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The Crystal Warriors Series Bundle

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by Maree Anderson






  By Maree Anderson



  Copyright 2013 by Maree Anderson

  Published by Maree Anderson at Smashwords

  Cover Design by Rob Anderson

  Formatting by Rob and Maree Anderson

  These novels are works of fiction. Any names, characters, places and events portrayed in these novels are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. All rights reserved; the right to reproduce this bundled ebook edition or any portion thereof in any form whatsoever in any country whatsoever without the express permission of the author is forbidden.

  ISBN 978-0-9922498-0-9

  FIC027120 FICTION / Romance / Paranormal

  FIC027030 FICTION / Romance / Fantasy

  FIC027020 FICTION / Romance / Contemporary

  FIC009050 FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal

  FIC009010 FICTION / Fantasy / Contemporary


  Smashwords Edition License Notes

  This bundled ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be split into its individual components, re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy.

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  Book One of The Crystal Warriors Series

  She’s a dancer, and the most important thing in her life right now is the success of her new dance studio. He’s an alien Crystal Warrior with one big-ass curse hanging over him. In a moment of weakness she lets him seduce her. Now they’re magically bonded and his life is in her hands.



  Book Two of The Crystal Warriors Series

  She’s a plus-sized woman with sub-zero self esteem. He’s a Crystal Warrior, and the gods’ gift to women. But for a chance at the Happy Ever After they both deserve, they must learn that appearances can be deceiving… and pass the Crystal Guardian’s test before time runs out for them both.



  Book Three of The Crystal Warriors Series

  A young woman, desperate to provide her chronically ill sister the care she needs, decides to sell herself. But who could have foreseen her first client would be the alien Crystal Warrior destined to be her life-mate? Or that this complex, compelling man who’s captured her heart, plans to kill himself rather than risk being imprisoned in his cursed crystal a third time. She’ll fight to save him, but it could be a losing battle… because he’s still in love with the woman who refused to bond with him decades ago.



  “I recently ran across The Crystal Warrior, read it and had to download and read the next two books the same weekend. I just LOVED them.”

  “Wow. I'm impressed. Excellent sex. Good dance scenes. Next please."

  “This book has it all, and leaves you wanting the next book in the series NOW!”

  “The Crystal Warrior is an intelligent, fast, action packed read with a feisty, sassy heroine Chalcedony and a really hunky hero, Wulfenite.”

  “[…] laugh out loud humor, danger, twists and turns, and both protagonists have gut wrenching choices to be made that leave you wondering right to the very end as to whether Chalcey and Wulf will make it.”

  “I picked up this book because I thought the blurb sounded interesting […] so I was willing to take a chance. I am so glad I did because I’ve now found a new series to enjoy.”

  “The world building of this story was very creative and refreshing when compared to the majority of romances with fantasy romance blended with the contemporary that are available out there.”

  “5 stars and have some extra bonus cookies for writing a believable woman who I was rooting for. I wanted her business to be a success just as much as I wanted her to get the guy.”

  “And kudos for the plot twist. Usually they’re so obvious, but I didn’t see that one coming at all.”

  “[The author’s] characters are believable and lovable. There are moments of heartbreak that make you want to cry but this is a Romance so there is a Happily Ever After, they just need to fight for it! Can’t wait to go get the next one now.”

  “Humorous, bouncy, and teasingly fantasy-filled. Thoroughly enjoyed it.”

  “Plus-sized heroine's angst was realistically done (I should know!). Great story.”

  “The first scenes of [the hero and heroine’s] meeting are a riot!”

  “Fabulous book- very vivid imagery, loved the witty dialogue, and the characters were fresh and funny.”

  “There's a little bit of Ruby in every woman. The plot was fun and different, love scenes well done.”

  “[The author has] a fresh voice and a talent for humor. I loved it.”

  “I just LOVED [the Crystal Warrior books]. Thank you for linking the books--that makes them even better.”

  “Malachite is likeable, sexy, and sufficiently alpha without being insufferable.”

