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King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2)

Page 33

by Scarlett Dawn

  * * *

  “I don’t like other men touching you!”

  Each word was punctuated by Dorian driving his cock into my pussy, slapping hard against me. His fingers drove into my hips, pulling me back against him at the same time, with a punishing force.

  “Kimber!” He snapped my name and slapped my ass.

  All that did was make me moan louder and try to get away from him.

  Kind of.

  I only played hard to get. His ownership of my body was a turn on, and his possession of me was exquisite.

  I would be setting limits, though.


  When we walked into the apartment after breakfast, I didn’t have time to register what was going on before my clothes were in rags on the floor. Dorian had shoved me to all fours just inside the parlor and had drove his erection into me.

  I was going to have some serious rug burn on my knees and elbows.

  “Does it piss you off that Vitas and I are friends?” I managed to eke out the words.

  “Friends don’t need to touch.”

  “If it gets me this, I can’t wait to see wha--ahhhh--t happens when I drape myself—oohhh—n him.”

  The door to the apartment opened, and I heard two sets of feet walk in.

  “Dorian, stop, please,” I gasped. I didn’t want to be found in a compromising position.

  And I was really, really compromised at the moment.

  “No.” He bit the word out.

  Someone else echoed the sentiment from the parlor door. “No, don’t stop.”


  The twins were back.

  “Oh, thank the sweet savior.” Rilen’s voice echoed through the room.

  “Couldn’t you give her a pillow?” Roran asked.

  “We spent a lot of time moisturizing that skin,” Rilen added.

  There was a pillow next to my head in a moment, and I found Roran kneeling there. Rilen appeared and helped me lift my upper body on to the pillow.

  They both backed off, and I wanted to yell for them to come back.

  However, they didn’t go far. They sat on the couch, folded their legs, and watched as Dorian took me from behind on the floor.

  “This is nice,” Roran hummed appreciatively.

  “Oh, yes it is,” Rilen nodded.

  This felt dirty, again, to have them watching Dorian fuck me from behind.

  I was starting to like this debauched feeling they all gave me.

  Dorian leaned forward and covered me with his huge body. One hand slipped under me and found my clit instantly. His finger danced around it and then pinched it.

  I screamed and came hard, one leg completely giving out. The only reason Dorian didn’t slip out of me was because of the hand on my pussy.

  A moment later, I felt him come and felt him fill me in several hard pumps of his hips. Slowing as he finished, he let my channel ripple around him, pulling him deep.

  Rilen and Roran clapped as soon as it was clear we were both done.

  I dropped my forehead to the pillow, trying to catch my breath. Instead of being embarrassed by their applause, I managed a rude gesture at the two of them. Roran laughed.

  “Welcome back,” Dorian breathed and slowly withdrew from me.

  “And what a welcome it was.” Rilen was next to me again and helped me to lean back and eventually stand.

  Turning, I found Roran and Dorian engaged in a torrid kiss, their tongues dueling as Roran’s hand ran up and down Dorian’s backside.

  That was hot.

  “You like that?” Rilen watched me watching them.

  “Oh, yes,” I breathed.

  “Good. Because we both like to fuck Dorian, and he likes to fuck us. And now with you here… Mm. So much power can flow between us.” Rilen’s hand found my breast. “So much sex. Lust.”

  “We’ve been plotting ways to get Dorian to join us,” Roran said, his hand now stroking the pecs I very much enjoyed nibbling on.

  “No plotting necessary,” I said. “Just a hot, sweaty sword session.”

  Dorian’s almost-relaxed shaft twitched and started to fill with his hot blood at my teasing. Roran smiled and took him in hand.

  “Oh, he’s still slick with her cream,” he hissed.

  “Bedroom,” I said. “Bedroom. Please. You’ve already got your work cut out for you with the moisturizer on me.”

  Rilen swept me up off my feet and headed for the massive bed.

  I understood why it was so large now.

