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Surviving Broken

Page 4

by Beverly Preston


  It was three days before Thanksgiving and JC couldn’t remember the last time she was so happy to see an airplane taxiing into a gate. She hated to fly and it usually required several cocktails to calm her nerves. The smell of jet fuel combined with the whine of the loud engine before takeoff made her tummy tickle. No matter how hard she turned the airflow control knob above her head, it never let out enough air to settle her hyperventilating.

  It’d been months since she’d seen her mom and Tom, not to mention John, Shayla and the boys. The thought of walking through the cabin door to the scent of a smoky crackling fire and tackling her runny nosed nephews outside in the snow brought a relaxed smile to her face. Staying at the cabin was like releasing JC’s pressure valve. Food tasted better, the air smelt better, and sleeping felt more like hibernation.

  Standing taller than most passengers in her three-inch heel boots, JC peered over their heads, searching for a familiar face. John’s dark brown hair and big white smile caught her eye. She waved and picked up her pace, weaving through holiday travelers hovering impatiently around the luggage carousel. Her brother opened his arms to give her a hug hello. Overcome by emotions, tears pricked the corner of her eyes as she threw her arms around his neck, embracing him tightly.

  John cocked his head to look at her face. “Are you crying?”

  JC sniffed out a chuckle of embarrassment, wiping the tear from the corner of her eye. “I must be PMSing. God, I’ve missed you guys.”

  “We missed you too, sis.” He smooched her cheek and followed it up with another big-brotherly bear hug. Glancing at onlookers, he quietly said, “Quit crying, everybody thinks you’re my girlfriend.”

  She pulled back her hand and wacked him on the arm. “Feel better now?”

  “No. Now they probably think you’re my wife.”

  They both laughed.

  John talked non-stop on the short drive to the cabin, giving full details about the twins’ Halloween. “Do you remember trick-or-treating? The best treat we ever got in our pillowcase was the big candy bars. That’s where the rich people lived and we always hit the house again before walking home.”

  JC nodded. “Yep. The house down the street with the red door.”

  “Let me just tell you, things have changed! We spent Halloween at Mom and Tom’s in Malibu and you would not believe what my boys got in their candy buckets. People were handing out money! I was shocked when they came running back to the sidewalk with a Twix and a dollar, but one neighbor handed out Paydays wrapped in a ten-dollar bill!”

  “I’ll remember that next year,” she joked. JC dropped her head back on the headrest, drawing in a relaxed breath of air. The energy around her seemed lighter. She could breath. Her family was her anchor. The tranquil, open minded support system that grounded her through any and every up and down in her life. It felt good to be home…and away from Luca. “By the way, I got your email with the pictures of Richard and Thomas carving pumpkins. There’s no way they carved that haunted house! Try to pull that crap with me. The dinosaur carving maybe, but the haunted house and Frankenstein were definitely someone else’s pumpkin masters handy work.”

  “Yeah, it was Shayla. She loves Halloween.” John chuckled. “How’s Luca?” he teased in a horrid imitation of Italian.

  “He’s okay.” JC nodded with a sigh.

  “Just okay? I thought for sure I’d have to listen to you yada, yada, yada, all weekend long about your boyfriend. He seems crazy about you.”

  “I don’t know.” Heaviness filled her tone. “I mean…you know, he’s smart, handsome—”

  “Arrogant?” John cleared his throat and raised his brow.

  She shrugged as they pulled into the driveway of the gorgeous log cabin. “Did Tracy tell you he’s crazy about me?”

  “Umm. Yeah.” John stepped out of the SUV and opened the back hatch.

  JC followed. Taking in a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of pine as she leaned against the bumper. “Can I ask you something? When did you fall in love with Shayla? Was it the first date or after a week or a month?”

  He set her suitcase on the ground and tugged on the handle extension. “I would say the first day we met. I didn’t realize it until a week or so later, but looking back now, definitely love at first sight.” He smiled, patting her shoulder. “No wonder you’re crying at the airport. Is my little sister finally falling in love?”

