Sam's Promise: Blackwater, Book 1

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Sam's Promise: Blackwater, Book 1 Page 7

by Anne Rainey

  “Jesus, Julie, we need to lose the clothes. And the rollers.”

  Her hands flew to her head. “Wow, I actually forgot I had them in.”

  “Here, let me,” he offered. It took him a few tries to figure out the catch on the side of the foam curler, but once he had it, Sam made quick work removing them.

  “I’m a little bit impressed with your skills, you know,” she admitted.

  He chuckled. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Soon, his fingers were sifting through her hair, massaging her scalp.

  Julie moaned. “God, that feels good.”

  “You have beautiful hair, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you.”

  “But I’d really like to see the rest of you now.”

  Julie’s eyelids popped open. “And I’d like to see you.”

  He picked her up and stood her in front of him, between his widespread thighs. “First, take off your clothes for me so I can see all of you.”

  Julie froze and looked around. “Uh, shouldn’t we move this little party to the bedroom?”

  Sam shook his head. “No, I want to see you now. Here.” When she took hold of the hem of her gown and pulled it upward, exposing her legs, Sam hummed his approval. “Mmm, yeah, that’s the way.”

  Sam sat back, watching her every move. His messy, dark hair curled up around his collar, and his jeans pulled tight over his straining erection. Julie licked her lips and tugged the gown higher, high enough that her white panties and belly were on display for him.

  “So damn pretty,” he whispered.

  Julie’s entire body hummed with excitement, and her pussy was wet with arousal. Her fingers shook as she slipped the nightgown over her head and tossed it to the floor.

  “Ah, damn, I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Sam declared, then he reached down and popped the button of his jeans, and Julie could only stare in anticipation of the big unveiling.

  Chapter Eight

  Julie’s gaze roamed over his body, stopping and staring for several seconds at his cock before finally meeting his face. “You’re magnificent,” she replied, her voice a little husky. “And, uh, big.”

  Sam hadn’t taken it nearly as slow when he’d shed his clothes. The way he saw it, the faster he was naked, the faster he could get back to drooling over her. “Hell, I want to go easy with you, sweetheart, to be gentle.”

  “A little speed never hurt anyone,” she murmured as she licked her lips and stared at his cock once again.

  He plucked her off her feet and sat her back down on his lap so that she straddled him, his dick a heavy weight between them. Every damned inch of her was perfect. “I went to bed last night thinking about your soft pussy beneath my hand. I couldn’t get the look of you as you climaxed out of my head,” he admitted. “I thought of how good it’d be to have you all spread out naked for me or bent over while I took you from behind.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and asked, “You did?”

  He nodded. “But having you stand before me and strip in the stark light of day was by far the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed.”

  She laughed. “Hotter than the rollers and flannel? I’m shocked.”

  “I don’t mind the flannel or the rollers, but they were in the way of my goal.” He’d liked her hair in the ponytail earlier too, but seeing the dark waves all around her shoulders, brushing her nipples, was damned sexy.

  “I wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of your goal, Sam.”

  “When you were perched on my lap and that flimsy nightgown and panties were the only thing keeping me from paradise, I had the urge to shove it up and bury my cock inside you. I could’ve been balls-deep inside your sweet heat so fast, sweetheart.”

  “Why didn’t you?” she asked, her voice not quite as steady as before. When she moved from side to side, Sam felt her wet pussy.

  “Because that’s not the way I want our first time together to be,” he murmured. “No quick fuck on the couch, Julie.”

  She toyed with his hair, sifting her fingers in and out of the strands. He wondered if she even realized she was doing it. “What do you want?”

  “I want to have a little playtime.” Sam’s mind stuttered to a stop when his gaze settled on her breasts. Lush and round, with large, mauve nipples. He wanted to taste her, to suck on her for hours. As he reached out with both hands and cupped her breasts and squeezed, Julie shivered.

  “Cold or turned on?”

  “I’m not sure it’s possible to be cold with you sitting naked on my couch.”

  He grinned and continued to plump and knead the creamy swells. “So, turned on, then. Good.”

