Surviving Broken

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Surviving Broken Page 16

by Beverly Preston

  JC stared back at Reed through the darkness. Their eyes revealed more than words could ever convey. Each breath seemed to have a story to tell. Stories of long luscious kisses mixed with hunger, desire, and raw need. “Reed,” she whispered roughly.

  “We can’t. Don’t even think about coming over here, JC. At this point I can’t even kiss you in front of anyone, especially two sleeping boys.”

  “I know,” she agreed with an agonizing groan. “Even though I haven’t been able to kiss you or touch you or…or have my way with you,”—he rolled his eyes—“I have had the best day ever with you.”

  “Me too.” He reached over the boys and stroked her chin. “Does a day like today fit into your rulebook?”

  “I don’t need rules with you, Reed. I’m just gonna be me.”


  Someone nudged her repeatedly until she opened her eyes.

  John handed her a mug of hot coffee as the morning sun streamed through a veil of white cotton. “I’ve never seen you sleep in before. Did my boys wear you out?”

  “The boys were fun. That’s the first time I’ve slept all night long since…you know.” She stretched, looking around the empty tent. “Where’s Reed?”

  “Calm down. He’ll be right back. He went home to take a shower. Thanks for watching the boys last night. We had a great time. Come eat breakfast, then we’re gonna take off.”

  “Take off? You’re leaving already?” JC asked in confusion, taking a sip of her coffee. “I wanted to go boogie boarding with the boys.”

  “I’m supposed to tell you I was called back to Las Vegas for an emergency at work, but I’d be lying. I didn’t realize we were interrupting something yesterday, so we’re going home. I’m not having this conversation with you so let’s just leave it at that, okay?”

  “Normally, I’d try to convince you to stay, but today, I’ll simply say thanks.” She shrugged with an honest smile.

  “For the record, I like this guy. By the way, what did you tell my boys? They think you and Uncle Reed are taking them camping.”

  “We told them we had to check with you first. Is that okay? You and Shayla can come too. Let’s go camping in a couple weeks. When’s the last time we pitched a tent together? Come on, it’ll be so much fun.”

  John nodded then shook his head with a look bordering on incomprehensive. “Where is my sister and what did you do to her? You’re making plans for a few weeks from now? With a boyfriend?”

  “Don’t make fun of me,” she protested, scrambling out of the tent. “The boys asked if we’d take them camping. I couldn’t tell them no. I don’t even know how you discipline those boys, especially Thomas when he sticks his lip out.”

  Walking inside, John stopped and scratched his head. “And, just so I have this completely straight, you’re offering to take my boys camping, with or without Shayla and I? There’s a possibility you might take them yourselves, just you and Reed?”

  Shayla stood in the kitchen. “Told you,” she stated matter-of-factly, shooting John an I told you so nod.

  “What?” JC insisted.

  “Nothing.” John rolled his eyes at his wife.

  JC scowled at her brother. “I’m perfectly capable of taking those two boys camping.”

  Reed waltzed through the back door, dressed in running shorts and t-shirt.

  “Sure. Of course. And I totally trust you with the boys. That’s not what—” John smirked, glancing back and forth at JC and Reed. “We’ll make plans before the end of summer to go camping.”

  “Time to go!” Shayla yelled to the boys. “Morning, Reed. Pancakes are on the stove.”

  “Ya’ll are headin’ back to Vegas already?” Reed asked in surprise.

  Richard and Thomas marched glumly down the hallway with grumpy faces. They answered Reed’s question as if it was meant only for them.

  “Yeah, Mommy says we inter…inter-rup-ted something, so we gotta go home,” Thomas complained, throwing his hands in the air mimicking his father. “Dad thinks Aunt JC’s going off the deep end, but we told him Aunt JC is a really good swimmer, so the deep end is okay. Thanks for taking us camping last night.”

  Both boys wrapped their little arms around Reed’s legs. Richard hung his head straight back, staring up at him. “Next time I’ll bring my duct tape, then you’ll never get out of our traps. Huh, Dad?”

