Book Read Free

The Next Top Model: Soul Society

Page 23

by Otaku X

  Chapter 23: Black and White Photo Shoot

  Yoruichi and Rangiku reclined in the lounge chairs poolside late the next morning beneath the partial shade of the umbrella in the scorching sun that promised a blistering day. In fact, a few spots on them were still pink-past-tanned from the Textures Shoot the day before.

  "She'll never get on," Yoruichi said with a giggle, watching Orihime in the pool with the inflatable mattress.

  Rangiku nodded in agreement. "Why doesn't she try it in the shallower side?"

  They watched as Orihime struggled with the bright yellow floatable, her sun-pink skin slathered up with coconut sun-block lotion, too slick to climb onto the mattress, her fumbling bringing more splashes and gasps than progress.

  Orihime clung to the side of the yellow vinyl by one arm, the water beading on her shoulders as she brushed her wet hair out of her face. She coughed and flung a leg over the mattress, nearly freeing one-half of herself from the yellow bikini top as she managed to crawl atop the floatable.

  Yoruichi shook her head as Orihime scrambled. "I don't know how she got this far."

  Rangiku shrugged, resting her head back on the beach towel draped over the deck chair and closing her eyes against the sun's rays, moving a pink bikini strap as it dug into her shoulder. "You don't think she can win?"

  Yoruichi considered the Living girl who was positioning herself carefully on the pool mattress, cautious as the floatable threatened to dislodge her. "I don't know how she gets around in the world, not to mention a competition like this."

  Rangiku smiled, not looking to the darker-skinned woman. Yoruichi had decided to leave the top of her gold and black two-piece swimsuit on after catching a few sets of eyes gaping at them from the distant trees.

  Mature male eyes.

  "But you think she hasn't got a chance at winning?" Rangiku asked again.

  In the pool Orihime had commandeered the yellow floatable into submission and was making herself comfortable.

  Yoruichi shrugged. "I suppose she's got a chance. There's no denying that Quincy judge has it bad for her."

  "Hmm. I think it's cute."

  Yoruichi rolled her eyes, then let her gaze wander to the trees. "If that Ganju gets within twenty meters of the fence I'm going to do more than break his camera this time."


  Yoruichi and Rangiku looked to the pool where Orihime had nearly unseated herself on the mattress as she looked into the shimmering waters.

  "Nemu's walking on the bottom of the pool!" she cried, hands clutching the sides of the vinyl mattress.

  They all watched as the top of Nemu's black head broke the water surface as she walked up the incline of the cement pool bottom to the shallow end where the four steps met the side.

  "Eerie," Rangiku murmured as Nemu appeared in her dripping black one-piece swimsuit.

  Nemu wore a slightly confused expression that was hinted with amusement as she stood beside the sunbathers. "I thought Ganju Shiba-san said workers from Rukongai installed this pool."

  Yoruichi nodded. "He did. Is there a problem?"

  Nemu smiled, something she'd been practicing more lately. "Yes, but it is in engineering, so I doubt anyone in Rukongai could be held responsible."

  Rangiku and Yoruichi looked to each other, and then to the pool as a splash met their ears.

  Orihime had disappeared, only to appear a few seconds later, storming up the pools steps as fast as her wet feet would carry her, past them and across the tiles until she wiped out near the house door, bouncing off one hip. She jumped to her feet, flung open the door and dashed inside.

  Rangiku sighed. "Tara mail?"

  Yoruichi cocked her head to one side, looking at the sun high overhead. "Now?"

  "Tara mail!" Orihime called from the house.

  Rangiku got to her feet and repositioned her pink bikini bottom over herself better as the cameraman nearby adjusted his lens. "Let's go."

  Yoruichi stood and followed Rangiku to the house, glancing back at Nemu who trailed. "What's wrong with the pool?"

  Nemu attempted a giggle. "The drain is in the shallow end."

  Yoruichi sighed as they entered the house, shaking her head. "Rukongai's finest."

  Orihime was in the kitchen area, waving the purple and gold envelope as she hopped from foot to foot. "I'll read it." She tore open the envelope and pulled the note out. "'You remaining four contestants are only two eliminations away from the finale. You've seen a lot in this competition, but sometimes seeing isn't believing.'" Her eyes dropped to the bottom of the note. "We have to be ready at noon."

  They all looked to the brass clock on the wall.

  "Two hours," Nemu said.

  Orihime glanced back at the note, rereading it silently.

  "Seeing isn't believing," Rangiku repeated.

  Orihime frowned uneasily. "Like an illusion? A hallucination?"

  "I've had my fill of hallucinations," Rangiku said pointedly, one eyebrow lifting.

  Yoruichi nodded. "Let's get lunch first."

