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Savage Destiny (The Hearts of Liberty Series, Book 1)

Page 38

by Phoebe Conn

"Are you ashamed of me?"

  She looked sincerely distressed by that possibility, and Hunter hastened to reassure her. "No, of course not, but I don't want people to say mean things to you, because you're with me."

  He was a tall, well-built, handsome man, but he was also clearly an Indian, and Alanna understood exactly what he meant. "If tasteless gossip bothered me, I'd not have become your wife. Now let's think no more about problems, and simply enjoy the view."

  Hunter leaned close to whisper in her ear. "The river isn't half as pretty as you. Which cabin is yours?"

  When he winked at her, Alanna knew exactly what he wanted. Thinking that losing themselves in each other preferable to dreading the difficulties that lay ahead, she took his hand and led the way. Her cabin was small, and the bunk almost too narrow for two, but neither uttered a single word of complaint. By the time the barge finally docked in New York City, the bond affection had forged between them was deep, but Alanna had not forgotten that Christian's future still lay in doubt.

  "Elliott had inquired about passage to Newport News, but we hadn't expected to remain so long with you. I'm sure we'll have to begin making the arrangements all over again."

  "I know how to find a ship," Hunter assured her. "While I do, I want you to stay on board with Elliott's coffin. Not that it would get lost, but it could easily become misplaced among the barge's other cargo, if there isn't someone here to prevent it, and that mustn't happen. It will only take me an hour or two to find a ship bound for Virginia. Will you wait here for me?"

  Equally concerned that the coffin reach Williamsburg safely, Alanna thought his suggestion sensible and readily agreed. They informed Captain Henderson of their plans, and Alanna found a convenient place to wait on deck until Hunter returned. The Indian hadn't been gone more than five minutes, before the captain came to her side.

  "Miss Barclay, I've just learned that a ship belonging to a friend of mine is sailing for Newport News on the evening tide. I could have my men transfer your late cousin's coffin on board right now, if you like."

  Disappointed his offer hadn't come a few minutes earlier, Alanna frowned as she responded. "If only you'd known that before Hunter left, it would have saved him what I'm afraid may prove to be a great deal of effort. I'll have to wait until he returns. If he hasn't completed making arrangements, then perhaps he can speak to your friend."

  Believing he was doing her a favor, Captain Henderson rephrased his offer. "Miss Barclay, forgive me for what I fear will seem to be an intrusion in your life, but I have your very best interests at heart, and I hope you'll accept my advice in the spirit in which it's intended. You must know that a liaison which might be tolerated in the backwoods will be severely criticized among Virginia's far more genteel society. Please consider leaving now.

  "When Hunter returns, I'll tell him you've already left for home. It will spare you the embarrassment of dealing with the brave, and no one in Virginia need ever learn of your acquaintance with him."

  "You're right," Alanna informed him with an icy calm that belied the fury of her outrage. "I do consider your advice an unwarranted intrusion in our lives. Will you please have your men place my cousin's coffin on the dock? I don't wish to remain on your ship another minute."

  The captain raised his hands in a plea for understanding. "Please, Miss Barclay, just consider my suggestion. Hunter referred to you as his wife, but did a clergyman actually conduct a ceremony, or is he following the tradition of his people which requires no legal sanction for a marriage?"

  "That's no concern of yours, Captain."

  "Oh, but it is," Henderson argued. "With your cousin dead, and no other relative here, I feel it's my duty to advise you. My interest is purely a fatherly one, I assure you. If Hunter is not your legal husband, then leave him now, my dear, and never admit to a soul that you knew him."

  Beyond anger, Alanna spoke through clenched teeth. "Save your advice for the people who ask for it, Captain. Now must I summon several of your men myself? I want my cousin's coffin removed from this vessel immediately." To emphasize her demand, she picked up her valise and Elliott's, crossed the deck, and marched down the gangplank. When Hunter returned more than an hour later, he found her standing on the dock beside Elliott's coffin.

  Anger was etched so clearly on Alanna's features, that he could not mistake her mood. "What happened?" he asked. "Why didn't you stay on board?"

