The Celestial Sea

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The Celestial Sea Page 22

by Marina de Nadous

  Tingles of intimate promise overtake me as I read Adrian’s beautiful message. We are ready to take the next step. Lovers we most surely are. There is no turning back. And I am pleased——and joy-filled. I never knew such joy. Our magic is alive and vibrant. There is no question that we belong together.

  Mouse: ——Let the stillness intensify. Are we ready, Fine Sir? Are you still expecting a visit from your Lady? I am heading down the hill now.

  Adrian: Hi Mouse. Can you call by on your way? Having a still time.

  We lie quietly in the Leafy Glade. Adrian is troubled by events at School and needs to talk through, and think quietly about the various issues. He is able to use the processing techniques from his recent course, which make for easier passage through choppy waters. Our sharing is another, blessed gift. “Oh”, he adds; “and I am going to stay with my friend Jules this weekend——do you mind? I still hold a candle for her. You might never be mine, eh? I did mention I was going a few days ago. How are you with that, My Love?”

  How am I with that? Philosophical, trusting, accepting; yes. I possess some maturity. I know that whatever happens, happens. There is no point in worrying or trying to intervene. If Adrian and I are meant to be together, we will be. The trust is comforting. I wonder about it sometimes. Is it my faith? I think so. It is rock solid, that’s for sure.

  P.m. Mouse: Hi there, oh troubled one today. I hope the beautiful Eagle is feeling better? Rest easy, I’m here if you need me——M X

  P.s just a couple of requests. Can you bring a pile of newspapers when you come tomorrow? Also, I want to talk about possible Holiday Workshop, {unless you don’t feel so inclined?} Laird cross and grumpy this pm, {not about us}, but would be happy to help if we charged correctly. It probably depends on how your weekend goes. If still appropriate can we discuss our weekly timetable too? I feel we could achieve much more——X

  Adrian: Whoa, that’s progress! The Laird considering a Workshop with me! Goodness me, keen as a bean I am, but what would it be? Trolleys again for a new group, or capture the last ones with a new idea? Hmm——

  Mouse: Capture the original ones with a new idea, I’d say. I’ve missed writing up the Workshop Agenda with you, My Friend. Do you feel the need for more time together? Work and Forest sessions; we are such a great team. What could we make at the Workshop? Tree-Striders? Rope Ladders? Seesaws? Rocking Boats?

  Well, we had better make the most of this week. My Swallow Man searches for a wife and I am unavailable. Perhaps the lovely Jules will smile favourably this weekend. I don’t suppose she recognizes My Lord Swallow——Adrian’s noble shadow waiting in the wings. She wouldn’t have turned him away if she did.

  Very late P.m. Mouse: And so The Swallow Man has found his true wings. She has been expecting it. She bows before her enthroned Emperor. He knows she has a wingspan to match his own. His noble entitlement empowers. He has the key; his Kingdom awaits him——encapsulated between the silent breath they exchange.

  Wednesday 6th September 2006

  A.m. Mouse: My flatulent family farted fabulously all fro the night! The whole flipping house fizzed and the roof nearly flew off! “F’ing hell,” shouted the fearsome Laird. “T’is the fear of God you are filling me with. Go frighten some sheep instead for fifteen minutes, and then fumigate your feather beds. What have you been feeding them on, Female?” He demanded forcefully. “Only fish and figs in foil,” she fumbled foolishly. “Next time, forget the foil”, he fumed. “That’s final!”

  Adrian: Fantastic frasing, friggin funny, fabulous Fraulein. You win the prize today, My Sweet. A fresh kiss on the freckled lips and a fast and frantic frolic and f——flip!

  Mouse: Fab finish; a fast fix. You are very flash, Sir. I look forward to the kiss and frills. What a flirty frolic we are fetching. I’d like to flaunt you on my forearm! X

  P.s Wish you were here——I’ve got the most awful fit of the giggles. I’m trying to be serious while The Laird is cross and grumpy. I keep imagining him chasing the family out to frighten sheep!

  Adrian comes up to The Mountain after lunch. He is Raring to go. He tackles our vegetable patch with his usual, focused energy, completing the work he began last week. The spuds are planted, a brilliant gorse fence constructed with inventive, double gate entrance and a quirky old bench positioned in the afternoon sun; perfect for a cup of tea——lovely.

