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Taken By Desire

Page 4

by Newton, LeTeisha

  “Lauren,” Selene said.

  “I’m on it,” the blond returned, and moved, quicker than Sasha ever thought possible. She was near Selene one minute, and then the next right behind Sasha and holding her by the arms in a viselike grip.

  “Let me go,” Sasha cried, struggling.

  “Selene,” Pietr said in a warning tone.

  “No, Pietr. She deserves to know. It’s her choice. Beth,” Selene ordered and Beth nodded. Right before Sasha’s eyes Beth melted. Her body shifted and remolded, the slight sound of bones popping until a large leopard stood before Sasha. Sasha could feel herself screaming but no sound emerged and she struggled to get away from Lauren. But Lauren was too strong, holding her in place with ease.

  “This is what we are. Me, Pietr, Alexios, Lauren, Beth, Drea, and Adelis.”

  “Maddy?” Sasha croaked.

  “I’m still human, for now. But I won’t be a leopard. Collin will make me a wolf.”

  “You have got to be shitting me. Cirro is a leopard?”

  “Afraid so,” Selene answered. “He was always worried that his mate would be human, that she would die before him. Unlike wolves, who can change their mate under a full moon without any danger, leopards can only change their mates by giving them a fatal wound. That night when I ran from the club where Maddy met her mate, I was attacked by a wereleopard. Pietr saved me, barely, and now I am what he is. Cirro should have told you about this before he bit you.”

  “Biting me makes me his mate?”

  “Yes. It binds you to him. Until one of you dies, there is no one else for either of you.”

  “And unless I die, or come very close, I will die long before he does,” Sasha stated.

  “It’s not that simple. For wereleopards we only mate once. Cirro will either follow you or look for death after you pass,” Pietr chimed in.

  “How long?” Sasha asked, freezing.

  “What?” Selene asked.

  “How long has he known I was his mate?” Sasha asked. How long had Cirro known that she was meant for him? A human that he hadn’t obviously wanted to tie himself to until she’d been dumb enough to beg him. How long had he known that she was the one meant for him and denied her because of what she was? How long had they lied to her?

  “From the moment he met you,” Lauren answered before the others could, rubbing Sasha’s arms. Sasha flinched from her, and Lauren released her, but didn’t move away.

  “He’s known, all this time? All of you have known, and kept it from me? All of you. Maddy? Selene? My best friends? My sisters? Ones I trusted my life with? I’m surrounded by people who thought I was too weak to handle the truth. Surrounded by people who have lied, hurt, and are now, are trying to kill me. And I came to you, felt safe.” Sasha felt the tears coming but couldn’t fight them. Her heart was breaking.

  Deep inside she’d always felt that Cirro was meant for her. Had known that there was something special between the two of them. She’d felt it the first time she’d seen him. Known that he would mean the world to her. She’d wanted to be with him. She’d wanted to be a part of the world her friends had entered, and find love. A world that she hadn’t really understood. Her best friends, her family, they’d lied to her. Hadn’t let her in, until trouble had come her way. And even then they hadn’t told the truth until she was too far in to get away. She was mated. Mated like some animal to a man who hadn’t wanted her, who had fought to stay away from her because she was human.

  “My, what a good laugh you all must have had when I was telling you about my human problems.”


  “No, Selene. I think you’ve done enough.”

  “She was only trying to help, Sasha,” Maddy argued.

  “I want to leave.”

  “That’s not an option,” Cirro said, and Sasha swung around to face him. Even now her body quickened just looking at him. Her nerves remembered the pleasure he could give her, the taste of his mouth, and the feel of his hands. But she was cold inside, numb. They’d lied to her. All of them.

  “I’m getting out of here,” she argued, standing her ground. Cirro’s cold gaze scanned the room and rested on Beth, still in leopard form.

  “So now you know. It doesn’t change anything,” Cirro said as he stared Sasha down.

  “Oh yes it does. You will never touch me again. And the rest of you can stay the hell out of my life.”