  John nodded in agreement and all four adults burst out laughing. “Fair warnings; if they tie you up with duct tape, you’ll never get undone, and you’ll have a substantial amount of hair loss. It’s like getting waxed.”

  Everyone passed out hugs and handshakes before saying goodbye. JC waved, standing in the doorway with Reed. As the car drove out of sight, she deliberately leaned the length her body against his, eager to be swooped up and carried to bed.

  “We’re going running. Go get dressed.” Bulging biceps strained the sleeves of his shirt as he clasped the sides of her face and kissed her forehead.

  Rising to her toes with a hopeful smile, she shook her head no.

  “Yes, we are,” he assured with a devilish chuckle.

  Biting her bottom lip, she hissed, “I’m going to brush my teeth and go back to bed…with you. And we are going to have great sex. Then if you have any energy left, and I doubt you will, we’ll go running. Actually, I’m lying, if you have energy left, we’re just going to have sex again.”

  He slipped his hands around her waist, holding her tightly against the hard planes of his chest. “Do you know what today is?”

  “No. Do you want me to give today a holiday name after we get out of bed?” she teased though a shaky breath.

  His voice quivered, laced with anticipation, bending to whisper in her ear, “Today is my birthday. So that means you, we, are going to have to wait just a little bit longer. Because tonight, I’m taking you out on a date then I’m going to bring you home and make love to you.”

  “Happy birthday, Reed!” Draping her wrists over his shoulders, JC leaned back in his arms. “Okay. We’ll wait, but only if I get to make plans, since it’s your birthday.”

  “That sounds fair.”

  “And just so you know, I don’t use that term Reed Rider,” she clarified sweetly, trying to ignore the alarm bells ringing loudly in her head.

  “I thought you said you didn’t need that rulebook with me? Besides, it’s my birthday and what I want more than anything, is to make love to you, JC Mathews,” he said with a long silky twang.

  JC pushed down the impulse to bolt from his arms. Incessant urges of want and desire mixed with new feelings, feelings she’d never felt before. A layer of damp anxious sweat gathered on her skin. The words “making love” ranked up there right next to I love you. Those three little words scared the hell out of her. Confusion swirled around her thoughts. She wanted to let go of the boundaries she kept locked around her heart, but didn’t know how to allow herself liberation. Panic set in. Her breathing turned erratic and unsteady.

  Reed stroked his thumb in a circle on the side of her neck, the spot where her pulse rocketed through her veins. “I’m sorry, darlin’. I didn’t realize how serious you were about it. Don’t fall to pieces on me. You all right?” His tone gentled at her increasing distress and he brushed his nose to hers. “You can call it whatever you want. We’ll do it your way.”

  Blinking repeatedly to hide the burning pools building in her eyes, she rested her cheek on his chest. “I tried to warn you I have a few neurotic tendencies.” She rambled self-consciously. “Well honestly, it’s just the one.”

  “You sure do over-think things.” Placing his palm over the top of her rampaging heart, Reed gave her an awe of sympathetic understanding. “Why are you so hell-bent on words? Don’t you ever go with your feelings?”

  “Actually, I try not to over-think things. I’m usually better with surface relationships.”

  He grimaced at her choice of words.

  Fearing she’d hurt his feelings, she exhaled loudly. “I can’t believe I’
m having this conversation with you. I usually only get my Dr. Phil on when I talk to my sister.” She shut the front door and he followed her into the kitchen. JC hung her head and rested her palms on the counter. “Words have strong meanings to me, Reed. Once you say them, you can’t take them back. And the last thing I’ve ever wanted to do is put my words out there and have somebody take off and never come back. Love never lasts forever.”

  Reed stood behind her, coasting his strong hands over her shoulders. “Maybe you should stop contemplating the consequences,”—his warm mouth wandered over the sensitive spot behind her ear—“and listen to your heart. I promise, you might like it.”

  Every hair on her body stood at attention at his words of a promise sounding more like a challenge. JC arched slightly and backed up against him. “If you keep doing that, you’re gonna have some consequences to contemplate.” She turned to face him and tucked her fingers under his shirt, caressing the muscles on his back. “I hate to say this, but you have to leave. I can’t go running with you.”

