Book Read Free

Safe Under Protection

Page 7

by Holla Dean

  “Ettie puts every post on the community bulletin board in her paper. You and Russ are sure to be featured in her next issue as our newest residents.”

  The redhead quickly informed them that wouldn’t be happening. “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do that any longer. I have too many ads and I need to take them for the revenue. The best I’ll be able to do is make a small mention of this little gathering to welcome the Hunters.”

  “That’s more than enough,” Debi assured her. She’d been worried for a second—the last thing they needed was to be in a newspaper, no matter how small and limited its circulation was.

  Every time Debi searched the area for Russ she saw him chatting or laughing with the other men. Sometimes the discussions seemed serious, and once she was pretty sure he was talking about a car he’d rebuilt. He was fitting in very well and she wondered if the men talked about how they spanked their women. Did they compare other punishments, such as the ginger treatment?

  Whenever he caught her looking his way he’d wink at her and she smiled back. It was their way of telling each other everything was okay. She felt a peacefulness settle inside her. Yes, it was going to work out all right.

  Despite the odd premise of this community, the people who lived here were wonderful. Everyone was friendly and helpful. It wasn’t the kind of helpful when someone asked just because it was expected and when you declined, they went merrily on their way. No, the people here seemed to genuinely want to help. Even if you did decline, they pushed further, assuring you it was no trouble.

  It was late afternoon when the women started cleaning up and the men began taking their barbecues back to their yards. . Debi could see how tired the children looked and was sure their parents would be relieved that there would probably be little or no protesting about going to bed on time tonight.

  Debi went back into her house, leaving Russ and Brent to sweep up the bits of broken chips and crackers and hose down the street to get rid of any spilled messes. When they were finished, the cul-de-sac looked like there’d never been a party.

  Finally, Debi and Russ were alone and they collapsed on the sofa, exhausted from the day.

  “We met a lot of people today, do you remember everyone’s names?”

  “Hell no,” Russ answered with a laugh. “We met so many people there’s no way to remember them all. They’ll just have to be patient while we slowly learn what name goes with what face.”

  “I remember names,” Debi said, “but not who they belong to. And I can’t remember what man goes with what woman.”

  “It’ll all come in time. It’s a good community with good people, Debi. I think we lucked out when Jack Carmichael picked this place out for us.”

  “I was thinking the same thing earlier. I’m not so nervous now. I saw how well you were fitting in with the guys, and the other women just included me in their conversations even though they know we don’t live like they do. It doesn’t matter to them.”

  “No, it doesn’t. I think all they care about is that it doesn’t matter to us. As long as we accept them as they are, they’re happy to have us here.”

  Chapter Six

  Debi’s interview went perfectly. It went so well, she wondered if Jack Carmichael had used his influence as a U.S. Marshal to get her the job. Or if Brent had put some pressure on them. It was a ridiculous thought, of course. Why would they do that? Jack wasn’t a part of the community so he couldn’t have any influence. She wasn’t going to worry about it. All that mattered was she got the job and as soon as she walked home, she sat down to text Russ and tell him the good news.

  I got the job! I’m a kindergarten teacher!

  In a few minutes she received his reply:

  I knew you would! I told you, didn’t I? I bet they hired you because you’re gorgeous.

  She grinned at the last bit of his text and wished he were home so she could get a big hug from him. But he was in Denver again, seeing to the final details of getting his van set up. Walking to her front window, she gazed across the street and saw Venia working in her front yard. Grabbing her keys, she hurried across the street.

  “Hi, Venia. I got the job!”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful!” Venia straightened up and gave Debi a big smile before hugging her. “Congratulations, I know you’ll be happy there.”

  “I’m sure I will. I love kindergartners; they’re so eager to learn and are still young enough they want to please their teacher.”

  “I’m very happy for you. Let’s go in and celebrate with a glass of wine.”

  They went into Venia’s neat and tidy home and Debi followed her to the kitchen. Venia’s house was a smaller model and it was decorated beautifully. There were several pictures of her with her late husband, Greg.

  “You must miss your husband very much. I don’t know what I’d do without J…Russ.” Damn it! I have to be more careful. She mentally chided herself for the near slip-up on Russ’s name.

  “I do miss him. He was looking forward to living here so much that I decided to go through with the move even though he was gone.” Venia poured the wine and they sat at her kitchen table.

  “How long ago did he die?” Debi picked her glass up to take a sip of the cold wine.

  “Wait! Don’t drink yet. I have to make a toast.” Holding their glasses up, Venia said, “To my new friend and neighbor, congratulations on the job.”

  They clinked their glasses together and each took a sip before Venia answered the question about her husband.

  “He died a little over seven years ago, just before Corbin’s Bend was ready for the first residents to move in.”

  “And you moved here anyway?”

  “Yes, and I’m so glad I did. I understand the people who live here and since I have so much experience I think I can help some of the younger wives. I’m mentoring several of them, you know.”

  “I figured you were. Do you enjoy the mentoring?”

  “I like to think I’m helping when a TiH is struggling with certain aspects of this dynamic and I do enjoy helping; so yes, mentoring is enjoyable.”

