The Celestial Sea

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The Celestial Sea Page 21

by Marina de Nadous

  Adrian: I’m leaving in 15 minutes. See you for lunch at your place if you want?

  Mouse: Lovely. Lunch amongst the paint pots it is. We can always change venue if needs be——just text. I will bring fodder for The Prince and his Lady to picnic in the current work place. X

  P.s Mood identified: Poetic, languid, fluid, soft, slow, east, rising. Had a bath this morning——could be dangerous. Quite understand if you would rather keep your distance——X

  * * * * * * *

  Midday, Adrian: Hi sweet and languid one. To Cordelia’s it is. Can I meet you there soon?

  Mouse: Of course, Sir. I am on my way. I’m very hungry——no breakfast. I have soup and crackers on board. Big love, your Lady.

  I arrive at Cordelia’s with a terrible nosebleed that won’t stop! Most unlike me——must be all this excitement——just when we are aching to fall into each other’s arms. Adrian holds me gently. We lie on the sofa, trying to keep the blood off his clean, white T-shirt. Cordelia comes back unexpectedly.

  P.m. Mouse: Hello dear Friend and comforter to Damsels in distress with nosebleeds. Thank-you for your care. Thank-you to The Angels too——we might have been rolling around on the floor otherwise, covered in filler. Oops——not so easy to explain away to the lovely Client/Friend/Guardian Angel. Hmm. I can give you a goodnight phone call, as everyone is asleep early——even The Laird. Too much whisky at Bernard & Felicia’s just now. Text me if okay to call.

  Adrian: Having an interesting Jam with the funk band. Have to leave the call tonight I fear. Have you had your nap?

  Mouse: Didn’t manage nap sadly. Nice evening out? Jam sounds fun, you wonderful Minstrel Lover. How lucky am I? Enjoy your evening. Sleep well, full of musical inspiration and balm. I am brushing your lips with butterfly kisses X X

  I wish I could accompany Adrian and listen to his music. I don’t suppose that freedom will ever be mine. I shall imagine myself at his side instead, part of his musical array. My imagination is excellent. I can do that.

  Wednesday 30th August 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Hello, My Scarlet-Nosed Beauty. How art thou, oh applicator of decorative finishes? Could you bring the black, plastic, cable ties? I need to hang the curtain for the play. Also, 3 hooks for a rear curtain in my room plus any wire? If there is something obvious—don’t turn into Miss Ferret. Also, has the Go-Getter got a lead for ripping songs from the i-pod? Can we lunch? I’m tired. After midnight finish——oops. Have to bring some order to that. Tell you about it later.

  * * * * * * *

  Early P.m Mouse: Dear Friend, lovely to see you for yummy lunch earlier——great songs too. I remember the one about Mattie Groves being slayed by Lord Donald. He took the Wife of the local Laird in true love. Well——there’s a story. Sorry not to be more of a sparky companion——local anaesthetic from the dentist taking its toll. How goes the trolley making? I am outside the local hardware shop. Do you need rope? And if so, how much? Big love——Tired Mouse X

  Adrian: I’m on my way there now, so no worries. Thanks, Lovely Thing.

  Adrian’s almost completed trolley is great. He is proud of his creation and would like to make several more, hopefully selling them for a profit.

  P.m. Mouse: Goodnight, Dear Swallow. Hope you got the rope? Can’t wait to see the finished article. Windy Mountain this evening——house shaking——children in bed, Laird at school for a couple of hours before departure to Wellington in the morning. Bread-maker churning for Friday. All very domestic. Sleep well. Dream of Princesses riding Forest Racers through Leafy Glades——

  I lie awake for a long time; sleep avoiding me for over an hour. I rerun the time Adrian and I spent together earlier. There was a serious note in his voice this afternoon; his conversation intimating the potential depth of our relationship. This is a departure from the normal pattern for him, he admitted. He played me several love songs that spoke of unrequited, true love. I know that women find his vitality and charm attractive. Have I fallen into a predictable trap? I can see him wondering about our blossoming connection too-—the subtle things he reveals; the little hints he gives me shows that our growing bond means as much to him as it does to me. I cannot control this. I choose to relax; to trust in my intuition. This is no trap. The truth we share lies beyond attraction and temptation.