  He looked into her pale green eyes and declared, “You’re mine now, Julie, and I’m going to make you feel so damned good.” She nodded; then his lips were covering hers in a rough show of possession.

  Sam licked and bit at her, hungry to take all that he could for fear she’d disappear in a puff of smoke at any second. Julie tugged him forward, and he was forced to tilt her head back. “Look at me,” he ordered. As her eyes opened, he covered her mouth with his. She let out a little whimper, and the sound drove him higher. His cock was rock hard.

  Sam kissed his way over her chin and neck. When his lips encountered her jumpy pulse, he gave in to temptation and suckled.

  “Oh, God,” Julie moaned as her fingers tightened and pulled at his hair.

  Sam lifted an inch and whispered, “I need more of you.”

  “Anything,” she promised. “Just please don’t stop.”

  “No way in hell is that happening.” He scooped her up and laid her out on the cushions beside him, then stood. When her eyes opened, her gaze wandered down his body in a heated journey that left Sam singed. Her curious eyes stopped on his cock, and he watched her lick her lips.

  “Yes, taste it,” he softly ordered. He wrapped his fist around the length and stepped to the couch until he was directly in front of her face. “Lick it, Julie.”

  Her sweet excitement thrilled Sam. It was all he could do to keep from grabbing her silky head and thrusting her onto his throbbing, aching cock. Knowing how little experience she had stirred his blood and squeezed his heart at the same time.

  Her tongue darted out and licked every hard inch. “Jesus,” Sam groaned. She teased the sensitive, bulbous head. When her hands came up to his balls, fondling and kneading, Sam’s blood pounded hot and fast through his body. He took hold of her face and guided his cock into her mouth. “Fuck yeah. That’s good. So damn good.”

  Julie started to suck him deeper, and Sam had to flex his legs to keep from falling to his knees. Her mouth was a hot, wet suction taking him to paradise. Julie moaned and began drawing him in and out. She went up and down on his pulsing erection, making love to him with her mouth. Sam reached down and pinched one nipple before wrapping his hand around the creamy weight of her tit and squeezing. When his thumb grazed her erect nipple, Julie nearly shot off the couch.

  She pulled her mouth off him and moaned his name before running her tongue back and forth over the slit in the tip. A bead of precome appeared, and she lapped it up. Sam’s gaze narrowed, and his jaw clenched tight as he pushed between her lips the tiniest bit. “Clamp down on me with your lips, sweets,” he demanded.

  When she tightened around him, he just about came. Sam pulled out instantly. “Mmm, that feels a little too good.”

  “I was enjoying myself,” she said with a pout.

  Julie’s dark, shiny hair was spread out all around her and curling around one nipple, and her lips were swollen. Unable to resist, Sam leaned down and kissed her. Tasting himself on her mouth sent a shot of possessiveness through him.

  “I gathered,” he murmured. “But it’s your turn now.”

  Julie’s slow smile was all the encouragement he needed. Sam crouched low in front of her, slipped one arm behind her knees and the other beneath her neck, then lifted her into his arms, cradling her against his chest. Damn, she felt right there. She felt good. “Bedroom,�
� he explained. “I’m going to need plenty of room for what I have in mind for you tonight.”

  Julie smiled and curled against him. “As it turns out, I have a king-size mattress.”

  “Handy,” he said, unaccountably charmed by her. Seeing her in his arms and knowing she was giving him a part of herself that few had ever seen warmed Sam clear to his core. By the time their night was through, she wouldn’t just be giving him a piece of her, but she’d be taking a piece of his heart. A mighty big piece.

  Entering the bedroom, Sam went straight to her king-size bed and laid her gently down on top of it. Street light filtered in through the window, and he glanced over to make sure the curtains were pulled. Unfortunately they were. “Wow, those are…bright.”

  “They’re horrendous and a little psychotic, but my grandmom made them.”

  He grinned. “I have a throw blanket on my couch that Mom crocheted. It’s the ugliest damn thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “The sacrifices we make for love,” she murmured, smiling up at him.