  "I'd rather not repeat the captain's insults. Were you able to book passage for us home?"

  "Yes, but the ship doesn't sail until day after tomorrow. The coffin can be loaded now, and you and I can spend the next couple of nights at an inn. Now either you tell me what the captain said, or I'll confront him myself, but I'll not allow anyone to mistreat you."

  Alanna just shook her head. "The matter isn't worth pursuing."

  Unable to agree, Hunter kissed her cheek, then strode up the gangplank. The captain did not see him coming in time to flee to his cabin, but as Hunter approached him, he cast an anxious glance in that direction. The man's obvious fright made it plain he regretted whatever it was he had said to Alanna, and Hunter challenged him boldly.

  "You owe my wife an apology."

  Assuming the defiant young woman had recounted their conversation, Captain Henderson sought to bolster his courage by taking a deep breath, and exhaling slowly. In his view, his advice had been sound and, despite the obvious danger, he felt compelled to repeat it. "I mean no offense," he insisted, "but if you two are not legally wed, it would be a kindness for you to leave her now. All you'll ever bring her is shame, and if you truly love her, that's the last thing you'd ever want."

  Hunter clenched his fists at his sides. He could have killed the captain with his bare hands, but knew that was no way to prove he was a fit husband for Alanna. "I am offended," he replied, "and so was my wife. Fortunately, we have far more generous natures than you, and we'll forgive you, this time. If we should ever travel on your barge again, remember, you'll not have a second chance to show us the respect you should."

  Too frightened by that veiled threat to speak, Captain Henderson simply nodded.

  Thoroughly disgusted, Hunter turned his back on him and rejoined Alanna on the dock. He had already arranged for a cart to transport the coffin; when it arrived, he helped the driver to load the long, pine crate and then took Alanna's arm. "Now we need to find an inn and a preacher. I want to marry you this afternoon."

  Alanna was delighted by his plan, until she noticed it was hatred rather than love that lit his gaze. "We needn't wed to satisfy Captain Henderson's notion of propriety," she informed him. "We need only please ourselves."

  She glanced away as though they were discussing a matter of little consequence, but Hunter knew otherwise. She did not want their children to be called bastards, and neither did he. "This has nothing to do with Henderson. I told you when we were still in the forest that I'd be proud to marry you. This is our first opportunity to do it. Have you changed your mind about being my wife?"

  Alanna had just spent a miserable hour mulling over Captain Henderson's unwanted advice. She was well aware that marrying Hunter would make her an outcast, but after her family had been killed, that was all she had ever been. She had lived on the edge of her cousins' world, basked in the reflection of their happiness, but she had never really shared it. She had never felt as though she truly belonged. Only Hunter's love made her feel complete.

  Alanna looked up at him. "More than one of my aunt and uncle's friends regarded me as unbalanced. I dare say there were times when my relatives must have agreed. If you don't mind having a wife who's the subject of such unfortunate rumors, then I certainly won't mind being married to you."

  Relieved, Hunter wrapped her in an enthusiastic hug. "Come on, let's find someone to marry us first. If we stop at an inn on the way, we won't want to leave our room until our ship sails."

  Understanding precisely what he meant, Alanna blushed prettily. She laced her fingers in his and, with a confident stride, accompan
ied him gladly.

  Captain Henderson watched them depart. A cautious man, he was content commanding a boat on the Hudson and Mohawk rivers, rather than aspiring to long and dangerous voyages at sea. He avoided risks of all kinds, but as he watched the unlikely pair of lovers hurry off hand in hand, he could not help but feel a small twinge of envy at their devotion.

  * * *

  After a second minister declined to marry them because Hunter refused to even discuss converting to Christianity, Alanna and he were wed by a magistrate at city hall. The office where the ceremony was performed was small, dusty, and filled with clutter. The prescribed exchange of vows lacked even a hint of poetry, but the marriage was legal and duly recorded, which was enough to satisfy the requirements of the bride and groom.