  The limousine stopped before the large tented pavilion that had been set up near the temporary judging building, the off-white canvas sides covering twenty feet high all around, the inside floored with black canvas also, large circulation fans already on medium in the warming day that was becoming more so with the web of track-lighting overhead.

  Two make-up stations were to the side of the runway raised a mere foot off the ground inside, painted with white wash, with cameras, sound, and light equipment set up already.

  Yoruichi, Rangiku, Nemu, and Orihime entered through the side door, smiling as they saw the runway and studio equipment, and then at the Rays as the men stepped out from behind a curtained-off changing area.

  "Hallo, girls!" Ray Migel greeted, smiling, dressed in jeans and a plain khaki cotton shirt that was unbuttoned too far.

  "Hi, Ray!" they returned.

  "Hello, ladies," Miss Ray said, dressed all in white cotton pants and t-shirt.

  "Hi, Miss Ray!" they said with a tepid squeal.

  "I see you've all still got the color in your cheeks," Ray said as they nodded. "And do I smell coconuts?"

  "I think you do, Ray," Miss Ray said, did an exaggerated sniff. "And almonds and baby oil, if I'm not mistaken."

  The contestants giggled.

  "Today you're going to learn all about working a formal dress," Ray said. "You did well with the kimonos, but now it's time to see how you walk in an evening dress, with accessories."

  "And we ain't talkin' necklaces and ear-bobs," Miss Ray said. "We're talking red carpet, swag-draggin' fashion in heels and strut."

  "Now you've all seen the red carpet award show fashions," Ray said presumptively, "and today you're going to mimic those walks, stole and all, your way. Bring your style, girls, because it's getting down to our final two."

  The contestants all looked to each other apprehensively.

  "And," Miss Ray said with all seriousness, "you're gonna do it blindfolded."

  "What?" Orihime squeaked.

  "Be-lind-fold-ed," Miss Ray enunciated slowly, grinning at them.

  Orihime pushed her smile back into place.

  "It's been done before, although not by us," Miss Ray said. "We've had contestants that have been legally blind, night blind, and some just plain unable to find the runway with the strobe lights on."

  "In heels?" Rangiku asked.

  "Heels, sequins, full-length gowns, the works," Miss Ray told her with a wave of his hand. "All of it, honey."

  "Now," Ray said, smiling, "everyone to the changing area where you'll find your evening gowns and accessories. Of course you know the trick to this, right, ladies?"

  The women shook their heads.

  The Rays looked to each other.

  "Should we tell them?" Ray asked Miss Ray.

  Miss Ray put a finger to his chin and pretended to think about it. "Let's see how they do first. Then maybe we'll give them a hint."

  Ray looked back to the contestants and
shrugged. "Miss Ray said no hint. Let's see how you do!"

  Behind the curtained off changing area the four contestants found a rack of gowns and accessories, two floor length mirrors, and a row of shoes.

  Orihime pulled the pale peach sequined dress with a low-cut back from the rack, frowning at it as she turned the dress to determine which side was the front. "I wish he'd told us the secret."

  "It can't be too hard," Yoruichi said as she found her teal dress dripping with bugle bead fringe.

  "Just walk straight, I guess," Rangiku said, holding up her own dress.

  "Count the steps," Nemu said, finding her hanger with dress.

  They all looked to her.

  "Count?" Yoruichi said.

  Nemu nodded. "Yes. Given the length of the runway, count the steps as you approach the back of it, and use that count when you perform your runway walk."

  Orihime nodded.

  Rangiku looked to Yoruichi. "She's right."

  They all smiled at Nemu. "Thanks."

  Forty-five minutes later the contestants were ready, their hair combed smooth and catching the overhead mirrored disco ball, wearing heavy eye make-up, lips rouged in stop-light red, and standing atop four-inch spike heels to match their gowns.

  Ray met them as the stepped from the make-station and stood towering over him.

  "Lovely, absolutely lovely," he said, nodding as they looked down on him. "This challenge is in two parts; your blindfold walk, and then your accessories walk. The first part is to see your balance and direction in foreign surroundings and lighting, so let's see you keep it all lined up. Ready?"

  The contestants nodded.

  "Good. Rangiku, you're up first."

  Rangiku nodded, making her choker-collared silver dress shimmer, a black sequined sash draped over her shoulders.

  "Come with me," he said, dangling a black blindfold before her.

  Rangiku followed Ray to the back of the runway, counting silently as she went.

  Ray looked to where Miss Ray stood at the end of the runway, luminous in his white attire.

  "Ready, Miss Ray?" Ray called.

  "Let her rip!" Miss Ray called back. Overhead the disco ball began to spin, the lights to strobe, and the tented room was awash in stop-action jolting silver and flash.

  From the sidelines Orihime eked out a muted 'Uh-oh.'

