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Pulse_Chicago Underground

Page 3

by Erin Trejo

  “Should that name hold meaning to me?” I ask annoyed with his line of questioning already.

  “Considering you were the one that had him killed, I would think so,” He says. I laugh, tipping my head back.

  “And you think this why?”

  “Oh, come on, Cole! Nothing happens in this city without you knowing about it. You ordered it and I want to know why!” Jamie roars. I watch him come unhinged. It’s been a while since he’s stopped by to see me. We typically keep our distance from each other.

  “I wouldn’t know what you’re talking about,” I reply calmly. The muscle in his jaw jumps. His nerves are on edge but that’s just how I like them. He isn’t going to get a damn thing out of me so what’s the use in trying? Perhaps he likes the game. I can attest to liking to play a little myself.

  “I’m going to take you down, Cole. Your days are numbered and you know it,” He says pointing at me. The thought of reaching over and snapping it in half has crossed my mind.

  “Do you know what would happen to me if I was ever taken down and that is a big if, Jamie. First off, this empire I’ve created will go on. In fact, I’m forming the perfect alliance. The takeover would run smoothly and my world would still top yours. Secondly, you have nothing on me, Jamie. Not one fucking thing that would ever stick in court. If you had, I wouldn’t be sitting here as the king on my fucking throne!” The words thunder from me but Jamie isn’t affected. He’s used to my rants by now.

  “Is that where she comes in?” He asks smoothly.

  “Who is she?” I ask in return.

  “Tala Gregoria.” As soon as her name leaves his lips, I want to strangle him. The urge to fly over this desk and watch the life slip from him is overwhelming but you don’t become who I am on impulsive moves. You become me by staying calm and playing the hand that you were dealt.

  “You’ve been watching her? Very good, Jamie. Although you have her pegged wrong. Let’s just say that we have a personal arrangement that wouldn’t interest you. Everything Miss Gregoria is doing is well within the limits of the law,” I smile as I say the words. I should want to slit his throat for even bringing her into this. Or the fact that he has been watching her but I wouldn’t expect any less from him.

  “Is that so? She didn’t seem to see things that way,” That. That glint in his eyes. He’s lying. He’s trying to goad me into admitting to something.

  “Have you learned nothing about me in the twenty-eight years you’ve been alive? I know when you’re trying to pull something out of your ass, Jamie. Pulling at strings isn’t a good look on you,” I tell him as I lean back in my chair. Resting my hands behind my head, I watch my brother’s eyes flicker with anger. The same eyes that I see in the mirror every goddamn day of my life. I often wonder what made us choose separate ways in life. When we were younger, he followed me everywhere I went. He was my shadow almost to the point that I hated it but he was still my brother. Over the years, we grew apart. I went into the illegal dealings and Jamie went after something else. He wanted to bring justice to those that were wronged and I was the one wronging them.

  Jamie shoves out of his seat, his arms crossing over his chest, his head cocking to the side.

  “We all have a fate, Cole. You’re not invincible.”

  “No, I’m not but when I go down, I will go down for something I love. I won’t die without cause, Jamie.” Our words are a war. We both want the other to fall in some form. We both want to be on the winning team but the truth is, neither of us know what team that is.

  “It would be wise to keep your girlfriend under control. She so much as gets a parking ticket, I will haul her ass in,” he warns me. I chuckle for multiple reasons. One, he doesn’t have a thing on Tala and two, she will learn quickly that she doesn’t speak a word of my business to anyone.

  “Enjoy trying. It’s all we can, do isn’t it?” Jamie eyes me as I smile at him. His arms lower, his hands fisting at his sides.

  “You’re not above the law, Cole. You might think you are but sooner or later this life is going to catch up to you. Then what?” He asks me. It’s almost an intimate moment between brothers. Him asking me that.

  “I could say the same to you.”

