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Surviving Broken

Page 24

by Beverly Preston

  Savoring the pleasure, she clung to his shoulders. Her insides readily contracted as the ridge of his penis massaged her favorite spot.

  “Oh, yes,” she groaned with delight.

  Dipping his head to take hold of her taut nipple, he pulled the delicate pink tip into his firm, wet mouth, licking and sucking out another moan of pleasure from her throat.

  Reed dropped to his knees. The weight of his hands rested at the dip of her waist as his gaze shifted upward.

  “Do you know what my problem with you is, darlin’?”

  She swallowed…hard, giving one twist of her head indicating no.

  “I can’t ever decide where I want to start first,” he murmured. “You’re simply exquisite.”

  A smile flicked at the corner of her mouth. Reed’s hand slowly traversed downward, coasting his palm over her bare hip in a slow deliberate roll, pulling another cry from her parted lips. The tip of his index finger lazily traced down her upper thigh with the lightness of a feather.

  “Tell me again,” he requested in an ache of a whisper.

  “I love you.” Her quiet declaration blended with the sound of blades of tall grass swaying in the breeze. JC’s neck and chest turned warm and tingly. She repeated it louder, “I love you, Reed Rider. More than anything.”

  He slid the lace to the ground, urging her legs wider. Reed leaned back to get a full view of her nude body under the strawberry moon. His lips parted, pushing out a heavy exhale and his eyes grew bright with illumination.

  Shards of sensation captured his name in her throat as he buried his tongue between the apex of her thighs, devouring her with greedy need. He slipped two fingers inside her glazed flesh, ripping a lust-filled cry from her open mouth. Her chin slumped to her chest, eyes wide open, taking in the glorious sight of the man she loved.

  Her hands delved into the thick layers of hair, clasping around his skull as she thrust her hips forward encouraging his knuckles deeper. He marauded and flicked, fixating on her swollen bud, drawing it into the burning heat of his mouth. “Oh, yes. Don’t stop.” Her head twisted from side to side. Pleasure and madness surpassed her highpoint. JC’s body quaked, bursting into a violent explosion.

  Raising her face to the heavens, she huffed and panted, struggling for air as he lapped at her, consuming every last taste. She let out a little yelp when he withdrew from her center.

  In one swift move, he gathered her into his arms and lowered them to the quilt beneath. She scrambled to her knees mirroring his stance. The coolness of the night air brought needed relief to her flushed skin and her pulse began to regulate. Their hips touched as they faced each other in the darkness.

  Her hands floated to his chest, roaming over the hard planes, descending to the stiff column jutting into her navel. Reed brushed his nose to hers, moving over the side of her face in a soft lull. The intoxicating scent of their erotic chemistry on his breath filled her senses with lust.

  “I love you,” he murmured.

  JC stroked him, drawing out a bead of moisture from the broad head and bringing it to her tongue. Reed’s breathe fractured. With a small nudge, he willingly laid out onto his back, resting on his elbows.

  “I’m gonna love you so good. Like you’ve never been loved before,” she purred.

  His eyes glinted with amusement, briefly, until she slid her tongue down the full extent of his rigid flesh. Reed’s head dropped back. He spilled out a few curse words as she drew him in. “Fuck. Your mouth…oh my God. It’s so fucking hot.”

  Falling short on manners, he didn’t even bother to utter ‘scuse me for swearing as she took him deeper.

  He swept the hair from her face. His gaze bright with hunger, penetrating intently, staring down at her.

  “I’m gonna love you this way,”—she licked his length with a devilish grin—“and that way.” She circled over his pulsing head. “Every way.”

  The weight of his hand gently closed around the nape of her neck. Reed didn’t push. He simply caressed the back of her head, captivated by the view of her lips wrapped around his silky flesh. JC worked at him, taking in as much as she could manage, bringing him right to the edge.

  “Come here,” he growled, tugging free from the suction of her mouth. “I want you to make love to me.”

  Happy to oblige his every desire, she seductively slinked up his torso. JC straddled his hips, sitting upright. Gaping down at his handsome face, she hoped she’d be able to love him enough, enough to be the love of his life, the woman of his dreams. The One.