  Rangiku groaned as Ray stood on tiptoe to tie the blindfold around her head. "You don't have to put that on, Ray; I can't see with all those swirling lights as it is."

  He grinned, tying the black sash over her eyes. "That's the point. Keep your balance, and think about your walk."

  She nodded.

  Ray led her to the back step to the runway, where Rangiku put one silver pump on the platform, and stepped up.

  Miss Ray watched as the first contestant approached, her swishy walk a little less forceful, each step the usual stomp, silver dress bending in all the right places as she stopped before him near the end of the runway and set one hand on a well-formed hip, her head angling at him despite the blindfold.

  "Hold it," he said, nodding. "You're four inches from the end of the runway, Rangiku. Excellent walk, mostly centered all the way down, leaning just a little to your right. Now turn and go back, and you can try it working your sash."

  She nodded and smiled, then turned on her heel, tilting to one side a bit, and stomped back to Ray. She took off the blindfold and made her second pass, both hands on the sash stretching across her shoulders, her fingers trailing down it as she approached Miss Ray.

  He nodded as she reached him. "Not bad. Think about working the sash more next time."

  Rangiku nodded and returned to Ray.

  Next was Orihime, who was half-blind from the strobe light by now, clutching Ray's sleeve as he tied her blindfold.

  "Okay, princess, you're up," he said, walking her to the step.

  She nodded, clubbing a pump toe on the side of the step as she climbed up to the runway. "Is that the only step?"

  "Yes," Ray told her. He turned her straight down the runway when she stood facing the wrong direction. "Right in front of you, Orihime."

  "Got it, Ray." Orihime started off with a tentative, halting strut for the first few steps, then smiled and stomped on, wandering from center.

  "You're drifting, girl," Miss Ray called to her, shaking his head.

  "... eight, nine ... What? Agh!" Orihime took a few more steps and was off the runway and on her knees in a blind pile on the floor by step eleven.

  "Are you all right, princess?" Ray called.

  "Yes!" Orihime managed to get to her feet, groping for the runway and crawling back onto it in her fitted peach sequin gown. She took a moment to get straightened, hands out to her sides.

  "Down here, girl," Miss Ray said.

  Orihime followed his voice and resumed her runway walk, with less surety, stopping three feet from the end, where she did her pose, waiting for a signal.

  "Close enough," Miss Ray finally said. "Turn around and go back and then show us your walk with the sash."

  Orihime nodded, made an awkward turn, and headed back to Ray, each step more dangerously close to the left edge than the one before. She stopped when Ray called 'Whoa!' She pulled off the blindfold.

  "Not so good?" she asked, nodding at him.

  Ray nodded back. "Now with the sash."

  Orihime nodded, and repeated her walk, this time in the middle of the runway, with more composure, imitating Rangiku's movements with the sash, halting before Miss Ray.

  He sighed. "Ho-hum, Orihime. You need to work that sash, or any other accessory you've got. Think about it."

  She nodded humbly. "Yes, Miss Ray."

  Next was Nemu, who made a straight, unwavering walk down the runway in her red sequined figure-hugging gown, arms to her sides, each step as measured as the other, proving her calculations, her face turned to Miss Ray at the end of the runway as she struck her pose nearly mechanically.

  Miss Ray frowned at her. "Can you see through the blindfold, Nemu?"

  "I have my eyes closed," she offered, attempting tact.

  "Oh. So, you weren't watching where you were walking?"

  "No, Miss Ray," Nemu said smoothly. "That would be an unfair advantage."

  "Uh ... yeah. Okay, let's see you work the sash."

  Nemu nodded, and returned just as precisely to Ray at the end of the runway, only to repeat the exact rendition of Rangiku's walk with the sash.

  Miss Ray shook his head at her. "There's got to be more to do with a sash, ladies," he said loud enough for all the contestants to hear. "Okay. Let's see Yoruichi."

  Ray tied the blindfold around Yoruichi's head, watching her leap expertly to the platform before he could help her up. He shook his head.

  "I suppose you've trained as a gymnast?" he asked as she smoothed the beaded fringe of her teal dress.

  She looked in his direction, sending a smile that lost nothing despite the blindfold. "No, Ray."

  She turned to the runway, and made a jarringly strong walk down it, perfectly centered, strands of beads swaying rhythmically. She halted before Miss Ray at the end of the runway, one hand on her hip as she settled to one side.

  "A-plus for execution, Yoruichi," Miss Ray said. "Nothing more to be said, girl. You got it."

  Yoruichi smiled, and turned to finish her stomp back to the end of the runway, where she removed the blindfold and proceeded with her second walk.

  Hers was a more fluid albeit similar example of the other contestants' walks, sash across her shoulders, ends in each of her hands.

  "Hmm, a little better," Miss Ray said as she paused before him.