  Rilen placed me on the edge and stood back.

  Just in time for me to see Roran guide Dorian to the mattress as well and slide to his knees. His hand was around Dorian’s new erection, and I watched as Roran licked the dark, purpling head that had been driving into me just a few minutes before.

  A body slipped in behind me, and I found myself pulled back on to the bed a bit. I was pressed against Rilen’s chest, and his shaft rose hard and ready between us.

  But he didn’t do anything except wrap his arms around me and fondle my breasts reverently. His words were soft against my ear.

  “All three of us enjoy sex with both male and female. And I will not keep secrets from you. We have shared a woman or two through the years.

  “Roran, though, favors Dorian’s cock. He likes to suck it and ride it. Often. I, on the other hand, am happy to take and be taken—you’ll often find me being ridden. Now though, with you here, we will have to experiment and find some new dynamics.”

  Dorian sat with his legs wide and his head thrown back. Watching Roran slide his mouth over Dorian was arousing in ways I couldn’t name.

  As we watched, one of Rilen’s hands slid down my stomach, over a thigh, and to my vulva. He covered it with his palm at first, and as Roran rose and fell over Dorian’s shaft, Rilen’s finger slipped in and out of my channel. Just a little in and a little back out.

  The sounds his hand made as he did so were indecent. It only made me wetter.

  “We all want to take you,” Rilen said.

  I glanced back at him. “You can all have me.”

  His finger rimmed my entrance. “You know that means we will take everything.”

  I smiled, slowly. “I’ve been waiting for that.”

  Turning back to Roran and Dorian, they were watching us now, watching Rilen’s fingers slipping lightly in and out of me.

  Dorian grinned. “Rilen, would you like to do the honors?”

  “Do you want me in your ass, ilati?”

  My sex clenched, and I let out a groan.

  I wanted them. All of them. At the same time.

  Rilen chuckled and scooted back on the bed. He patted the spot next to him. “Come here, Kimber. Lay down face first.”

  I was eager, oh so eager, for this.

  Just a moment after I was comfortable, I felt a cool, oddly slick finger trailing between the globes. I looked up at Rilen.

  “Your body will not accept me until we’ve made room for me. Remember how I taught you to clean?”

  “Oh. Yes.” He had, and I’d had a massive orgasm.

  I had one every time I did it.

  “Good girl. This is to make sure we don’t hurt you when we slide inside.”

  A cold finger breached my anus, and I yelped. My sex was delighted, and my thighs were slick with my cream. Rilen’s face was lit in delight.

  “Oh, you’re so tight, ilati. This is going to be amazing.”

  I felt myself floating as he worked to prepare me.

  One slow finger.

  Then another.

  I gasped for air. My body was winding so tight.

  A third.

  The low, slow climax shuddered through me, and I felt like I could cry from the pleasure. I wanted this so much. I was a slave to my own desire.

  “You’re ready, Kimber.” It was Roran’s voice in my ear and his hand that tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

  Lying down next to me, I slipped my body over his. I was mostly delirious and hot.

/>   Kissing me softly, Roran ran his hands down my sides, and gripped one cheek in each hand, holding me wide for his brother.

  Rilen’s blunt head pushed against my opening and I tensed.

  Roran distracted me by capturing my mouth with his, nibbling on my lips, sucking on my tongue.

  Dorian appeared next to us, stroking my back.

  I felt Rilen breach me, and a groan of pleasure and pain escaped me. Roran was there to capture it, and between him and Dorian, it was just a quick moment, and Rilen was able to continue to fill me.

  “Oh, gods!” I shuddered, and he was suddenly fully inside.

  Before I could register what had happened, Roran shifted me a bit and shoved himself into my slick sex.

  I came. With no preamble, no movement, I screamed my release into the room.

  So full. So wonderfully full with my twins inside me.

  My eyes wouldn’t open all the way, but I tried to look up at Dorian to ask what he wanted.

