Sam's Promise: Blackwater, Book 1

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Sam's Promise: Blackwater, Book 1 Page 8

by Anne Rainey

  As if he had touched a button, her body stiffened, and she screamed as an orgasm overtook her.

  “That’s my girl,” Sam growled, then he slammed his cock deep, driving into her, hard and fast. His hips flexed as he pounded against her. Julie grasped handfuls of his hair, and with one last stroke Sam came, filling the condom.

  “You’re mine now,” he ground out seconds before he covered her mouth in a bruising, claiming kiss. “I’m not letting you go.”

  “That sounds somewhat sexist,” she said, her voice hoarse from screaming out her climax. “But I don’t really have it in me to argue.”

  Sam smiled and nipped her bottom lip with his teeth, which got him a light slap on the back of the head. “You said you didn’t bite,” she muttered, glaring up at him.

  “That was a nibble, not a bite,” he explained. When she still looked unconvinced, he leaned close and licked the little sting away. “Better?”

  “Yes,” she said, smiling.

  He shook his head. “Good. Now, stay put. I’ll be right back.”

  Sam slid out of her boneless body and went to the master bath to dispose of the condom. He grabbed a washcloth, ran warm water over it, and brought it to Julie. Her eyes were closed, and she had a dreamy smile on her lips. His body burned all over again at the sight. As he bent down and pressed the cloth to the juncture of her thighs, her eyes flew open. “What are you doing?”

  “Soothing you so you won’t be sore.” He massaged her pussy with the warm, wet cloth and asked, “Does it feel good?”

  “Very,” she breathed out. “I could get used to this.”

  He remembered how she’d moaned when he’d taken out her curlers and massaged her scalp. “You like to be pampered, don’t you?”

  She laughed. “There isn’t a woman alive who doesn’t.”

  “True,” he conceded. Sam removed the washcloth and took it back to the bathroom. As he came back out and slipped into bed beside her, she immediately snuggled up against him. He reached down and dragged the blanket over on top of them.


  “Yeah, sweetheart?”

  “That was beyond amazing,” she said as her fingers sifted through his chest hair. “Just thought I’d point that out.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  As she slipped off to sleep, Sam was left lying awake and contemplating his next move. Hell, he’d always heard it was the woman who got clingy and needy after sex. Here Julie slept in blissful contentment while he wondered if she would even want to be exclusive or not. An open relationship? No way in hell. They belonged together; he knew it in his gut. He just needed to prove it to her.

  Chapter Nine

  After several hours of sleep, Julie had woken to the feel of Sam’s arms wrapped around her and his big, muscular leg slung over hers. He’d had her completely surrounded, and it’d been the best half-night’s sleep she’d had in years. When he’d told her he was hungry, she’d offered to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It was the middle of the night and it was silly, but she’d had fun carrying on with Sam in the kitchen. She’d ended up with strawberry jelly on her lips and chin, which Sam had seemed only too pleased to lick off.

  At some point, she’d lost control over the remote, and he’d spent several minutes channel surfing before she’d managed to distract him with a kiss.

  “You have the softest lips,” Sam whispered as he dropped the remote on the coffee table and cupped her chin in the palm of his hand. He pressed his mouth to hers, and Julie surrendered. She whimpered, and Sam murmured something unintelligible against her mouth, then licked her plump lower lip. As his kisses drifted downward, his large hand wrapped around her breast through the T-shirt she’d slipped on earlier. He pinched her nipple, and Julie shuddered.

  “Sam,” she breathed out, edgy and restless all of a sudden. It was as if he wanted to devour her, and she was loath to stop him.

  “I want to hear you scream out your pleasure again. It’s so fucking beautiful when you come for me, sweetheart.”

  His tongue delved into her mouth and played with hers, teasing and tempting, driving her mad. She flung her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, pushing against him in a desperate bid for more. For all of him. One taste, one touch, and she was on fire. Julie pulled back, breathless, her chest heaving. “I-I can’t get enough of you. Why is it never enough?”

