Book Read Free

Never Forsaken

Page 25

by Michael Anderle

  Now, I’ve read on author forums ( that books start ‘mattering’ to buyers at 50 reviews. Well, I’ve got a ways to go to get 50 reviews on all of the books, but you know what? Every single review is a badge of honor I own proudly and thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing them. Occasionally, you drop a note to let me know you put a review on ALL of the books, thank you for that as well.

  But, like, you know if you haven’t written a review and there are less than 50 on one of the books you like, well, if you LOVE the book it could be a late Christmas gift? ;-) Early Indie Authors Day gift? (There is no such thing as Indie Authors Day, I’m completely making this day up just to provide another reason and I don’t want to admit just how much asking for reviews makes me crawl out of my comfort shell here).

  Also, I found me. I’m a ‘Pulp Writer’. I own that title. So yeah. That’s me.

  I’ve mentioned before, my writing is more escapist. I love a good action story, but more than that I want to engage with the characters. I want to feel what they are going through if possible. I want situations that make me get excited, worried, laugh and say ‘take that, sucka!’ out loud. The challenges faced by the protagonists don’t have to be life threatening, it could be a challenge to ask that special someone out for a date that keeps the story flowing. I’m not really into books that keep you constantly afraid for the characters. If I care about a character, I’ll turn the page, and buy the next book, just to see them reach a personal milestone that is challenging to that character. However; having said all of that action is what drives the story forward.

  Please, if you enjoyed this book give it a good rating on Amazon? Your kind words and encouragement help any author. I will continue to the next story whether you provide an OUTSTANDING review or not. However; it might get done a wee bit faster with the encouragement (smile).

  ** Note: If you would like the $0.99 pre-official-full-price-release message, please sign up on the email list - I’m going to keep doing this for each new release moving forward, so when released early, the price is $0.99 for a minimum of 24 hours **

  If you want to help make the books better and receive an advanced copy, please consider the Advance Team project please catch me on Facebook and let me know your interested.

  You can find book links on my Amazon Author Page here:

  Want to comment on the best (scene, comment, event, shoes or gun for Bethany Anne, weapon Nathan would prefer…you name it) join us on Facebook:

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  Software used to write this book is Scrivener (Windows and Mac):

  Book Cover Images purchased at &

  (Sometimes better selection on - TKG05)

  Image software to make the cover (Mac): (1.6 ratio @ 300dpi)

  Image software to make the 3d book Covers:

  3d Template Script:

  Thank you,

  Michael Anderle, Jan 2016

  *All credit for me having ANY shoe knowledge goes to my wife, who still works to provide me with even a finger’s amount of fashion sense. Why she asks me to comment on her outfits in the morning still confuses me to this day. Second note, the suggestion to include special canines also came from my wife.

  *** Stephen came through in SPADES - I had so much info it made my (non-gun-knowing) head explode!

  Review Remarks

  This is my ‘Middle Finger Salute’ to not saying ‘thank you’ to reviewers on review pages. Even if your review isn’t … nice (sniff, sniff).

  But then, if you have made it to book five and are reading this far, I doubt that you wrote a one or two star review (back on Death Becomes Her) and continued reading… So I guess this will be for Reviews with three stars and above. If you did put a 1 or 2 star review and are reading the end of this book, what the h#ll?

  Ok, sorry, I just thought that was funny. Let me know on Facebook and I’ll included your review and republish w/ the next version.

  Michael Anderle

  By David Down Under on December 3, 2015

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  I just read the first 3 books in this series in 2 days, and boy does it pull you in! They remind me a lot of Laurence Dahners Ell Donsaii series: the author has created a science fiction framework that introduces a fantastic element in a logical and consistent way, then used that in conjunction with a strong female main character and a series of conflicts to create a story that just rollicks along with magnificent pacing. It's just fun to read!

  So don't think this is just another vampire book. Think Indiana Jones or Star Wars. Think adventure! The fight scenes are magnificent!

  The author obviously has a firm grasp of military organisation, and is able to convey business and science related topics well. I also thought the backroom dealing was realistic.

  On the minus side some of the characters do come across as rather cliched. Partly this is because there are so many characters introduced, and they do get fleshed out a bit by occasional POV changes. I loved the Romanian girl. I'm also glad the POV changes weren't overdone - that's usually a pet peeve of mine.