  “What’s a TiH again? I remember reading about it, but forgot what it stands for.”

  “Taken in hand. Not everyone uses that term though; it just depends on the relationship.”

  “I don’t think I like it,” Debi said after thinking about it for minute. “It implies that something was wrong with the woman and she needed to be ‘taken in hand’ to get under control.”

  “Sometimes that’s exactly the situation,” Venia said with a chuckle. “You get an alpha male together with a sassy woman and sparks are sure to fly. When the sassy turns into a bratty, disrespectful confrontation, the alpha male has to show who dominates whom. He wants submission, and that’s not always easy to give. It can be very complicated and each relationship is different. I just try and help so they can find a common ground and make it work for them.”

  “But what if the woman isn’t submissive at all? How can they make it work? I don’t understand why one person in a relationship has to be the dominant one. Russ and I have always talked things over and made decisions together.”

  “It’s true this sort of lifestyle is not for everyone. The first thing that has to happen is consent. Both parties have to agree as to how they want to live. Both will have to compromise. And let me tell you, compromise for an alpha—male or female—isn’t easy. Even in DD, couples do talk things over, but when they can’t agree, it’s the HOH that has the final say.”

  Debi was of a mind that women were no longer bowing down to their husbands. Didn’t the women’s lib movement take care of that? She thought of the relationship her parents had and those of her friends. And her own relationship with Russ.

  She supposed her father was the head of his house, but it was mostly in his mind. Debi’s mother did what she wanted to but let her father think he was in control. In other words, her mother was a great manipulator.

  Debi couldn’t swear she hadn’t tried a little manipulatio
n once or twice in her marriage to Russ. But Russ didn’t try to control her every action and he was easy going about most things. She wondered if her husband was one of these so-called Alpha men.

  He did take charge of a situation when he felt he needed to. His jobs had always been managerial positions, but he’d always had someone above him. There were a few instances in raising their four children when he took a stand and wouldn’t budge. Especially when it came to their three daughters. As they grew older and began choosing clothes that were less ‘little girl’ and more ‘look at me’ he put his foot down about how much make-up they could wear and how revealing their clothing could be. When the girls started dating, he was strict about curfews and insisted on boys picking up the girls at the house so he could meet them. Debi would say Russ definitely acted like the Alpha male in those situations.

  Venia had been sitting watching Debi’s face as all these thoughts went through her mind. Now she asked, “Do you want to tell me what you’re thinking about?”

  “I guess of the whole concept of this…this community, the lifestyle of the people who live here. I’m thinking about my parents and their relationship. And wondering if Russ is an Alpha male. I never thought of him that way before. But I can think of plenty of instances where he did step right in, took charge, and handled something no one else was taking care of. He had plenty to say when it came to our daughters as they grew older and became teenagers and young women.”

  “There are all sorts of Alpha males. Perhaps Russ is an Alpha, but more in just his own space—his own family.”

  “Maybe.” Debi got up to leave. She wanted to go home and think about everything. “Thanks for the wine, Venia. I’ll see you later.”

  * * * * *

  Russ came home a few hours later and told Debi she’d have to drive him to Denver the following day. His panel truck was ready to come home.

  “Wait till you see it! The paint guy did a great job on the name and number and even threw in sort of a cartoon character of a car with a couple of flat tires, an open hood with steam coming out of it, and a puddle of oil underneath. It looks great.”

  “That’s wonderful, honey. With both of us working again, we won’t have to rely so much on our savings. I’m glad the U.S. Marshal Service got our funds transferred to our new accounts. I hate spending our retirement money.”

  Russ grabbed her and swung her around before kissing her. “Looks like we’re on the way to getting at least a semi-normal life back again.”

  “Yeah, maybe that would be so if I could stop fucking up your name.”

  “What do you mean? What happened?”

  “I saw Venia working in her yard when I came home from the interview and had to tell someone the news that I got the job. Then we were talking and I told her you were in Denver and almost said Jess. I caught myself just as the J started coming out of my mouth.”

  He ran his hand though his hair in consternation. “Damn it, babe, you’ve got to be more careful about that. If you can’t remember, just don’t call me any name.”

  “I know, but it would sound so stupid if I were talking to Venia and said ‘my husband’ instead of Russ.”

  “Well then, say something like ‘my honey’ or ‘my hubby.’ You’ve got to stop messing up or people are going to start asking questions.”

  “I will, I promise.” Debi tried to reassure him as she could hear the frustration is his voice. He was right. The last thing they needed was for gossip to start. People would start to scrutinize and analyze everything they said trying to figure out what that J was that kept coming out of Debi’s mouth.

  * * * * *

  In the morning Russ went to the dome and posted a flyer on the community notice board, notifying everyone that he would be in business as of that afternoon. He posted the new cell phone number that would be used for his business only.

  Jonathon Travers, the secretary of Corbin’s Bend, saw Russ and called out, “Is that the flyer for your auto repair business?”

  “Yeah, it is. Debi and I are driving down to Denver to pick up the van as soon as I get this flyer up here.”