  She planted her bare feet on the blanket beneath them. His hands tangled in the mass of her hair falling around her face as she steadied him with firm strokes, maneuvering him into position. JC eased onto the thick column. She unloaded a long drawn-out hiss from her lungs as her muscles yielded, molding to his thickness.

  “You okay, darlin’?” His quiet slur, heavy with Texan twang. “Too much? Do you need to back off a—“

  “No.” JC swiveled her hips. “I’m okay. I want all of you.”

  Shadows from the surrounding trees played over them as she rode him slowly at first, working into a steadfast grinding rhythm. The gravity of her body seized control. Each time she ground a little deeper, a zing of delight struck her like a clap of thunder. His hips shifted higher as he strained, but she knew he was still holding back, fearing he’d hurt her.

  The man felt heavenly and she couldn’t keep quiet. Her loud moans filled the night air. Sweet bliss mounted inside, riding him slowly at first and working into a steadfast rhythm. The muscles in her thighs grew weak and she grasped his forearm for stability. Her toes curled into the quilt. The world around her shattered into a burst of color as she released a long voluptuous moan.

  Reed sat upward, licking into her mouth, taking in her sounds of pleasure. Tearing her lips from his, she panted against his bicep.

  His strong hands cupped her bottom. “You’re not done yet, darlin’.”

  A sheen of exertion covered his tan skin as he lifted and lowered her with ease. JC reclined backward a little, placing the palms of her hands on his thighs. She shifted, sinking lower as another climax gathered force.

  “Fuck, I can feel you…so tight. Come with me,” he commanded. Propelling his hips upward, he greeted her with deep penetrating thrusts of pleasure, burying himself fully inside.

  “Yes, oh yes!” She exploded as he stiffened and shuddered with his own exertion.

  The searing heat of his breath drifted across her shoulder. JC couldn’t get close enough. Her heartbeat echoed in her ears as she clung to his flexing back.

  “God, I love you,” she panted, dragging her lower lip along the salt on his neck, resting her cheek on his glistening chest

  He lifted the damp hair from her neck, nipping the lobe of her ear. “I love you too.”


  The once terrifying words I love you became the everyday language of JC’s life. She couldn’t say it or show it enough. Love was so much more than she imagined. Profound intimacy didn’t merely live in her bed between the sheets. Intimacy came as an everyday understanding, an acute confidence in their relationship that bonded them closer than blood. They knew each other’s thoughts, actions and needs. Her heightened awareness to the simple brush of his hand, stroke of her cheek, or gaze from across the room made her blush. Holding his hand meant as much to her as making love. Every physical connection now felt like a new passage in life she’d cherish forever. Reed could even finish her sentences occasionally.

  All her adult life, JC wondered how couples put up with each other. On both ends of the spectrum she’d always questioned why would she or he put up with that, or why do they talk that way to each other, or why would someone find that attractive. She acknowledged one afternoon, “I don’t know how you do it, but there isn’t one thing you do that irritates me.”

  “Darlin’, there’s an ass for every saddle.”

  She burst out laughing, swatting his butt. “Damn, I love your saddle!”
  He in turn, grabbed her tush with both hands. “Damn, I love your ass.” This drove them straight to bed for the afternoon.

  Construction was nearly complete on his house on the bluff. Reed elected to hold onto both houses until the remodels were finished before deciding which to call home.

  If they weren’t working, they enjoyed the benefits of all things California. They explored canyons and searched out new hiking trails. She introduced him to surfing. Though JC wasn’t very good at it, she enjoyed any water activity. Reed managed to stay upright long enough to ride a few waves, but assured her he’d get even for losing his trunks in public. The following weekend he got his chance while teaching her how to two-step at a Country western bar.

  Paparazzi slithered back into the shadows of JC’s life. A few insignificant pictures surfaced of them running on the beach with the caption Boyfriend or Bodyguard? Reed, being a good sport, laughed it off in good fun until they walked out of the bar late at night to get bombarded with a barrage of flashing strobe lights. Apparently country music’s latest star was arriving at any moment and the sharks had already begun to swarm. Unfortunately, JC and Reed would suffice as chum until he showed.

