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Tempting Danger: Sinclair and Raven series

Page 23

by Vella, Wendy

“How many children have been taken?” Max demanded. “We have to stop this, Nicholas.”

  “I know, and there are more. Every time I have a vision, Alice is holding another child.”

  “Alice?” Wolf questioned in a tone that suggested he wanted an answer fast.

  Nicholas cursed silently. Think before you speak. It had never been a problem before. Alice Sinclair was addling his thoughts.

  “My sister is in your visions?”

  “She is, and demanding I bring the children home to their parents.” Nicholas went for the truth.

  “How strange.” The scowl fell from Wolf’s face. “Has she told you how to catch the people doing the stealing?”

  “Not as yet.”

  “And let us not forget that Nicholas had his first daytime vision about Alice hurting herself,” Cam said.

  Nicholas gave him a look that promised retribution if he didn’t shut up.

  “Yes, that’s curious, don’t you think?” Dev added.

  “Very. First the day vision and then the night, all having Alice in them.”

  “I’m killing you,” he whispered to Cam as they drew level.

  “You’ll thank me later.”

  “I’ll do something later.”

  “Extremely curious,” Wolf said, looking at Nicholas with his bright green eyes.

  “Care to tell me why we are walking up the street when I know the lot of you have a perfectly adequate fleet of carriages for transportation?” Nicholas changed the subject.

  They didn’t speak. Wolf turned down the path that lead to the rear of his house. The path Nicholas had walked the night he’d made love to Alice.

  Christ, does he know?

  They walked in single file, and once they’d reached the rear, they took the path he’d trod that would lead them past the gazebo.

  Surely if Wolf knows, he’d have torn me apart, one limb at a time, by now?

  Add that to what he’d just learned, and surely Wolf would be raging at Nicholas?

  They walked by the little building and kept moving until they reached the house of Lord Chartley.

  “Are we to take tea?”

  “Not quite.” Max produced a key and opened the large front door. Pushing it wide, he walked inside.

  “Chartley has left London with no wish to return. He wants to rent—”

  “Absolutely not!” Nicholas turned to leave, but Wolf barred his way.

  “Considering what I have just learned, I think you should take a look, as history suggests you and your future wife will live on this street.”


  The men locked eyes. He saw no anger in Wolf’s; in fact, he looked amused.

  “Care to share the joke?”

  “I think not. Just take a look inside, Nicholas.”

  “Move, Wolf.”

  “What harm is there in looking?”

  “I am not living on the same street as all of you, Cam. Good God, society thinks us mad as it stands, this will simply add to that.”

  “I didn’t think you cared what people said about you?”

  “Come, Nicholas. Just walk with me,” Max said.

  “I cannot believe you think I’d join your insanity.”

  “But you already have. In fact, you’ve taken great strides.” Cam slapped him on the back again. “Just a look, Nicholas.”

  “Lord have mercy.” He gave in.

  “The furniture all stays, and it’s my belief that after Lady Chartley’s passing, his mistresses had a hand in the decor,” Cam added. “And his fashion. The man insisted on wearing lavender, and not in a good way.”

  “Is there a good way to wear lavender?” Dev asked.

  “The man had stamina though, you have to give him that much,” Cam added. “A wife and two or three mistresses have to tax a man.”

  “Three?” Nicholas walked into the library. The room was decorated with cream and beige satin on the walls. The furniture was well made and sturdy. Nicholas hated the spindly stuff women often favored. “Surely not.”

  “As you have yet to fall into the matrimonial trap, Nicholas, let me assure you that one is more than ample,” Cam stated.

  He would marry Alice Sinclair, and just the thought made him smile. There was always a warmth inside his chest when he brought her to mind, followed by a sharp tug of need to be with her. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but he was looking forward to finding out.

  They climbed to the second floor, and Nicholas refused to acknowledge how much he liked the house and that as soon as he’d stepped foot inside it had felt right.

  “Just ask him, Wolf.” Nicholas heard these words from Cam.

  “Be quiet, Cam.”

  “Ask whom? What?” Nicholas turned from looking out the window that allowed him to see Wolf’s house. Which window belonged to Alice? Was she in there now?


  As if he’d conjured her up, there she was. Nicholas made himself smile as he would to any of the women in his family as Alice walked in.

  “Why are you here, sister?”

  “I saw you from my window and wondered what you were doing.”

  She wore a simple day dress, something any number of women wore each day to go about the house. So why then did it make his body surge to life?

  “It’s not safe to walk about alone, Alice. I have already told you that.”

  He’d kissed those breasts and touched her skin. Clenching his fists, he tried to ignore the tingle in his fingers at the memory.

  “It is not far to walk, Wolf, and I fail to see what fiend would be lurking in that gazebo ready to pounce on me.”

  His eyes caught hers briefly. The mention of the gazebo was deliberate.

  “Will you tell me now why you are all here?”

  “Nicholas is taking the lease on this place,” Cam said.

  “I have not said as such.”

  “Yet you like it. I watched your face as you walked through,” Max said, looking smug.

  “I will think about it.”

  “And you.” Wolf pointed at her. “Go home and do things ladies should be doing instead of stalking your brother.”

