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Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

Page 4

by JK Waylon

  "Danica, it's over. Surrender nice and quiet, and I won't have to put any of your boys in the hospital," Ms Amazing said. "Remember my last drug bust, where I put seven of your thugs in the hospital? Nobody wanted to surrender to the inevitable then either."

  "Go away, Ms Amazing," Danica said through clenched teeth. "You got nothing on me. Nothing to charge me with."

  "What? I witnessed you selling these fine young criminals drugs," Ms Amazing said, walking over to that suitcase. She nudged it with the toe of her blue boot. "Exhibit A in your upcoming trial. One suitcase full of cocaine."

  Danica smiled, looking way too pleased with herself. Way too smug.

  "Really? It's powered sugar," Danica said. Franco cried out in outrage. "Sorry, Amigo, but it's just business. Your client cheated me last year. Payback is a bitch."

  Ms Amazing scowled at her. If what she said was true, she'd just wasted her valuable time over nothing. Besides, her last comment reminded her of Armand Germaine, and his threat. She sighed gustily, and then bent over and opened the suitcase.

  "Let's find out, shall we?" she said.

  Really, she'd never done this before. She always let the police confirm the evidence, but she didn't want to embarrass herself by calling them in for nothing. Besides, though she didn't like to admit it, she knew what cocaine tasted like.

  The suitcase was filled with brick-shaped plastic bags. She thrust a long, thin stiletto heel into one, licked the tip of her glove's right pinky, and touched it to the white powdery substance. Then she touched the tip of her tongue to it.

  "Uggghhh!" she cried, and Danica burst out laughing. "Aaaggggghh!"

  Ms Amazing curled up, dropping to her knees. Her body was afire! Her insides turned into liquid heat the instant she touched the Ultra Bliss to her tongue. She knew she'd been tricked, and she should've known better. The Solis Family's main source of income was the manufacture and distribution of Ultra Bliss, the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world. On top of that, Amazons were much more susceptible to all drugs, so she felt it more profoundly than a normal woman would have.

  It was instant, mind-blowing orgasm.

  "Goddess help me," she groaned out, as Paulie and Edward each seized an arm and lifted her to her feet. Her lower belly erupted again, less intensely. She trembled and writhed, rubbing her thighs together as her mind spun out of control. "Aagggghh."

  Danica lifted her chin, forcing the captured super heroine to look her in the eyes.

  "Ouch, bet that felt good," Danica said, smirking. She reached around Ms Amazing, unfastened her power belt, rolled it up, and stuffed it into her purse. "You won't be needing that. Every again."

  Ms Amazing struggled to break free, but she wasn't strong enough without her power belt. The mobsters held tight, so she was reduced to glaring daggers at Danica.

  "You're making a big mistake, Danica," she said, voice strained from the drug that was still messing her up. Her belly was quivering with the aftershocks of her climax. She was huffing and puffing, struggling to get her wits under control. "I will hunt you all down like dogs."

  Danica smiled and pinched her cheek. "You are so adorable! Climaxed and helpless, you still talk like you are in full command of the situation," Danica said. She reached behind the costumed vigilante, unzipped her bustier, and pulled it off her body. Ms Amazing turned her face, closing her eyes. Ms Amazing knew what was coming, as Danica pinched, twisted, and rolled Ms Amazing's erect, sensitive nipples. "When we all know that after my boys here gangbang your ass stupid, we will video tape your unmasking, and then I will sell you into white slavery overseas. You will spend the remainder of your days selling your ass in a Third World country."

  Ms Amazing struggled to show them a brave face, but Danica's threat scared her so badly she almost peed herself. Of course, the Ultra Bliss had complete wiped out her emotional shields. That insidious drug had left her a writhing, tingling overheated emotional and physical mess. Danica's sexy abuse of her nipples wasn't helping.

  One of Danica's hands dropped to cup her pubic mound.

  "Oh my, your shorts are sopping wet," she purred into Ms Amazing's ear, pressing in too close and personal. Her leather sheathed tits pressed into Ms Amazing's naked boobs. Danica's fingers began rubbing her pussy through her way too thin bottoms. She soon had the captured super heroine panting furiously, baby blues wide and incredulous. "Oooh, you like that, don't you?"

