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The Darkest Torment

Page 44

by Gena Showalter

  Maddox watched as the guys set up shop on the counter and smiled, a sense of contentment finally settling over him...for now.

  The Authors Want To Know

  I STARTED WRITING with a goal to publish over fifteen years ago. In that time, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting—and falling in love with—a myriad of authors. These women have become my best friends, my confidants, my cheerleaders and sounding boards, my most admired, not to mention my source for the most incredible books! Gimme! I asked each author what she’d most like to know about the Lords of the Underworld. Here’s what the awesome women had to say:

  Nalini Singh: What do you love most about writing a long-running series with recurring characters?

  GS: Every time I sit down to tackle a new Lords of the Underworld book, I feel as if I’m transported straight into a holiday. Family comes together, inside jokes abound, and fights break out. In my case: The last cookie is mine! In the Lords’ case: I get to kill him! I’m once again surrounded by boundless affection and unbreakable loyalty. And let’s face it. I enjoy torturing these immortal warriors. Without heat and pressure there would be no diamonds. Also, I like pairing the men with women they never dreamed they could love. I like figuring out what the warriors hate most—and then making it happen to them. But most of all, I like the end result of their tests and trials: they are worthy of the love they’ve been given.

  PC Cast: Gena, my love kitten, you write awesomely hot sex scenes. How do you keep them spicy and unique book after book?

  GS: Before I can tackle the question, I just have to get this out of the way: purrrrrrr. Okay, now I’m ready, LOL. I remove myself from the love scenes completely, letting the characters drive every motion and word. From the first moment of eye contact—that first spark of awareness—to the final, well, explosion, they are in charge. And really, every character has a different past, different likes and dislikes, different hopes and dreams, different experiences. Those differences keep everything fresh. (Fresh. Ha! See what I did there?)

  Karen Marie Moning: Is there a supernatural or mythological race you’ve always dreamed of introducing to the world, either as a love interest or a kick-ass secondary character?

  GS: Yes, oh yes! I wanted to introduce the Harbingers to the Lords of the Underworld universe and in The Darkest Torment I finally had the chance. Well, to at least mention the Harbingers. In the next Lords of the Underworld book, the war between Hades and Lucifer will hit a new level of dangerous, and I’ll be able to delve more deeply into the Harbinger mythology. I’m bubbling over with excitement. Get ready for my freakiest, deadliest race yet!

  JR Ward: Gena, I need to know—which Lord would you play Never Have I Ever with? And which one would you NOT do it with? Wait. That sounds dirty. Also what’s your never ever??? Okay, okay, I’ll stop!

  GS: Ha! I think I would hate playing Never Have I Ever with... Strider. Actually, hate is too strong a word. Dislike, maybe? The dude is keeper of Defeat and he can’t lose a single challenge without suffering agonizing pain. I imagine he’d bust a freaking nut in his effort to outdo me, and I’d laugh and then he’d curse at me and then I’d throw something at him. And my never ever...this is probably horrible to admit but when it comes to these warriors I don’t think I have a never ever, LOL. Gimme some sugar!

  Jeaniene Frost: If you could go back, would you change anything in the series?

  GS: Every time I’ve sat down to write a new Lords of the Underworld book, I’ve wanted to go back and change something so badly. Now, without a manuscript in front of me and certain rules influencing the direction I can go, I would limit my changes to a handful of character arcs. I would rewrite Sienna’s journey. I would pair Paris with Viola, even though a lot of readers would revolt. I would do Gideon speak differently. But most of all, I would plot out the entire series before ever writing book one—The Darkest Night—so that I would have a clear path to follow.

  Kathryn Smith/Kady Cross: Knowing how much you love your fur kids, and animals in general, which Lord would you trust to babysit your pets?

  GS: Oh, man! Trust one of those naughty men with my babies? I never say never...until today. Never! Okay, okay. They aren’t that bad. When they love a woman, they are willing to die to protect her and everything she holds dear. So I’d go with Baden. Now that he’s hooked up with Katarina, the alpha of the hellhounds, all canines are precious to him. He’d take excellent care of my pack...and I’d enjoy watching him on my nanny cam.