  Thursday 31st August 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Good morning to My Cloaked Poet of the Dawn. How resteth your family and your own fair body? Your Prince is ill. Taken by a throat-attacking invader with great speed. The reward for a late, loud, chilly band practise on top of a busy, life-shocked day. A Prince can only take so much. So, self-care and early nights are the order of the day. Good. We shall survive, but olive-leaf tea would be sensible. And how art thou?

  Mouse: Good morrow, my ailing Prince. We are both in the wars then. Annoyingly, I couldn’t sleep properly. Something, or someone, on my mind——can’t think whom? Wish I was with you to administer love and attention, remedies and foot massages. Is Mattie Groves too rough for school? I can bring olive-leaf tea and medicines——just let me know where he will be. I have two school runs, an appointment and an airport delivery——plus work if possible. I’d like to meet.

  Adrian: Me too. Tea to school. Finish at 1.45 today. God be with you.

  Mouse: If the silver-quilled Prince would like his Lady to dive in for a visit before school pick-up, just let her know where——there may just be time, oh beautiful Friend of mine. X

  Adrian: Better not, My Sweet——lazy and late already——

  Mouse: I meant p.m pick-up, not a.m drop-off, My Love. Olive-leaf tea is in your classroom. Special love to my Prince X

  Adrian: Well, that makes more sense. Love to. 2ish. Want The Lady in the Black Coat? {The dog}

  Mouse: The Lady in the Velvet Cloak could easily have The Lady in the Black Coat. I can swing by after airport run——approx 10 a.m. Where to meet after 2 p.m? Might be more like 2.30. Lots of love——M

  I can’t wait to see Adrian. His next message is a let down. We will have to wait until tomorrow. We are both disappointed.

  P.m Adrian: Sienna is sick and I am taking her class after lunch. Can’t meet, sorry. Love to have your tender ministry at some point though——

  Mouse: Shame——I’ll get some work done instead. I’ve still got all the soups to make. {Trial soup café at School coming up.} Hope the day goes okay. I’ll see you at School at 3 p.m. for a wink and a dog swap——X

  And so the domestic day progresses. The workload never ends. Adrian’s messages bring a magic sparkle to my hours. How I long for my screen to light up; his words sustain me on a deep level. Have I been so starved of meaningful intimacy? I don’t suppose I have ever stopped to notice. But I have now.

  P.m. Mouse: Hi, Friend. Doggie is in your car——hope that is okay and not too hot. Cordelia has just the right remedy for your throat. Speak later maybe——X

  Adrian: Hi Mouse, looks like the Lady in Black has had some fun. Just spent $80 on flea and worm treatment. Youch! Have one for the Bog-Brush too. Owe you for sheets for the play——12 bucks? Sore throat again, but good during the day; made it through. Going out to course tonight too. Better get some sleep now. Thanks for your help today, Adrian.

  * * * * * * *

  Late P.m Adrian: Still up?

  I am asleep; crashed out early and enveloped in the passion we are discovering; the most exquisite homecoming enfolds me in its potential. There is so much more to come. Does Adrian feel the same way? I intuitively know the answer——hmm——and where might it lead us? My vivid imagination takes me to him so easily. These questions have no import when we are together; they hold no relevance in the present moment. I sense him holding me as I sleep.

  Chapter 2 Still Up?

  Friday 1st September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Good morning, My Sleepy One. Greetings from your swollen-throated Prince who is going into battle today. Fun with the big class. Can we talk, My Love?

  We have a playful phone call; planning
that Adrian will come up to The Mountain and spend the night. The Laird is away again. We also hit upon a fun idea for our morning texting: “A letter of the alphabet every day——see how inventive we can be”. And so, the start of our amusing word play——

  Mouse: Adrian, Able,

  Adrian: Adventurous, Attractive——can we have a whole stream?

  Mouse: No, a little at a time——appetite, ‘Andsome As’——

  * * * * * * *

  Late P.m. Adrian: How are you doing? I’m not far off heading up. Quiet evening at home playing music. Fairly tired with a scratchy throat. I fear I will be poor company—needing sleep. Still, would be nice. Where are you at?

  I don’t find this message until late. I must have fallen asleep and didn’t hear the buzz of the text.