  Ray signaled one of the crewmen. "Lose the strobe, Mack."

  The strobe light blinked out and the lights returned to normal.

  Ray motioned to the other contestants to follow him, and they all joined Miss Ray and Yoruichi, who was still on the runway.

  Miss Ray waved a hand at the contestants. "What's up with ya all just hangin' onto
the sash? Ya gotta be creative here, me pretties. It comes off your shoulders; give it life, because in the fashion world you're going to run into scarves, sashes, stoles, shawls, all of it."

  Ray arced an eyebrow. "How many of you counted steps?"

  All the contestants raised a hand.

  He nodded. "I thought so. All of you need work on using the sash, and with your next elimination it'll be crucial to stand out. As for this challenge," he said, looking to Miss Ray, "what do we think?"

  Miss Ray nodded. "We think Nemu and Yoruichi had the best walks. Rangiku had a good, but lopsided walk; Orihime needs to stay on the runway," he said as the Living girl nodded with a short bow. "I'd say Yoruichi was the best."

  Ray nodded. "Yoruichi it is."

  Yoruichi smiled, mumbling a 'thanks' to Rangiku as the auburn-haired woman congratulated her.

  "Tell us what she's won, Ray," Miss Ray said in his best announcer voice.

  Ray looked to Yoruichi. "You get, for winning the blindfold challenge, first pick of the gowns for the elimination photo shoot."

  Yoruichi nodded quickly, smiling.

  "Which starts in ..." Miss Ray looked to his watch, mimicking shock, "three minutes!"

  The lights overhead brightened, and behind them a bustling was heard in the changing area. The Rays looked to each other.

  "Awfully noisy back there. I wonder what's going on?" Ray said.

  "Hmm," Miss Ray said, looking to Yoruichi. "You ready to see your choice of evening wear, Miss Yoruichi?"

  She nodded, smile growing.

  "Good. Let's go see whatcha got."

  Behind the curtains in the changing area the empty rack was exchanged for a taller rack of four dresses, each in flowing designs of black and white. The contestants smiled, an immediate murmur of excitement ebbing through them.

  Yoruichi looked to the Rays as Miss Ray made a sweeping gesture to the rack.

  "You've each had your first step at a bona fide photo shoot with Textures," Ray said, his tone businesslike. "Now you need to take that professionalism to the runway. Black and white formalwear is the quintessential must-walk for every model, and the sheer starkness of the palate will showcase your walk and carriage without allowing you to lean on color for support. It's a different kind of shoot, ladies," he added, "so don't let the gown make the impression. You're still in charge of the walk."

  "Of course, no evening is complete without accessories," Miss Ray said, pointing to a chrome hat tree from which hung four scarves made of long rows of black and white chiffon. "Each of you is to use a scarf to accent your gown. Work the scarf on the runway, girls; no draping it over your heads like a babushka, and no matronly Hollywood film star turbans from the Fifties. Make it come alive."

  "Not literally," Rangiku whispered to Nemu as the latter tilted her head questioningly at Miss Ray's instructions.

  Nemu nodded.

  Ray pointed. "Yoruichi, choose your gown, winner."

  Yoruichi smiled and went to the rack, holding out the first dress. It was of white organza, hanging unevenly from its single shoulder strap from the hanger, the hem in an inch-wide black ruffle swooping at an angle from the right side down to a dramatic extra long length to the left. The back side ended in a floor-sweeping drop. She set it back on the rack.

  The next dress was strapless, with a white voile satin body that cut shorter in the front, floor-length in back, border hemmed in white which moved freely when she turned the hanger, considering the design. She hung it back on the rack and reached for the next one.

  She smiled at the spaghetti strap black dress with the sweetheart neckline, the skirt falling into mountainous folds of chiffon interspersed with alternating panels of white below the fitted bodice. After a moment of consideration she put it back on the rack and held up the remaining sleeveless black dress. The straight-cut black taffeta crossed collar-bone high, dropping into a swirl of white cut-in like material, giving the appearance of a twirling motion.

  She looked to the other dresses, and then pulled the last style close. "I'll take this one."

  Miss Ray waved a hand at her. "One of my faves."

  Ray nodded. "Yoruichi, as the second part of your win, you get to assign the other dresses to your fellow competitors."

  Yoruichi's smiled faltered for a fleeting moment before snapping back into place, and then she grabbed the rest of the gowns with one arm and went to Nemu, Rangiku, and Orihime.

  "Here you go," she said to Rangiku, handing her the single-strap white organza. She moved on to Nemu. "For you." She gave her the chiffon dress with the black and white paneled skirt. "And yours," she said, offering Orihime the strapless white satin with the trailing back.

  "Very good," Ray said. "Now, head over to hair and make-up, where they're going to give your an evening look, and then into your dresses. Don't forget to work the scarves. I'll see you on the runway!"