  “The sex scenes were excellent!”

  “I’m addicted to your Crystal Warriors series!”


  Table of Contents

  Series Title Page

  Series Copyright

  Series License Notes

  The Crystal Warriors Series

  Praise for The Crystal Warriors Series

  Book One The Crystal Warrior

  Book One Copyright

  Book One License Notes

  Book One Acknowledgements

  Start Reading The Crystal Warrior

  Book Two Ruby’s Dream

  Book Two Copyright

  Book Two License Notes

  Book Two Dedication

  Book Two A Note To My Readers

  Start Reading Ruby’s Deam

  Book Two Glossary of Kiwi Terms and Slang

  Book Three Jade’s Choice

  Book Three Copyright

  Book Three License Notes

  Book Three A Note To My Readers

  Start Reading Jade’s Choice

  About the Author

  Reviews for The Crystal Warrior Series

  Other Books – Lightning Rider

  Other Books – Freaks of Greenfield High

  Other Books – Freaks in the City

  Coming Soon



  By Maree Anderson

  Book One of The Crystal Warriors Series

  She’s a dancer, and the most important thing in her life right now is the success of her new dance studio. He’s an alien Crystal Warrior with one big-ass curse hanging over him. In a moment of weakness she lets him seduce her. Now they’re magically bonded and his life is in her hands.

  Winner: Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award for full-length romantic manuscript



  Copyright 2011 by Maree Anderson

  Published by Maree Anderson at Smashwords

  Cover Design by Rob Anderson

  Formatting by Rob and Maree Anderson

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places and
events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. All rights reserved; the right to reproduce this book or any portion thereof in any form whatsoever in any country whatsoever without the express permission of the author is forbidden.


  Smashwords Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



  I’d been writing for a couple of years when the first draft of this manuscript (then titled Chalcedony’s Wulf) won the Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award for full-length romance manuscript. Five published stories later (and a whole lot wiser about crafting stories!) I happened to open up my unpublished manuscripts file and this one jumped out and smacked me upside the head.

  I’ve always loved this story—it’s the book of my heart. I read through it again, and decided that Wulf was far too interesting and complex a man for the reader to only get to know him through Chalcedony’s eyes. He needed his own voice. The Crystal Warrior is the result.

  And now there are some people I need to thank:

  My Red Sage editor, Judith: Without your mentorship, I wouldn’t have had the guts or the knowledge to tackle a major rewrite like this. I loved working with you, and I hope we get the opportunity to work together again in the future. You’re the best!

  Barbara and Peter Clendon: I’ll always remember my very first RWNZ Auckland chapter meeting, when you told us to, “Write the book of your heart.” You’ve always encouraged and supported me, and told it like it is. Finally, here’s the book of my heart. Thank you both.

  The Clendon Award first-round reader judges: Thank you all for loving this story and the next two Crystal Warrior books so much that all three become Clendon Award finalists… which finally led me to conclude that I didn’t actually suck too bad at this writing thing. I hope you love this story as much as you did the original, and that Wulf still has to power to make you weak at the knees in the best way.

  The members of Romance Writers of New Zealand (especially my fellow Auckland chapter members): I feel blessed to have found such a supportive bunch of people who have been so willing to share all their industry knowledge and experience. You guys rock!

  My wonderful husband and our truly awesome kids: You’ve been with me right from the start of this journey. Couldn’t have done it without you. Love you!





  Pieter observed the copper-skinned warriors in the fist-sized hunk of polished beryl that served as his scrying ball. The raiders called themselves Styrians, Storm Riders. Pieter’s countrymen had named them the Stone Warriors—men hard and cold and unforgiving as the crystals for which each was named. They ranged far and wide, raiding village after village with swift and deadly precision. Comely women of childbearing age, they enslaved. Children and those females too young or too elderly for their purposes, they abandoned to fend for themselves. Not a hint of mercy shadowed their piercing, sapphire-hued eyes. Truly, they were men of stone.