  He frowned with disappointment and concern.

  “Reed, it’s your birthday and I have a lot of things to do to get ready.” Her thumbs gently stroked his oblique muscles. “And if you stay here any longer, I might make an ass out of myself by knocking you to the ground out of sheer desperation.”

  A quiet laugh escaped his ragged breath. Dragging his soft lips over the side of her face with the ease of a feather, he elucidated, “No presents.”

  Her eyes closed and her body ached with desire, old reservations fading with every new tender touch of his skin. She released a tiny moan right before he pulled away from her wearing a smart-ass grin.

  “Oh, my God! You are terrible! You’re driving me crazy. Get out of here, Reed,” she giggled. Blistering heat inched up her neck, bringing fire to her cheeks. She pushed him toward the door and planted a fast peck on his cheek. “Go! Come get me at 7:00pm.”


  The wrought iron table on the balcony was set for two and the aroma of home cooking filled the house. A large white candle flickered within a crystal hurricane lamp and a bottle of wine adorned the table. At 6:50pm JC stepped into her bathroom and reapplied her delicate pink lip-gloss. She glanced at her reflection for a final inspection of her sooty chocolate brown eye shadow and dewy cream blush.

  The intercom system buzzed and she trotted down the hallway, entering the code for the gate. JC stopped three feet shy of the front door and anxiously smoothed her hands over her low-cut black wrap dress. She’d spent an hour trying on at least ten dresses before settling on the wrap, ultimately deciding it’d give him something to open for his birthday.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so ridiculously nervous, if ever, to go on a date. Reed was more than a date. Accepting that fact came with its own set of fears, and an excitement she’d never known before. She was determined not to chicken out or let her obsessive qualms over commitment get in the way of her feelings toward him.

  Therapy was in full swing for most of the day. However, the session wasn’t about doubts and uncertainties, it was about glimpses into the future and potential some days. Reed could just as easily be her best friend as her lover, a brand new experience for JC.

  She finally concluded she didn’t care what rules she broke, or how scared she was. Reed Rider would be her boyfriend. Not a boyfriend she was unsure of what to call, or cringed every time she used the term. A real boyfriend.

  JC fretfully flipped a few lose strands of hair over her shoulders and adjusted her boobs for the perfect amount of cleavage. Hearing a faint knock on the door, she closed her eyes, exhaled a big breath of air and reached for the doorknob.

  A large, beautiful bouquet of golden sunflowers covered Reed’s face. The clear cellophane swathed around the fiery blooms made a squeaky crackle noise when he jiggled the bouquet.

  JC’s heart lurched and her stomach dropped to her toes. The flowers in front of his face triggered a déjà vu from when Tom came to save her at Luca’s apartment. Her ears buzzed as she stood frozen in front of him.

  He lowered the flowers, exposing his gorgeous blue eyes, bringing her back to reality.

  “Hey,” she whispered in a hoarse voice and cocked her head to the side. “How did you know sunflowers are my favorites?”

  Reed’s gaze wandered from her head to her toes. “I didn’t. Oh hell, you look absolutely beautiful.” He tossed the bouquet of sunflowers over his shoulder and reached her in two strides. Clasping his arms around her waist, he buried his mouth in the hair near her neck. “Is your phone turned off?”

  She nodded, draping one arm over his massive shoulders and the other around his neck, taking in his spicy woodsy scent.

  “Door locked?” His steamy, ragged breath tickled her ear. “Do we need to put a Do Not Disturb sign on the gate? Cause if we get interrupted again…” He pulled her even tighter to his large frame, threading his fingers through the hair at her nape. Tenderly, he tugged her head back, preparing to take her mouth with his.

  Her torso arched upward, fire igniting every place his hard frame touched her body. “What’s the matter, Reed? Patience wearing thin?” She flushed from head to toe with heat.