  Within half an hour the contestants found themselves looking back at six photographers lining the sides of the runway, two film crews, and the Rays. They stood in a cluster at the side of the runway as the extra crewmen busied around the narrow platform that now had a red carpet running down it, ending where the film crews and a seventh photographer were stationed.

  Ray joined the contestants, grinning at their mix of nervousness and anticipation. He nodded, looking over each of them in their gowns, heels, hair pulled high and dangling down their backs, rhinestone necklaces sparkling at their throats, dripping from their earrings.

  "Elegant, ladies," he said, "very elegant. Chic, fabulous, and elegant." He nodded. "I know those boned bodices are digging into your ribs and your high heels are making your toes scream, but you look professional." He looked to the scarves they held. "Don't forget the scarves. You have extra photographers for this shoot, because on the runway that's how it is. Flash going off all around you; you might not even be able to see the runway with all the camera's flashing in a real show. Ready?"

  The girls nodded.

  "Good. I'll be at the end of the runway, but I'm not directing you today."

  "No?" Orihime said before she could catch herself.

  "No, princess," he said with a grin. "We're looking for the top three contestants to move on to the finals. You've made it this far, so you know most of what you're doing."

  "We just get one walk?" Rangiku asked.

  Ray nodded. "You get one walk, so make it count. I'll give you the go-ahead, and you take your walk, hit a few poses at the end of the runway, and then turn and go back. That's it." He grinned at their anxious expressions. Except for Nemu, who had managed a tentative smile. "Rangiku, you're first."

  Rangiku's blue eyes widened as she fixed the black and white scarf to drape across her shoulder and down her back on either side. "Me?"

  Ray nodded. "Oh, and today you get music." He grinned. "Let's see your stuff on the walk."

  Ray made his way back to the where the cameraman was set up. The lighting man angled the spotlight on Rangiku when she took her spot at the far end of the runway, pausing, her angled skirt falling from one knee diagonally to mid-calf at the other, hemmed with the black ruffle. Suddenly Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy" came pounding loudly over the speakers, and Ray gave Rangiku her cue to begin.

  For a few seconds Rangiku just stood there, Fred continuing on with his song, which was on loop, and then she started down the runway at a brisk walk that made her trailing white organza dress twitch behind her with each step, cameras clicking to either side of the platform. One hand languidly pulled at the scarf at her throat until it fell to her side, dragging it behind her as she continued down the carpet, enticing smile on her coral lips, eyes on the main camera until the man behind it reached for the handy tissue box nearby.

  She hit her pose at the end of the runway, smiling a little fuller, then turned with a swish of the white skirt, and returned back.

  Ray clapped his hands a few times and smiled. "Very good, Rangiku." He looked to the other three contestants, where Orihime was doing a subtle bo
p-bop in time to the music in her formal dress. "Yoruichi, you're up!"

  Yoruichi set the scarf across her back and wound it down either arm so it dangled off her forearms behind her as she hopped onto the far end of the runway. She straightened her diagonally-cut patterned black and white taffeta skirt, found a beat in the music, and started her walk. Cameras flashed, none of which interfered with her step. Nearing the end of the runway she extended her arms to each side, the scarf moving willowy behind her. She hit a few poses, gave the camera an imperious smile, and turned back down the carpet, skirt and scarf flowing behind her.

  Ray clapped as she finished. "Well done, Yoruichi. Next, let's see Orihime!"

  The Living girl halted mid head-bop and looked to him at her name being called. She grabbed the longer back of her white voile satin skirt with one hand, lifted it enough to avoid being stepped upon as she climbed the step up to the platform, and stood center at the far end of the runway. She settled the scarf at her throat to fall over her shoulders to her back, fingers tugging at the black and white chiffon when it caught on a rhinestone in her necklace.

  For a moment she looked down the runway to Ray, and then dropped her hand, caught a beat in Fred's song, and started her trounce down the carpet. Her pace was quick, the front of her dress just short enough to allow a peek of knees, longer and trailing on the carpet behind her, boned bodice full without exposing too much cleavage.

  Halfway down the runway she put one hand to the scarf at her throat and snapped it free from only one shoulder, the end snaking across her mid-stride, crossing the carpet, and nearly slapping a cameraman nearby as he snapped photos. Orihime didn't look at him, but her smile turned playful as she hit her mark at the end of the runway. She gave the camera a smile that only hinted at teasing, and snapped a turn and made her sprightly walk back down the carpet, scarf dangling behind from one shoulder.

  "Good job," Ray called after her as she stepped off the runway back and emitted a low-key squeal that was drowned out by Fred's song. "Nemu, you're up!"