  Even later P.m. Adrian: So tired I fell asleep there and then. Sorry to leave you in suspense——or in suspenders——but I will come up early tomorrow morning. My alarm is set for 4.30 a.m.

  Mouse: Hello, My Friend. I am sleeping in a Nesty Place by the fire that I made for us. Can stay here till you arrive, if The Swallow Man so desires. Come up soon. Your Doggie is a great bed partner but totally uninterested in the Garden Gate.

  Saturday 2nd September 2006

  Very Early A.m. Adrian: I’m on my happy road. A bit snivelly but quite snugly. See you soon.

  Mouse: I’ll open The Biscuit Tin. Drive carefully, My Love.

  Adrian: I’m at the drive entrance. Slip into something comfortable and muzzle the dogs——

  We drink tea and chat——we slip into the friendly folds of the waiting sheets——and we move in sheer bliss and melody, each of us surprising the other with our synchronized response. We discover each other from top to toe; exploring in silent holiness the hallowed, forbidden ground we have granted each other. We don’t cross all the barriers, but very nearly. This is only the second time we have allowed ourselves the pleasure of several hours of undisturbed intimacy. Neither of us can sleep. His gentle fingers tentatively touch the white, cotton underwear that covers me; admiring the embroidered flowers stitched into the edging. He lies beside me on his front——a long, lean figure; beautiful and perfect in my surprising life.

  Before the children wake he is away, leaving his Lady bathed in the warmest gift upon the sheets; the fire re-lit and the animals content.

  * * * * * * *

  Midday Adrian: My Sweet-Bodied Lady——remembering your warm, gentle breathing.


  They are supple as a new rope,

  Bodies so close, they move with grace.

  Coiled vigour, then tenderness,

  Wave after swelling wave,

  No need to lead or follow.

  They are heavenly synchronized,

  Glorious fluid strength

  Flowing free and beautiful.

  Time suspended on a thread,

  Finite entry into an exquisite Garden,

  An open Gate lending sanctuary.

  Mouse: Deep, sleepy Mouse this morning——dragging two excited little girls, {Rinky and a friend}, around The Warehouse with difficult decisions over awful, plastic toys. Wanted to be in your gentle arms to sleep away the morning——mmm. Hope you got some more rest? Hockey players triumphant, hot pools in an hour——on a beach until airport run. We might get together later if you are free? Love you lots, your Lady.

  This area of the North Island is famous for its geysers and thermal waters. Many areas of the town have natural Hot Pools, which provide the perfect venue for social gatherings, birthday parties and class functions. Every night the pools are emptied and cleaned; refilling overnight. Some offer private spas, which can be pre-booked. We have sampled several in different locations. The pools I like best are close to School in Waikite Bay. My favourite time is the dusky evening when up-lighters highlight the surrounding ferns and the hubbub of evening chatter wafts across the end of the day from close couples and family groups.

  Our hockey players soak in the pleasure of success this afternoon. We share lunch with the team families; the provided areas beside the pools have barbecues and tables. I chat to several people wallowing in the mineral-rich waters. A Maori family congregate in a corner to my left. I notice that one of the men has a complete facial tattoo while his partner displays the black lips and chin tattoo called a ‘moko’. The extended family group is relaxed and light-hearted. The importance of cousins and siblings is obvious. Maori people laugh all the time; they have lots of fun. Each family belongs to an ‘Iwi’, or tribe, and we often hear calls of; “hey bro/cuz, how’ya doin?” I listen to their banter but my mind is elsewhere. Adrian is away to Wellington next weekend where he will catch up with his friend Jules.

  P.m. Mouse: My Beautiful Lord Swallow, goodnight. You are a breathtaking lover. I understand if it is a Red Flag next. I don’t want to make it difficult for your weekend with Jules. This might be your lucky break. I am here if you want me.

  Your Mouse. X

  Sunday 3rd September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Sweet dawn breaking and where is my Lover? Concubine——curling——cute——caressing——cuddling——coming——consciously——clear——clever——calling forth——chastity——chivalry——carousing——care-giving——chaotic——calm——cool——courageous——collected——certainty——changing——croaky——colds——christened.

