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Not Negotiable: A Trident Security Series Novella - Book 3.5

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by Cole, Samantha

  “Yes.” She gave a tentative smile of her own.

  The pretty brunette extended her hand which Shelby shook. “It’s so nice to meet you. I only wish it hadn’t been this way. And I’m so sorry about the way you were treated in there. Despite our parents’ insistence that we get together, Parker and I are just old friends. If it helps any, they don’t like my significant other either.”

  Snorting, Parker gave her a wry grin. “Let me guess. He’s blue collar?” Cynthia had never been the social climber some of their other friends had been.

  “High school science teacher, actually. And he’s a she. Becky and I have been together a little over six months now.”

  Parker was stunned. He never would have guessed, but it didn’t matter to him. He was a Dom after all. People in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones. “That’s great. I’m happy for you.”

  “So am I. And I’m happy for you, too.” She glanced back at the house and adjusted the purse he hadn’t noticed her carrying. “Listen. I’m not going back in there and since obviously you won’t be going back in there ever, would you two like to go grab an early dinner? I’ll call Becky and have her meet us.”

  He glanced at Shelby who nodded her assent with relief in her eyes at the other woman’s kind gesture. “Sounds great, Cyn. We’re staying at the Boston Harbor Hotel. Why don’t we meet you in the dining room in about an hour, so we can check in.”

  “Perfect. Let’s get away from all this high-class snobbery and make Shelby’s visit to our beautiful city a fun one.”

  It was the best idea he’d heard all day.

  Chapter 11

  Parker climbed back into bed after a trip to the bathroom and pulled Shelby into his arms, exactly where she belonged. His movements were cautious, letting her sleep a little longer before they had to get up and shower—hopefully together. Her doctor’s appointment was in two hours, but it was only a ten minute drive to the office. They’d returned to Tampa yesterday afternoon after having breakfast with Cynthia and her girlfriend, Becky. The three women had gotten along terrifically the night before, and Parker invited the other couple to visit them in Florida when they had the chance. He’d been grateful they’d helped ease the horrible experience from Shelby’s mind.

  When they had gotten home a little after four yesterday, Parker had helped Shelby into bed. She’d been exhausted, but hadn’t been able to sleep on the plane. After she’d dozed off, he’d called Angie and asked if she could swing by to watch her while he ran an errand and the woman had been quick to say yes.

  Shelby stirred and blinked up at him. “Hi.”

  “Hi, right back at you. How do you feel?”

  She stretched and her body rubbing against his made his morning wood spring back to life. “I’m good, but I need to use the bathroom.”

  His eyes followed her ass as she shuffled across the room to the master bath. When the door shut, he leapt out of bed and opened the top drawer of his dresser, pulling out the two boxes he’d hidden there. He was back in bed in a flash, along with Spanky who seemed to think this was a new game. Parker pointed at his feet and the dog got the message, laying down at the foot of the bed. Hiding the boxes under his pillow, Parker tried not to appear nervous as the bathroom door opened again and his beautiful Shelby came out. She ran her tongue along her teeth and he knew that was an indication she’d brushed them. Over the past few weeks, he’d learned all her little quirks and habits, loving every single one of them because they were what made her unique. She scrambled back into bed and smiled when Spanky laid his big head over her ankles.

  Taking her hand, Parker gazed into her eyes. In them, he saw his future. They were going to get good news today, he was certain of it. But he wanted her to know that whether the news was good or not, he wasn’t asking what he was about to ask just because her cancer was in remission.

  “Baby, before we get up and dressed, I have a present for you.”

  Her eyes narrowed at him. “Present? What for?”

  Reaching under his pillow, he pulled out the larger box and handed it to her. “Open it.”

  “Parker, what is it?”

  He shrugged and jutted his chin toward the box sitting on her lap. She let go of his hand, opened the box, and gasped. Thankfully, it was a good gasp. “Parker, it’s beautiful.”

  Sitting up, he lifted the gold collar embedded with a rainbow of colored gems. “I knew as soon as I saw it that it was perfect for you. The stones will match whatever wig and outfit you want to wear to the club. And it will still be beautiful on you whether you stay bald or your hair grows back.” He paused. “Actually, it will be you who makes the collar beautiful. Will you wear it, Shelby? Will you be my sub for however long we have together?”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she touched his wrist. “Yes. Oh, yes. I love you, Master. For however long we have together, I’ll be your sub.”

  Bringing the collar to her neck, he fastened the clasp at her nape, then kissed the tears on her check. “Shhh, baby. I have one more question for you.”

  She sniffled and nodded while running her fingers along the collar. Reaching under the pillow again, he pulled out the smaller box, stood, and rounded the bed to her side. Her mouth dropped when he got down on one knee and opened the lid of the box, revealing a two-carat, emerald-cut diamond ring, surrounded by the same gems that were in her collar. “Now that you’ve agreed to be my sub, will you also agree to be my wife? I love you, Shelby. I love the children we are going to adopt and raise to the best of our ability. I love the dogs we’ll rescue, so Spanky has someone to hang out with when we kick him out of the bedroom, so we don’t have an audience. And I love every second in time that you are by my side and in my arms where you belong. Marry me?”