  I didn’t have to ask.

  Kneeling with one leg on either side of Roran, he had fisted his erection and was slowly pumping himself. He saw I was looking for him and moved so I could take him in my mouth.

  He still tasted of me.

  That was my last coherent thought.

  The sensation of possession from Rilen and Roren knocked all sense out of me. And then they moved. They rocked. They pressed and pulled in opposite rhythm, and before a moment had passed, I had yet another orgasm.

  Dorian held my chin, carefully, as he moved his cock in and out of my mouth. I sucked and licked when I had a moment of clarity between the long seconds of sheer bliss the twins were giving me.

  I caught sight of Roran teasing the heavy sac over his face with his lips and tongue.

  I moaned. I didn’t know how to survive this.

  “We’re going to go faster now, Kimber.” Rilen’s hands were on my hips.

  I made an incoherent sound around Dorian’s erection.

  “Oh, ilati,” Dorian breathed. “The view of my mates taking you both ways… How I wish you could see how erotic this is. You would have come a dozen times by now.”

  The sounds in the room started to turn into a buzz as the twins moved faster. I was being pushed toward the cliff of the biggest orgasm in my life, and I didn’t know if I would survive.

  The little death, it was called.

  There was nothing little about the death that these three were causing me.

  “Let us take care of you,” Roran said. “I want to watch Dorian come in your mouth.”



  I wanted this.

  I wanted these men to always be able to do this to me.

  To my body.

  To my mouth, my pussy, my ass.

  In whatever order they desired.

  The power they gave me was undeniable.

  The pleasures were all perfect, filthy, sexy.

  I watched as an indigo haze surrounded us, drifting away, joining the magic in the room.

  It flowed and twisted away, but multiplied as it did. It spread, forcefully though not violently, through every bit of magic that headed for the Spine.

  The room shook.

  Another tremor. The last tremor.

  I didn’t allow it. I reached out with all the power I could muster: my own, and the mates’ who were currently sharing my body, and pulled it to a stop instantly.

  “Oh, ilati…” Rilen whispered in my ear. “I had no idea your magic was so beautiful and so deadly. Brother, reward her. Make her come.”

  Roran slipped his hands behind my knees and pulled my legs up, and open, exposing me to every movement of the bodies around me and the air in between.

  That was the end of me.

  I screamed through the climax, my body diving into an orgasm like nothing I had ever imagined. I came hard, clamping down on their dicks, holding their erections hostage inside me.

  Roran came first, his cum racing up his twitching shaft into me, coating me as he roared with me.

  Rilen was next, and he sent me spiraling again. I had never felt anything like his hot seed bathing my insides, and the sheer pleasure and tinge of the forbidden was a dirty piece of heaven.

  Watching them while twirling my tongue over his shaft, Dorian was the last to come.

  The taste of him slipped over my tongue, and I swallowed out of instinct. He tasted musky, salty, a bit sweet and all male—and if I hadn’t been already bound up in the throes of a mind-bending orgasm, I would have come from that as well.

  * * *

  I was surrounded by male.

  Unsure if I passed out or fell asleep, I looked around.

  Rilen was curled behind me, Roran was curled into me, and Dorian was behind Roran, his hand draped over his waist and touching my back.

  Mother of S’Kir.

  I’d just had sex with three men at the same time.

  I loved it.

  It was quiet in the room, and I just let my exhausted body lay still while my mind drifted quietly.

  Ba-boom. Ba-boom.

  Ba-boom. Ba-boom.

  I let out a breath slowly. Did I imagine that?


  I didn’t think I was.

  All of a sudden, I didn’t want to imagine it.

  I needed it to be real.


  All four of our hearts were in perfect sync.

  Soul mates.

  Chapter Thirty

  ~ Kimber ~


  I sat up in bed, confused.

  Several hours, and several more orgasms later, we had all bathed and decided to eat.