  “Yeah,” he replied as realization dawned. He was falling for Julie. Like knock-it-out-of-the-park in love. He should be a little freaked, but it felt too natural, too real. When he looked at her, sprawled out on the bed, her skin the gentlest shade of ivory, he pushed heartfelt-confession time to somewhere in the near future in favor of feasting on the beauty instead.

  Her rounded hips tapered to a slim waist, then flared out again to full, womanly breasts. She had a voluptuous, hourglass figure that a man could sink right into and get lost in pleasurable bliss. Her nipples were dark, hard points, and he couldn’t deny himself a good long suck.

  Sam dipped his head and licked at the sweet treat, savoring the warmth of her satiny flesh. This moment would be etched in his brain forever. As he continued suckling and teasing, he flicked his tongue back and forth, creating a maelstrom of need with each stroke. His cock throbbed, and as Julie arched upward, thrusting her flesh into his voracious mouth even farther, he caved and gently bit down.

  “Sam,” Julie moaned.

  He had to wrap an arm around her to keep her still as he kissed the little sting away. She whimpered, and Sam did it all over again to her other breast, taking his time, savoring the delicious flavor of his precious rose.

  When he lifted away, releasing Julie’s slim body, her eyes were closed and her mouth was open on a sigh. His cock swelled another inch when he saw her nipples glistening wet from his ministrations.

  “Julie, open your eyes for me, sweetheart.” Slowly, her lashes fluttered open, and he witnessed the heat in her green eyes. “You’re hot and ready for me?” She nodded as if unable to speak. Sam stayed beside the bed and softly urged, “Then open your thighs. Nice and wide. Invite me in.”

  At first, Sam was afraid she was too modest to expose her pretty pussy for him so openly. She surprised him when she hesitated for only a few seconds before moving her legs apart, spreading herself for his view.


  “Oh yeah,” he growled. Sam saw the softness of her pussy lips and clit. She was wet, a testament to how aroused she was, to how badly she wanted him. Son of a bitch, he’d never wanted a woman the way he wanted Julie. She made him feel things with her trusting smile and loving nature.

  Sam got onto the bed, between her smooth, shapely thighs, and looked his fill. She had a neatly trimmed bikini line. Her clitoris was swollen and totally exposed to his view. He licked his lips. “I need a taste of that. A good long taste, Julie.” He lowered his head and licked her from her clit to her dewy lips before dipping in between. Her legs started to close, as if she were embarrassed, but Sam was faster, stronger. He clutched her thighs and held her firm. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, it’s just…”

  “What is it, sweets?” Sam urged.

  She slapped a hand over her eyes. “I get a little antsy sometimes. Nervous.”

  Sam tasted her tangy flavor on his tongue and knew he’d never sampled anything sweeter. “Does it help to know I don’t bite?” he teased. “I might nibble a little, but no biting, I swear.”

  He inhaled her womanly scent, sucked her clit in between his teeth and nibbled. Julie’s hand came away from her eyes and instead wrapped around his head. She clutched on to him as if she were on a runaway train.

  He lifted an inch and whispered, “Easy, sweetheart.”

  When his tongue thrust between her folds, her head flung back, and she began to press against his face. Sam tongue-fucked her, licking and savoring. He sucked the little bud into his greedy mouth, and his balls drew up tight. God, he needed to fill her with his cock. He wanted to feel her inner muscles stretching and clasping his dick. She’d squeeze him like a vise, and he could die a happy man.

  His tongue moved in and out of her, and his hands gripped on to her bottom, bringing her closer, delving deeper. A few more licks to her clit and she burst wide, screaming and straining against the unyielding hold his hands had on her. Sam stayed in place and watched as she collapsed, all but boneless, a languorous expression on her face.

  He waited her out, keeping his tongue and lips against her wet mound while she gained control. When he lifted to his knees and dipped a finger into her slippery heat, her eyes flew open. “Just making sure you’re still among the living,” he softly explained before sliding it back out and bringing it to her lips. He rubbed her juices against them, then leaned down and kissed it off. Julie whimpered and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down on top of her. Just as her breasts came into contact with his chest, he caught himself and stopped. Rising up, Sam asked, “Condoms?”