  Chapter 7


  My fingers move swiftly over the keys of the keyboard. Sweat pricks at my hair line, all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My heart beats loudly in my chest. I don’t know why this is making me so nervous aside from the fact that it’s illegal. I’ve done it numerous times over the last few weeks and none as batted an eye at me or the accounts. I have to meet with Cole tonight to go over what I’ve been doing. He said he needs to speak with me about other things as well. God only knows what that could mean. I close out the account information that I’d been working on. Checking the time, I see it’s almost time to clock out. I’m thankful but still a little nervous. Meeting with Cole isn’t always high on my priority list. Being forced to do this shit wasn’t either but it’s been going smoothly. I shut down my computer and say my goodbyes for the weekend. The week has gone smoothly and I pray that the weekend will too. I’m ready to snuggle into bed and read a good book. As soon as I step outside, that all changes.

  “Miss Gregoria,” His deep voice booms next to me. I gasp at the unexpected sound. Turning to look over my shoulder, Jamie Frost stands with a cigarette hanging between his teeth. He gives me a hint of a smile before walking closer. Coming to stand in front of me, I gaze up at him.

  “You again,” I say not sounding all that thrilled. I suppose I’m not. Isn’t it enough that I have to deal with Cole on an almost daily basis? Now Jamie too? Speaking of, my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. I blow out a breath knowing that it’s Cole. He texts me like clockwork. Right when I get off work and when I get home and, in the morning, when I leave and get to the bank. At first, it annoyed me but now that I’m used to it, it’s sort of comforting.

  “Thought you’d be happy to see me,” Jamie says as he smiles.

  “It isn’t that I’m unhappy.”

  “Then what is it?” He asks intrigued.

  “I’m had my fair share of the Frost men over the last week. What is it I can do for you?” I ask. I know what Cole said. I wasn’t allowed to talk about what I’m doing for him. Obviously admitting it to a fucking FBI agent was a huge red flag.

  “I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me this weekend.” His words throw me off balance. Since when does Jamie Frost want to have dinner with me?

  “I don’t think so.” Walking past him, his hand reaches out to stop me. The jolt I feel when he touches me makes me shudder.

  “Why not? Are you dating my brother?” His question sounds more like an accusation. I jerk my wrist free of its hold as Jamie eyes me suspiciously. The thought of slapping him crossed my mind.

  “I am not dating anyone. Thank you for the offer, but I need to go,” I say politely. Jamie doesn’t speak at first. He watches me as I turn on my heel and head toward my car.

  “You’re making a mistake with him, Tala. You know who he is and what he does. Why do you want to be involved in that?” His words sting. I didn’t ask to be involved. I didn’t want to be a part of it. Cole is making me be a part. I turn slowly to look at him once again. What would it hurt to go to dinner with him? Maybe Jamie could help me get out of this arrangement with Cole.

  “Saturday night. Pick me up at seven,” I tell him. A smile crosses Jamie’s face lighting his face up.

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll see you then,” he says, the smile never leaving him. His eyes sparkle and I wonder if he is truly interested in me. I climb in my car just as my phone starts ringing. Sliding it out of my pocket, I answer quickly knowing it’s him.

  “When I text, you answer! This isn’t negotiable, Tala.” Cole’s words stream through the phone.

  “I was in a meeting. I couldn’t get to the phone,” I lie. Or is it a lie? Technically I was meeting with Jamie.

  “My brother hardly constitut
es as a meeting. We will discuss that tonight too.” How the hell did he know I was talking to Jamie?

  “You aren’t my father, Mr. Frost. I won’t allow you to dictate who I can be friends with.”

  “Cole. You call me, Cole, Tala. We’ve been over this. Jamie is off limits. Do you understand that not everything you are doing is legal? Need I remind you of the fact that he is an FBI agent?” His words slam into me like a fist to the stomach. I know exactly what he’s talking about. I don’t need Jamie prying into what I’m doing for Cole.

  “I don’t need to be reminded of anything, Mr. Frost. I know all too well what I’m doing. I’ll see you at eight.” I try to end the call but his voice booms through the receiver.

  “You are testing the patience of a man that can break easily, Tala. You play with that kind of fire, you will get burned. I changed our dinner to an earlier reservation. I’ll be there in thirty minutes.” The line goes dead as my heart picks up. Did he threaten me? And if he did, why did I fucking like it so much?