  “No.” Denial flew form her mouth, vehemently shaking her head. “I didn’t say I was in love. I still can’t stomach the term boyfriend.”

  “The boys are peeking out the window. Come on, we’ll talk later. After wine.”

  “Please tell me Mom made dinner?”

  “It’s Mom. What do you think?”

  The delicious aroma of homemade chili and cornbread engulfed her senses as she walked through the front door of the cabin. Her tummy growled in anticipation. By the time John shut and locked the door, JC was ambushed by two sets of little hands and shrieks of joy. “Aunt JC! Aunt JC! What took you so long?”

  JC dropped to her knees, pulling her nephews in for an airtight squeeze. Emotions jumped in her chest as she held back a deluge of tears. The sound of her voice was lost momentarily to a mushy ball of sentiment stuck in her throat. She closed her eyes, playfully rubbing her nose against theirs.

  “Oh, my gosh! Is somebody happy to see me? Holy cowboy!” Rising to her feet, she locked her arms around the boys, carrying them to the couch. She plopped backward onto the brown leather. “What have you been eating? Look at how big you two are!”

  Richard snuggled up beside her. His big round hazel eyes bore into her soul, filling in a missing puzzle piece of her heart. “We’ve been eating your chili. Nana says it’s your favorite.”

  “Yeah, but Papa says we can’t have no more.” Thomas climbed onto her belly. Using his whole palm, he wiped away the wetness leaking from her eyes. “It turns us into stinkers.”

  JC burst out laughing, pinching her nose between her fingers. “Why are you sitting on me then? You better go sit on Papa’s lap.”

  “No way!” Thomas giggled as JC tickled his tummy.

  Tess stood behind the couch and leaned over JC to kiss her forehead. “You better be careful tickling them. They’re loaded shotguns.”

  “Momma!” JC tossed the boys to the side, jumping to her feet, wrapping her Mom in a warm embrace.

  “It’s about time you get your ass home, baby girl.” Tess stepped back, giving JC the once over while clasping her hands. “You look beautiful.”

  “That’s one more dollar, Nana.” Thomas held out his palm.

  Tess grinned, digging into her back pocket. “Fair warning, every time you swear, they expect a dollar. I’m going broke.”

  Richard tugged on JC’s hand, pulling her toward the kitchen. “We have a surprise for you. Come on. Come on.”

  JC ruffled his blond hair. “Let me put my things away. Then I’ll eat chili. We can both sit by Papa and let stinkers on him.”

  Thomas stood behind her, pushing on her butt, forcing her toward the kitchen. “Not chili, silly Aunt JC. It’s a surprise. Cover you eyes.”

  JC placed one hand over her eyes and let them lead her into the kitchen.

  “One, two, three, open you eyes!”

  Her breath hitched and brows creased in confusion. She couldn’t move, staring warily into Luca’s the dark brown eyes.

  Luca leaned against the counter next to Tom. Both men wore smiles on their faces when she rounded the corner, but now both frowned, mimicking her uncertainty.

  “Luca? What are you doing here? I don’t understand. Why are you…how did you get here?” A landslide of feelings tumbled on top of her, suffocating her reaction, nearly knocking her to her knees.

  An icy chill riffed through her veins sending a shudder down her spine. JC’s sanctuary had just been tarnished, taken over. Her body reacted automatically, elongating her stance, morphing into a defense mechanism. Luca ambiguously crossed th
e kitchen and reached for her, tenderly caressing the length of her arms with his fingertips.

  “I came to surprise you.” His warm lips brushed both cheeks whispering, “Are you happy to see me?”

  Goosebumps skittered across her flesh as her feet remained frozen to the floor.

  After a long pause and several reassuring strokes of his warm hands, she forced a small smile to avoid a scene. “How did you get here before me?”

  “Stand by. I got a better flight.”

  Luca wrapped his arms around her. JC stiffened. Caught in the confines of his embrace and the observant stare of her stepdad, she worked to regulate the rapid gusts of breath burning her lungs.

  Tom watched their every move with bent eyebrows.