  Mouse: So——we are leaving out the B’s and going straight to the C’s? Perhaps the B’s are meant for another time. I have been in the cleft of your cosy cloister all night, My Friend——riding celestial waves with you. Carefree——chemistry——circles——choirs. Will try and text you during the day. Am off to church with the family where my thoughts will be far from chaste. Your Cloaked Concubine X

  Adrian: Hi there, My Concubine. How was church? I’ve lost my voice; hope I can find it again. Currently, I am carefully caressing Cordelia’s ceiling with crushed chunks of crystalline sand. Crazy!

  Mouse: My Creative, Colourful Champion——let’s make mountains of crumbs again soon. Reaching intense climax, we shall cast them into the cosmic compost——a carpet for whatever the future comprises. May Christ carry us carefully as we cut our teeth in the rare craft of Celestial Sea sailing, “dipping the crest of each wave as it rolls’——compulsively.

  Oh, this is fun. I think we are going to enjoy our unexpected, literary creativity. I’ll send my Lover another message. I have one brewing:

  P.m. Mouse: Hi there my lovely Cing of the Ceiling. How go the chunks of crystalline sand? Oh clever craftsman of the charming word choices. The evening chill sets in on our Mountain and I am feeling a strong need for your caress. Text me when and if you are home and feel like a chat with your Cheeky Mouse Companion. There is rugby on in the top cabin——might be a window of chance. Otherwise, sleep comfortably in the crook of our contentment. X

  Adrian: Just made the maddest portcullis for the play out of flax-wood. So cool. Missed tea at Big J’s however. Now what? CELEBRATION——must remember to be grateful for the achievements of the day. Doggie and I are going out for fish and chips I think. I’ll text when home and see if the rugby is still on. Love Adrian.

  We end the day with a loving telephone call. Rugby viewing in the top cabin gives me hours to myself. I detest the plug-in-drug; something The Laird cannot control, especially if sport is involved. I don’t imagine my husband realizes he is neglecting his wife——and that she has found her own pleasurable pastime.

  Monday 4th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Hi Mouse. I’m heading for Andy’s. What are you up to later? We need to meet up if possible, to organize Workshops and other dandy, delicious daring and delicate——

  Mouse: The Duchess desires to dine with her Duke as soon as he is off duty. She is doing town dashing with a damaged bunny in the car, {nothing too serious; eye problem——been to the decent vet already.} On to the delightful Rhonda’s shop for fodder. Am daringly free until 3p.m. When and where shall we dance? My Dreamy, Dishy Darling. I sh
all be there. That’s a definite.

  Adrian: In the Leafy Glade——2.30 under big J’s deck?

  Mouse: Fine and dandy, My Friend. A speedy visit it shall be. I will attack the duties in Countdown supermarket. Dull——X

  * * * * * * *

  Later, Adrian: Here I come, My Love.

  I complete the supermarket shopping quickly. School pick-up is at three o’clock. I can’t wait to see Adrian and we arrive at the Leafy Glade simultaneously. Somehow, we always achieve the richest moments in the limited time.

  P.m. Mouse: Feeding me delectable, dainty pieces of dripping orange with your desirable fingers——sprawled across your duvet, giving each other such delicate kisses——Mmm. I might find it difficult to let you depart for the arms of another damsel. You are dreamily sexy, Good Sir——X

  P.s Thank-you for a lovely half-hour this afternoon.

  Tuesday 5th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: She makes an elegant entrance. Everyone is entranced by her eye-catching and exquisite embroidery. “Enough!” She enunciated emotionally. “I expect every exotic etching to earn exactly equal and entirely equivalent earnings. Eek! An elephant embracing an electric eel!” She exclaimed. “Excellent!”

  Mouse: Ello, My Exotic, Elegant Lover. Even our esteemed waking hours are equal. Your hilarious effluent amuses me effortlessly——especially the elephant and the embroidery. I think you may have won the prize today. I shall give it to you personally. I am up early to do all the work I failed to do last night. I fell asleep again! Wish I were in your enfolding arms. Your ever-excited Enchantress in Ecstasy.

  Adrian: The Eagle eased effortlessly into the air. Elegant and exacting, etching the air with his entrancing swoops and emitting an ear-splitting, eerie call. An evocative experience——engaging and entertaining; watching his antics. He held her——pressed to him——in silence——expressing everything.


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