  "Please! Too much! Mercy!"

  "No mercy, Ms Amazing," Danica sneered, rubbing harder and faster.

  Paulie and Edward struggled to hold her while their boss rubbed Ms Amazing into another big, forced orgasm. The shapely super heroine mindlessly threw her head around, buck and squirmed, and then finally bowed her back and screamed as other powerful climax overwhelmed her.

  "Aaaaagghhhh! Goddess, help me!"

  Danica and her minions laughed as the boss rubbed out two more mind numbing climaxes. Ms Amazing was left hanging limply in her captors' arms. Danica left for a few minutes, and returned with a white cloth. Ms Amazing watched her approach through hooded eyes, dread filling her at the prospect of what was to come.

  "Say good-night, Ms Amazing," Danica said, pressing the chloroform soaked cloth over the masked vigilante's nose and mouth. "When you wake up, we will video tape your big ass mobster gangbang, followed by a fun and sexy unmasking. Then you will go bye-bye forever."

  Ms Amazing stared into the unmerciful brown eyes of the mob boss as blackness quickly closed in on her. Bile rose, as she realized this was how it would all end. And then the blackness swallowed her.

  "Mmmggh," Ms Amazing moaned. Her eyes fluttered open to absolute darkness. She licked dry lips, and tugged at her bound wrists. "Handcuffs."

  Rope bound her legs above the knees and at her ankles. As best she could tell, her mask was still on her face, and she still wore her shorts, gloves, and boots. Though her belly and pussy still ached and tingled, it didn't feel like they'd used her any more than Danica's rubbing out those mind numbing climaxes.

  Sweat was still dying on her mostly nude body, but there wasn't much left. She figured they were getting close to the Solis Family compound. She didn't have much time.

  "I am so going to kick that bitch's ass," she muttered, voice cracking. Her mouth was so dry. "Dammit, I hate when this happens."

  Ms Amazing struggled with the handcuffs. Too tight for her to slip out of, but she still had a chance. It wasn't easy with her legs bound like that, but with a little effort, a very limber body, and practice, she managed to slip her handcuffed wrists over her butt, get her legs through them, and end up with her hands in front. The handcuff key was still in the secret pocket inside her thigh boot. She dropped it three times before she put the key in her mouth, and then into the keyhole. With the first cuff released, she quickly removed all of her bindings.

  With the handcuffs held in her right hand, like brass knuckles, she waited for them to arrive at their destination and open that trunk. She didn't have long to wait. Once the car stopped, she heard the men laughing as they came around back. She wasn't sure how many there were, but she was determined that was how many she would beat to a pulp.

  "Wake up, Ms Amazing, it's time for our amazing gangbang," Chucky said.

  As the trunk lip rose, Ms Amazing kicked out with both feet, right into Chucky's belly. He grunted and fell back as she surged out of that trunk. Three other men dropped into defensive stances. Ms Amazing didn't hesitate, and drove straight into Edward. She ducked under his right cross, drove a stiletto heel into his foot, and pounded a savage elbow into his face. Blood erupted from his nose as he fell back and lay still.

  Another thug she didn't know charged. She did a back-flip, handing on his shoulders. He cried out in surprise, as did the last thug. Ms Amazing dropped down to sit on his shoulders, and pounded both of her fists into his temples. He grunted and collapsed under her.

  She landed on her feet, turning to smirk at the last mobster.

  "Sometimes life just sucks," she sa
id, and kicked the stunned thug in the nuts. "For some, it sucks really, really hard." The angry super heroine punched his lights out. "And for Danica Solis, it's going to suck worst of all when I get my hands on her."

  Ms Amazing looked around. They were not at the Solis Family compound. They were in one of the city's many warehouse districts, outside of a rundown warehouse. They were alone, and she considered her options. First and foremost, she wanted to wait for Danica. To exact her revenge as well as retrieve her power belt. Stark reality soon sank it. The Ultra Bliss was still affecting her body, though it was greatly diminished. But the reality was she had no chance whatsoever against all of the mobsters Danica would be rounding up for the super heroine gangbang and video unmasking ceremony she had planned.