  * * *

  In the dressing room of the church, Kristen Anders’ bridesmaids and man-of-honor put the finishing touches on her dress, hair, and makeup. Then Angie pinned a single rosebud to Will’s white tux lapel while Shelby handed out the women’s bouquets. When Kristen took her flowers, she caught Shelby’s hand. “I want you to know how happy I am that you’re here with us today and that you will be for a long time. And don’t you dare think about eloping, because we already can’t wait to start planning your big wedding, too. Parker is a special guy, and he better know that he lucked out and got one hell of a woman.”

  Shelby air-kissed her cheek so they wouldn’t screw up their makeup and then grinned at the rest of the group. “I couldn’t have gotten through everything without all of you. And don’t worry, while we probably won’t have a huge wedding, I’ll still need your help planning it.”

  “Ladies and Will, it’s time.” Bill Anders stood in the doorway, dressed in his black tuxedo, staring at his daughter. “Baby, you look beautiful.”

  A blush bloomed on the bride’s cheeks. “Thanks, Dad.”

  Leaving the father and daughter alone for a moment, the others hurried out to line up at the back of the church. Will was escorting Angie down the aisle, since Ian, the best man, was already at the altar with the groom. Jenn had two escorts, Brody and Marco, while Kayla was walking down on Boomer’s arm. Finally, Shelby was paired up with Nick, the youngest of the Sawyer brothers, who managed to get leave from his SEAL team in California, and Jake, the last of Kristen’s Sexy Six-Pack. And damn, did they fit the moniker dressed in their Navy dress whites or what?. She was madly in love with her Master, but she’d have to be in a coma not to notice how handsome the guys looked in their uniforms. Talk about drop-dead gorgeous.

  Jake approached and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “You look great, Shelby. Love the hair.”

  She tugged on his small ponytail. “Love yours, too.” When they’d returned from their out-of-town assignment last week, she’d told Marco and Jake that they didn’t have to shave their heads like everyone else had done. All the bald domes had been more than comical after her initial reaction, and since she was now in remission, she was ready to see everyone, including herself, return to normal. But while the o
ther club members’ hair had grown back over the past few weeks, her own was taking it’s damn time. Kristen had told her to wear any one of her colored wigs, or if she wanted to, a navy scarf around her sparse peach fuzz, but Shelby hadn’t wanted to take the spotlight off the bride. Parker had gone to the wig store with her the other day and helped her pick out a short-do that was a little longer than how she’d been wearing it before she got sick.

  Parker. Just thinking of him had her eyes searching the crowded church for him. She couldn’t wait until her doctor gave her the all-clear to resume any and all play activities, because Parker was keeping things relatively vanilla until then. Once her chemo-induced anemia was gone though, he was going to spank her ass for all the infractions she’d been intentionally racking up lately. And the anticipation was driving her nuts.

  As the first notes of the music floated into the air, Kayla and Boomer began their walk down the aisle. Shelby and her escorts were next and when she took that initial step, she spotted Parker at the end of a row, halfway up the aisle. He was sitting next to Kayla’s wife, Roxy, and Kat, but his eyes were solely on her. With her hand tucked under Jake’s arm, she fingered her engagement ring. She still couldn’t believe she was engaged to the most wonderful man in the world.

  Parker winked at her and she smiled back, remembering what he’d told her that morning. “Someday soon, everyone will be gathering for our wedding, baby. Then I can spend the rest of my life making Mrs. Shelby Christiansen the happiest woman in the world. I’m going to make her laugh, smile…” He’d raised a leering eyebrow. “And cum, every day. She will always know how much I love her…and that, baby, is not negotiable.”

  The End

  Author’s Note

  Beefcakes and Bullmastiffs 2016 Calendar

  Bullmastiff Rescue, Inc. is a real organization of special people, dedicating their time and homes until these gentle giants can be placed with forever families. To raise funds to help with the expenses for each rescue, they’ve published a calendar featuring some of the rescued Bullmastiffs along with some very hot-looking guys. Check out their web site to purchase the calendar or make a donation to support this wonderful group—

  About the Author

  Samantha Cole is a retired policewoman and former paramedic who has started a third career as an author. She has lived her entire life in the suburbs of New York City and has plans to become a ‘snow-bird’ between New York and Florida. Her two dogs, Jinx and Bella, keep her company and remind their ‘mom’ to take a break from writing every once in a while to go for a walk, of course with them in tow.

  An avid reader since childhood, Samantha was often found with a book in hand and sometimes one in each. After being gifted with a stack of romance novels from her grandmother, her love affair with the genre began in her teens.

  Samantha is continuing to work on the Trident Security series and also has a few other stand-alone books planned.

  Other Books By Samantha Cole

  Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 (Devon & Kristen)

  His Angel: Trident Security Book 2 (Ian & Angie)

  Waiting For Him: Trident Security Book 3 (Boomer & Kat)

  And Coming Soon

  Topping The Alpha: Trident Security Book 4 (Jake’s story)

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