  The Gardener’s forearms are badly scratched by the invasive gorse. The Kiwi Pioneer soldiers on, despite the concern shown by the Castle Mistress. I like the way Adrian holds out his hands and asks me to remove offending splinters. We enjoy every minute of our precious time in the garden——happy children, contented dogs, basking cat, scrabbling chickens and rabbits, blessed swallows and mice. As we work together in the sunshine we talk for the first time of how it could possibly work out; could my marriage and family commitments ever walk hand-in-hand with the passion that is growing between us? Adrian accepts my undefined, intuitive sense that there is indeed a way——remarkable really; such unquestioning faith, or perhaps we are just a couple of hopeless idealists.

  P.m. Mouse: Goodnight, My Lovely Friend. I am dead on my feet; only energy for moving with you in the swell and snoozing with The Angels——mmm. Thank-you for a beautiful afternoon. Sitting with you in the Gorse Garden watching the sun set was sublime. Sleep well, oh favourite, fabulous, fence-fiddler of mine——X

  Thursday 7th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: How graceful does the garden grow? Green and gentle growth so slow. Grateful for God’s gift-given grace, gratitude glows on the gardener’s face. His gracious hand so gently glides, the graceful curves of the good Lady’s gown. Through Garden Gates to Leafy Glades and secret groves. Gushing great waves, goose-pimpling goodness, glistening streams and gleaming fountains.

  Mouse: Gosh, you render me gompletely speechless, my gorgeous Lord Swallow. Golden thoughts——X

  P.s Here’s one I prepared earlier. You DEFINITELY get the prize today. Greetings, my gorgeous, galactic galivanter. I hope your grazed and gashed arms aren’t giving you grief today? I guess they might give you trouble grabbing girls. All part of my master plan to keep my groom. Gosh——is that the time? Get up Girl, you’re getting lazy. At least I’m never grumpy! Got to go. Laird out until 6p.m tonight. Gosh, I enjoy all our games. Have a good day, My Friend. {Oh——and lots of GORSE!}

  I slip my phone back into my apron pocket. The family are waking and I need to get organized. This relationship is wonderful; stimulating, exciting, tender——passionately romantic. I sigh. I am head over heels in love with Adrian. Our daily communication is a complete joy. I know I should be feeling guilty, but I am not. As I busy about the kitchen I sense my Lover’s presence. He never leaves my side.

  Adrian: Can you bring down the white stools, My Love? One has lost its top, I think, but can you bring it anyway? Thanks so much. I wonder if the new GORSE hedge will hold those chooks back. They can fly. Might have to sacrifice this planting——a scientific experiment. Pessimistic thinking, I know. It was a lovely evening. How was everybody?

  When Adrian asks that question I know he really means; “how was The Laird with the day?” I don’t understand why I feel so content with my double life. I appear to be worry-free; more so than my risk-taking Swallow Man.

  Mouse: Am standing guard over the Gorse Garden. No gickens in sight! No need to be pessimistic just yet, My Love. I adore your work, and you, of course. Will bring stools. Good, no Goblins, just galvanising Gnomes. Mountain is glorious in the morning sun. Wish you were here——X

  I deliver some books to Adrian’s room later in the day, slipping a little note in his bed:

  To My Lord Swallow;

  Glorious slumber

  Gift from God

  Grace to our union.

  Friday 8th September 2006

  A.m Adrian: Harry halted. Ha! Henrietta had harvested only half the harvest. He hated to hassle her; however, he was the head of the household and had to hold high the household honour.
How hard he had harried and heckled the whole hamlet. How hastily he had hurried them to help. To hammer and hoist, harness and hurl, haggle and hasten until their hearts were humbled and their hands hung heavy with his harangiexortations. Ha! He would have to harden them more.

  Mouse: Hark the Herald Angels’ hymn; highest notes to us please hum. Heed not the hastening hour of highlight; let’s have a happy hour or two——perhaps a hurried visit to our heavenly harbour, here with me, with us, with you. Heartily, healthily, happily. Not hectically, not harping on time, for this is hanging by a thread of hallowed hair for our humanity. I——have hold——of you——honestly, yet——you are free to heave-ho our hideaway. I have no right of any hold over you.

