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Peeping Tom

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by Rachelle Le Monnier


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  This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Photo Credit: Daniel Lurie

  Used under a Creative Commons license.

  Cover Design: Selena Kitt

  Peeping Tom © 2008 Rachelle Le Monnier

  eXcessica publishing

  All rights reserved

  Peeping Tom

  By Rachelle Le Monnier

  eXcessica gratis * free fiction

  From somewhere in the distance, I could hear children splashing and yelling as they played, but the thick vegetation that grew along the boundaries of my terrace muted the sound. This screen of fragrant foliage afforded me privacy while I relaxed around my pool and I was thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to sunbathe nude.

  I knew the villa next door was occupied but, so far, I hadn’t crossed paths with my neighbours. Once or twice voices had filtered over, but it appeared that the people staying there spent most of their time out rather than soaking up the sun as I was doing.

  Sight seeing was fun, but since this villa belonged to me, I had pretty much exhausted all the possibilities for local amusement in the last few years. I was happy just to lounge around anyway. My everyday life was busy enough for me to appreciate the quiet time I had here a few times a year.

  Since I arrived a week ago, my only real conversation had been with Rosa, the girl who cleaned for me. I had even shoved my Blackberry in a drawer, much to the annoyance of my business partner, Chris. He had tried ringing me a few times, but I always rejected his calls. Sometimes work needed to come second and I hoped that one day he would learn that valuable lesson, as I had.

  I rolled over on my sun lounger, deciding it was time to add some more sun lotion to my already bronzed body. I was naked as usual – something I found very exhilarating. White tan lines were never very attractive and it would be nice to go home with an all over golden tan from head to foot.

  Not that anybody will see it, I thought dryly. Following my acrimonious divorce, my world had been a man-free zone. Now, almost two years later, I was beginning to notice the lack of male attention in my life, but I still wasn’t ready to throw myself back into the dating pool just yet. Oh no, I was happy to enjoy my single status for a while longer. Men were hassle and I was too busy to notice most of the time anyway.

  The thick oily lotion squirted out in globs all over my tanned belly. It felt warm and sticky as I slowly rubbed it on to my hot skin, enjoying the sensuous way my hands glided across my golden flesh like a lover’s caress. Once again I was potently reminded that it had been too long.

  I knew it would be all very easy to dress up and hit the bars in the resort a few miles up the coast. Picking up men was something I had excelled at before my marriage, but now I was a little older and wiser, I saw the danger inherent in such a risky activity. As much as I would have enjoyed an anonymous sexual encounter, I wasn’t willing to put my safety on the line for the sake of a quick fuck

  Several men from the nearby village had eyed me up appreciatively upon my arrival, but for the most part I had ignored their blatant invitations. I wanted to spend my future holidays here guilt free – not avoiding the fall out from any unsuitable liaisons.

  My eyes drifted shut as I rubbed the remainder of the oily cream across my breasts, paying particular attention to the deep valley between them. My nipples grew harder as I tweaked them and I enjoyed the sparks of sensation that fluttered deep inside.

  In my minds eye, I pretended that it was a sexy young hunk caressing me. Rough, calloused hands stroked my heated skin, bringing pleasure as they moved around the curves of my breasts. I was almost on the verge of losing myself in the erotic fantasy when a faint sound interrupted my lustful imaginings.

  Abruptly I sat up and stared at the place in the foliage where the noise had emanated from. I couldn’t see anything, but then the bushes were thick and covered in fleshy pink flowers. Only the sounds of insects and distant voices were carried on the salty breeze that cooled my skin.

  Maybe too much solitude was having a bad effect, I reasoned with a rueful smile. Paranoia was obviously setting in. Settling back down again, I finished rubbing the cream in and closed my eyes against the glare of the sun.

  Before long I was nodding off, but despite the soporific heat, I still had the sense that I was being watched. I probably should have been worried, but the thought that someone was surreptitiously spying on me was actually a turn on.

  Yes, it had definitely been way too long.

  * * * *

  The sun was sinking low in the sky as I stepped out of my shower. Water dripped all over the tiled floor and I grabbed a thick towel and padded through the bedroom and out on to the balcony. Far below, lights glittered along the harbour and I knew the bars and clubs would be revving up for a busy night, as it was Friday.

  The scent of flowers was strong in the warm night air and I breathed it in deeply. It was what I loved about this place; the scents and sounds of a life so different from my own. It was why I kept returning year after year; that and the sun of course.

  I rubbed the excess water away from my skin as I stood watching the distant horizon. It was so peaceful up here. My neighbours did not overlook my balcony and I could stand on it with no fear of being watched. With that in mind, I dropped my towel carelessly and was about to walk back inside to grab a slip, when I thought I saw movement in the shadowy garden of the next-door villa.