  From an editing standpoint there are a few cases of misplaced semicolons (, however; instead of ; however, for example) and there are a couple of places in each book where the wrong character name is used (you can infer that it is not the named character talking but another). These errors are understandable with the author writing so quickly (7 days for a book?!), and I understand he's correcting them.

  Really, none of these flaws harmed the flow of the books.

  Be warned - while each book is largely self-contained, various plot threads draw inexorably to the next book, and this promises to be a long series. Some anxious waiting for the next books will occur, and I pray the author can keep up the momentum!

  Don't expect great literature, but Read It! It's good! Five stars!

  MIKE >> Working on it David, working on it! Fun fact: David became the first member of the TKG Street Team. He just popped the question to his girlfriend while on a trip a few weeks ago. I was joking with him if he ‘proposed to her’ in an email … Son of a gun if he hadn’t! WAY TO GO DAVID! (Yes, she said Yes!)

  I so hope his fiancé (who shall not be named in case she is shy) doesn’t get mad with as much time as he took read the ARC of TKG05 ;-)


  By S. Pace on December 11, 2015

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  I liked this book for many reasons, but feel that it really needs to be seriously polished up by a good editor. I enjoyed the characters, and especially some of the plot twists. For me, the story was a little choppy, and the chapter headings are distracting and not really necessary. One of my pet Peeves are 2 fold, it,s is really yards for me to rite this cents to give an examples. Author, your English grammar, use of misspelled words, and abysmal usage of apostrophes needs to be corrected! I wanted to love this book, but it is distracting to be reading along then bam, your instead of you're, were's instead of the plural weres, and other typos and punctuation errors. It's like hitting a big pot hole in a smooth road. Please take this as constructive criticism, as I really did enjoy the book. I think you have talent and a great story here, so please get some help in editing. I will be buying the next one in hopes that you have found someone to proofread a little before you publish. Even the famous authors have editors correct their work. Keep w

  MIKE >> Completely Agree! I mention in TKG04 that I screwed up and I am following this recommendation and others on the editing. THANK YOU for your constructive criticism and I love that you spent the time to provide such a detailed review. Also, love that you enjoyed the characters :-)

  Note: I see you were nice enough to give me a second chance w/ reading TKG02 - I (I’m sure) was screwed because that book was WORSE. “F” my life :-(


  By Amazon Customer on January 1, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  I bought this book yesterday, the 31st of December. I just finished it this morning and then proceded to buy the 2nd book. I just finished it as well and after finishing this review, I will be purchasing the third book. If Amazon were like Steam, you could see the total number of books I purchased and the total number of reviews I have made. Think I have made less than 5 reviews and have several hundred E-books.

  The author does a wonderful job keeping things interesting and funny. You never know when humor is going to strike. Also, a DS could possibly learn a thing or two in the inventive swearing department from this author. I greatly enjoyed the book and the series so far. The first book kinda starts a little slow though, but stick with it. II really hope the author keeps up the good work.

  Support the author and buy the books, it is worth it. Trust me

  MIKE >> Ok, just a quick note that if you say something like “see the total number of reviews” I stalk that like a duck hunter (duck hunters don’t stalk, but I do). I DID look to see what reviews this customer had and I AM one of the few. (I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy!) :-)


  By EmptyAcorn on January 9, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  This series of books are fairly well written, with just some minor editing problems (e.g., wrong word). Much better than many other books I have read from Kindle unlimited. Fast paced and interesting, these books keep you in the story and moving along. They are a quick read and not really anything like a standard vampire/were book. I really enjoyed reading this book and quickly read the rest of the books available in the series. I am looking forward to more. I don't expect that everyone will like them, but I would suggest trying them. They read quickly. At least one review mentions a slow start, how long it takes for the main character to meet the vampire. I totally disagree with the reviewer. The author does a good job laying down a foundation but at the same time keeps the story interesting and engaging.

  Yes, definitely not everyone will like them. But I’m blessed YOU did! I’ve got more, I’ve got more (this one, the next one…)

  MIKE >> Ok, I also agree with the slow start. I thought blowing Bill up right away was a pretty quick start. I blew up a whole damn city block for … someone’s… sake. I guess since we didn’t have additional firefights it was slower… (scratching chin). I’ve considered going back to add content to #1 and then I read your review and now, not so sure.