  Kresley Cole: My dearest, glorious Gena, moon of my life, my sun and stars, which Lord would you like to be stuck with on a deserted tropical island? (Keep in mind that I would be paddling madly to reach said island to join you two.)

  GS: Because I love and adore you—my darling love bunny—I’d be willing to share my bounty with you! We’d need to pick the Lord most likely to 1) hunt and prepare our every meal 2) give us daily massages 3) build the best shelter for us 4) never attempt to escape our clutches, and 5) not get jealous when I choose to spoon you instead of him. With all of that in mind, I think I’d go with... Lucien! He can see into the spirit realm as well as the natural realm, so he can better stop any threat to our paradise. He can flash in the best food, and he’s very good with his hands... (P.S. bring a laptop because I will insist you write stories for me!)

  Jill Monroe: I know so many of your characters are based on me, but are there others based on real people?

  GS: My inspired-by-JM characters are my favorites! As for the other characters...well, none are based solely on one person, but I do take bits and pieces/personality traits from the people I love. I mean, I just happen to have the most amazing cast of family and friends in the history of the universe, so why not share the gold? In fact, my youngest sister once called to tell me she’d read my book and discovered a line she’d once said to our mother.

  Roxanne St. Claire: Describe the Lords of the Underworld series in three compound words. Must use hyphens!!

  GS: Racking my brain... Okay, I’ve got it! I’d go with: Mouth-watering, ride-or-die and redemption-not-optional.

  I asked my editor (the wonderful Allison Carroll) the same question and here’s what she had to say:

  Un-put-downable, magically-delicious and epically-alpha.

  Kristen Painter: Which Lord is most likely to become a crazy cat guy?

  GS: I have to go with... Paris! He’s such a lady magnet. Females the world over—whether human or otherwise—flock to him. They just can’t help themselves. But now I’m kicking myself for not writing cats into the storyline! I can see them all over the fortress, bugging the warriors while they train. Okay, don’t be surprised if this happens in future stories!

  Deidre Knight: Which Lord would you like to take on vacation—and where?

  GS: I’d have to go with... Strider! Even though he’d be the last person I picked for playing games, the keeper of Defeat would ensure I had the best time ever. (Because I’d challenge him, of course.) And I think I’d want to go to a cabin in the mountains, surrounded by snow. Cuddles by the fire...seclusion... Oh, oh! Maybe I’d tour Scotland and Ireland instead. I’ve always wanted to visit, and Strider would look oh, so delicious in a kilt.

  Amy Lukavics: Which Lord surprised you the most?

  GS: I’d have to say... Torin! Because he hosts the demon of Disease, he’s spent his life locked inside the fortress, interacting with people through a computer screen. He feared kicking off another plague. The moment he was forced out of his comfort zone, however, a ferocious, battle-loving bad-ass overtook him—the warrior he’d locked up on the inside as surely as he’d locked himself in the fortress. I was as shocked as I was delighted.

  Lily Everett: Katarina is such a dynamic heroine and she’s absolutely perfect for Baden! In particular, her background as a dog trainer and her relationship with the hellhounds is genius. How did you pick such an inspiring profession for Baden’s heroine?r />
  GS: When I sat down to write The Darkest Torment, I knew I wanted to create a beauty and the beast storyline. But in order for Katarina Joelle to survive this particular beast—an immortal who could snap her neck like a twig with a single twist of his wrist—she had to have an edge. Plus, I loooooved the idea of a woman training a fearsome Lord of the Underworld like a dog. I chuckled like a schoolgirl from start to finish.

  Kelli Ireland: Every fan has a favorite Lord (or, ahem, four). Then there’s William the Ever Randy. Can you tell us something about William that the Lords—and we—don’t know yet? Maybe something William really doesn’t want anyone to know.