  Adrian: Such different takes. Night and day, dark and light, hard and soft. Same letter——different feelings. Hmm. See you around 8.30 X

  Mouse: We compliment each other beautifully this morning, Good Sir. Night and day, hard and soft——mmm. Here is the ending I didn’t have room for: “despite my heart, my soul cannot be hurt. Some truths will not be hewn from the Heavens. Go happily”——X——

  P.S I loved the harvest. What a huge man that farmer happens to be!

  Adrian’s weekend away begins. He is taking part in further ‘More to Life’ Workshops and staying with his friend Jules; the hoped for partner that he followed to Europe in July. I wish him well, hating to see him go but knowing it is right for him to do so. I have little to offer him.

  * * * * * * *

  We have a sociable weekend. An Irish family from College include us in a family barbecue party. Jack runs a successful painting and decorating business in the town and Amy his wife teaches at the local Girls’ College. Their recently built, ‘Lego-Land’ bungalow is spacious and light-filled. Painted throughout in the popular ‘tea’ shade, it follows the trend of sultry atmosphere I have often noticed in the fashion columns and newly built homes of the region.

  My bowl of potato salad joins a colourful array of other platters and I mingle with the chatty women. Rugby viewing overtakes the main room; the ranch slider opens to a spacious deck and barbecue area where the men cook the meat while watching sport. The garden is small and immaculate; everything is modern and tidy in this home. I notice colour co-ordinated plant pots and an abstract oil painting of a poppy above the leather sofa. A spa pool at the far end of the deck keeps the children happy. A roar of sporting approval drowns the conversation; the local rugby team has scored and beer bottles are raised in male cheer.

  “Watch those sausages Jack, there’s beef ready for you now;” I hear Amy shout across the open plan home. She is hilarious. She has a shock of ginger hair and a comic sense of humour. I’ve noticed her taking centre stage at many College functions. She is so loud! In fact, the women are just as excited about the rugby as the men. The family’s Irish routes are displayed throughout the house and we notice a religious attitude towards their heritage. Everyone in New Zealand refers to the Irish using an Irish accent; the ‘I’ is pronounced as the Irish speak. Large numbers of Pakeha Kiwis claim Irish or Scottish descent and are more proud of their identity than many in Britain.

  I watch Jack take control of the meat cooking; definitely the Kiwi male role. I approve of all year round barbecuing. It spares the house from strong aromas and saves having to clean the oven. The conversation moves from the now-ended rugby game to the latest fishing expedition. The Laird is having fun. This is a different crowd from the artistic, rural-living families at School. I don’t have much in common with any of them but I make conversation happily enough. The other families gathered represent the successful, self-made business folk of the town. The College is highly regarded and chosen by families such as these. We have been touched by their inclusion and made to feel so welcome. The Laird spends a lot of time with these men——either fishing or watching rugby.

  Monday 11th September 2006

  The beginning of the week sees me rising early. I walk the hound and make a start on the lunch boxes, waking the College goers before the younger two. The sun is glorious this morning. A loving phone call from Adrian starts the day nicely. After the busy weekend we are organized. I wonder what happened in Wellington. No doubt I shall hear later.

  Mid-morning, Mouse: Hi there Friend. Doggie and laundry all delivered to the Leafy Glade. I should be with you soon after 11.30——M——X

  Adrian: Hello, Sweet Pea. Are you coming? Or have you been and gone?

  We lie together in the Leafy Glade for a long time, sharing our weekend news. Adrian tells me about his course and the time spent with Jules; how she made it clear she really isn’t interested in My Swallow Man. “So, I am still all yours, My Love,” he smiles. “There are things about her I am unsure of, anyway.” We hug each other adoringly until it is time for school pick-up and guitar lessons.

  P.m. Mouse: Goodnight, Fine Sir. Just been sleep-talking on the sofa——luckily nothing incriminating. Definitely time to wake up and complete some work before bedtime. I like to function this way; I achieve a lot. Hold me as we slip into the realm of The Angels. I shall be holding you. If you are awake between 4.30/5.30a.m, let’s make beautiful love into the ether——


  Last night I caught a Rainbow,

  I have never done so before.

  Deep-floored surges ran through me,

  Intensely physical——flipping me inside out.

  A union from high up with way down,

  A total, bodily grounding;

  Akin to childbirth but without the pain.