  After dinner, still exhausted and now stuffed with food, we climbed back into bed.

  Being completely unable to keep our hands or dicks to ourselves, there was at least one more climax each before we finally drifted off.


  It was well past midnight, probably not long from dawn, and the word battered against my brain. I climbed out from under Rilen’s arm and found a robe.

  No idea whose it actually was, but it worked.

  Feeling almost ghostly, I drifted to the balcony. In the far east, the first hints of sunrise were just starting to grace the night.


  It sounded almost like chanting, the word repeating against my mind.

  I studied the landscape ahead of me. Darkness dotted by a few lamps and lanterns in windows. Street lamps were glowing in the public squares, and I could see a few people hurrying home or to their jobs down the streets.

  I looked at the Spine.

  It thrummed, seeming almost to bulge.


  I grabbed hold of the railing and was barely able to keep from vomiting. The whole world seemed distant to me, and I wanted to go back inside and pretend I didn’t understand.


  I turned, and all three of my men were standing there. Roran had posed the question.

  I took a deep breath. “The tremor last night was the last of them. There’s another one coming, and it’s time to break the Spine.”

  With a nod, Dorian sent the twins running back into the rooms. He stepped forward and took my elbow to pull me back into the living room.

  “The twins will go with you. I’ll stay behind to control the chaos with the rest of the temple.”

  “I want you with me, too.”

  “Don’t be stupid, Kimber. I shouldn’t even give you them. S’Kir is about to fall into chaos.”

  “Dorian, I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “You’ve trusted the magic this far. Just keep going. These idiots are going to need all the help they can get.”

  I tilted my head. “Is that how you feel about the people of S’Kir.”

  He grinned. “No, that’s how I feel about part of the council. Two arrogant assholes in particular, who need to be knocked down several notches. I have to trail them.”

  “Why not let them screw up?”

sp; “Because you can’t disrobe a member of the dais, Kimber. You can only resign or die to be removed. You know they won’t step down. Letting them die is more work than it’s worth.”

  I laughed. “I was wondering if you were still a bastard after getting me in bed.”

  “Of course, I am. I’ve been a bastard all my life. Just because I fucked you doesn’t mean I change who I am. I’m just now the lucky, cranky asshole you share a bed with.”

  “Stop scaring her.” Rilen walked out of the bedroom, dressed in formal robes.

  Roran was right behind him, carrying my formal dress and robes as well. “You don’t have to immediately go back to being a dick.”

  Following a rude gesture, Dorian left the room.

  Rilen and Roran set to helping me dress.

  “He’s really a cranky old shit,” Rilen said. “But you’ll get less of his attitude now he knows how amazing your little quim is.”

  “The rest of the time,” Roran continued, “you can ignore him. Or do what I do.”

  I lifted my hands so they could slide the top of the practical dress they’d picked over my head. “What’s that?”

  “I shove my dick in his mouth.”

  I started giggling. “Well, since I don’t have one of those, I’ll have to use yours.”

  He grinned. “You can shove my dick in his mouth anytime.”

  They settled the dress over me, lingering a little longer than necessary over my breasts and ass.

  I didn’t complain. I was happy to have them back.

  Break! Now!

  The ground shuddered but didn’t heave. There was no tremor.

  “It really wants to go, doesn’t it?” Rilen peered out the windows.

  “It does,” I nodded.

  “We’re ready when you are, Mistress Kimber Raven, Breaker of the Spine.” Roran gave me a half serious, half mock bow.

  We saddled the horses we each favored in the stables as fast as we could, and I was glad the outfit they had picked was a split skirt. I was in no mood to ride side saddle.

  I trotted the horse to the end of the compound and headed for the Spine.

  For the Breaking Cave.

  A great wave of pure white magic tumbled down the sides of the mountain. I watched in awe as it sped toward us.

  When it reached us, the power it held was overwhelming. It was so strong that it threatened to knock me off my horse.


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