  By verilog on December 25, 2015

  Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

  Read the first four books in a row, then re-read the first two (and working on 3 again now). Wow, can't wait for #5. I must have hundreds of kindle books in my collection and this series is in the top 10. I laughed and a one or two tears; few books can make that claim. Some minor editing issues, but doesn't take anything away from the great story.

  <*** Spoiler ****>

  My one nit is using Cisco blade servers. Really? WTF? How about a batch of new generation Intel Xeon Phi boards cheap as too difficult for normal developers to handle and thus Intel is trying to dump on the market. But wouldn't be too difficult for an AI to reprogram... And skip the old school SSDs and use MRAM on the boards and might as well toss in InfiniBand for interconnect.

  MIKE >> HAHAHAHAHA (again, LOL for you youngsters… I’m pushing closer to 50 than 40). I was in the technology field for a LOOOONNNNGGG time. I remember having flame wars over technology buried in landfills now. I did reply to this review (sorry, the techie in me had to say something in his defense). I’ve been out of the technology field for over 5 years now (mid 2009) so my technology chops are last generation (or 3) back.


  ByAmazon Customeron January 4, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Like other readers, I blew through the first 4 books in a few days. It's a fun ride with engaging characters. I came back to the first in the series to write this review mainly to encourage others to read these books. Try the sample. It just gets better. By the 4th book you will have many interesting characters to keep track of, and ever expand plot lines. There are surprisingly few editing errors, and if you are like me, the action is strong enough you will read right through. Get on. It's a fun ride.

  MIKE >> Thank you! Coming back to book #1 is important as this is (usually) the book that starts everything off :-). I love the ‘Get on. It’s a fun ride.’ Comment - Exactly the type of experience I was hoping to accomplish with the series. A fun ride, some ups, some downs, but with a group of characters you wouldn’t mind calling friends. Well, except for that a$$ Anton.


  ByTutton December 27, 2015

  Format: Kindle Edition

  To date I have read all 4 books of this series and I. Have. LOVED. Them.

  These books are just fun to read, and to think that at first I was so very sure I would not like them. Well, I was right, wasn’t I? I didn't like them; instead, I LOVED them. Be warned, that there is lots of cussin', but it's all good. cussin' is a barometer of the how serious one takes the subject matter. Bethany Anne is very serious about a LOT of subjects.

  MIKE >> Tutt made me laugh a couple of times. First, she is responsible for slapping me around on the author forum to ‘get over’ the editing stuff and the ‘Bethany Anne is very serious about a LOT of subjects’ with her cussin’. :-)

  “I. Have. LOVED. Them.” <- I want the t-shirt.

  ‘Cussin’ <- Southern! We say that in Texas, too. Maybe ‘cursin’ - dropping the ‘g’.


  ByAmazon Customeron December 7, 2015

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  I love Bethany Ann. I give very few reviews compared to how much I read but just had to write a few words. I'm going to Amazon as soon as I post this to buy more of the story. Enjoy it folks. You'll laugh shout cheer and in bgeneral have a blast

  MIKE >> Another ‘read lots, reviews little’ that graced TKG01 with a review, THANK YOU! I loved the ‘You’ll laugh, shout, cheer and in general have a blast’ comment, woohoo! (Well, the “buy more of the story” warmed my pocketbook, as well. The capitalistic indie writer that I’ve become is so embarrassing).

  Not really… I can’t sell that - I love to see the books go up the charts. I have a screen shot where I was higher in the ebooks > Top 100 horror authors chart above Anne Rice for maybe 10 seconds before she took the listing back and my super-sized head exploded. (Huge grin).


  ByGrazziton November 20, 2015

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I really en
joy this series and will be reading them all. I like the direction it is taking and the possibilities. The Main character is fun, tough and smart.

  The one problem is that it needs a through proof read to fix many broken sentences. A lot of missing or misused words.

  MIKE >> Here is the review that I screwed up and answered (saying I would go back through the books and find the errors). I read just seconds later on author forum to NOT answer reviews. Oops.

  Early, Early reviewer and trust me, seeing the “The Main character is fun, tough and smart” made my day!


  Bytegory612on November 10, 2015


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