  Chapter 8


  “It’s done. I don’t have time to wait on you any longer. The order was given. I’m sorry Dale but in the future, I’d hide my wife and children before doing business with me,” I growl into the phone. After all the damn meetings I had to deal with today and now this, I’m on edge.

  “Come on, Cole. You know I always get the money. Don’t do this. Please. I’m begging you not to hurt them.” Dale’s pleas are worthless. They mean nothing to me. Perhaps I don’t have feelings after all.

  “When you make a deal with the devil, you feel his burn, Dale. You made that deal with me, now you will burn to ash. Your family isn’t going to be hurt,” I tell him, a smile curving the corners of my lips.

  “Thank you, Cole. Thank you! I will have the money- “Cutting off his ramblings I say, “Dale. They won’t be hurt because within the hour, they will all be dead.” I slide my finger over the end key as his screams pierce my ears. Thank God that’s over.

  “How was the meeting with Jamie? Sally said he showed up while I was out,” Brady asks. Brady is my other half. He’s my go to so to speak. When things need handled, Brady is my guy. He works closely with me.

  “Oh, it was brilliant as always. He warned me of my impending demise. He warned me away from Tala. He even made an appearance at her work, which you already know.” As the limo pulls to a stop in front of Tala’s house, Brady eyes me.

  “What is it with her, Cole? I see the way you look at her. It’s not all business.” His words would typically piss me off especially if they came from anyone else that works with me but not Brady. He knows me.

  “It is for now. I just see a lot more potential in her. She has brains, beauty, strength. She has everything that I want to possess.” Brady chuckles as I watch the door. I want to see her. I want to see what she wore today, how she wore her hair. Is it up or down? It’s like a goddamn obsession I can’t seem to shake.

  “There’s more. I can see that much. Just be careful, Cole. Your brother has sunk his fangs into her already. That could blow back on you,” Brady says pulling my attention.

  “Do you think she’d switch sides?” I ask him. Brady shrugs, unsure as to how to answer.

  “She isn’t one of us, Cole. She doesn’t run in the same circles as we do.”

  “Her father did. Still does if my intel is correct,” I grumble. Brady laughs knowing all too well that my intel has come from him.

  “Oh, that part is correct! He’s still into that shit. The question of why is what I can’t figure out. Tala is different though, Cole. She doesn’t really fit into this world.” He may be right. She may not fit right now but in time she will.

  “True but you didn’t fit at the beginning either, Brady. You turned out fine,” I smile. Brady nods and shifts in his seat as we watch Tala walk down the stairs in front of her house.

  “You’re right about something. She’s sexy as fuck. A body that could be fucked into heaven.” My hands clench as my sides as I watch my best friend eyeing the woman I want in my bed. The woman that holds more power in her than any of us realize. As soon as Don opens the door and Tala climbs in, she looks between Brady and I finally settling on me.

  “You have no right to tell me who I can talk to. If that is the way you do business, you need to demand someone else work for you.” The fire in her eyes sets my cock on edge. As soon as her ass hits the seat next to me, I’m on her. My hand wraps around the back of her neck forcefully pulling her toward me. Her breath catches in her throat as my lips collide with hers. She keeps her lips tightly closed but with one soft stroke of my tongue she opens up to me. I sweep my tongue inside her mouth, taking whatever, she has to give. It all feels like heaven until Tala pulls away, her hand colliding with my cheek. The slap could be heard for miles and any other person, I would have slit their throat on the spot, but Tala? No, that hit only turned me the fuck on. It ignited the beast in me. It flipped a fucking switch that she will never be able to fix. Whatever she thinks this is between us, she is fucking wrong because now, she’s mine.

  I lean back in my seat, a smirk on my face as I run my tongue over my bottom lip. Her eyes fall from mine, stopping on my cock. The tightness in my pants should answer every goddamn thought that is running around in that head of hers. Brady lets out a low whistle but my eyes stay on her until she brings hers back up.

  “I believe I warned you on the phone about playing with fire, Tala. Now you’re going to find out just how bad the burn is,” My warning shouldn’t be taken lightly but the blush that crosses her sweet cheeks says otherwise. Dinner is going to be hell tonight. Tapping on the partition between us and Don, he rolls it down.