  “Because we were made for each other,” he explained in a rough voice. “It’s that simple.” As he tugged her toward him once more, Julie felt him nip at her bottom lip with his teeth. “Stay with me next weekend,” he growled. “At my place.”

  At his quiet demand, Julie’s heart did a little somersault. She ached to say yes, but it felt too fast, and fear welled up. She pushed at his chest, and he got the hint and moved back with a frown. “I can’t,” she said.

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Just because, and don’t curse.”

  “I’m sorry.” He shoved a hand through his hair and let out a long breath. “Just because is not a good enough reason, though.”

  She straightened her spine and did her best to ignore how tempting he looked sitting on her couch in nothing but his black boxers. Holy heck, the man had an amazing body. All muscular and tanned. And big, she thought as she looked at his cock tenting the fabric of his underwear. She licked her lips and firmed up her resolve not to cave to the glorious man. “Yes, well, it’ll have to do.”

  Sam quirked a brow at her. “I’m not dropping this until you give me a decent reason.”

  She got up off the couch and started to walk past him, but he was quicker. His hands snaked out and grabbed her right off her feet. Julie yelped as he flipped her upside down over his knees. She was now facing the floor.

  “Sam Jennings, you let me up this instant!”

  He snorted. “With your sweet ass all but in my face? I don’t think so.”

  Her face burned with outrage as she stared at her beige carpet. “Damn it, Sam.”

  He tsked. “Now who’s doing the cursing?” She felt his hand stroke her butt through the pink sweats he’d dressed her in earlier. “You know, a little tug on the waistband and I could have your flesh in my hands, considering you aren’t wearing any panties.”

  She shivered at the notion, but her inner vixen aside, Julie wasn’t about to give in to his dominance. “Let me up!”

  “Nope,” he murmured, “I sort of like you this way.”

  Julie began to wiggle around in an attempt to get away, but he easily held her down with a palm against her lower back. “You have such a pretty little ass, sweetheart.”

  His pleasure-filled words had Julie going perfectly still. “I do?”

  Julie felt his fingers gripping onto the elastic waist of her sweats and tug. Cool air coasted over her bare skin. “These heart-shaped globes make me want to reach out and squeeze. I love your ass.”

  When he massaged one buttock and slid a finger between her ass cheeks, her pussy swelled and dampened. “Oh, God, what are you doing to me?”

  “Playing,” he answered in a voice barely above a whisper. She wouldn’t have even heard him had she not been so tuned in to him in that moment.

  “I’ve n-never played like this before,” she felt compelled to admit.

  “Hmm,” he said, “that must be why you didn’t know that bad girls get spankings, then.”

  Julie’s clit throbbed at his erotic words. “Have I been bad, Sam?”

  “Very naughty, Julie.”

  She was equal amounts turned on and outraged as she realized what he was about to do. Her squirming recommenced. “Don’t you dare!” she shouted, slapping his leg.

  He smoothed his palm over her bottom. “Will you tell me why you won’t stay the weekend with me or not?”

  “No,” she bit out, knowing full well what he was about to do and excited by the taboo prospect.

  “Too bad,” he murmured seconds before swatting her left butt cheek.

nbsp; Julie jerked, then froze. “You did not.” Her skin stung a little, but it wasn’t painful as much as it was stimulating.

  “I did.” Sam sounded a little surprised himself. “I’ve never spanked a woman before, but I can see the appeal now.”

  “Well, I can’t. Let me up!” she cried out, needing to be angry with him. The idea of playing the naughty girl to this dominant man was too tempting an opportunity, though. Besides, hadn’t she been the good girl long enough?

  He rubbed his hand over her bottom, effectively soothing the spot he’d swatted. Then he dipped his fingers between her thighs, and she knew he would encounter wetness. “You’re turned on,” he growled. “Admit it.”

  When she didn’t answer, Julie knew Sam had his answer. “Why won’t you stay the weekend with me?” he asked again. “Tell me, and I’ll let you up.”

  Julie’s skin tingled in anticipation of what would come if she denied him. There was only one word she wanted to say. “No,” she moaned.