  Completely flustered by the unsuspected crowd, JC’s involuntary reaction reverted to panic. The pulsating loud music garbled together with the hum of traffic and photog yelling, Stop! How’s if feel to be back in the states? Who’s your new date?

  Her clouded sense of sound disoriented her momentarily. Covering her eyes from the blinding bursts of white light, she bowed her head and hit the heal-toe express, making a b-line for the car and leaving Reed in the dust. Her abrupt reaction only fueled the fire making their pursuit more determined.

  Reed jogged beside her, shrouding his arm around her in attempts of shielding her from the press. Her shoulders flinched with an uncontrolled recoil. He dropped his shielding arm to his side. Their eyes connected in slow motion for a fraction of a second. The hurt in his eyes and sullen rejection covering his face stopped JC dead in her tracks.

  Trapped in her own angst, JC hurt Reed’s feelings. “Oh hell,” she mumbled, paraphrasing Reed’s most common saying. She blindly reached for his hand. He didn’t shy away from her touch, but remained stiff and agitated.

  Halted in the middle of the sidewalk, paparazzi surrounded them in a new story feeding frenzy. She proudly slipped her arm around Reed’s waist, raising her opposite hand, granting them consent to snap away. “Just a few guys.”

  JC eased against Reed, molding herself to his powerful frame, hugging him around the waist. He wrapped one arm around her shoulder, stroking her arm that crossed over his stomach. Her anxiety faded away, recognizing the appreciation wrapped into his heart-stopping smile.

  She knew her actions would cost her months’ worth of privacy, but she didn’t care. Raising on her tiptoes, JC kissed his cheek, making Reed blush cherry red. “I love you.”

  Her I Love You made the front cover of three magazines, blowing up the Internet and her cell phone. So-called friends she hadn’t spoken to in over a year left messages on her phone. JC refused to fall into the trap of false friendship ever again, explaining to Reed some people are addicted to fame and the spotlight that goes with it. She didn’t need people in her life who merely wanted to be next to her when the camera reared its lens.

  Her family, however, she gladly spoke to. Cheers of Congratulations and We knew you were in love with him rang through the phone lines. Her mom and Tom even called from Bora Bora.

  Her confidence and pride grew being out in Hollywood with Reed. The liberation was therapeutic, freeing her of old fears. She no longer dreaded being caught in public by paparazzi. They strolled the Boulevard, enjoyed phenomenal restaurants, ran on the beach. It didn’t matter where they went. Reed would never let any harm come to her or invade her space.

  JC climbed out of Reed’s bed before dawn to go shopping at the farmers market for delicious fresh fruit in season. She made Reed breakfast in bed, his favorite salsa avocado omelet with a big cup of coffee.

  “Let’s go to the beach,” he suggested, slipping into a pair of athletic shorts.

  “That sounds perfect. It’s a beautiful day.”

  She sauntered to the dresser where she kept a few of her things and pulled the drawer open. A tingling sensation pinged in her tummy. All of her socks and panties neatly filled the drawer. Her favorite picture of she and Reed rested on top of her delicates in a gorgeous intricately carved frame.

  Butterflies swirled in her stomach as she stared motionless at her things.

  Reed quietly moseyed in and stood beside her with a cup of coffee in his hands.

  Slowly she faced him with a coy smile. “What’s this?”

  Drowning a sexy hopeful smile behind his cup, he took a sip of his coffee and sighed. “My way of asking you to move in. Officially.”

  “Is that so?” she questioned playfully. Her heart pounded so hard she thought it might burst.

  His gaze didn’t leave the open drawer. “Yes, ma’am.” A small pleasing tug lifted the corner of his lips. “That is so.”

  JC reached in and took hold of the picture, positioning it perfectly atop the dresser. “I’ve been living with you since the first time I stayed the night with you,” she teased boldly, but realized it was true. His place felt like home to her from day one. “I just haven’t moved my stuff in yet.”