  Chapter Seven

  Sasha didn’t even try to stop the tears from flowing. She’d trusted Maddy and Selene for so long. They’d been more than friends, they’d been family. Since meeting at a party nearly fifteen years ago, they’d connected in a way that Sasha had never thought possible. And since they’d all been in different professions they hadn’t had to deal with competition amongst each other. They’d been able to like freely, enjoy life, and enjoy each other. Sasha had relied on them, loved them, and had protected them with fierce loyalty. Sure, she could admit that their secret wasn’t one she would’ve believed under normal circumstances, but all they’d had to do was show her proof the same way they did today. If Pietr had saved Selene’s life by converting her, or whatever, then he was good in her book. She would have stood beside them.

  And if they’d told her she never would have made herself look like a fool for Cirro.

  She wouldn’t have thought there could be something between them. She would have stayed away from the house as much as possible, tried dating more, anything. She would have fought tooth and nail to not nearly fall for the man, and just watched him in silence. Watched him play with Alexios like a proud uncle. Watched him laugh, on rare occasions, with Pietr, or practice combative arts with his men. Men she now realized must be leopards just like the others. It was too much. With Ice wanting her dead she had been ready to leave her life behind to keep everyone safe. Then Cirro had come to her rescue and she’d thought that she’d be safe, that she wouldn’t be hurt. But sometimes emotional hurt could cut deeper than a knife.

  She grabbed her bags as quickly as she could. She needed to get away, to think. She’d never turn her friends in, no matter how pissed off she was at them, but she could stay here. What hurt most of all? That Cirro had felt their connection from the beginning and hadn’t wanted to give in. She remembered Pietr’s words. He’d said that Cirro would have been powerless to deny her when she was in need. If that was the case, that Cirro had made love to her only to appease her, he’d made love to her because the animal inside of him told him that’s what he needed to do to make her happy. He hadn’t wanted to touch her.

  God, she’d been so stupid.

  “You’re not leaving,” Cirro hissed, standing in the door of his bedroom to guard her escape. His attire was different today. He wore a white T-shirt with black slacks. His black harness straps for his guns was stark against his white shirt. He looked like a detective, and she’d come across plenty of those. Camouflage, she realized. He’d dressed to appear as if he was supposed to be walking in her house and looking around. He’d left before she’d woken up, and Selene had told her it was because he went to go search her house. She’d felt protected, cherished even. Now she saw it for what it really was, a way to get the hell away from her. That’s all.

  “I am walking out that door. And you can’t stop me,” Sasha argued.

  “You know I can. I could lock you into this room and make sure you never leave,” Cirro said, his blue eyes narrowing.

  “Why? You don’t want me here. I don’t want to be here either.”


  “Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare! You haven’t wanted me. I know all about you not wanting a human as your mate. Don’t lie to me.”

  “I wouldn’t. I didn’t want a human mate. You are fragile. You can’t heal wounds like a leopard. You grow old and die long before I would even show signs of aging. And for a leopard there is only one mate. Long after you die, I would only be a shell of a man. I’d be a husk that only wanted death, if I didn’t follow you the moment you took your
last breath. So, no, I didn’t want a human as my mate. That wasn’t personal. That’s just the truth.”

  “At least someone knows how to tell me the truth.”

  “Oh stop it. What the hell was Selene supposed to do? Call you and tell you Guess what, I’m a leopard now because I got attacked by a rogue wereleopard? You can’t see me for a few weeks while I get a handle on my predatory instincts? Was Maddy supposed to tell you her mate was a wolf and, as soon as they can, he will be converting her? No. They couldn’t. At the end of the day they also had to protect the secret of the men they had fallen in love with.”

  “I wouldn’t have told a soul. I never would have put them in jeopardy, any more than I would now!” Sasha argued.

  “That’s not the point. They didn’t tell you because it wasn’t just their secret to tell. They had to wait. Honestly, they were waiting on me.”

  “You? For what?”

  “Because. I. Am. Your. Mate. I am the one that is supposed to bring you into this world. They were giving me time to come to terms with a human mate. They were waiting for me to get over my aversion to my future. But I took it out of the equation when I mated you, and quite obviously, didn’t tell you what you were getting into. So if you want to hate anyone, hate me.”