  “Top drawer.”

  He reached over and pulled it open, then found a box sitting on top of what appeared to be journal. He plucked it out and held it up. “You journal?” he asked as he quirked a brow at her.

  “Yes, and it’s private.” She yanked it out of his hands and tossed it back into the drawer. “Mitts off my journal, buddy.”

  He chuckled. “Got it.” Leaning back on his heels, Sam checked the date on the box to make sure they hadn’t expired. Satisfied, he opened it and took out a condom. As he ripped it open and rolled it on, his gaze came back to hers and held. Sam saw a touch of that nervousness again, and he didn’t like it. “I thought we already established that I don’t bite.”

  She bit her lip and looked away. “It’s been a few months.”

  Sam took hold of her chin and brought her back around to face him. “How many is a few?”

  She frowned. “You’re obsessed with details, do you know that?”

  “Julie,” he warned.

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Right around thirteen, give or take.”

  Sam cupped her cheek and whispered, “That’s a bit more than a few, but I’d never do anything to hurt you, sweetheart.”

  Julie took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling slowly, before she whispered, “Of course, I know that, silly. But you’re not exactly Tiny Tim.”

  He burst out laughing at her description. “Tiny Tim? Really?”

  She giggled. “Well, it was the first thing that popped into my head.”

  Sam moved over on top of her and planted his hands on either side of her head. “I’m not tiny, that’s true, but I am very focused when I set out to do something. And right now, my goal is to bring you pleasure. A thousand times more than you’ve ever had before.” He smoothed a lock of hair off her forehead and kissed her before saying, “So, hush and let me focus, woman.”

  She smacked him on the shoulder. “You aren’t supposed to tell a woman to hush when making love. It’s rude.”

  Sam didn’t respond but merely hooked her legs over his arms and glided his cock slowly into her. The skin over her cheeks tautened, and her breathing increased. He’d only gone an inch, but it was enough to have her clenching up on him. Sam watched closely as Julie chewed at her lower lip and closed her eyes tight.

  “Relax, sweets,” he urged as he slowly began rocking his hips back
and forth.

  Sam carefully controlled every motion, waiting for her tight opening to accommodate his intimate invasion. He wanted her to feel nothing but pure pleasure. He ached to hear her sexy sigh of repletion again.

  “S-so good,” she moaned. “Oh, God, Sam.”

  “Hell, yeah,” he bit out between clenched teeth. “So fucking tight.”

  He kissed his way over her face and to her neck where he found that same jumpy pulse that he’d tasted earlier. He nibbled on her, creating a little purplish bruise against her alabaster skin. His gut tightened at the knowledge that he’d marked her. Julie’s hand came up and covered the spot. When her eyes opened, he could see the desire building inside her.

  Julie started moving her hips, a gentle thrust against his lower body. Sam placed his palm against her lower belly to hold her still. “Pleasure, not pain. Remember?”

  “Sam, I need more,” she explained in a breathless voice. “I need all of you.”

  “And you’ll get it, I swear,” Sam murmured. He feasted on her gorgeous tits, intent on building her passion so that when he was imbedded deep inside her pussy, she would feel nothing but white-hot satisfaction.

  Sam thrilled when her inner muscles relaxed for him, and he moved into her a little more. Her legs came around his hips and held him close. The move caused his cock to slip in a little farther. It felt so damn good, and all he wanted to do was thrust deep.

  “Mmm, that’s the way,” he whispered when she began moving her hips slowly up and down beneath him. “Let it all go.”

  Soon, they were moving in unison. Sam braced himself on his elbows beside her head and watched as Julie’s desire mounted; then he pushed in, deep and hard.

  “Yes!” she shouted as she clutched on to his forearms.

  “Damn, you’re something else,” he said, worshiping her with kisses to her lips and cheeks. “Come again, Julie, with my dick inside this hot little pussy.”


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