  Curiosity made me move back over to the railing, uncaring of my nudity. I stared out into the darkness and wondered if my neighbours were having drinks outside, but disconcertingly, there were no lights on.

  Once again, I had the vague sense that somebody was watching me, but this time I felt a shiver of fear shoot through me like ice. Regardless of my previous relaxed attitude, I knew I was very much alone out here and the thought of some crazy stalker watching me was unsettling to say the least.

  For the rest of the evening, I stayed inside with the doors locked. I wasn’t taking any chances.

  * * * *

  Before too long, I had pretty much convinced myself that I had imagined the whole thing and I soon reverted back to my habit of sunbathing nude. It seemed silly to start wearing bikini’s when I had never done so before. If some guy wanted to get off watching me sunbathe, then who was I to spoil his fun?

  It was late afternoon a couple of days later when I heard knocking on my front door. I pulled a tee shirt and shorts on before opening the door to see who my unexpected visitor was.

  “Hi there,” grinned a tanned man with tousled dark hair and dazzlingly blue eyes.

  “Hi,” I said warily. I had no idea who this guy was and I wasn’t in the mood for polite banter – I was looking forward to soaking in the bath before heading out for my evening walk along the harbour. “Is there something I can help you with?”

  “Oh sorry,” he laughed engagingly, “I suppose I should explain who I am!”

  “That might be helpful?”

  “I’m Tom,” he said, “I’m staying next door with my parents – Villa Velasquez.”

  I nodded agreeably, but I was still wondering why he was here - although the fact that I found him rather attractive was a distraction.

  “That’s nice,” I said, folding my arms across my chest. Then I saw him looking at my cleavage and I dropped them to my sides.

  “Well, since we’re neighbours and all, we were wondering if you fancied popping round for a drink one evening?”

  I considered his proposal silently. I was on my own here and some company might be amenable. Besides, it seemed a little rude to refuse their invitation.

  “Okay, I guess that would be nice,” I replied with a faint smile.

  “Excellent!” he said cheerfully. “How about tomorrow night, about eight?”

  “Fine,” I said, already regretting my rash decision. No doubt they would expect a reciprocal invitation. Suddenly my peaceful holiday seemed in danger of being hijacked by well meaning busybodies.

  I pasted a bland smile on my face and waved goodbye to Tom as he sauntered back down the path. The only thing that improved my mood was the way he looked in denim cut off’s. He was definitely very sexy and a part of me was tempted to test the water.

  But I opted for a tepid shower instead. It was safer, if not as satisfying.

  * * * *

  My neighbours’ wine was highly agreeable and I was beginning to relax as we sat around their table on the terrace. Stuart and his wife, Jane, were nice people and I felt slightly guilty for thinking any less of them. Their son, Tom, was more of an enigma, but definitely one I was itching to explore further. Annoyingly, however, he remained somewhat quiet as the three of us talked and reminisced about good ol’ England.

  “I’m sure as hell not missing the rain!” remarked Jane with a laugh as she topped up my glass with some more wine.

  “Nah, me neither,” I agreed. “Although it’s annoying when you go home with a tan and nobody ever sees it because the weather is so dismal.” I grinned ruefully.

  “No boyfriend, then?” Tom asked innocently.

  I turned to face him. “No, I don’t have time,” I said.

  Stuart stood to fetch another bottle of wine and Jane jumped up to follow him, the empty dinner plates stacked in her hands.

  “I should help,” I stated, suddenly remembering my manners, but she waved me away and I decided not to push the issue. I was feeling rather drunk anyway.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tom staring at my cleavage.

  “All work and no play isn’t much fun,” he commented after a moment.

  “It pays the bills,” I said, taking another sip of my wine. “Anyway, what do you do for a living – you haven’t said.”

  “I’m a photographer,” he replied.

  “Oh – what kind of pictures?” My interest was piqued now.

  “Family portraits, weddings, the usual stuff to pay the bills.”

  “And for fun?” I sensed that he was skirting around something.

  “I enjoy the female form,” he said slyly. “So I photograph it.”

  Now I was definitely intrigued. “Glamour stuff?”

  “Not exactly,” he hedged. “More arty than that.”

  I laughed throatily. “Bet that’s what all the pervy photographers say to justify their obsession with tits!”

  He chuckled, taking no offence at my insult.

  “Ever done any modelling?” he asked in a deceptively friendly tone.

  I nearly choked on my wine. “Now you’re just flattering me!”

  “No, I’m not,” he said emphatically. “You’re very attractive and you have a lovely figure.