  She poked out her tongue and turned to leave, but Wolf’s words stopped her.

  “Are you aware that you are in Nicholas’s visions holding the missing children, Alice?”

  Nicholas knew Wolf had said those words deliberately to catch her off guard. But Alice was not easily wrongfooted.

  “Yes.” She laughed, and it sounded natural. Nicholas knew he would need to be awake on all counts when she was his wife; she was an excellent actress. “I yell at him. I did wonder if this is because of that woman I met.”

  “The one you did not tell me about?”

  “Yes, that one,” she said calmly. “Sorry, I meant to.”

  Wolf looked at her, his eyes bright green. Then he sighed. “Very well. Now go home.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek.

  I want to kiss her cheek.

  Nicholas refrained from going to the window to watch her walk back to her house. It took a herculean effort, but he moved to the door Alice had recently exited.

  “You like it, Nicholas, admit it?”

  He looked at Max, wanting to deny his words.

  “What is it with you people, wanting everyone in the family close? It’s odd, don’t you think?”

  “We are odd,” Dev added. “I can stand at this window and see into every room in Wolf’s house. Cam can smell what is being baked in the kitchens—”

  “Currant buns.”

  “Embrace the odd, Nicholas, we’ve learned to,” Max said.

  “I can’t believe I’m contemplating this.” Shaking his head, he followed the men from the house, then stood and looked up at the front facade.

  Yes, he felt it. This could be home.

  “So,” Wolf fell in beside him as they walked down the driveway and back out to the road, “you and Alice. Do you care for my sister, Nicholas?”

  He tripped, stumbling forward several paces
, and only just managed to save himself the total humiliation of landing face first on the street.

  “I believe I have my answer. That, plus what I have learned today.”


  He raised his hand. “I know you are not asking for it, but I give you my blessing. God knows Sinclairs marry Ravens; I’m just pleased she has not saved you....” His words fell away as he studied Nicholas.

  “Christ! When?”

  How had he given himself away?

  “I have no idea what you speak of.” He went for haughty. After all, he was a bloody marquis.

  “When what?” Max asked as the others joined them on the street.

  “Alice saved him.”

  “Well now, that pretty much confirms what we’ve suspected,” Dev said.

  Nicholas ignored him. “I did not say that she saved me.” He had to try and save Alice from her brother.

  “Your eyes told me.”

  “I knew that, actually,” Cam added. Nicholas gave up.

  “You people are odd. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating.”

  Wolf waved his words away. “Tell me the truth, Nicholas.”

  “Yes, tell us,” Max added.

  “I’m ignoring all of you,” Nicholas muttered, knowing that he was cornered, “except him.” He pointed at Wolf.


  “I am not going into detail. That is for Alice to tell you should she wish it.”

  “Oh, she’ll wish it,” Wolf said.

  “Wolf, I don’t want you yelling at her because of something I’ve told you. I kept her secrets because she trusts me.”

  “You’re defending her.” Wolf smiled. “I like that.”

  “Like I have just said, you are odd.”


  “The first time we met, I’m not going into detail, but she stopped me from falling through a hole in the street. There was no cover on it, and it’s my guess men were working down there.”

  “She was somewhere she shouldn’t be, wasn’t she?”

  “She then heard some men approach with the intent of robbing me.”

  “Definitely where she should not be,” Cam added.

  “Shut up,” Nicholas barked at him.

  “The point here is that Alice saved Nicholas, therefore they are meant to be together,” Dev said, entering the conversation. “The visions, now this. All of it makes me happy.”

  “As you can imagine that is my main purpose in life.” Nicholas’s words had the bite of sarcasm.”

  “And now you must take the lease on that house. I shall see about it tomorrow,” Max said.

  “You bloody well will not!” Nicholas roared. “I will see about it.”

  “Excellent.” Max slapped him on the back. “I think that calls for a pint at the Speckled Hen.”

  “And a pie,” Cam added. “Best pies in London.”

  Nicholas didn’t argue. After all, a pie did sound good.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The Hosking musicale was as comfortable for Alice as having a stomach upset. It was not that she disliked music; in fact, quite the opposite. It was simply that she did not like it played by those with no ability. Of which Lilly had told her the evening would be filled.

  “There will be some excellent performers, but also some that will make you wince, Alice. Make sure you have your earplugs pressed in firmly.”

  “You still should have told me, Alice.” Wolf was strolling down the carpeted hallway at her side, haranguing her about not telling him she’d saved Nicholas.

  “And yet I did not, as clearly I was somewhere I should not have been. Now let the subject alone, brother.”

  Rose had decided to stay at home this evening, as she was feeling off-color and had been nauseous all day.

  “God lord, Rose is with child, isn’t she?” One look at his face and the smile confirmed her words.

  “We’d thought to tell everyone tomorrow. But it seems you guessed.”

  “I did.” She hugged him. “I’m so happy for you both.”

  “I have never loved as I do her.”

  Alice understood that now. Before she would have scoffed at his words, but not now. She loved Nicholas. She’d admitted that to herself as she lay in her bed after they’d made love. One day soon she’d tell him.