  So Ms Amazing removed the shirt of the smallest thug, put it on, took his cell phone, and took the car. She drove until she figured out where she was, and then parked in a secluded spot. Then she called Lynda.

  "Barbara! Where are you? Why didn't you come home," Lynda said in a rush. "I've been worried sick!"

  Ms Amazing grimaced. She wasn't used to having a sidekick again. "Sorry, but I got a tip from a reliable source, and had to act fast. It didn't go so well." She said, rubbing her temples as her face heated up. "It might've been a trap. I'm not sure. But I had a…momentary setback."


  "Yeah. Not too bad, as these things go," she said. "I've endured worse. But, I lost my power belt and costume top. I need you to come pick me up as Amazing Girl. Drive the Amazing Mobile."

  She gave her location, and waited about forty-five minutes before Amazing Girl came roaring up. Ms Amazing shook her head woefully. Eighteen year old girls and Italian sports cars were a dangerous combination.

  "Why am I not surprised you choose the Ferrari?"

  "What? Was there another option?" Amazing Girl said, blue eyes twinkling. Then she sobered up. "Are you all right? Do I need to take you to a hospital or something?"

  "I'm fine, just a little blissed out," she said.

  Amazing Girl's eyes widened. "Someone gave you Ultra Bliss? Wow. I got blissed out once, when someone set off an aerosol can of Ultra Bliss in a dance club. I climaxed like a bijillion times! I passed out from climaxing. I think everyone did."

  "Yeah, it's nasty stuff," she said. "Let's go home. I just need to sleep it off, and then tomorrow we start planning on how I get my power belt back from Danica Solis."

  Amazing Girl's eyes got even wider. Yeah, everyone knew who and what Danica Solis was, and that she was a force to reckon with.

  Chapter 4

  Barbara stroke purposely into the board room. All of the men turned and looked her up and down, as usual, but this time they let their hunger show, let their eyes linger a bit longer. There was a rival to the boss lady, and some of them were eager for a change. They were all large shareholders, so it would be difficult to remove any of them. She had to endure their crude behavior. For the moment.

  She was wearing a black suit jacket and knee-length skirt, no hose, and black stiletto pumps. Her hair was up, and her unneeded glasses perched precariously upon her nose. She narrowed her eyes, and they all averted theirs.

  "Good morning, gentlemen," Barbara said. She went to the head of the long board table, made of the finest mahogany and polished to a mirror finish. Everyone had laptops open before them. She sat her already open laptop before her big, black leather chair. "Thank you for coming."

  She noticed an empty chair at the other end of the table. No one ever sat opposite her, and she didn't authorize one put there. It could only mean one thing. Someone on the board was loyal to Armand Germaine, and that evil bastard planned to attend. He certainly had enough stock now. Just before coming to the meeting Jasmine advised her that Armand now owned thirty-two percent of the voting stock. The goddess only knew who among her many shareholders had given him the right to vote their stock.

  Goddess help me if he gains control of more voting stock than me.

  Her chest tightened and she barely maintained a neutral face. Barbara chose not to address the chair, since a few of the board members looked eager for it.

  "Shall we get started?" she said, taking her seat.

  “Yes. I think the first order of business should be Armand Germaine’s more than generous offer to buy out Daul Enterprises,” Jonathon Charles said. He sat three down from Barbara, on her left. Jonathon was a tall, fit black man of forty-five, and a self-made millionaire worth approximately three hundred million. He was the company’s fourth largest shareholder, though still held less than two percent of the voting stock. Barbara caught and held his eyes, but he didn’t back down. Looked rather pleased, actually. “I for one am eager to take him up on his offer.”

  “I agree,” Kyle Jeffries said. He was the youngest member of the board, not counting Barbara, at twenty-eight. Kyle was not a shareholder, but represented a ten percent block of institutional investors. He’s been questioning Barbara’s every decision since she publically rebuffed his drunken advances the previous year. “My clients are very interested in this offer, whether we sell or not. Maybe some new blood at the helm will revitalize this company.”

  “There is nothing wrong with Daul Enterprise’s vitality, Mr. Jeffries,” Barbara said icily. “As for Mr. Germaine’s offer to buy us out, in effect he wants to buy me out. I’m not selling, and I vote no. And that ends that discussion.”

