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Taken By Desire

Page 2

by Newton, LeTeisha

  “He can’t have you. I’d kill him first,” Cirro rumbled before he could catch himself. It didn’t matter though, the alcohol had worked its magic and Sasha was already sliding in her seat, asleep between one breath and the next. Cirro sighed. She couldn’t be comfortable like that. He’d taken the truck to come get her so he lifted the armrest between them, so the front seat became a three-seater, and unbuckled her seat belt. That done he pulled her over, one hand on the wheel and his eyes on the road, until she was leaning on his chest. She snuggled up to his side as he groaned.

  This close he could smell the vanilla scent of her shampoo, the floral tones of her soap. She smelled good enough to eat. He rubbed his chest, the area suddenly aching as he drove his mate home, where she belonged.

  Even if he didn’t think this was going to work out for them in the long run.

  Chapter Three

  Sasha was floating in the air. Groggily she opened her eyes, the large mansion that her best friends now lived in looming in front of her. She’d always loved the home. It was built in wings, each housing a number of Pietr’s extended family, and around the mansion were houses of other families. The main doors opened and Sasha realized that she was in Cirro’s arms, the thick bands of strength supporting her weight as if she was a feather. His chest was firm under her cheek and hand, his heart thumping steadily in a sure rhythm. This close to him something in her changed. Her heart sped up, her blood quickening as it pooled in her lower extremities. Every breath she took brought his scent deeper into her lungs and made her pussy throb with want. She shifted in his arms, uncomfortable with her reaction when this was the first time that Cirro had ever touched her. She clenched her jean clad thighs, trying to fight the throbbing sensation, but it only made it worse. A low, purring sound vibrated around her and she nearly moaned, the sound finding its way to her clit and sliding over her.

  “Sasha!” Selene called breaking the spell, and Sasha felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment as Cirro let her down easy. It took a minute for her to find her balance and he steadied her before stepping back as if she were hot coals. Before she could say anything, Selene, now back to her original size after giving birth to her son, Alexios, pulled Sasha into her arms for a bear hug.

  Maddy was close on her heels, wrapping around them both as best she could. Sasha couldn’t fight it anymore and broke down crying in their arms, to her utter amazement. She felt safe, as if she belonged here. Through watery eyes she saw Connor’s dark head over Maddy’s, and Pietr stepping forward, neither man ever too far behind their women. Selene was set to marry Pietr in just a few months, the couple having decided to wait till after the birth of their son to tie the knot. Connor, she knew—secretly of course because Maddy was not supposed to know yet—would be proposing to Maddy after the wedding. He wanted her to enjoy her shine in the engagement and at the wedding. Beth, Lauren, Drea, and Adelis, four women that seemed perpetually at Selene’s side once she had moved into the house, came up too.

  “I’m sorry,” Sasha whispered, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “Don’t you dare,” Selene chastised her. “Let’s get you inside.” The group walked into the house and into the great room in the center of the mansion that was littered with soft white couches in front of several big-screen TVs around the room and interspersed with large banana trees with branches leading to the many floors. Sasha had thought the design odd but beautiful. Selene escorted the group to a circle of couches and they sat, Cirro standing behind Sasha. Though he didn’t touch her she felt the heat of his nearness as if he was right up against her.

  “So spill,” Maddy ordered once she was snuggled up against Connor, who wrapped her up in his arms.

  What I wouldn’t give to have that, she thought mournfully. She hadn’t spent much time thinking about dating long term because of her career. Though her girls had enjoyed a multitude of girl’s night outs, they had only been for entertainment. None of them had much time to have a full-time romance, or so Sasha had believed. Somehow, though, Maddy and Selene had done it. Maddy was still a prominent neurosurgeon who worked on referrals only outside of the subdivision that belonged to Pietr’s family. When she wasn’t working out there she was the family’s physician, along with Pietr, Sasha had found out with some surprise. The man wasn’t just a pretty face, he was extremely intelligent to boot. Sasha remembered picking at Selene, saying that Pietr was probably good with his hands until Selene was blushing and running off to find her man. Pietr, too, was curled around Selene as if he never wanted to leave. Sasha shifted, lonely and uncomfortable on the couch, as Drea, Lauren, Beth, and Adelis had taken up different spots on the floor not too far from Selene.