  “Wonderful.” Jonathon sounded very enthusiastic about the new business. “You’re going to be a lifesaver for a lot of people. Especially the widows. And there are several women whose men commute to work and aren’t always able to help when a car problem arises.”

  “That’s good to know, Jonathan. I plan to make this my livelihood, so I hope there’ll be enough business to keep me going.”

  “We all wish you great success. I know several men, including my partner, Benjamin, will want to take a look at the setup in your van.”

  “I’ll be happy to show it off. Now I better get going, Debi’s outside waiting for me.

  “One thing I’ll say about this place,” Russ told Debi once he got back in their SUV. “The people are not only friendly and helpful, but damn supportive.”

  “They are,” Debi agreed. “I’ve been invited for coffee a couple of times and have always been busy. I hope they don’t start thinking I don’t want to be friends.”

  “They won’t. Venia won’t let that happen. But maybe you should invite some women over this week before you have to start work.”

  “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe I’ll make a few phone calls tonight.”

  They drove in companionable silence. She’d been spending more time than she should on the various websites and blogs about DD and thinking about spanking. Not only had she learned the basics of DD, but also a little bit about D/s and a few other things. Every time she read a post about someone getting in trouble and being punished, she became aroused.

  She was sure she didn’t want to live the DD lifestyle. They’d been married far too long for her to start submitting to Russ in virtually every aspect of their lives. After so many years together, they knew how to work and live together. They each knew who was best at doing what.

  In many ways their roles were quite traditional. She cleaned the house, did the laundry, shopping, and most of the cooking. Russ took out the garbage, did the yard work, and maintained their home and vehicles. They each helped the other when they needed a second pair of hands. Russ always washed the pots and pans because he knew she hated to. Since her knee replacement, he cleaned the bathrooms because she couldn’t get on her knees to scrub the tubs.

  Yet she couldn’t help wondering if spanking could be useful in their relationship. And how exactly would they incorporate it without her becoming submissive? It was one thing when Russ caught her in the bedroom and threw her on the bed while talking dirty. She always submitted to him sexually. It turned her on to have him exert his masculine strength and fuck her silly. She gave a little involuntary laugh when she noticed there was a bit of wetness between her legs just from thinking about all this.

  Russ looked at her and asked, “What’s so funny?”

  She laughed again before answering. “I don’t even know how to tell you.”

  “What? Did something happen you didn’t tell me about?”

  “I’ve just been thinking more about the DD lifestyle. All of these women seem to love it. Even the guys who are the ones that get spanked…the…what are they called again…TiH? They like it. Everyone in Corbin’s Bend that is doing the submissive route likes it. And I don’t get it.”

  “What’s not to get? Everybody that does anything a little different must like it or they wouldn’t be doing it.”

  “I know. But I can’t imagine living with a bunch of rules that would get me spanked if I broke them. And at the same time, whenever I look at one of those blogs and read about some poor woman getting her ass spanked, I get all hot and bothered.”

  “So you’ve been looking at more blogs and getting horny, huh?” he asked it in a teasing tone.

  “Don’t you start laughing at me again, J…Russ!”

  “I can’t help it, honey. It’s just so funny to me. I mean you’ve always told me to go fuck off if you thought I was trying to control what you want t
o do. It just doesn’t seem to fit that reading about spanking would get the juices flowing.”

  “Well, it does. That’s exactly what reading about it does to me.”

  He glanced at her quickly before turning his eyes back to the road. “You mean…you actually get, um…wet?”

  “Yes! That’s what I’m saying.” Debi blushed furiously at admitting it. “In fact, my panties are a little damp just from thinking and talking about it.”

  “Should we get a hotel room in Denver?” His eyebrows wiggled up and down suggestively.

  “Stop making fun of me.” She couldn’t help laughing at his eyebrows wiggling.

  “I’m not making fun of you. It’d be a shame to let your hot and bothered state go to waste.”

  “Oh, it won’t be going to waste. We’ll be having a little afternoon delight when we get home.”

  “Oh shit! I forgot to tell you. Talking about rules just reminded me. The guys were talking and we all kind of agreed that a lot of us are swearing a little too much.”

  “Yeah, I agree. I was thinking I’m going to have to be more careful now that I’ll be around little kids every day.”

  “Brent said he swears plenty, but he works hard at doing it only when kids aren’t around.”

  “A lot of the women hardly swear at all—some of them have a no swearing rule—and it makes me feel sort of…I don’t know…maybe coarse. I think since I haven’t been teaching for over a year, I’ve been swearing more.”

  “Brent suggested that more of us should make it a rule of some kind. Like not swearing unless we’re in our house or with adults only. So if we went to Zachary and Erin’s house, we wouldn’t swear at all because they have two daughters that might overhear.”

  “What if the rule gets broken?” Debi had a gnawing suspicion in her belly. Was Brent trying to push them down the path of DD?

  “That’s what I asked.”

  “And? What did he say?” Here it comes, she thought.

  “There should be some consequence, but of course it would be up to us to determine what that consequence should be.”


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