man upwards from the apelike beings of the distant past to the height of Aryan culture and achievement. The Party’s struggle will produce the revolutionary elite who will lead the National Socialist ideal to victory.

  V. YOU ARE A SUPERIOR INDIVIDUAL. You will be outnumbered in this struggle, because the best are always a minority. History-making decisions have never been the work of formless masses, but always victories by active and dedicated minorities. You are both the servant and the spokesperson for your race. Make sure you set an example worthy to be followed in your person and your life.

  VI. LOVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. You owe your existence to your racial family; let your love of them be your overriding passion in life. Do not fear the Undermen, the racially inferior, and do not persecute them. You are their superior, but you are not their owner. When the time comes to fight them, do not lose your senses through counterproductive hatred. Detach yourself, clear your mind, and destroy them completely, methodically, clinically, as if in a surgical operation. Nothing is more pointless than wasting time hating mud people; it detracts from the positive love of your own.

  VII. IMPROVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. All Aryan men and women are your brothers and sisters, although not all are equally intelligent or courageous. It is up to you to inform them, to encourage them, and to instill their hearts with courage. Some of your kinsfolk have been misled and made ugly by the Judaic evil which is corrupting our racial soul. You must not hate them on that account, but rather strive to bring them back to their racial family.

  VIII. REJECT THE DECADENCE. Decadence is anything which detracts either physically or spiritually from the health and the upward development of our Aryan race. You must hold your racial and spiritual purity above your very life, and not associate with anything which is decadent or which gives your life the appearance of decadence. Every aspect of life must be judged in relation to the survival and improvement of your race; anything hindering these attainments must be ruthlessly rooted out and destroyed.

  IX. THE BEST MUST RULE. All great achievements on earth are the product of great leadership, political or scientific or artistic. The racial community can gain strength only by applying the Leadership Principle and placing in front the men and women who have demonstrated superior ability, dedication, and tenacity
in the racial struggle. Democracy is a sickness that leads inevitably to chaos, corruption, and the collapse of society. From democracy steps forth the cruelest of tyrants.

  X. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Where there is a will, there is a way. Everything falls before the man of indomitable will. Suffering and sacrifice are necessary. We are hardening ourselves for the most decisive struggle in all of human history. Victory will fall only to the most truthful, the most fanatical, the strongest, the bravest, and the best. Be that.

  “Right let’s see if any of you read your homework assignments,” Frierson said to his class, turning around. “Who wrote the Ten Principles? Mister Walker?”

  “Uh, no one knows for sure, sir,” said one of the teenaged boys. “They have been attributed to Commander Rockwell, but they’re not really in his writing style. Some say the Old Man wrote them but he always denied it, said he just found them in his mail one day back in the 1990s sometime. They’ve also been attributed to David Myatt, Colin Jordan, and some others, but no one has ever been able to prove authorship one way or the other.”

  “True,” rapped Frierson. “Aside from the Cotswolds Declaration of 1962, the Ten Principles are considered to the best short exposition of the National Socialist world view yet formulated. What we are concerned with in this course is not their history, but whether or not you understand these principles, as well as the others that have been taught to you in this classroom and elsewhere, all throughout your lives. Not necessarily agree with them, but understand them sufficiently to be able to take on the duties of responsible citizenship.”

  “What’s not to understand?” asked another boy. “These things seem pretty straightforward to me.”

  “Yes, Mr. Malone, they are straightforward enough,” agreed Frierson. “But the truth and the power of these principles lies not in their straightforwardness, but in their depth. There is more to them than meets the eye, although it is sometimes difficult for your generation to understand why that is. You young ladies and gentlemen have had the unparalleled good fortune to grow up in a sane, stable, and racially homogenous society. You can read in books and hear from old codgers like me what life was like before the revolution, when this country was part of the American empire. You can read and you can hear our stories, but you cannot know. You cannot imagine what it is like to live, or rather to try to exist, in a world consisting in its entirety of lies. A world of unspeakably vile sexual perversions which by law I am not even allowed to describe to you, even had I any desire to do so, which I do not. A kleptocracy, quite literally rule by criminals, some of whom were so bad and so blatant they were even indicted under the Americans’ own laws. A world based on no foundation other than sheer greed, wallowing in the most gross and despicable material gluttony. A wasteland of spiritual emptiness, moral corruption and cultural pollution. An entire society that was based on a bizarre and grotesque moral inversion: the utterly ridiculous and thoroughly evil idea that all humanoid creatures are in some manner equal.”

  “Sir, I’ve never gotten that,” asked one of the girls curiously. “How could anyone even pretend to believe something that silly? It’s like claiming the sun rises in the west, something that just obviously isn’t true. All men and women are not equal. Some are smarter, some are faster, some are stronger, some are more spiritual, some have

  more sense of humor, some can wiggle their ears…and when you look at the history of civilization, you see the same thing in the races of mankind and what they created, or didn’t create. Europe conquered Africa, not the other way around. Was that supposed to be accidental? I just can’t see how the American ruling élite, even as stupid and corrupt as they were, could ever deny the clear truth about race.”