  The inhabitants of the defenseless small villages scattered around the countryside quailed before these fearsome warriors. None had dared make more than a token stand. Until now. Magic had brought them here, just as Pieter had foreseen, and ’twas magic would vanquish them. He had read the portents and spent years preparing himself for this day, searching far and wide for the necessary crystals, be-spelling them to the best of his ability. He was ready…. He hoped. And prayed in his heart of hearts that he would prove himself worthy of the gifts his goddess had bestowed upon him.

  He shuffled to the hearth. Using a wadded cloth, he took his battered old kettle from the fire and poured the pain-killing tea into the silver cup that was his most prized possession. As he sipped the tea, Pieter ran gnarled fingers over the patterns engraved on the cup and muttered the incantation beneath his breath. He must remain strong and focused. His intent must not falter, not even for an instant.

  He drained the cup and set it carefully aside before snatching up the precious bundle of crystals. He cradled it to his chest as he hurried from his hut. ’Twas time to meet his destiny.

  The thundering of hooves heralded their arrival. Pieter had to shield his eyes against the glare of the noon-day sun before he spied them, silhouetted against the hillside. They rode with no accompanying hue or cry. Each man was silent as the grave.

  The same could not be said of the villagers. Shrieks of terror split the air. Most ran to their huts and cowered within. Bah. As if mere wood and thatch would save them.

  A few brave men arrayed themselves at the muddy path that was the village entrance, clutching whatever weapons they could find. Amidst those waving pitchforks and shovels, one man brandished a pitted, rust-splotched sword. Fools. Pieter shook his head at their folly as he hobbled past.

  “Go back inside, Pieter,” one of the men called, his voice thick with fear. “Ye be getting yerself killed!”

  “Have ye taken leave of yer senses, old man?” another cried. “What d’ye think ye be doing?”

  “Saving you all.” Thanks to the tea he’d brewed, Pieter’s joints did not bite and protest when he knelt. Goddess grant this spell would be just as potent. He untied the linen and spread it out on the ground. He placed the eleven large gemstones in a circle, with himself at the center point. He was the focus, a man named after a crystal, a man who’d dedicated his life to learning how to harness the power of such stones. He struggled to his feet to await his fate.

  The warrior called Wulf spotted Pieter barring his way. He reined in his battle mount and raised a hand to halt his men. He quirked one brow at Pieter, then barked a scornful laugh. “A greybeard who should be a-bed, nursing his aching joints. This is the best defense you offer.”

  A small figure hurtled toward Pieter, momentarily distracting him. Amie. His great-granddaughter had torn herself away from her mother’s arms. Her actions did not surprise him. She was a fiery little creature with the heart of a warrior. Goddess. Please let him save her from these men.

  “Amie, no!” Her mother lunged as if to go after her, but was forcibly restrained by the other women.

  The little girl skidded to a halt beside Pieter. Hands on hips in a perfect imitation of her mother, she faced down the fearsome warrior. “Don’t speak to me grandda’ like that, ye big bully! Go ‘way and leave us be!”

  One of the mounted warriors, the flaxen-haired one they called Kyan, snickered.

  “Silence!” Wulf snarled. His assessing gaze raked Amie’s body from head to toe. “The girl-child is comely. Too, she shows no fear. When she comes of age, I will honor her courage by bidding for her on the Choosing Block. You show courage also, old man, so to appease this child of your blood I will spare your life.”

  “My life is already forfeit. But not to you Lord Keeper Wulfenite.”

  Wulf’s eyes widened momentarily before he shuttered them with an emotionless stare.

  But it was too late. Pieter had noted the tell-tale signs of his disquiet. Yes, Styrian, I know your true name. And, Goddess willing, my knowledge will help me to defeat you.

  The huge warrior kneed his mount forward but the beast shied back, forcing him to haul back on the reins. His men shifted restlessly behind him. “Much good knowing my true name will do you, old man,” he said. “If you insist on resisting us then so be it. The earth will drink your foolish old blood as readily as it does that of younger men.”


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