  Hunter had given Alanna a gold wedding band, and she turned it around her finger slowly, as he inquired about lodgings at the Lamp and Oil, which appeared to be a respectable inn. Clearly astonished when the Indian referred to his demure blond companion as his wife, the clerk shook his head regretfully, and swore in an embarrassed stutter that they had no rooms available. There were keys hanging on the wall behind the desk, but rather than argue, Hunter escorted Alanna back outside. It was getting late, and they were both tired.

  "I think he was lying," Alanna said.

  Speaking from past experience, Hunter agreed. "I know he was. After the trouble we had arranging a wedding, it shouldn't surprise me, but it did." There was another inn a few doors down on the opposite side of Pearl Street, and he gestured toward it. "Let's try over there, but this time I want you to go up to the clerk and ask for a room. Say your husband will arrive later. When I join you, it will be too late for him to object."

  "We shouldn't have to deceive anyone to rent a room."

  "No, we shouldn't," Hunter assured her. "But if it's either that or sleep on the street, which would you prefer?"

  Alanna needed a moment to ponder the question. "It's a matter of principle," she argued.

  Hunter shrugged. "Do you want to spend our wedding night on the street? There are plenty of sailors roaming about, so we'd probably attract quite a crowd."

  "You wouldn't!"

  Hunter's face lit with a wicked grin. "I love you too much to promise that I wouldn't."

  Alanna picked up her valise. "All right, I'll see what I can do. Wait right here."

  Hunter crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the wall of the inn that had refused them. "I won't stray."

  Alanna had never stayed at an inn, but having watched Hunter inquire about a room, she crossed the street and entered the Owl's Eye. Pretending to know exactly what she was doing, she went straight to the desk. "My husband and I will require a room for the next two nights," she announced confidently. "Do you have something nice available?"

  Charmed by her soft southern accent and elegant manners, the elderly clerk positively beamed with pleasure. "I'll show you up to our best room myself. Now if you'll just sign the register, Mrs.—?"

  "Hunter," Alanna replied. She picked up the pen, dipped it into the inkwell, and signed Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Williamsburg, Virginia. She had the money Elliott had brought for their trip, and paid for the two nights in advance. "Is it possible to have supper served in our room?"

  "Certainly, I'll see to it personally."

  "Thank you. My husband will be joining me soon, and he has an enormous appetite. Please be sure you send up enough food."

  "Our portions are always generous. The cook has prepared an especially delicious stew this evening. I'm sure you'll be pleased."

  "I'm pleased already," Alanna assured him. She followed him up the stairs and down the hall, to a neatly furnished room that was of sufficient distance from the public tavern downstairs to be relatively quiet. The windows provided a splendid view of the harbor, and the feather bed was wide and comfortable. Best of all, it was located next to the back staircase.

  "I know it's late in the day, but could I still arrange for a bath?"

  "Usually I would have to say no, but for you, my dear, I'll make an exception."

  "Thank you so much." Alanna closed the door behind him, counted to ten, peeked out to make certain the clerk had returned to his post, and then made her way down the back stairs. At the bottom, the passageway to the right opened onto the kitchen, while a door at the left led outside. She went through it and waved to Hunter from the side of the building. When he loped across the street to join her, she took his arm.

  "Come on, there's a set of back stairs. We can come and go as often as we like, without being seen."

  "And if I prefer using the front door?" Hunter asked.

  "You can use it tomorrow."

  "If I have the strength to leave our bed."

  Knowing how much he enjoyed teasing her, Alanna just shook her head. Because they had already been together, she didn't feel as though it would really be their wedding night.

  Perhaps it was because their marriage ceremony had been so terribly unromantic. Nearly a year later, she could still recall Melissa's wedding vividly. They had all worn such beautiful dresses. The flower-decked church had been filled with friends, and the reception afterward had been the lavish one Melissa had dreamed of having. Only Hunter had been missing, and he had had every right to be there.

  When they reached their room, Hunter pulled Alanna into his arms, but he felt her sadness despite the gracefulness of her pose. "I'm sorry," he began.

  "Don't be."

  "Don't you want to know why?"

  "It doesn't matter why," Alanna assured him. "You needn't be sorry about anything."