  Nemu stepped onto the far end of the runway in time to the music, and immediately began her powerful walk. The scarf was in both hands behind her, flowing across the back of her black and white panel skirt, graceful folds of chiffon swaying to the beat. She hit her mark at the end of the runway, pulled the scarf close to her face as she looked back at the camera, her expression semi-sultry as she lifted one shoulder in mock-bashfulness at the lens, before heading back down the carpet in perfect time to the music.

  "Very good," Ray called, signaling to a crewman. The music cut. Ray motioned over the contestants, who smiled back at him, a few breathless, anticipating. "You all moved to the music like experts, and you worked the scarf much better on the runway than in the challenge earlier." He grinned wider, studying each of them. "I'm proud to have worked with every one of you. Next time I see you it will be at the finals, so good luck at panel!"

  "The thing about it is," Miss Ray said, leaning closer to Uryuu to his right at the judges table later that day, "I don't know whether to be offended or not. Is it black-face to poke fun at me - and Tara, too, I guess - or not? Is it that cosplay stuff or is he being offensive?"

  Uryuu looked down the table to the issue Miss Ray was having with Mayuri Kurotsuchi's appearance. He shook his head and said to the fashion trainer, "That's just the way he is. It's nothing personal, Miss Ray."

  Miss Ray nodded. "Oh."

  Tara leaned in on the conversation, leaving Virgil to hold his own in conversation with the guest judge. "Are you certain, Mr. Ishida?"

  Uryuu nodded. "I'm certain."

  "...we could've just taken their measurements and been done with it," Virgil was saying as Kurotsuchi watched him closely. "Modeling is more than just a set of calipers being held up to a woman's body. If it was just that, we'd have a row of mannequins. Modeling is an art form, and in involves life."

  "I see," Kurotsuchi said with a nod. "I suppose there's merit in that."

  Tara, size full, tugged at her gold lame sleeveless evening dress trimmed with copper beads as she stood up. "Where's the drama in mannequins?" she mumbled. "No one would tune in to see us pose a bunch of dummies. No ratings, Dr. Kurotsuchi. What are you a doctor of?"

  Kurotsuchi grinned, making Virgil nearly recoil. "Many fields. Predominately genetics. And modifications."

  Uryuu was about to say something, but they all looked to the front of the room where the four contestants, now dressed in strapless black dresses of various designs, stepped in and stood at the end of the runway carpet.

  "Hello, final four!" Tara called as she positioned herself in front of the table.

  "Hi, Tara!" they called back, a few moving their sore feet in their black pumps.

  "Stylish, very stylish," Tara said, wagging a finger at their black dresses. "So, today you had your first full-fledged runway photo shoot. One pass. Seven photographers. What'd you think?"

  The contestants all looked to each other, nodding, except for Nemu, whose pensive attention was on the guest judge.

  "Fun?" Tara prompted.

  Three out of four contestants nodded.

  "Good." Tara proceeded to introduce the panel, with Miss Ray sporting only a few lonely points on his tiara, and described the prizes awarded to the winner of the competition.

  "Also," she said upon completing her recitation, "we have the renowned Dr. Kurotsuchi." She looked from Kurotsuchi to Nemu, trying to recall the contestant's last name.

  "No relation," Kurotsuchi said.

  Nemu looked back to Tara, who was nodding slowly.

  The contestants offered the guest judge passable smiles of welcome.

  Tara addressed the contestants. "Today you had the black and white photo shoot, and we had over one hundred frames to choose from, for each of you. Let's take a look at your best shots."

  She hurried around the table, giving the guest judge a wide berth as she rounded his corner, and sat between Virgil and Miss Ray. She quirked a smile and looked to the four girls. "First up, Yoruichi."

  Said contestant made her stalk down the runway, smiling at each judge in turn.

  "You won the blindfolded challenge," Tara said, lifting an eyebrow, "so you got to choose your own gown first."

  Yoruichi nodded. "They were all lovely, Tara."

  Tara smiled. "Nothing but the best here. Let's see your best shot."

  They all looked to the screen as Yoruichi's photo appeared there. She was in mid-step on the runway, the scarf loosely wrapped down her extended arms, the diagonal black and white skirt flowing around her in folds.

  "Excellent photo," Tara said. "You chose well. Thank you, Yoruichi. Next, Orihime!"

  Yoruichi passed Orihime on the carpet, both avoiding a hip-collision as Orihime tried not to look at the guest judge, who was studiously watching her walk.

  "Good walk, Orihime," Tara said as the girl stopped before the table. "I understand you walked right off the runway with the blindfold on."

  Uryuu bristled at the mention.

  "It was a klutzy walk," she said with a giggle.

  "But you got right back up there and showed us a real professional at the photo shoot," Tara said with a commendable nod. "That's model material. Let's see your best shot."

  On the screen blinked Orihime in the graduated length white voile satin dress, the scarf trailing behind her from one shoulder and wrist, smiling, her make-up done to add acceptable years to her appearance, smiling at the camera.