  “You know that case I told you I was presiding over?” Sasha started, not wanting to think anymore about the fact that she wished Cirro would take her in his arms again.

  “Yes,” Selene answered.

  “Well, it seems that the rumors were true that he is unforgiving with anyone who opposes him,” Sasha said. Selene looked at her questioningly but Sasha didn’t want to continue, the cold creeping in as she lost herself in thoughts about the mess she was in. He wanted her dead. He wasn’t just unforgiving. He’d take her away, kill her, and make sure it hurt when he did it. For a woman secure in her life and confident all the time, she didn’t like the fear. Didn’t like the lack of control she had over the entire situation. She didn’t realize she was making sounds of distress until Cirro came around the couch in a flash and lifted her onto his lap. She melted into his embrace as he rubbed her back soothingly.

  “He has targeted her,” Cirro said for her as she took in his scent, comforted. She gripped his shirt as he told her friends what she’d told him. When they started asking questions he couldn’t answer, she spoke again.

  “Diego, who goes by Ice, is a man that’s been the muscle for the Edrico drug cartel out of south Mexico for the last fifteen years. They have him residing in Texas to keep the drugs protected and moving across the border through some places like Cotulla and the like. The FBI, U.S. Marshals, and local law enforcement have been working for some time to bring cases against him and get him off the streets, but every case falls through for some reason or another.”

  “Bribing, violence, and death I would figure,” Pietr said.

  “Yes,” Sasha agreed. “Now that they believe he may be coming after me and I had to disappear. Someone else that could win almost hands down would have to take the first case, or he’ll go free again. I don’t know who else has the guts.”

  “Sas, I love you, but what an idiot!” Selene yelled. “Why put yourself in that kind of danger and not tell anyone? We could have done something. Hell, we may have even made you safe enough to finish your job and put that asshole away.”

  “I appreciate that, but I don’t think you would have been successful, and I didn’t want any of you in danger. With such an airtight case I didn’t think he would be able to go after me. But a cop risked everything to bring some information from an illegal wiretap, so I thought wrong.”

  “It’s okay. You are safe here,” Maddy said soothingly.

  “I can’t stay here forever. Eventually I will have to go back home and, unless they catch him, I’ll still be in danger. I don’t know what to do,” Sasha said, curling into Cirro.

  “You will stay here, where you belong. He won’t hurt you. Not while I’m around. We will think of something. You can’t live the rest of your life in fear,” Cirro said then, and she believed him, for some reason. Some of the tension in her shoulders bled out.

  “Damn straight. You can stay here forever for all I care. Alexios will love seeing his auntie every day,” Selene announced.

  “Of course. Our house is yours,” Pietr added.

  “We can go check her house tomorrow,” Connor said, speaking for the first time. “She says he knows her address so we may be able to pick up a trail.”

  “I’ll take you up on that. Let me get Sasha settled and I’ll get back downstairs and we can talk about w
hat our next move will be,” Cirro said.

  He stood, picking up Sasha as he went. The others said their good-nights and she waved in return as he carried her upstairs. She hadn’t realized how tired she was until that moment. Safety, she realized, was an amazing feeling. Her whole body relaxed as Cirro carried her up the grand staircase and took a right when they reached the hallway. He passed several doors and then entered one on the right side. Selene was surprised to see stairs leading down, but didn’t get a chance to ask before Cirro closed the door behind them and closed them in complete darkness. She shrieked and clamped her arms around his neck.

  “You’re going to break your neck,” she yelled.