  Sam swatted her twice more. First one cheek, then the other. Julie dropped her head against his leg and whimpered at the stinging pleasure. “This is so wrong,” she breathed out.

  “You like this as much as I do, don’t you?” She offered nothing but silence and heard him groan. “So damn stubborn.”

  The observation didn’t sit well, and she attempted to kick him but missed. “I’m not stubborn,” she ground out.

  “Sweetheart, you’re as stubborn as a mule.” He paused then added, “And if you don’t tell me what I want to know, I’m liable to come in my boxers.”

  Julie reached beneath her hips and cupped his hard length in her palm. “Oh, God, I love your cock.”

  “Christ, you’re killing me, woman,” he muttered as he thrust his cock into her palm. Julie squeezed, relishing the way he thickened even more. “With your ass facing me, tempting me, I’m ready to self-combust here.” His palm coasted over her stinging skin. “And knowing how close you are is making me want to fuck you. Hard.” His hand left her and came down once more, harder than before.

  She moaned his name, and her pussy dripped with her need to come. When Sam pulled her ass cheeks apart and pushed his index and middle finger inside her pussy, Julie cried out, widening her thighs. “Yes, Sam. More, please.”

  “Ah, that’s my sweet girl.” He pumped her pussy, slow at first, then faster. When she squirmed, rubbing her clit against his thigh, she nearly flew over the edge. Sam used his other hand to swat her buttocks. “Be still,” he gently ordered.

  “Please, let me come,” she begged, beyond caring about her own pride in that instant.

  “You will, I promise, sweetheart,” he whispered as he finger-fucked her. “I could never deny you.”

  Little by little, Sam’s fingers penetrated her until they were buried deep inside her hot pussy. She shuddered and pushed against him as she fondled his cock through the cotton material of his boxers.

  “That’s good,” Sam groaned as he danced his thumb over her clit. He used one hand to hold her in place while he caressed and squeezed with the other. He seemed to have all the time in the world, teasing her body and bringing her higher with each stroke.

  “My sweet little rose,” Sam murmured, his fingers moving in and out.

  His boxers dampened with his pre-come, and Julie desperately wanted to pull the material away and feel the silky hardness of his cock in her palm. When he alternated between slow and fast thrusts, her mind splintered. All rational thought fled as her need for release rushed in and took over.

  As Sam held on to her, he flicked and toyed with her clitoris. Julie screamed as her climax surged through her, sending her skyward. It was fast and unexpected, and Julie lost all sense of time and place for several seconds.

  Once her body collapsed, Sam gently pulled his fingers out of her and lifted her until she was perched sideways on his lap. She snuggled against his chest, her juices coating the insides of her thighs. Her butt stung a little as she nestled it against Sam’s hard dick. Her lungs burned as if she’d run a marathon. She felt him brush the top of her head with his lips before he wrapped one had around her nape, urging her to look at him. When their gazes caught and held, he whispered, “All I want is to sink my dick inside your wet pussy right now, sweetheart, but first tell me why you won’t you spend the weekend with me. Pretty please?”

  Julie kissed his chin, enjoying the feel of his stubble beneath her lips. She felt his arms tighten around her. “Talk to me,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  “Because I’m afraid,” she said, giving him nothing more than the brutal truth.

  His entire body stiffened. “Afraid?” It was clear that had been about the last thing Sam had expected from her. “Of me?”

  “Of the way I feel about you,” she rushed to explain. “Things are moving too fast.”

  “Ah, now I’m beginning to get the picture.” He tapped her on the end of the nose and said, “Would it make any difference in your decision-making process if you knew I was falling for you?”

  He seemed to be holding his breath. Was he afraid she’d reject him? Julie’s chest tightened as she realized how easy it would be to give Sam everything. But the cautious side of her forced her to ask, “How do you know it’s not just lust you feel?”

  He didn’t speak for a few seconds, but to Julie it felt like an eternity. “I know because I’ve felt lust. This isn’t the same thing. Not by a long shot.”

