The Celestial Sea

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The Celestial Sea Page 26

by Marina de Nadous

  Touring the property we walk over a narrow bridge suspended high above a staggeringly deep ravine. A narrow stream flows at the bottom. We throw heavy stones over the edge and wait a long time for them to hit the water with a mighty ‘thonk’. Later in the afternoon we visit a neighbour’s farm. A pleasant lady with an artist’s courtyard studio serves us tea and crumpets. She has been influenced by the same philosophy as our school; I recognize it in her work. The familiar impulse can never be confused with anything else. Luckily I gain mobile phone contact from her kitchen——relief. I am feeling cut off from Adrian back home. Late last night I failed to get reception in the garden, even though my first message seemed to go through. I press the magic buttons and the screen lights up at last. I have become dependent on modern technology; me, of all people! Adrian’s message is waiting; stored for my fingers, my eyes and our growing adoration.

  P.m. Adrian: He was extremely excited——so sexy was she——the vixen. She was exstacy——so relaxing was their connexition. Thank-you for the sweetest moments a man can have. Lead me on. Wrapped in my love and care, you are. One workshop-made ladder stands ready to send the climber skyward. Big J. returns from her trip away and I take time to reconnect. It is work——but worth it. I have to wake-up around her. Have returned to my rhythm: two weeks of self-avowal now, {from the course}, potato in the jacksy, {advice from my chiropractor}, and flower tea. Sweet rhythm!

  Mouse: He excites her beyond her wildest imaginings——this beautiful, upright, X-factor man; her longed-for Soul Mate. She can hardly believe their exquisite union is a reality in existence. The intimacy of his gentle touch——extraordinary——through every inch of her being. She can have no secrets from him. He peels away her layers and strokes her with breathtaking tenderness——X

  Adrian: Hi, My Sweetest Friend. Missing you today. Your text came through at 4p.m——delay? Worked hard in the garden at school all morning——but a little joylessly. Feeling stressed and won’t stop to see why——pushing myself. Something about Big J. coming back——hmm. My Darling, I hope you are so well. Thinking of you many times. See you soon.

  I retire to bed before The Laird. The men are drinking whisky and I am tired. I hunt for a piece of scrap paper; the small notebook holding our hand-copied text messages is full. Bother. Aha——a piece of A-4 appears at the bottom of my bag. It has seen better days but will have to do. My writing is terrible when I am tired. Never mind. I’m not sure what I am going to do with our increasing prose but I have been unable to simply ‘delete’ from the phone. Could I make something of it? Perhaps a women’s magazine might be interested? I suppose I would have to disguise the names and places; the subject matter is very private. I flick through a glossy magazine beside the bed. Hmm——somehow it doesn’t feel quite right; would publication cheapen our story? Perhaps I could write a book? Hmm, again. I’m not sure there is enough drama. Besides; I am not a professional writer.

  Thursday 28th September 2006

  P.m. Mouse: Lovely to feel you close again, My Love. We have been out of range until just now in the car. The boys have been skiing today and Rinky and I enjoyed a short ride on a large, friendly horse. A very wild and remote place we have been visiting. I was in your arms this morning——mmm. Lovely to receive your beautiful messages. We should be home by 7.30ish. Loving you——X

  * * * * * * *

  Later, Mouse: My Dearest Friend, we are home after easy trip and a wonderful time. The only down side was no mobile phone coverage. I don’t like being cut off from you. Thanks for all your kind work with the domestic issues. Dog is in great form——hope she behaved? Lovely to feel your presence in our home: lights on——fire laid——wood stacked. I love you. Can’t wait to hold you soon. How are you? You mentioned feeling low? Wish I could be with you——M——X

  Friday 29th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Contact——relief——aching to hold you for two days and nights. Plans? Playing music again tonight in the café. Come sing with me? School today; to work on the incomplete barbeque, the bridge, the brushes that need painting——clearing the unfinished burdens. More deep learning about what my mind tells me——lots around Big J——bless her. The course was astounding! Eeeeggs? Any spare? I love you. Been feeling waves of appreciation——yum.