  “They denied it because it was in their economic and political interest to do so, Miss Corelli,” said Frierson. “The answer lies in the essential Judaic world view which rules most of the world today, but which up until forty years ago ruled all of it: materialism. Or secular humanism if you want to get fancy about it. If you are of the Christian faith, as many of you are, you would define it as the ancient struggle as to who shall rule the human soul and determine the destiny of humanity: man himself, or God. If you are a National Socialist, you would hold that Man is a part of Nature, while the American way teaches that he exists apart from it and above it and therefore is immune to Nature’s laws. Materialism, ladies and gentleman. The world view of man as an economic animal rather than as a spiritual being with a soul. We went over this a couple of weeks ago, but I know the application here can be a bit obscure. Let us refresh our memories a bit. What are the two great philosophical and geopolitical manifestations of Judaic materialism? Mr. Korisov?”

  “Capitalism and communism!” said a young Russian boy, his

  English good but accented.

  “That is correct. And what is the dialectic basis of both these materialistic philosophies?” continued Frierson, striding up and down the aisles holding his yardstick like a sergeant major’s baton. “Miss Strydom?”

  “Both communism and capitalism are based on the presumption that man is not a spiritual being, but an economic unit of production and consumption,” recited the Afrikaner girl from memory.

  “Precisely. They teach that every individual man and woman has, in the final analysis, only an economic existence. It therefore follows that there can be no right and wrong, only the economically profitable and the economically unsound. To both monopoly capitalism and Marxist socialism in all its variegations, man as an individual is anathema. He is a component in a great machine to be

  fueled and worked until worn out and then thrown away and replaced, preferably replaced with a cheaper and more durable unit with a brown skin. The only significant difference between these two philosophies is which clique gets the profit of mankind’s labor, the privately owned multinational corporations, or the corporate and bureaucratic state? The ‘friends of the captain’ or the ‘friends of the crew’ as Commander Rockwell put it. Towards the end of the last century, there were virtually no meaningful differences between allegedly communist and capitalist societies anywhere in the world except in levels of efficiency. Granted, in most capitalist societies ordinary people did enjoy a somewhat higher standard of living, although in the present era even that has leveled out as the United States and most of Europe have become part of the Third World racially, economically, and culturally. But getting back to the question of how the American ruling élite could propagate an idea so clearly wrong-headed and pernicious as racial equality, remember that in the context of the times it was in their interest to do so. Leaving aside the spiritual element for a moment, what was the economic rationale behind the American imperial establishment importing millions of Third World immigrants into North America during the last half of the twentieth century? Mr. Spears, we haven’t heard from your diabolical wit today.” There was a ripple of laughter throughout the classroom. “No doubt you can give us some fiendishly clever answer to that question.”

  “Cheap labor, sir,” replied a blond young man stiffly, apparently unappreciative of the reference to his drunken prank with the Devil’s head cut-out. “The same reason they used feminism to pour millions of women into the workforce beginning in the 1960s. To create a vast pool of cheap labor for capitalism that would keep wages down and be much more easily manipulated than the traditional white male blue-collar working class. There were also social engineering and cultural objectives as part of the larger Judæo-liberal agenda, involving the planned phasing out of the traditional family unit based on Christian values, and its replacement by sexually perverse and non-white substitutes that would be more brittle, less cohesive, and have less resistance to exploitation. The ultimate objective was to create a uniformly materialistic world based on the accumulation of the most massive profits possible, through the

  amalgamation of all the races of mankind into one brown-skinned, raceless, cultureless mass that would have no religious or cultural heritage at all and would respond to whatever the
Judæo-liberal ruling élite programmed into them.”

  “Correct, Mr. Spears,” said Frierson. “I am grateful that you have found the time to fit reading your homework assignment into your recent career of drunken japery. Now, having read it in the textbook, do you know what it means?”

  “I think I do, sir,” said young Spears. “It means ZOG wanted to turn the whole world into an ant farm. They still do.”

  “Not entirely an original thought, but succinct and correct,” agreed Spears. “You definitely grasp the concept. ZOG’s master plan, a plan built up through almost two centuries of social and political consensus among the ruling classes of the Western world, was and is to create a whole Brave New World, as it was called.”

  “New World Order!” called out one of the kids.

  “Yes, it was also sometimes called the New World Order,” conceded Frierson. “We’ll get into this in somewhat more depth when we cover the Illuminati and Nesta Webster’s work. It is a vision on the part of the Anglo-Zionist ruling class that has very seldom been explicitly articulated, except sometimes almost by accident. Every now and then, the bastards let the mask slip. If any of you should ever get a chance to see an old movie entitled Soylent Green, I heartily recommend it. It is a largely forgotten and highly underrated classic that is sometimes shown on late night television these days. Made around 1973, I think. If you ever want to get a glimpse of what the revolution saved you and your descendants from, catch this flick. Soylent Green portrays the nightmare world that the unholy alliance of Zionism, capitalism, and liberalism sought to create. It was to be a world where a small little group of fantastically wealthy people live in unimaginable luxury. They would rule over a polluted and decayed planet consisting of billions of brown wage slaves, almost insect-like in their mindless conformity, existing in the very conditions of squalor and poverty which exist today in most places outside the Republic. Worker ants who would never revolt, because they didn’t know anything better. Conditions in the United States haven’t quite reached the soylent green level, but they’re getting there. The mud-colored helots of America have no religion except things like the


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