  A hint of a smile danced in his eyes. “Paper fucking thin, darlin’.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers, sinking his tongue into her mouth. JC opened, letting him explore the depths of her mouth, her heart, and her soul. The sweet flavor of his breath sent pings of delight surging through her limbs. Unable to contain her enthusiasm, she kissed him back aggressively. She wanted more, searching deeper with her tongue, trying to satisfy her unbearable hunger. Her fingers gripped the collar of his shirt as her lower abdomen clenched uncontrollably, seeking the release she needed so desperately.

  In that very instant, she knew she’d give this man whatever he asked for, whatever he wished for, and whatever he desired.

  Vaguely aware she’d started to ride up on his hips, she broke the kiss, tearing her lips away from his. Dizzy from weakness, JC turned her head to the side, struggling for air. Reed kissed her temple and nuzzled her neck. The smoothness of his face brought another strike of delight to her lower abdomen.

  JC eased back and cupped his jaw in her palms. “You shaved!” She leaned back further to get a good look at him.

  “I was wonderin’ when you’d notice.” A quiet chuckle escaped. “You look stunning. I love your dress.”

  “Thanks. I considered answering the door buck-ass naked, with the heels of course,”—she blushed crimson red, pointing to her strappy four-inch heels—“but I didn’t want to scare you.” JC attempted to keep a straight face, but couldn’t manage and let out a naughty giggle.

  This roused a smile. “I think I can handle it. Should I go back out and knock on the door again?” he mumbled under another scalding kiss.

  JC shook her head beneath the pressure of his lips. “Patience is a virtue, remember?” she panted, mocking him with a Texas drawl.

  “I’ve already seen you buck-ass naked, and to tell you the truth, I haven’t been able to get the vision out of my head. Every time I close my eyes…” His eyes drifted shut.

  “Happy birthday, Reed.” JC nipped at his ear and pressed a long kiss against his cheek.

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her slower without demand, yet with every stroke of his tongue it felt like he was claiming her as his own. She surrendered to the moment and returned the kisses passionately without reserve, relaxing against his powerful grasp. Heated tension built inside her as the kisses became longer and greedy. Their mouths mingled with faint moans.

  The strength and force of his presence made her go weak with desire. Needing to touch his skin, JC slipped her fingers beneath his charcoal gray shirt only to find a white t-shirt. She tugged at the cotton fabric, pulling it from the waistband of his jeans and caressed the contoured dip between his hip and abs.

  Reed’s hands roamed up and down her spine, over her shoulders, neck and arms, bu
t stopped short of cupping her breast. He snatched his fingers back every time he got close. JC had never experienced such raw need and feared she might cry if he held back any longer. She wanted his hands on her, his mouth on her. She wanted to do anything, everything with this man. She wanted to drop to her knees and kiss every inch of his gorgeous body.

  Reaching blindly for his hand, she placed it right beneath her breast. He groaned with relief, lifting his palm to her breast. As soon as his thumb brushed against her nipple, Reed’s stomach released a thunderous growl. A quiet laughter escaped them both as he dropped his chin to his chest and shook his head. “Whatever you’re cooking smells delicious.”

  “Maybe we should try to make it past the front door.” She panted with a soft chuckle laced with embarrassment. “I need to turn the oven off.”

  Reed reached down and picked up the sunflowers he’d thrown over his shoulder and followed her to the kitchen. “I can’t believe you’re making me dinner.”

  She searched the cabinets for a vase, watching Reed glance outside at the romantic setting of the candlelit table. “If you want to grab the bottle of wine on the table, I’ll open it. It’s from Tracy and Vincent’s winery in Italy. I wasn’t sure if you drank wine, so I have Jack Daniels too.”

  “I like wine.”

  Reed opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony. The cool evening air brought a welcomed relief to the heat gathering beneath her dress, and tingled her warm skin. JC could only stare, studying his confident casual stride and dress shirt that fit snug against the flexed muscles of his back.

  Before she realized what she was doing, JC proceeded out the door after him. Standing silently behind him, a shiver chased down her spine. She wanted to tell him how much she missed him all day, but struggled momentarily with her internal fears. Very rarely, if ever, did she reveal her emotions to a man, but she found it nearly impossible not to tell Reed everything.

  The distance between them evaporated and she wrapped her arms around him, resting her cheek on his back. “Reed?”


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