  Mouse: It is over a year since they met. A yummy year of surprising yearning. All their yesterdays have brought them to this point in time. Yet how can it be? They want to yell out their joyous discovery, but a secret it must remain——for the time being anyway. They work side-by-side; picking the yellow gorse that grows in such abundance on their Mountain, wondering what it will yield. YES, YES, YES——a thousand YESES! ——X

  My Darling, I am aching for you too——Rainbows rushing through me constantly. It’s that time of the month again——strange? It’s so early——what’s going on? All this Rainbow passion is sending me into mad, reproductive mode——or perhaps it’s the mobile phone in my apron pocket so much of the time. I will come and see you at School. I’ve got an appointment at 1.30. Will phone once family decisions are made about the day. Can’t wait for your smile, your arms, and your eyes in mine. I love you——M——X

  * * * * * * *

  Late morning, Mouse: Hello, My Gorgeous Lover——day’s plans are now clear. I will stay at home to do chores while The Laird is at College for some extra holiday work. I’ll head down for appointment at 1.30——might take 45 minutes. I need to pick up a few supplies and then I can be free for a while. Will phone once clear. How’s the work going? Hope you are feeling good today. Can’t wait to be with you——M——X

  Adrian: Sounds good. See you at 2.30.

  * * * * * * *

  P.m. Mouse: Just passing ‘The Cow’. Better find us a Leafy Glade.

  Adrian: Didn’t make it to School. Swing by home. Official visit until they have all gone out.

  I drive past ‘The Cow’; a large model of a black and white beast advertising the farm supplier on the road into town. If the weather is wet the Cow wears a yellow raincoat and hat; when it is hot, a straw bonnet appears. Whenever the ‘All Blacks’ play rugby a black flag sporting the iconic silver fern is draped over its back. Adrian’s dog HATES the Cow! Terrible barking erupts as we drive past, making us all jump out of our seats. The Bog Brush is beginning to copy her and even when we have no dogs in the car we all get the giggles and start barking. The Lady in Black is part Huntaway I discovered recently; a farm dog trained to bark at cattle!

  I receive a nice welcome from Big J. and her family. We have a cup of tea on the deck under a pretty wisteria before they go out to visit friends. Adrian and I can’t wait to be alone in his room; our delightful Leafy Glade in the basement. We have talked about installing a ferny plant behind the bed to make a real, leafy haven and Adrian has hung extra curtains to give us more privacy. Hmm——daring, playful Angels.

  We have a lot to chat about; especially Adrian’s personal issues. “I’m still a boy at heart,” he confides. “I need to move beyond that self-image.” Our relationship, coupled with living alongside his School Principal, throws him into constant sharp relief. We spend an hour wrapped up together before life’s duties call me away.

  * * * * * * *

  P.m. Mouse: Laird contentedly mowing grass with borrowed mower; Laird’s Kinder happy in the garden with the animals; Laird’s Wife beautifully in love with The Castle Minstrel. All fine and dandy on our Mountain in the sunshine. Happy playing, My Minstrel, and a safe drive to Auckland——X

  No sooner am I back in town than Adrian has to leave——frustrating. I suppose we shall have to get used to ‘frustrating.’

  Late P.m. Mouse: Hope the evening went really well, My Castle Minstrel / Workshop Maestro / Head Gardener / Master of Ceremonies / Mountain Medicine Man / Chief Groom /Landscape Designer /Resident Artist / Children’s Tutor and Entertainer. Do you really think a boy could have all these attributes? Do you really think a Laird’s wife, {a mature woman, not prone to erratic behaviour}, would f
all so in love with an immature man? Think again, my Friend. Sleep well. Your Lady——X

  Saturday 30th September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Good morrow, Friend. Thanks for the maturity plugs. I like the picture of a happy Castle. Café playing was good, but different. I was fuzzy at the start. Took ages to warm up——a little distracted for some reason——? Had a restless, freezing cold night in the old bus that I used to live in. Easier to stay there after the café——on my route to Auckland as well. Brrr——heading off soon. Chainsaw in the back as well as workshop toys. I’m set. I love you. Wish you were here. Ragshuff! That’s the sound of my longing to kiss you and hold you close. X

  Mouse: A zillion zylophones are zinging across Zion for this zappy couple. When will they reach their zenith? They like to zing and zoom together and one day they will take a Small Boy to the Zoo, where he and his Father will watch the zebras with wonder and zeal——X—

  I like the sound of the kiss, My Darling. Wish I was in your cold bus with you. I know a good way to warm up! The sun is shining on our Mountain, The Laird is a-fishing and the Kinder are enjoying the bunnies’ new games and freedom as they scamper around the garden——X——Mmnngghumm——that’s the sound of me melting into you. I’m sitting in the sun with two gorgeous bunnies. They are nibbling the grass and I am nibbling you.