  Tom Clemmins had the uncanny ability of reading JC Mathews like a book. Hell, he wrote her rulebook before she was even born, or at least a similar male version. A few of the chapters might’ve differed, but basically, they shared the same unconscious inability of letting a person of the opposite sex get close to you. That is, until the day he laid eyes on Tess six years ago on the island of Bora Bora. Tom flat out pursued her, falling head over heels in love with the woman he considered to be his soul mate.

  Previously, the idea of having responsibilities, family traditions and everything else that comes along with three kids, never entered Tom’s mind. Those words had hung like a noose around his neck right next to a marriage license. However, the instant he said I do, he became a stepdad. Tom cherished the opportunity. Being part of such a tight-knit family made him happier than he’d ever been in his entire life. He loved John, Tracy and JC and would do anything for them.

  Including protect them.

  Leaning against the counter, Tom analyzed JC’s adverse reaction to Luca’s surprise visit. His tongue skimmed over his teeth, drawing in air and making a squeaky sound. He hadn’t intended on questioning Luca’s intentions when he showed up unannounced earlier that morning, but watching JC’s face turn ashen white raised his suspicions.

  As the lids of her eyes drifted shut, escaping his attentive gaze, Tom knew not all was happy in paradise.

  Tom ambled closer, patiently waiting his turn to greet her. JC turned toward him and he wrapped his arms around his youngest. “Missed you Frog.”

  A full breath puffed through her pursed lips as she slumped against him. “Missed you too. I’m so glad to be home.”

  “Did you call her a rana?” Luca asked with a puckered brow.

  Tom slung his arm over JC’s shoulder pulling her against his side. “Long legs, green eyes and she can jump.”

  Tom could feel the tension falling away from her limbs as she tossed him a playful eye roll. “We were snowboarding one day and a little boy crashed right in front of me. Lucky for him, I jumped clean over the top of him. He wasn’t wearing a helmet. Tom’s been calling me Frog ever since.” She jabbed Tom in the side with her elbow. “Actually, I think he watched Smokey and the Bandit earlier that week.”

  “Smokey who?” Luca asked.

  “You know, Smokey and the Bandit. The movie. Never mind. I really can’t believe you’re here,” she muttered coolly, shaking her head in disbelief. “Did you fly with Tracy and Vincent?”

  “I wanted to share my good news with you. I got the lead in the new Spartacus series. An actor had to drop out at the last minute. They said I’d be perfect. We start filming in two weeks.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, that’s awesome. Congratulations.”

  “Tracy and Vincent aren’t coming,” Tom interjected sharply. “They need to hire someone to take Luca’s place. Vincent suggested she come by herself for Thanksgiving, but your sister feels her place is in Italy with her husband.”

  “What? But it’s Thanksgiving.” Frustration and panic riddled her voice. JC’s neck twisted, glaring at Luca. “You just left? Tracy has to be here. We’re always together as a family on Thanksgiving.”

  Tom watched a shadow of distress slip over JC’s face. After the loss of her father, the Holidays were tough on JC. They all lived busy lives, but no matter what any of them had going on, they made a point of being together for the holidays.

  “It’s okay, Frog. Why don’t you go unpack?”


  “We’ll work it out. Don’t worry.”


  Showing up at the cabin without warning bordered between desperate and controlling. Curious of Luca’s true intent, Tom trotted upstairs to poke around into his past. After making a few calls, he made his way back downstairs. Raised voices filtered through JC’s bedroom door.

  He found Tess standing in the kitchen staring out the window into the thick forest. Tom ambled up behind her. Brushing the long brown hair from her shoulder, he pressed a soft kiss to the slope of her neck. “It will all work out, Tess. I’ll charter a plane if I need to.”

  “I don’t like it. Tracy should be here. So should Vincent.” She sighed heavily, her gaze fixed on a chipmunk storing up on food for the winter. “I’m not blaming this on Luca. I think he was trying to do something nice by surprising JC, but this will be the first year we haven’t all been together for Thanksgiving.” Tess turned, snuggling into his arms.

  “I’ll give him the opportunity to make it right. If he falls short then we’ll take Thanksgiving to Tracy.”