  “How can you tell – I’m wearing a loose dress,” I pointed out reasonably.

  “I’ve seen you without your dress on,” he whispered just as Stuart and Jane reappeared with another bottle of wine and some cheese.

  My senses were on a knife-edge as the conversation changed tack and Jane started asking my advice about the local shops. I managed to find the wherewithal to helpfully point her in the direction of the best bargains to be had, but half of my brain was still trying to work out what Tom was playing at.

  His veiled insinuation implied that he had been watching me, but I couldn’t be certain. I felt like he was playing games and despite my annoyance, I was unavoidably aroused by the thought that he had been spying on me when I sunbathed.

  By the time the evening wound down, I was so wound up I could barely say another word. I managed to politely mutter my thanks to Jane and Stuart for a lovely evening, and promised to take Jane shopping in a couple of days.

  “See you again, soon!” said Tom as waved me off down the path towards my villa.

  I shivered in delicious anticipation.

  * * * *

  The following morning dawned hotter than an oven and when I finally opened my eyes far later than I was intending, my head was throbbing dully from too much wine. Groaning heavily, I dragged my weary body into the shower.

  The warm water washed away some of the fuzziness and once I had eaten some breakfast, I felt much more human again. I took my second cup of coffee outside onto the terrace and sat in the shade, sipping the strong local brew and thinking back over the previous evening.

  Tom’s suggestive comments had left me wondering if he had been winding me up, or if he really had been surreptitiously spying on me. Somehow I suspected the latter. It would certainly explain the feeling I had had of being watched.

  It was highly arousing and I could hardly wait to get outside and strip off once again. I knew that Stuart and Jane had gone out for the day – they had discussed their plans last night, and I also knew that Tom hadn’t mentioned going with them. This suggested that he was around for the day, sun bathing, reading…or potentially watching me.

  By midday I had done my quota of housework and reluctantly scanned some work emails. Now I was ready to catch some rays and read a few more chapters of my latest trashy novel.

  Carrying my tanning oil, I nonchalantly sauntered outside, brazenly naked and exhibiting absolutely no concern about my nudity. The pool twinkled invitingly, but I wasn’t in the mood for any swimming today, so instead I stood and contemplated which sun bed to utilise for maximum exposure. Literally.

  There were several, but I picked the one that stood close to the boundary with Tom’s villa. It was not facing in quite the direction I wanted, so I nudged it with my toe until it faced the bushes. Since the sun was directly overhead, it was perfect.

  Now I just needed some juice and I was all set for some relaxation. I ambled back inside and poured a jug of orange squash, then carried it back out, along with a glass. I settled down on the lounger and began to apply tanning oil to my already golden skin.

  My ears were straining to hear any sound that might indicate I was being watched, but I heard nothing beyond the sound of insects and distant music. Eventually I stopped listening and started concentrating on my novel. It was rather more engrossing.

  After a while, the sun began to have its usual soporific effect, so I dropped the book and turned over on to my stomach to cook my back. The warm breeze lulled me into a trance like state and I was almost on the verge of nodding off when I heard something from the other side of the bushes.

  Immediately my senses sharpened and I tensed up. For long seconds I listened, trying to work out if I had actually heard something, or whether the sound was a product of my over active imagination.

  Then I heard it again - a distinct clicking sound.

  At least now I was fairly certain I had an audience. This dark knowledge sent my libido soaring into the stratosphere and I made an instant decision to have some fun at my voyeur’s expense.

  It was time to apply some more tanning oil. I sat up and grabbed the bottle, making sure I was facing the bushes. Pouring some into my palm, I began to rub the oil into my skin, taking my sweet time as I reached my breasts. I squirted some more onto my cleavage and slowly massaged the oil i

  My nipples were swollen and sensitive, but I managed to resist the urge to moan out loud as my arousal grew. Pulling the hard nubs with oily fingers, I closed my eyes and surrendered to the sensations flooding my heated body. Almost instinctively, my legs parted and I dropped back down on to my towel.

  The hot sun was doing nothing to cool my ardour and my hands crept lower, sliding across my belly until they reached the apex of my thighs. I hadn’t intended to go this far – my plan was to simply play the tease a little. But a wicked impulse blasted that plan out of the water, and I decided to satisfy the urge that had been lying dormant inside me for the last couple of days.

  I could feel the moisture bubbling between my legs, oozing out of my slit like warm honey. The subtle scent of my arousal, mixed with the coconut tanning oil, was very intoxicating and I shuddered with anticipation. Part of my brain registered a few strange noises from the other side of the bushes, but for the most part I was concentrating on my own pleasure.


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