  "Stunning," Uryuu said louder than he'd meant to. "It's perfect."

  Orihime blushed and looked from him to Tara.

  Tara pursed her lips, raising an eyebrow. "You have a fan, Miss Orihime."

  Uryuu reddened, his glasses slightly fogging. "It was an honest comment."

  "That's part of the problem," Miss Ray said lowly to him.

  "Very good, Orihime," Tara said. "Thank you. Next, Nemu!"

  Nemu came down the runway with her power walk as Orihime returned to line. She stomped a stop, eyes on Ta

  "That's some strut there, Nemu. Uh-huh!" Tara said with a snap of her fingers. "Let's see your best shot."

  On the screen flicked Nemu's end of the runway photo, the black and white pleated shirt in motion around her, head tilted to one side as her hands held the scarf at her neck shrug-style, her expression a cross between smile and a flirty come-hither look.

  "Interesting use of the scarf," Virgil said.

  Miss Ray shrugged.

  "It's a good photo, Nemu," Tara said, nodding. "Thank you. Rangiku, come on down!"

  Rangiku took her strong stroll down the carpet to stand before the judges table, smiling at them.

  "Good stuff there, Rangiku," Tara said, smiling back at the contestant. "Let's see your best shot."

  Rangiku's photo blinked onto the screen. In it she was midway down the runway, the scarf traipsing behind her in one hand, her face lifted to the camera, a daring smile on her face.

  "Good shot," Tara said, nodding, looking to the guest judge. "Have you any comment on any of these, Dr. Kurotsuchi?"

  He looked to her, sending a chill up her spine that made her partially hide behind Virgil.

  "Yes," Kurotsuchi said.

  Tara waited for a comment. None came.

  She looked back to Rangiku, who was holding her fixed smile. "You worked the scarf well, even in a still shot it shows. Nicely done."

  "Thanks, Tara."

  Tara nodded, and then dismissed the contestants to allow the judges' deliberation. She shuffled the photos in front of her, then yelped as a black hand closed over them.

  Followed by a rare moment of interference for Kurotsuchi as Virgil's hand clutched the guest judge's wrist.

  "Tara usually keeps the photos during discussion," the photographer told him.

  "Oh?" Kurotsuchi looked from him to Tara.

  She pushed the photos to the last judge. "Let's mix it up this time, shall we, Virgil?"

  Virgil released Kurotsuchi's wrist, eyeing the man warily.

  Down the table Uryuu was shaking his head. Miss Ray crossed himself.

  Kurotsuchi looked to the photo of Yoruichi. "She's a well-proportioned woman, even skin tone, expressive eyes, athletic movements, but she looks like an octopus here."

  Virgil, Tara, Miss Ray, and Uryuu looked at each other.

  "That's what I was going to say," Miss Ray jumped in.

  "You were going to say all that?" Virgil queried dubiously.

  "No, just the part about the octopus." Miss Ray leaned across Tara to see the photo better. "It's all tentacle-like, and with the slanting black on white of the skirt it looks like she's descending or spinning. Like that witch-chic in that mermaid movie with Queen Latifa's voice."

  "Ursula?" Tara said, voice raising an octave. "Queen Latifa doesn't do her voice, sista. And Yoruichi doesn't look anything like that villainess."

  Miss Ray rolled his eyes and straightened. "Oh, yes'm she does, Miss Tara. You set that photo in motion and you got Ursula all over the place."

  Virgil shook his head. "Yoruichi has taken some of our strongest photos this competition, but this one does seem a bit ... I wish she'd done something different with the scarf."

  Kurotsuchi handed the photo to Virgil. "Pass that to the hermaphrodite down there."

  Virgil passed the photo, which got hand-to-hand to Miss Ray.

  "Now you can be offended," Uryuu told Miss Ray as the judge beside him grumbled, "but I wouldn't say anything about it to him, if I were you."

  "Hmph." Miss Ray cocked his head to one side, making an exaggerated pout at Yoruichi's photo.

  Kurotsuchi looked at Orihime's photo, making Uryuu cringe and drum his fingers nervously on the table. "Miss Inoue is an excellent specimen, young enough to change any imperfections, proportions to height are well done, very agreeable face." He smiled, verging on leering.

  Virgil pulled the photo from Kurotsuchi's black hand and passed it down the table to Uryuu, who clutched it possessively.

  "Oh, weren't you finished?" Virgil asked when the guest judge looked sharply to him.

  "Hmm. Yes, I suppose so."

  Tara looked to the photo Uryuu held. "This is one of Orihime's best, I think. She's working the scarf, got a killer smile, and with the make-up she looks just a bit, well, not older, but sophisticated. A good look for her, and Ray Migel said her walk was excellent."