  What can they be?

  I call them Rainbows—

  And last night I caught one!

  Tuesday 12th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Intensely interesting, irresistible interactions——intertwined, interwoven——infinite imagination——if——Immaculate interval, impressive intellect——immediate——instructive——impelling, impulsive——intricate——intermeshed——interlaced——inner invocation. Her smell, her touch, the feel of her yielding form, opening, accepting, yearning to receive, meld, into molten union. Her arousal triggers his; his response arouses hers; a spiral of escalating passion——Love.

  Mouse: Infinity intrigues their inward intimacy. She is in his being——intuitively, incredibly, irresistibly. Aroused? ——Oh yes Sir. Irredeemably aroused. X

  It is a still, damp morning. The sound of the Australian Magpies carries me out to linger in The Mountain hush. I am reluctant to wake the household, or to begin the day. I shall stay here a moment longer.

  Mouse: Dear irresistible Lover of such infinite interest. Intuitive information is always informative, and in our case illicit, {although not illegal, thank-goodness}. Incredible instances of infatuation and intimacy could invite illegitimacy and an incensed institution, but in this instance I think not. Intrinsic impossibilities keep inching their way into our interwoven lives. This is not an instant incident is it? What are The Angels intending? I hope they inform, and include us soon——X

  P.s good luck with The Play, My Love. I have time for either Play Viewing or a Forest Visit. Your choice. Just let me know if you are free. I’m with you in spirit. I’m sure it will be brilliant with The Master’s Magic Touch.

  Adrian: Probably a Forest Visit at 2.30.

  Mouse: Will be at the Leafy Glade at 2.30——let’s get a full half-hour of Forest time——if possible. Love you——X

  * * * * * * *

  Later, Adrian: 2.30, on my way.

  Mouse: I’m here——X

  We relax together in The Leafy Glade. Adrian needs to unwind and process his morning while we drink tea and snuggle contentedly. I hear all about The Play, the children’s successes and the enchanted parents. My Fine Sir is a glowing teacher. “This feels so natural; so easy and comfortable to be with you, My Little Mouse,” he says quietly, pressing me closer to him. Our silence says it all; my passion taking me gently to another level where I know he sometimes finds it difficult to follow. But he is intrigued by my journeys; wants
to earth me in them and is working towards joining me there; guiding us to a hallowed union. And I? ——I provide The Gate; the portal and he has The Key.

  P.m. Mouse: Can I phone you, My Friend? Laird is out until after 9p.m. I need to ask a couple of things. Will send you a new poem at bedtime to entice you home before you stay out at the band practice too late. Hope I wasn’t too swoony this afternoon? You unseat me gloriously.


  I need to kiss you in deep mellow,

  Lead you through The Garden Gate to a new level;

  To an extraordinary land,

  Opening the floodgates to magnetic bliss,

  Silent waves washing musical crescendo into our

  Single heart and soul——

  Are we ready, Fine Sir?

  Let the stillness intensify,

  There is no need to disturb the sanctuary.

  Wednesday 13th September 2006

  The letter J——I mislaid Adrian’s text this morning. I expect it was a goodie. Never mind.

  A.m. Mouse: “I am not just joking”, she justifies to those jostling around her. “And I am not jumping alone in this joyous journey”. “But who are you jumping with?” They jabber. She raises an arm joint in jesticulation. “None of you need be jealous or judgemental,” she jests. “All you need know is that I feel jolly, juicy and jubilant!” Good morning, My Friend. Laird at school already, so do phone. Masterful word play as always——X

  * * * * * * *

  P.m. Adrian: Hi Mouse. I’m heading into town. Do you want some butter or anything else?

  Mouse: Thank-you so much. Think I’m okay for groceries. Will do the recycling and grab the children fish and chips——then home to make more soup before heading down the hill to paint the Maypole at school. Fancy an evening stroll at Tui Park?

  Adrian: Ooh——yes please! Dishes first. Free by 7p.m. Can you get free?

  Mouse: For you, My Friend, and The Maypole——I’ll make sure I get free. Am just arriving at school. Beautiful sunset descent from The Mountain——Classic Hits——looking forward to your hand in mine as we stroll in ‘the last dappled light’. Still need a bath, but what the heck.


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