  “Consider it done. I don’t hate them. I’m just hurt that they didn’t trust me,” Sasha agreed. She stepped up to Cirro, standing to her full height, not caring about the tears, or how she must look in a rumpled T-shirt and jeans. She didn’t care if he was disgusted with her. This man had touched her like no one else, and he’d also hurt her. So it may not have been personal, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. She’d pined for him, wanted him, and had needed him. Had felt such relief to know he was coming for her, to feel his protection in his arms. But it didn’t matter. None of it did. She’d burn her feelings away.

  “You don’t have to worry about having a mate that’s human. I don’t care what they say. I reject your claim on me. I hate you. I don’t want your touch, I don’t want your protection, and I don’t want you. In a moment of weakness I wanted you to soothe me. But guess what? If another man had come down those stairs, he would have done too. Sex, my dear, Cirro, is relaxation for me. So don’t think you were special. Move out of my way. I am going to leave, I’m going to find the detective who wanted to protect me in the first place, and I’m going to take this case back. That is the truth. You are safe, Cirro, from a human mate. Now move.”

  He roared. Actually roared. Sasha stumbled back as Cirro advanced on her, his eyes no longer blue. They were golden, pure liquid metal as his face hardened, his features more pronounced. She could see bulges behind his lips, as if he could barely contain his canines. When he hissed at her, she could see them, stark white, and piercing sharp. He clenched his hands at his sides and then released them. It was then she could see the claws.

  “Leaving?” he huffed. “Any man would do? You hate me? Reject my claim?” he roared once more, and she trembled. She stumbled back into the bed and fell. Cirro followed her.

  “You don’t want my touch. You. Don’t. Want. Me? I can smell lies. Every single one. Let me show you.” He gripped his shoulder harness and flung it off of him and then the tactical belt at his hips. It disappeared over his shoulder, the clank of metal loud in the room. His claw tipped fingers cut at the fabric he wore, baring his chest to her gaze. All roped muscle.

  The night before she’d been too lost to take notice, but now, with the light flooding the room, and the fear of a nightmare gone, she could truly see him. Scars dotted his body here and there. He was a warrior. One nasty scar, that looked like claw marks, spanned from his lower stomach and then up and over his right hip. She resisted the urge to run her fingers over the puckered flesh soothingly. Her body was heating, betraying her words, betraying her desire. Her pussy was growing moist as her nipples hardened and her mouth went dry. Cirro didn’t stop there, though. His claws continued to rip and sunder until he was kicking scraps of his pants away from his legs. His thighs were thick and powerful, the muscles bunching as he shifted. But her eyes were riveted on his cock. It was magnificently hard for her, jutting toward her from a thatch of dark golden hair. His balls were heavy and the soft, velvet skin tantalized her to take a lick.

  “I smell your desire. Your pussy is weeping for me and I haven’t even touched you. Can another man do this? Can someone else give you so much with simply the sight of his flesh?” Cirro asked, but he didn’t give her a chance to answer. His hands were on her, ripping her clothes away. But as vicious as his actions were, he was careful. Never once did she feel the bite of his claws. Never once, when he wrenched fabric away, did it abrade her skin. In seconds she was bare and open to him. His gazed roamed over her possessively and she arched under the seduction of the moment. This was Cirro. Wild and needy. For her. She could taste it in the air.

  “Not good enough,” he said and clambered off her. He grasped her wrists and lifted her from the bed as if she weighed nothing. He switched positions with her and sat on the bed, spinning her around and sitting her on his lap. He let go of her wrists and with sure hands gripped her knees to position her legs over his.

  “Look in the mirror,” he commanded, and she was helpless to do anything but obey. She was draped over him like and ornament. He gripped her hair and forced her head back to his shoulder. The change made her breasts poke out, her stomach quiver. She was on display. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see what he could do with her. The slight sting of a slap to her clit made her scream, even as her eyes shot open. The sting faded and warmth replaced it, spreading slowly from her clit to deep in her womb. She squirmed in Cirro’s lap.