  "Your life will never be what it would have been had you married a white man, and I'm sorry for that."

  Alanna reached up to touch his cheek. "I'm not, although you may have been better off with a Seneca maid, who would already know how to cook your favorite dishes." She reached up on her tiptoes to kiss him, and his response was so enthusiastic that when the maid knocked at their door, it took them a long moment to break apart. Hunter stepped behind the screen in the corner and remained concealed, until the maid had finished lugging in the tub, pails of hot water, and left.

  "I've never given a woman a bath. May I help you?" Hunter then asked.

  Alanna had been managing her own baths for a very long time, but the prospect of having his help was so appealing, she smiled invitingly, "Yes, that would be nice. I wish the tub were large enough to hold us both."

  "I'm used to bathing in the river, but I can make a big wooden tub for you, when we get back home. Would you like that?"

  "Yes, I would." She placed her hands over his as he unfastened the buttons on her bodice. "I'd rather not put on this dress again. They're going to send up our supper. Would you mind if I dined in my nightgown?"

  "Not if it will save me time getting you into bed."

  "Are you always so bold, sir?" Alanna had responded to his suggestion in the same teasing tone in which it had been given, but he looked startled rather than amused, and she realized there was no question about his boldness with Melissa. Loath to mention her cousin, she turned away and began to peel off her dress.

  "I do hope there'll be time enough to bathe before supper arrives. The clerk praised the cook's talents, but I suppose that's to be expected."

  Alanna opened her valise and removed her nightgown before slipping out of her dress. Hunter knew why she had changed the subject. Equally unwilling to speak Melissa's name, he walked over to the window and looked out until she was seated in the tub. He wanted only the two of them to occupy the room, and he didn't kneel down beside the tub until he had successfully banished all thoughts, save those of his bride.

  He lathered up the soap and washed her shoulder. "You have freckles now from running around in your chemise. Look, they're sprinkled all the way down your arm."

  "They'll soon fade."

  "I hope not. I like them."

  "They aren't considered ladylike."

  "You've done a great many things which aren't l
adylike, since meeting me," Hunter reminded her. "Having a few freckles is the least of them."

  "Yes, I suppose you're right." Alanna leaned back to get more comfortable, and closed her eyes. "Do all Seneca braves spoil their wives as shamefully as you're spoiling me?"

  Hunter leaned close to kiss the hollow of her shoulder.

  "Why do you ask? Do you want another Seneca for a husband?"

  "I can't even imagine myself being married to another man."

  "Good, don't even try." Hunter slid his soapy caress down her arm and across her breasts, slowly circling the pale tips and flicking them with his thumb, until they formed pert buds. Alanna opened one eye, but his smile silenced any protests she might have been about to make, and he moved his hand down her ribs.

  "You're much too thin," he lamented softly. He deliberately let the bar of soap slip through his fingers, and had to pull off his shirt to keep from wetting the sleeve, as he felt between her legs to retrieve it. In a playful mood, he did not really look for the soap until Alanna reached down to grab his wrist.

  "I thought you wanted to give me a bath?"

  "That's what I'm doing."

  "No, it isn't." Alanna leaned forward to kiss him, and his passionate response made any further complaint about his methods too trivial to mention.

  Hunter wound Alanna's long curls around his left hand to keep her mouth pressed to his, while he continued to tease her with his right. Made slippery by the soap, his fingertips slid over her inner creases and folds in an exotic dance that played upon her senses, until she shuddered beneath him in an ageless gesture of complete surrender. He sat back and waited patiently, but she didn't speak until the bathwater had grown cold.

  "If we'd been in the river, I would have drowned."

  "I'd not have let you drown," Hunter assured her. Pausing often to give loving hugs, he helped her to her feet, wrapped her in a towel, and then slipped the white cotton nightgown over her head.

  Alanna could not help but wonder if he would respond in the same fashion if she were to bathe him with such an intimate caress, but the maid knocked at the door before she could make that suggestion. Hunter again stepped behind the screen, but the girl saw his buckskin shirt lying on the foot of the bed.


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