  “A little heavy-handed, don’t you think, Barbi Doll?” Armand said. He was in his usual designer suit and power tie.

  Everyone turned as he entered like a conquering king. His beautiful blonde wife followed, resplendent in a clingy white gown and a fortune in diamonds. Barbara scowled at Sylvia, who smirked back. Barbara wasn’t surprised, but she looked dressed for the charity ball that evening. Armand was hosting, and Barbara would be there as well. The entire board would be there.

  “Ah, what an unpleasant surprise,” Barbara said. “And here I was thinking all of the Gates of Hell were closed until after midnight.”

  “Well, as a Dark Lord of the Demon Horde, I got a special pass,” Armand said. “How’d you get out?”

  “I bet she blew the gatekeeper, darling,” Sylvia said. “Barbi Doll is such a skank whore.”

  “Really? Odd coming for a professional kept woman and queen of Synne City’s trophy wives,” Barbara said.

  “Now, now,” Raymond Coors said. He was the eldest of the board members at seventy-nine, and had been on the board from the very beginning. Barbara trusted him above all others on the board, and he was her Vice Chairman. “This pettiness is beneath you all. So, Armand, I have to assume you wish to join this board?”

  “Of course, I don’t buy thirty-two percent interest to sit back and let others run the company for me,” he said. He locked eyes with Barbara, leaning forward. “I always take a very active role in any company I invest in.”

  “Oh joy,” she said. Rising to her feet, “Shall we vote?” Everyone nodded. “All in favor of Mr. Germaine joining the board…”

  Kyle Jeffries, Jonathon Charles, Donald Melton, Sidney Belton, and Halvard Hager all raised their hands. And then Armand raised his hand.

  “My thirty-two percent says yes,” he said.

  “Welcome to the Board of Daul Enterprises,” she said, barely managing to keep the scowl off her face. She started to remind him that since he was now an employee of Daul Enterprises, he wasn't allowed to purchase any more stock for another month. But she stopped herself, hoping he'd make that mistake so she could sic the Feds on him.

  Sidney Belton stood as Barbara sat. She quirked a brow at him.

  “I move we elect Armand as our Vice Chairman,” Sidney said.

  Barbara and Raymond tensed. Raymond had held that position for forty-two years, serving under Barbara’s father. Indeed, he was acting chairman for a short time, between her parents’ death and her assuming full control of the company. Though she controlled the most stocks, she didn’t control a fifty-one percent majority. And board rules requ
ired a majority of board members votes to elect officials, not stockholder votes. Only the Chairman was elected with a majority of voting stock.

  From the initial vote, Barbara realized Armand had a simple majority of board members on his side. He had six votes to her five. And she was proven correct moments later when Armand was elected Vice Chairman.

  And the board meeting went downhill from there. Armand blocked everything she wanted to do, and even pushed through something on his agenda. Barbara was required to write up a report on why Daul Enterprises was opposing Germaine Investments’ Albright Project.

  She spent the rest of that day writing the report, due to all the board members the next day. She had a bad feeling it would not be enough to stop Armand from forcing through a cease and desist order on her. She'd have to warn her friends, and pray they were enough to block the project.

  "Why are we going to Armand Germaine's party?" Lynda asked as Barbara's limo pulled up to the red carpet outside of the convention center. "I would think you'd want to go after Danica Solis and get your power belt back."

  They were both dressed to the nines. Barbara wore a crimson Versace gown that showed off her spectacular body wonderfully, especially the dangerously plunging neckline in that strapless number. She was very precariously double-sided taped in that gown. The gorgeous billionaire also wore a fortune in diamond and rubies at throat, ears, and wrists. Her fine feminine footwear was silver strappy Christian Louboutin pumps. While Lynda wore a sexy, clingy peach colored gown, that covered up much more as befitting her age. Her jewelry was worth a smaller, but still substantial, fortune as well, all lent to her by Barbara.

  “The event is for homeless children,” she said. “I cannot be seen snubbing this event. Besides, all of the city’s super heroines will make an appearance, including Ms Amazing and the city’s newest super heroine, Amazing Girl.”


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