  She started to answer, but when she felt his cock against her, she groaned and moved off his lap. As she stood, her legs wobbled a little. Sam reached out and grabbed her arms. “Thanks,” she mumbled as she reached down and yanked up her sweatpants. She glared at him when the soft material rubbed against her bottom. “My butt hurts.”

  All at once, he appeared contrite. “Aw, baby, I’m sorry.” Then he wrapped both arms around her middle and hugged her to him. “Want me to kiss it and make it all better?” he asked with an innocent smile on his handsome face.

  An image of Sam on his knees kissing her behind invaded her mind, and Julie had to push it away in order to think clearly. He had her coming and going. She swatted his shoulder. “Stop distracting me.” He released her, and Julie put several feet between them. “I want to have a rational discussion here.”

  One side of his mouth tipped upward in a delicious grin. “I thought that’s what we were doing. No?”

  “No.” Julie eyed the cushion next to him and gingerly sat. “Look, I think I’m falling in love with you too, but Sam, this is fast. Like light-speed fast.”

  He leaned back, and Julie could see the wicked length of his cock beneath the boxers. Her mouth watered for a lick. “You’re afraid you’ll wake up and realize you were the one madly in lust, is that it?”

  Julie winced and looked down at her lap. “Maybe. Yes.” She clenched her eyes closed tight. “Oh geez, I don’t know. I only know I’ve never felt this way before. It’s a little scary.” She opened them again and looked at him. “Aren’t you afraid?”

  Sam snorted. “Are you kidding? I’m scared out of my mind here, sweets, but I’m not about to let that stop me from exploring this.”

  “I don’t want to stop either. I just don’t know if we should start thinking of weekends together—yet.”

  He frowned. “I don’t like it, but I’ll take what I can get of you.” He paused, then added, “And we’re exclusive.”

  Every muscle in Julie’s body went taut at the thought of Sam kissing another woman. “The only one in your bed had better be me,” she warned.

  His frown turned into a traffic-stopping smile. “Feeling territorial, little rose?”

  She narrowed her eyes and poked him in the chest. “This particular rose has thorns, buster.”

  Sam suddenly stood and grabbed her hands, pulling her to her feet. “And the only man spanking that sweet ass of yours is me.”

  She tried to bat his hands away, but he wasn’t budging. “You’re perverted, and you’re never touching my butt again.” Okay,
that was the biggest lie in the world, but she had to say something.

  “Bullshit,” he grumbled seconds before crouching low and flinging her over his shoulder. “I’ll touch every part of you, Julie. Every sexy inch.”

  All the air rushed out of her, and the world turned upside down. “Dang it, Sam, I’m not a sack of potatoes.” She smacked his back and shouted, “Put me down!”

  He didn’t bother to respond, merely strode right out of the room and into her bedroom. Once there, he flipped on the light and placed her back on her feet. Julie swayed, but before she could get her bearings, he swiveled her around until she was standing and facing the bed. “I want you,” he murmured in that totally deep, sexy voice of his. “Tell me you want me too.”

  Like she was stupid enough to say no. “Yes,” she breathed out.

  From his position behind her, Julie felt him tug at her bottoms until they were down around her knees. He stopped a second, and she heard him curse. “This red ass has my dick so fucking hard.” Julie’s breathing was out of control, and her pussy ached to be filled by him. When he used his foot to nudge her feet apart, Julie looked over her shoulder in time to see him pushing his boxers down his thighs.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she whispered.

  He shook his head. “I’ll accept hot, handsome, even delicious, but not beautiful.”

  She shrugged, not willing to argue the point when he stood there, his cock rock-hard and pulsing with vitality. As he reached for the box of condoms they’d left sitting on the end table and rolled one on, Julie turned back around and succumbed. It took only seconds before she was bent over the bed with his cock stretching and filling her hot pussy.

  “It’s too much, Sam,” she said, feeling completely overwhelmed by him.

  He stilled instantly. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, it’s just…it feels s-so full,” she confessed in a breathless voice. “I feel like you’re everywhere.”

  He clutched on to her hips and began a gentle rhythm inside her. “You want it slow and easy, sweetheart?”


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