  “Obviously, JC and Luca are more serious than what I thought.” Worry pushed a faint groove between her brows.

  “I’m not sure how thrilled she is to see him, Tess. You should’ve seen her face. JC didn’t have a clue he was going to show up here. I don’t think she’s happy at all.”

  Hearing JC’s bedroom door open down the hallway, they lowered their voices. She traipsed into the kitchen and leaned her elbows on the granite counter, resting her tear soaked face in her hands. Tess came to her side and rubbed her back. “You okay?”

  JC’s head bobbed up and down sluggishly. “He’s trying to get a flight home. Tracy is so mad.”

  Tom folded his arms across his chest. He nodded in affirmation as he sucked air though his teeth again, drawing attention from JC and Tess.

  “Oh geez.” JC groaned with exasperation.

  He shrugged innocently.

  “Don’t start that tsk thing with me. You might as well call me by my middle name. I know I’m in trouble. Tracy was yelling and crying on the phone. I convinced her to come home. She’ll be here tomorrow. Luca’s flying home to help Vincent find someone to replace him.”

  Luca emerged from the hallway. “I booked a flight. If I leave in an hour, I can fly standby on the redeye. I apologize. I wasn’t thinking. I only wanted to surprise you. I didn’t realize the awkward position I put Vincent in.”

  Tom extended his hand to Luca. “You’ll have to excuse me. I promised to throw the football with my grandsons.” He continued, dryly, “Everybody steps in a pile of shit at least once in their life. You’re doing the right thing by going back. Best of luck with your series, Luca.”

  Luca gave JC a confused frown.

  “He meant, we all make mistakes.” JC elucidated.


  If it weren’t for Dan scheduling a European perfume ad, JC would’ve stayed in Colorado through Christmas. As the plane took flight, her fingernails gripped the armrest leaving crescent shaped groves in the leather. Angst and uncertainty loomed pondering what it would be like to see Luca again. Should I just call it off? I need to just call it off. Breaking up is so difficult.

  Luca greeted her at the airport with a bouquet of red roses in hand. Every woman standing in the near vicinity took notice of his striking features, including JC. He tenderly brushed the hair from her eyes and clutched her around the waist, kissing her passionately right in the middle of the airport. She flushed from head to toe as onlookers gushed and swooned. This is what JC admired most about Luca, his bold sense of self-assurance.

  “I missed you.” Gently tilting her face upward, his dark eyes bore into hers searching for answers. �
�Mi dispiace.”

  JC wanted to believe his apology. Gazing into his dark eyes, she wanted to trust the gentleness he showered her with at that moment. The decision she reserved for Luca during her long flight, strangled in her throat. God, I am no good at this. This is why I never had boyfriends. She buried her face against his neck releasing a soft exhale filled with indecision.

  On the drive to his apartment, Luca apologized repeatedly for his behavior, insisting he had smoothed things over with Vincent and his family. Mrs. Giovanni even invited him to dinner while JC was in Colorado. Lugging her suitcase up the steps, JC caught a whiff of the unmistakable sweet scent of garlic. Candles flickered, casting a glow over the romantic table set for two.

  “You made me dinner?” She smiled softly in surprise. “What’s this all about?”

  “I don’t like it when you leave.” Luca stood behind her, speaking in a soft tone laced with authority and longing. “I missed you. I don’t want you to go away anymore.”

  “I missed you too,” she admitted. JC was a bit startled by her own revelation. Part of her really did miss him. “Luca I’ve always been very close to my family. I was raised with certain family values and traditions, especially holidays. I love spending time with them.”

  “You live with me, JC. I think you should love spending time with me too.” Luca’s fingers slipped into the neckline of her sweater, exposing the dip of her shoulder. He placed a searing kiss of possession on her skin.

  “I do enjoy spending time with you. It’s just…this isn’t easy for me. This is the longest relationship I’ve had. Do you understand?”

  His fingers compressed firmly over her upper arm. “I don’t understand.” Luca’s voice filled with animosity. “You love your family, but I’m not part of your family. I flew to Colorado to see you, to surprise you, but you sent me home.”


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