  “You will not deter me, sister. I want to know where you were when you saved Nicholas.”

  “And yet I will not tell you.”

  Wolf had told her he’d spoken to Nicholas, and that he’d guessed she’d saved his life. He’d seen their closeness and the way he looked at her. He understood that the future for them would be together, but until then she was still under his protection.

  “You will.”


  “Do you love him?”

  She stumbled. Wolf’s large hand steadied her.

  “He did that when I confronted him.”


  “Nicholas stumbled just like you did.”

  “Please tell me you did not ask him if he loved me?”

  Just the thought had her heart racing.

  “Have a little faith in me, Alice. I simply asked what lay between you. It is my right as your brother to do so.”

  Alice groaned.

  “Captain Sinclair, Miss Sinclair.”

  Alice was relieved to be interrupted by the large man lumbering toward them.

  “Lord Beecham.” Wolf bowed as Alice curtsied, searching her memory for details of the man.

  Five daughters, two married, and a wife who always looked weary was what Eden had told her.

  “I believe congratulations are in order once more, my lord. Please tell Lady Beecham I wish her every happiness during her confinement,” Wolf said.

  Lord Beecham’s face twisted into a scowl, jowls wobbling. It made him look even more unpleasant. From memory, her family was not overly fond of the man. A crashing bore, Cam had said. James had shown restraint, simply stating he was not a man he associated with by choice.

  “I will have a son this time, Sinclair, I’ll make sure of that.”

  “Yes... well. It is hoped that Lady Beecham will provide you with a healthy child,” Wolf said, clearly uncomfortable, as any man would be discussing such a delicate issue.

  Alice, however, had no such discomfort.

  “You have no wish for any more daughters, Lord Beecham?”

  Wolf slid a hand around her back, digging his fingers into her spine to shut her up.

  “Man needs an heir, and this time I’ll have one!”

  “I doubt that even you can have an assurance of what your child will be, my lord.”

  “It will be a son! In fact, I’ll ensure it happens.”

  “Ensure?” Wolf asked. “Surely there is no way to ensure such a thing, as my sister has stated, Lord Beecham?”

  Unease slithered down Alice’s spine.

  The man must have realized he’d said too much.

  “It is God’s will, but you’ll see, Sinclair. I’ll have an heir this time. That reptile who calls himself my nephew will not inherit my title. Good evening.” The man lumbered away, leaving the Sinclair siblings to ponder what they had just heard.


  “I know, love. But it is wrong to jump to conclusions without facts.”

  “But those children are going missing, and Lord Beecham stated he would have a son no matter what.”

  “We shall talk to the others, especially Nicholas.”

  Walking into the room where the musicale was to be held, she tried to calm the unease inside her.

  In fact, I’ll ensure it happens.

  A man like Beecham would do what it took to secure an heir, but would he pay for the child? Was she overreacting to what he had said because of Mrs. Potter’s grandson and Meggie Todd’s babe?

  “Come, the others are already seated, and I have no wish to be forced to sit beside someone smelly.”

  “Who is smelly?” Alice asked.

Many people. Body odor or too much scent. Then there is Lord Bexley, who for whatever reason always has an onion in his left boot.”

  “He does not.” Alice looked around the room, searching for Nicholas.

  “He does, Cam told me.”

  “He’d know.”

  They found their family, well, at least those present. Eden had been sensible enough to cry off, as had James. In fact, there was only Cam, Emily, Dev, and Lilly.

  “Thank God you’ve arrived. I have been throwing my body on this seat for ages when someone tries to take it,” Cam said dramatically. “That old windbag Tinley just attempted to.” He shuddered. “The man bathes in cloves. Apparently they keep him healthy.”

  They sat, but she felt restless, like something was gathering in the air.

  “Is Nicholas coming?”

  “He is,” Emily said.

  She sat and waited impatiently for him to arrive.

  “Good evening.”

  “Good evening, Captain Young.”

  “I have just returned to London after time with my regiment, Miss Sinclair. It is wonderful to see you again.” He took the seat beside her, the one she’d been saving for Nicholas. “Allow me to say how beautiful you look this evening.”

  Alice felt uncomfortable at the look in his eyes.

  “Thank you, Captain. The weather here has not been ideal since your departure, I fear. We have been housebound,” Alice babbled.

  Where is Nicholas?

  “I would like to call on you tomorrow, Miss Sinclair, and take you driving if you are free?”

  “Oh... ah—”

  “Sorry, Captain Young, she is driving with me. And I must beg your pardon again as that is my seat you are sitting in.”

  The captain regained his feet, his eyes going from Alice to Nicholas. He then bowed deeply; clearly he now understood what lay between them.

  “I shall leave you both then. Good evening.”

  Nicholas sat. His fingers brushed hers briefly.

  “Good evening, Alice.” His hand touched the side of her thigh, and she felt it through her body.

  “You just all but declared our connection to Captain Young, Nicholas. I thought you had no wish to do so.”

  “I don’t like the way he looks at you. You are mine, and I’ve begun to realize I want people, mainly men, to understand that fact.”

  “Oh” was all she could manage. Inside, she felt ridiculously happy.


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