  “This is mine,” he growled, slapping her clit again, and she cried out, in agony, pleasure, and need.

  “No one else’s. They can’t have you. They can’t touch you. No one could give you what I do.” He nuzzled her neck, and then nipped over the mark he’d made. Her body coiled, waiting for pleasure. His hand left her hair, but she kept her head in place. His hand gripped her throat with leashed hostility, and it was so hot she felt moisture leak from her depths.

  “Say it,” he urged, but she refused. She wouldn’t give in. She’d begged him. She wouldn’t now. He chuffed against her neck and then his hand was trailing down, over the slope of her right breast. She watched him move in the mirror. His sure fingers found her nipple and tweaked it, twisted it until it hardened between his fingers. He gave equal attention to the other nipple and she was panting. She gripped his thighs and anchored herself as her body swam with desire.

  “Say it,” he urged again, but she stubbornly remained silent. “So be it.” His hand left her breast and then his other hand was moving. She watched, mesmerized, waiting. Two thick fingers sank into her wet sheath, stretching her. He pumped his hand, twisting as he came out, only to slam in again. She screamed, the pleasure filling her. He pushed and pulled and she felt each dig deep inside her. She held on and rode his fingers, hearing the sound of slick, wet flesh sliding, her panting breaths, and her cries, all the while watching him touch her. His gaze held hers in the mirror. Dark with lust, and still golden with the animal inside of him.

  “I’m going to ask you only once more. Only once,” he said, and then slapped her clit in time with his thrusts. She went wild, slamming her hips against his hand as best she could. Wave after wave of pleasure swamped her. She had never felt anything like this. Even in his anger, tinged with hurt, he cared for her. The sting of his hits only enhanced her pleasure, his hands instruments of torturous pleasure. Need spiked within her as her blood rolled like molten lava through her veins. She needed to feel more. She needed him inside of her.

  She twisted her hips, bucking against him. His hand at her clit stopped long enough to adjust his cock under her ass so she saw it bobbing under her with each movement. She licked her lips, wanting that inside of her. Knowing he would stop her from coming until he was buried deep inside of her. He didn’t need to ask. She was more than ready to ta
ke him. She wanted to see his thick shaft sinking into her pink inner flesh. She wanted to watch her pussy swallow him.

  “Please,” she said then, not caring. Just needing him. Wanting him.

  “Say it,” he said and stopped all motion. She screamed her frustration.

  “No one else,” she whispered as her breasts trembled with each shuddering breath. “No one else could do this to me. Touch me like this,” she said.

  “I am you mate,” he roared staring at her, waiting.

  “It’s not enough,” she cried.

  “It will be, for now. You are my mate,” he said again.

  “I am your mate,” she whimpered and his hands shifted to lift her over his cock.

  Between one breath and the next he slammed her down on him. She watched, crying out, her body shaking as he pumped into her. He lifted her up and down with easy strength as she braced herself on his knees. He pushed his hips harder against her, bringing her down on his cock with enough force to nearly dislodge her. Only his hands kept her in place. But never once did she look away. Not as he pumped into her at breathtaking speed, or as his cock, glistening with her juices, disappeared over and over inside of her. She didn’t look away as his eyes slowly melded to blue, and she saw, for a hint of a second, the wetness of tears in his eyes, the need of his mate that he couldn’t fight. And the fear that it wouldn’t be long enough, that he would lose her.

  Suddenly she understood what Cirro was fighting against. The pain he was guarding his heart against, and her own heart thawed a little. He wanted this, needed it even. But his fear was choking him. Fear of something that could happen any day, or decades from now. Living today bound by fear that was tied up in emotion for his mate. Neither of them were ready to put words to the emotions, or acknowledge them after this moment.

  “It is enough, for now,” she whispered and his eyes finally closed. He wrapped his arms around her and stood. He turned them and came with her back down on the bed. He sank into her from behind, lifting her hips slightly in the air. He blanketed her, touching her everywhere as he pounded into her. She held on, to him, to her tears, and to her emotions. He took them higher until pleasure was spiraling through her. Her clit pulsed, her body quaking, hanging on the edge of the cliff.


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