  “Yes, Mr. Frost.” He says as he drives.

  “Change in plans. Head to the house,” I inform him never taking my eyes off Tala. She shifts in her seat uncomfortably. She doesn’t know what she’s just done but I can promise when I get her home, she will find out.

  “Yes, Mr. Frost.” Don speaks but I can’t pull my eyes off her.

  “Well, this should make for a fun evening,” Brady says mainly to himself.

  “It was going to be a lovely dinner meeting until Miss Gregoria here decided to have a change of heart,” I say directing my words at Brady.

  “You are bossy,” Tala grits her teeth.

  “You don’t listen.”

  “You aren’t my father,” she seethes.

  “Watch your mouth, Tala. You will be calling me daddy soon enough.” The tension thickens between us.

  “You can’t run my entire life,” She says, crossing her arms over her chest. So defiant but the way it pushes her breasts up, I nearly come in my pants.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  Chapter 9


  I’m fucked. I’m completely and utterly fucked. And I mean that in more ways than one. His eyes are so dark that the blue is hard to see. The desire that wafts off him is undeniable. My pussy clenches and heat rises inside of me just from his predatorial stare. My heart is racing in anticipation. Brady sits off to the side trying to ignore the showdown that is taking place right in front of him. How the hell could he? Cole is practically vibrating with anger. I can see it dancing in those eyes of his. I’m so fucked.

  “You talked to my brother. What did he want?” He asks, his teeth grinding together. The way he’s acting sets my nerves on edge.

  “That, Mr. Frost, is none of your concern,” I tell him. Do I have a death wish? Why do I feel that I need to push him to his limits? Why is that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me to see how far I can go before he breaks? What then? What will he do to me? That’s the question that I’ve been asking myself since he stepped foot on my porch.

  “You don’t think so? You work for me, Miss Gregoria. Everything is my business. From the time you get up in the morning to how many times you’ve made yourself come. All of it is my business.” The deadly sure tone in his voice startles me. I slip my fingers over the soft silk o
f my dress on my thighs as his eyes follow. Men are so easy. Always distracted by sex. Or so I think but when Cole’s eyes flash with danger and come back to meet mine, I know there’s more to him. He scoots deliberately closer to me. Heat radiates off him.

  “I warned you, Tala. I told you not to tempt me. I warned you that you would get burned. Why do you want that?” He’s so close that I can nearly taste him. His tone is soft enough to melt my insides. With my chest rising and falling, I look him in the eye and give him the only answer I have, “I don’t know.” Cole nods his head slowly, his eyes falling to my lips. When he inches closer and I think he’s going to kiss me again, he stops. We’re a breath apart, both of us breathing in the other.

  “In this world, there are no second chances, Tala. When something is taken, it will never be returned. When you want something, you go after it. We follow our own rules. Rules that I have written. Rules that have made me who I am today and if you think that you can step into my world and throw the rules to hell, you have another thing coming. You will abide by the same rules as all my other employees. You will respect me and in return I will respect you but if you so much as disobey me, I will make you wish you were never born. Now, is that too much for you to understand?” He asks. His tone has shifted. He’s deadly and in full control. He holds the authority here but there is a rebellious streak in me. One that wants to test the waters and see just how far he will go with this. I was told what to do my whole life. My father ruled our home with an iron fist. He made sure nothing was spoken out of turn and no one talked to someone that they shouldn’t to keep his world intact. Lifting my hand, I rest it on Cole’s hardened cock. His eyes blaze with heat.

  “My whole life has been dictated to me by my father. When I strayed from the pack, he was sure to put me back in line. I will not be someone’s play toy and I sure as hell won’t be told what I can and cannot do with my life any longer. I am a grown woman. I can make decisions and I can handle myself. You, Mr. Frost, should remember that. I may work for you but I don’t live for you.” Stroking his cock through his pants, he groans and I think I have him where I want him. That was my first mistake. Cole moves quickly, so quickly I didn’t see him coming. Pinning me to the seat on my back, I gasp for air as his hand comes around my throat. His eyes are feral and wild, his hair mused.


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