  “Be calm. We are safe. Just relax. You will always be safe with me.” She buried her face in his throat, afraid they would tumble any moment. But the darkness also brought another problem. Under its cover she could smell him better, feel him, and sense the movement in his body. Each step he took was a glide as smooth as water, as graceful as a dancer. It didn’t take long for them to reach the bottom and he shifted her before he released her with one arm. A light came on and illuminated a large room with multiple computer screens and a large swivel chair in the center of it all. He lifted her back into his arms and bypassed all of that, heading for a door to the left of the computers.

  The next room was a paradise of black silk and soft champagne-colored walls. His bedroom had a massive bed in the center, large enough to fit five, full-grown men in—comfortably. It was covered in black silk sheets with pillows in the same golden color that his walls were painted in. The golden duvet cover, rimmed in black, was turned down as if waiting for him to lie down. A large mirror, spanning one whole wall, covered one side of the room, facing the bed. Dual nightstands, one on each side of the bed, had lamps sitting on them with dark covers, providing soft light. But other than that, there was nothing in the room. She supposed his den took care of all of that, and one of the other many doors was his restroom and closet, assuming, of course, that is was self-contained down here.

  He slid her under the covers with ease and then moved to turn off the lights. She buried her head under the covers he’d tucked her into as he left the room. He left the door ajar and she could hear him moving around in the other room before she heard soft footfalls on the stairs, followed by a door opening and closing. Surrounded in his scent, and comforted, she fell asleep.

  Chapter Four

  She was running for her life. Everyone in the mansion was gone, disappeared as if they never were. And Ice was here. He’d found her. She pounded on doors, knowing her stumbling escape was loud enough not to hide where she was. Ice had come through the door, pistol in hand with a silencer on the end, his black beady eyes boring into her as he spotted her relaxing on the couch. His black hair, slicked back from his face with gel, matched his dark T-shirt and camo pants. He’d come for war, and she was his enemy. Only her fight-or-flight responses kicking in, with her flight taking precedence and pushing her to leap over the couch, saved her from the first shot. It swung wide and to the left of her as she screamed. But no one was there. No one could hear her. He’d blocked the front door, her avenue of escape, and she rushed upstairs, unsure of the layout of the whole house.

  On the second floor she struggled to find Cirro’s door, to escape downstairs to his sanctuary, knowing if she just made it there she’d be safe. That Cirro would save her. He had to. He told her that he would keep her safe. She screamed as Ice came pounding up the stair behind her and another shot whistled through the air. Plaster exploded above her head and rained down on her hair. She pushed herself faster, her chest heaving and her heart ready to leap from her chest. She ran with everything she had, testing every door until one gave and she saw the stairs she’d been looking for. But a hand gripped her arm, yanking her from safety, and turned her. Ice smiled evilly in her face, his straight, white teeth an atrocity.

  “Caught you, bitch,” he whispered as he put the muzzle of the gun to her head.

  “Cirro,” she screamed with everything she was worth, knowing he wouldn’t get to her in time, knowing he may be hurt if he rushed to her side now. She was going to die.

  “Cirro,” she cried again in the darkness and the door slammed open, spilling in light. Cirro was there, gun drawn, his eyes scanning the room and his nostrils flaring.

  “You’re safe, Sasha,” he whispered putting his gun down on the night stand and kneeling by her side. “Safe. There is no one here.”

  “He was chasing me. I felt him. His hands on me, the gun to my head,” she said, trembling so hard her teeth clicked. Cirro sat on the bed next to her and pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m here. He’s not going to hurt you. I would die first,” he promised.

  “Take it away, make me forget,” she begged, not knowing what she asked for, but she wanted the fear gone, wanted Cirro to wipe away the memory of Ice’s touch. She clutched at Cirro’s shirt, bunching the material in her fists. He released her and then framed her face with warm, calloused hands.

  “Sasha,” he began but she didn’t let him finish.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “As my mate wishes, so shall I provide,” he whispered before dipping his head.