  Reed placed his coffee cup beside the frame. Grabbing her around the waist, he brushed the tip of his nose to hers. “Get over here woman.” He planted an insatiable kiss on her lips. “We’re gonna fix that right now.”

  By the end of the weekend, all of her things hung neatly in their closet. Her favorite pieces of art now hung on the walls with Reed’s, creating a fresh blended canvas of their tastes.

  JC buzzed through the front door after what she called the meeting of her life. The second most popular global brand of cosmetics wanted JC to tout their new makeup line. Dan pitched her to the top executives of the company as a woman who was strong on the inside and out. The campaigns full attention would focus on bringing out the natural beauty in women.

  JC felt honored to fill the position of what they considered Redefine What it Means to be a Strong Beautiful Woman campaign. She looked at it as a higher platform in her career and a way to inspire women to embrace their unique individuality.

  She called out for Reed while searching through the house, only to find a gorgeous flower arrangement adorning the kitchen table. Her already wide smile broadened even further as she snatched the card from the clear forked prongs. She bent to take a sniff of the rich red roses mixed within the bronze sunflowers and lilac snapdragons.

  Congratulations, darlin’!

  Meet me at Geoffrey’s at 7:00pm.

  Don’t be late!

  Love you,


  As she entered the intimate restaurant, JC’s espresso brown dress brushed her thighs. She sauntered past the open-front façade flanked by rustic wood columns. The hostess greeted her by name, escorting her to a cozy table at the back of the restaurant. The waiter arrived with a glass of wine and a chilled glass of water complete with a wedge of lemon.

  JC blushed, settling into her seat, impressed by the lengths Reed had gone in order to make the evening a perfect celebration. Everything from his choice of restaurant to her favorite cabernet. She sipped her wine, taking in the limestone fireplace and dark wood tones surrounding her, anxiously waiting for Reed to arrive.

  Feeling the warmth of his hand on her bare shoulder persuaded a sexy smile. She tilted her head, exposing her bare neck to his lips as her fingers slipped down the curve of the wine glass, stroking the stem. Her eyes drifted shut as the heat of his breath caressed her skin.

  “Ciao sei bllissima amore mio.”

  JC bolted away from the warm breath. Her flesh instantaneously covered in goose bumps. Every hair on her body stood at attention hearing the sound of Luca’s voice.

  JC’s mouth was parched like a dry
lake bed in the middle of the desert. She choked down any remaining saliva left in her throat, snarling breathlessly, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Luca Santini stood within inches, groomed meticulously with a haughty smile and a designer suit. The words he uttered faded to a distorted murmur behind the sounds of her rampant heartbeat as reality of his presence sunk in.

  “Auditioning for larger opportunities in Hollywood. No thanks to your step-daddy.” Luca attempted to stifle the resentment in his voice. He flashed a smile that at one point would’ve softened her, but not now. Not ever again. Fear, anger and hatred churned through her veins.

  “Sei bellissima,” Luca urged again. His eyes wandered to her chest heaving up and down with each labored gasp for oxygen. “Mi sei mancato.”

  “Well, I haven’t missed you. My father warned you never to come near me again.” Every inch of her body strained with warning. A thin layer of sweat flushed over her flesh.

  “Ah, now JC, he can’t run me out of every country.” Luca’s accent was drenched with cocky arrogance.

  “Bet me,” she assured through clenched jaw.

  “Besides, I brought a few of your belongings you left when you moved out.”

  “I didn’t move out. I escaped and I don’t want anything from you.” Her mind felt like a runaway train. How did he find me? How long has he been in California? Did he follow me to the restaurant? “You need to leave.”

  “You don’t really mean that. Have dinner with me.” His hand traversed down her arm from elbow to fingers, bowing to place a kiss on the back of her hand.

  JC remained frozen, numb to his touch. The surroundings around her fell mute. Though Luca stood right beside her, the vision of him seemed far away as his lips honed in on her knuckles. The sight triggered a surge of adrenaline screaming through her.


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