  "She's in," Virgil said.

  Uryuu nodded. "She's the best."

  Kurotsuchi held up Nemu's photo, giving it a dispassionate study. "Nemu is well-proportioned, intelligent, follows orders." He handed the photo to Tara.

  Virgil nodded. "You're right on those points. She's been able to take direction from day one."

  "She'd better."

  "And she takes amazing photos," Virgil said, looking on as Tara nodded at the photo in her hands.

  "It's those shark-like eyes," Miss Ray said, shaking his head. "The Corpse Bride. Every week, it's like pulling teeth to get any depth of expression from her."

  "Don't tell him that," Uryuu told him in a low tone.

  "Her eyes?" Kurotsuchi said, interest piqued.

  "I've seen it, too," Tara said, nodding.

  "You said she takes direction well," Kurotsuchi said to Virgil.

  "She does. Follows through on every direction." Virgil gestured to the photo of Nemu in her black and white chiffon. "It's the whole animal handler thing." Looks of confusion all around, so he continued. "An animal trainer can't teach Lassie to squirm in pain like she was attacked by a horde of bees," Virgil said as Uryuu slapped a hand over his face in horror, "but the animal handler can give the collie commands to roll around on its back and yipe. There's no emotion connected with the collie's actions, but the visual affects are the same."

  Kurotsuchi looked to the photo of Nemu. "Simple commands would improve her emotional output?"

  Uryuu leaned over Tara to see Virgil and Kurotsuchi better. "I suggest something like a charm course."

  "A charm course?" the guest judge repeated.

  "Yes. Or," Uryuu said with a grin, "a two day pass to an amusement park where she could study all sorts of expressions."

  "Mr. Ishida, you know the prizes for this competition," Tara said kindly. "There are no runner-up awards."

  "Oh, yes, of course." He sat back, pushing his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose.

  "He might be right," Kurotsuchi said, eyes on the last photo. His grin returned as his gaze fell over Rangiku's body, resting on the dress of white organza where it sloped across her chest, the hem falling into a slanted edge trimmed with the black ruffle at her legs. "Miss Matsumoto is also well-balanced, proper measurements, pleasant face. The mole is off-center."

  "The mole isn't a problem," Virgil said, plucking the photo from Kurotsuchi's hands.

  "I didn't say it was a problem."

  Tara and Miss Ray looked to each other, then to Uryuu, whose attention was back on the photo in his hands.

  "So, gentlemen," Tara said smoothly, feeling Kurotsuchi's eyes on her, "have we decided on our winner?"

  Minutes later the remaining four contestants were lined up at the end of the carpet, looking back at the judges seated at the table, and at Tara standing before them with the photos.

  "It's getting down to the final few," Tara said seriously. "I have only three photos in my hands, but four beautiful, talented girls in front of me. One of you will be going home, and three of you will be advancing." She turned over the first photo. "Orihime!"

  After a gasp, Orihime skipped down the carpet, smiling as she received her photo from Tara. "Thank you!"

  "You took excellent photos this shoot," Tara said softly, "you had the smile, the walk, the sophistication I haven't seen before, but you didn't lose your fun. Very Drew Barrymore. You've got what it takes to win The Next Top Model. Now you've got to top your competition."

  Orihime nodded and went back to get in line.

  Tara looked over the three other contestants for a long moment before flipping over the next photo.

  Rangiku did a pageant-winning hop and went down the carpet to take her photo.

  "You brung it, girl," Tara said with a short laugh. "You worked the scarf, you brought the strut and smile. We'll be seeing you in the top three."

  "Thanks, Tara." Rangiku turned and took her place beside Orihime, giving the Living girl a quick hug.

  Tara looked to the last two contestants. "Nemu, Yoruichi, please come down here."

  The two contestants approached Tara.

  "You've had some outstanding photos over the course of this competition," Tara said to Yoruichi. "The camera loves you, and the judges do, too. But this week, the scarf just didn't work for you. That surprised us." She looked to Nemu. "Photographers all say it: Nemu is the most receptive contestant to work with. She takes direction, she listens. But she doesn't always deliver." Tara looked from Yoruichi to Nemu. "You both got this far, and that means you've got what it takes, but is it enough?"

  Yoruichi and Nemu both looked to the guest judge, who was looking back at them.

  Tara turned over the last photo. "Yoruichi, you're still in the running for The Next Top Model."

  Nemu's eyes dropped, and then her gaze lifted to see Kurotsuchi. She looked to Tara. "Thank you for the opportunity to compete."

  Yoruichi pulled Nemu close and hugged her. "Nice job, Nemu."

  "Thank you."

  Nemu turned and walked down the carpet, returning the waves Orihime and Rangiku gave her as she went, smiling a bit.

  And then there were three.


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