  Make sure you take Little Arthur with you on your trip. You can enjoy the wonderful scenery together. I love you so much——M——X

  I shall miss Adrian while he is in Auckland. We have promised to keep in touch. Our increasingly special text messages keep us united at all times; ensuring we are together day and night. I think we are both surprised by our literary connection.

  Later, Adrian: Climbing a mountain, Mangere. Old volcano. Down a crater——remarkable. Amazing views over Auckland——drizzly, but clear and cleansing. Interesting night ahead——to my mother Jenny.

  My Darling / Friend / Mother / Woman / Maker of Music / Extraordinary Lover / Diva of Depth / Shining Beauty / Friend of my Heart / Reminder of life / Gentle Giant of Spirit / Awakener / Seeker / Creator / Lover——

  Mouse: My Darling Swallow Man, writer of such sensual messages——lovely to hear about your day. Wish I were with you to climb the mountain——to see the remarkable view, arm-in-arm, hand-in-hand. New Lovers, as old as the hills. Your Lady is completely wasted today——don’t think I’ve been this zapped for ages. A combination of monthly cycle, busy days away, term catch-up and nights of exquisite passion with my Lover.

  We have finished our literary, alphabet fun——but——we left out the B’s. Let’s do them tomorrow——X

  Sunday 31st September 2006

  A.m. Adrian: Black clouds scud the torn sky. Blustery winds blast the mountaintop, blowing his hair into his eyes. He blinks, blinded momentarily. Blades of light break through the black——he sees——blissful beholding. Black thoughts——blame——fall away. He breaks——he bleeds——he blesses this beautiful life. Bless you, Sweet Woman; my lifeblood.

  Mouse: The black screen beckons. Bending beside the bed she reaches out again. Behold, his blessing——his balm——lights up the phone. Her breathing becomes fast; her beautiful Swallow Man, no longer a Boy, is in the palm of her hand——in every inch of her body and breath. His words bounce her into their private bliss——to stand beside him at the bow of their breathtaking Boat. She is there with him but in an instant——brushing his beautiful, lean body with blessings——meeting his buoyant mind with love.

  Adrian: Wow! Some author——Immediate arousal. Strong longing to be with you——yet, deeds to be done here today. Tonight a wider family meal——possibly work and learning to be achieved. Thank-you for these many gifts that you give. I live a rich, full life with you in it. Thank-you. X

  Mouse: A rich, full life indeed, Sir——for me as well as you. How blessed are we? Have a good learning day. We are off to the Towser’s farm near Kahwhia for the day. Laird feels the need to try his hand at shooting wild goat! Karen wants me to exercise her horse too——she keeps it there; as long as I have some more energy today it should be fine. Loving you with Rainbow longing——M——X

  It is good to get away. The children are staying with friends for the day. Any road trip in New Zealand is a feast for the eye. We leave at nine, hoping to be home by five this evening. The Laird is keen to have his family hunting tartan made into The Kilt. I have become used to glorious compatibility over recent weeks. Our married relationship is as flat as a pancake in comparison. Oh well——I can’t change my husband; so, to Hamilton we venture with a bolt of cloth and secrets I cannot divulge.

  Afternoon, Mouse: Darling Adrian; Mouse calling——one very wet, bedraggled Mouse in fact. Just abandoned horse in torrential rainstorm, but not before a stunning, short ride with views across the bay to the distant shoreline where Kahwhia lies; inviting and pretty. Sitting astride, thinking of you and your beautiful homeland, I realize how lucky I am to be experiencing this side of the world from such an intimate position.

  And how are you, My Friend? Hope the day is going well. I am sending you special love before we head off to the Scottish outfitters in Hamilton to deliver the Laird’s kilt fabric. Memories of our stop there when I took you to Auckland for your European trip. We delivered three spinning wheels to a lady who let me use her loo——remember? Have a good evening with the family——X

  Monday 2nd October 2006

  A.m Adrian: {From Auckland}. Hi, My Lady. In print shop. What is the name of the special kite paper we need for The Workshop?