  The first touch of his lips against hers was soft and easy, an exploration of her lips. She tasted him, the sweetness of his tongue as he slid it into her mouth. He tilted his head and fit her mouth better to his as he laved the inside of her mouth with his tongue, stroking over each crevice. Her body heated, the cold of fear giving way to desire as she pushed closer to him even as she pulled him tighter to her body. Her breasts felt heavy, her nipples aching as they were crushed against his chest. His hands left her face and his arms wrapped around her. He pulled her into his lap and she felt the thick evidence of his arousal under her ass. She swirled her hips against him, and was rewarded with that purr that was unique to him. She broke the kiss long enough to speak.

  “More,” she whispered against his lips and kissed him again, harder this time, communicating silently her need.

  He lay her down on the bed, his body pushing hers into the mattress. His hands roamed down her sides to the hem of her shirt and lifted. He only left her mouth long enough to toss it over her head. She gripped the bottom of his shirt as well and ripped it from him. His chest, hard and muscular, pressed against her bra covered breasts. She need more. She needed him. Never had she felt so drawn to a man before. She arched her back and unclasped her bra, shrugging her arms out of the strap. He shifted enough for her to pull the material and then, sweet heaven, she felt him. Naked. Her stomach quivered with the sensation.

  Finally he left her mouth, kissing his way over her chin and down her neck. His hands were busy, unbuttoning her jeans, and pushing them, along with her underwear, over her hips. Her pussy grew plump and moist at his urgent touch. His mouth made its way to her right nipple and he sucked it into her mouth as she kicked away her jeans. His black pants rubbed against the soft insides of her thighs as he settled between them. She groaned when his hands molded her breasts. His tongue flicked her nipple and then he nipped it with his teeth. She arched under him, gripping the cool strands of his hair to push him tighter to her body.

  “Yes,” she moaned as he switched to her opposite nipple. Her body felt like it was on fire, lost under the tidal wave of Cirro. She’d been waiting for this moment, in the back of her mind, for a year, since the moment she’d laid eyes on him. No amount of avoiding each other had stopped the desire that had slowly caught fire in her. His touch felt right, perfect on her body. She wrapped her legs around him, grinding her pussy against his cloth-covered cock. He felt long, thick, and delicious. She wanted him inside. Screw nice and easy, she needed rough and hard. She needed him to claim her body in ways she’d never been touched before.

  “Dammit, Cirro, please,” she begged and he seemed to know what she needed. He lifted off her and stood up. His hands went to his belt and he unbuckled it. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. And then,
inch by slow inch, he pushed them down off his body. His cock sprang from a dusting of dark blond curls, just as perfect as she thought he’d be, but better. The head of his cock was broad, the top of his dick larger than the base. He would hit her G-spot nicely. She knew it. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her.

  “Be sure, Sasha. There is no going back once I take you. No turning back,” he said, his eyes pleading with her with some emotion, some hidden knowledge she didn’t understand, but she wasn’t stopping. She wanted him. Needed him and she was going to have him.

  “Take me,” she answered and his eyes slid closed and he exhaled roughly.

  “Then we’ll be damned together,” he whispered roughly before he lay back down on top of her. He settled in between her thighs, his dick blazing against her clit like heated steel. She moaned, her body tensing just at the slight touch. Her pussy was leaking, ready for him, but he tested her with his fingers, pushing one thick digit in and then another. He pumped them in and out of her slowly, watching her. She held his gaze as her breath quickened and her body rolled into his.

  “Take me,” she repeated.

  “I’m a large man. You have to be ready. We’ll take this slow and easy.”

  “No. I need it hard, rough,” she said then. “Now,” she urged. He shook his head and she roared her frustration. Taking matters into her own hands she gripped his cock in one fist and pumped, twisting her wrist as she went. He froze above her, his pupils dilating.

  “So be it,” he said roughly and then moved her hand out the way. The head of his cock kissed the entrance of her pussy and he slammed in. She screamed at the first blissful glide but he wasn’t done. He set a punishing pace, gripping her legs by the backs of her knees and lifting them toward her chest. He slid in another inch and she screeched.


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