  Mouse: Good morning, My Beautiful Friend. Thank-you for looking out the kite stuff. I’m still not feeling quite right. I’m about to cook for The Workshop tomorrow. Shall I get the gift kites from Mitre 10? {Hardware shop}. 9 children so far. We might get two or three others I suppose. Do you need me to get the paint? I’m continuing to phone around for more takers. Kite paper details in book I gave you. Loving you lots——X

  Adrian: Stay home unless you have to go out. I’ve got to wait for a print shop connection; so will look around for paints. I have the paper. Do we have brushes and scissors?

  Mouse: Hi Darling——we have 7 pairs of scissors. We have a few brushes for small detail but could do with more surface covering ones——X

  The children help clear the house in readiness for tomorrow’s Workshop. Rinky’s landing bedroom is a bombsite——dressing-up clothes everywhere. The children dislike tidying up. Don’t we all?

  Later, Adrian: Standing on another volcano——Mt. Smart——wishing you were here. Planning a mountain trip with you. Rain driving against my flimsy umbrella. Doggie scouts——Woodsman’s eyes scan fallen limbs for potential harvest. Breath—

  Mouse: I’m with you on the volcano——leaning my weariness against your strength. Our unity, perfect under the dripping umbrella——X

  * * * * * * *

  P.m Adrian: Hi, nearly home. Matamata. Shall I come up later? Will have all the bits and we can make some kites—and love——

  Mouse: Oh gorgeous Man of mine, how lovely that you are nearly home. I’ve been missing you. Do come up later. Do you want to spend the night in the caravan? Laird about——a bit on the warpath as he heard me texting yesterday morning——oops. Everything okay today though. All part of a gradual acceptance of our friendship. Can’t wait to see you. Can’t wait for some love——X

  Adrian decides to stay at home tonight. He’s probably more anxious about The Laird than I am. We chat on the phone instead.

  Late P.m Mouse: She hears his familiar voice——wanting to hold him close——to kiss him in that special place behind his ear. Leading him to bed she will wrap him in love, just as he will enfold her. Tonight in their dreams they will become ‘a single, pure majesty, entrusted Lover’. See you for breakfast tomorrow, My Beautiful Friend.

  Tuesday 3rd October 2006

  Our Kite-making Workshop takes centre stage this morning. We have ten children, busy throughout the house with rulers, paint, strips of wood
and inspiration. We are a little slow today, perhaps not quite as excited about the kites as we should be. The detail is tricky to organize with so many needing guidance. But we achieve what we set out to do; ten satisfied children flying exotic kites in the sun on The Mountain. Each child receives a factory-made kite as a gift to take home. The soup lunch goes down well and parents collect weary children by half-past-four. Butterflies, bugs, hawks and bats make their colourful way down our drive, back to their waiting homes in the town.

  P.m Mouse: ‘Enticing with lips and hands’——tantalizing, yet so comfortable; their meeting today. The pleasure and harmony of working side-by-side; their hands and eyes meeting each other——rings on their fingers——a small child watching. More rain, dripping poignantly and passionate love in every glance——X

  Wednesday 4th October 2006

  A.m Adrian: Good morning, my early riser. I pray you are refreshed and healed? Breakthroughs? Dreams? Stretching and yoga helped me last night. I can feel new drives——fitness——swimming urges——cycling. Feeling loving, in a non-driven way. Felt good to clear the air with The Laird yesterday at the end of the day. He is responsive if I make the first move. Hope all was well when I left? Plans, My Sweet? Are you coming in today? Can you come for a Leafy visit? X

  Mouse: Good morning, My Darling——lovely, inspiring message. I so look forward to sharing all those ideas and motivation with you. I have been beside you in the Leafy Glade this morning; my semi-dream state taking me to you so easily——Rainbows threatening to consume me entirely. I certainly need your balm, your nectar to quell them today. Will phone once plans are clear.

  Loving you big time——M——X

  * * * * * * *

  Late morning, Mouse: Hi there my Friend. How goes the woodwork/ gardening / exciting thoughts? Am trying to sort out the morning. Is Lottie about? I have Rinky on board until 4p.m. I could come for a Leafy visit if they can play; otherwise it will have to be later——X


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