  GS: Oh, Willy. My sweet Willy. I knew his threads in The Darkest Torment would anger some of my readers. I also knew the threads would utterly enrage William. But what happened, well, it had to happen. William is so freaking stubborn. He needed a kick in the pants (and now he needs someone to kiss his wounds and make him better, LOL). As for a secret...

  We learned how William became Hades’s son. But what about his biological parents? What about other blood relations? They’re out there...and they are looking for him...

  Beth Kendrick: What’s your favorite Lords of the Underworld quote?

  GS: There have been lines that made me laugh out loud, lines that made me gasp. Lines that made me shiver. But one of the ones that stands out the most actually comes from this book.

  William: You can’t fight the darkness.

  Baden: I am the darkness.

  To me, it shows the terrible state Baden is in, his lack of hope. Little does he know, light is on the way!

  Recruit or Kill?



  Ruling an army isn’t a job for the weak. Ruling a legion of armies is a job only for the strongest of the strong. I am that male. The general. The puppeteer. The ultimate gamer. The head coach. The master of all I survey.

  Call me whatever you wish. I’m all that, and more.

  But if you aren’t for me, you are against me. If you are against me, you are as good as dead. Either way—if you’re alive or dead—I’ll get my hands on you.

  If you’re good enough to make my team, congrats. You win an award: you get to keep your head. If you prove unworthy, well, you’ll get benched and benched players get cut. Literally.

  Now it’s time to decide which of the Lords of the Underworld qualify...

  —Hades, the king other kings fear


  Demon: Violence

  Height: 6'4"

  Hair: Black

  Eyes: Violet when (almost) happy, red when angry

  Tramp stamp: Scarlet butterfly on his upper left shoulder, wrapping around to his back

  Other distinguishing marks: The demon’s skeletal face is visible through Maddox’s skin when the two are angered. (Side note: Emotions are for pussies.)

  Preferred weapon: Fists

  (Note to self: Ask him if he enjoys a good fisting. Try to keep a straight face.)

  Demon naughtiness: Stabbed Pandora to death, which led to the disappearance of the box. In modern society the offspring of Violence is responsible for street-gang warfare, rape, murder and terrorism.

  My thoughts: Rape will never be tolerated within my ranks. The demon must be eliminated—through violence? Hmm. A paradox. A new puzzle to solve.

  Warrior’s background: When he killed Pandora, he was cursed to die every night only to be resurrected the next day, knowing he had to die again. The curse was broken through “love.”

  What is love?

  He still erupts into fits of violence. He’s volatile and highly dangerous. I’m beginning to like him. He enjoys classical music and carving.

  An-n-nd there goes the like.

  Achilles’ heel: Technology. Emotional attachment to human female Ashlyn Darrow, former para-audiologist for the World Institute of Parapsychology. Also his twin children, Urban and Ever.

  (Note: Kids are dirty little creatures. Avoid!)

  Placement: Second string


  Demon: Death

  Height: 6'6"

  Hair: Black, shoulder-length

  Eyes: Mismatched—one brown (normal eye) and one blue (allows him to see into the spiritual world)

  Tramp stamp: Black butterfly on his upper left shoulder and front of chest

  Other distinguishing marks: One side of his face is covered in scars. He emits a strong odor of roses—a drugged scent that calms a soul just before he escorts it to the afterlife.

  Preferred weapon: Knives with poisoned tips

  Demon naughtiness: Death ushers souls into hell like a boss.

  Side note: Rumors suggest there are humans who don’t consider Death a demon. They call his actions a “natural progression of life.” Ridiculous! Humans weren’t created to die but to live forever. I like that they’re so blinded from the truth, however. Perhaps I should send demons out to ensure these rumors grow. The more a human thinks death is natural, the less that human will fight when I choose to add his—or her—soul to my army.

  Warrior’s background: Calm and stoic, the former Captain of the Immortal Guard (Zeus’s army). He’s the one who disfigured his face. He did it centuries ago in a fit of rage, indicating an unstable temperament and a harmful nature. His spirit can slip in and out of his body with ease. He can flash. He has been called The Dark One, Malach ha-Maet, Yama, Azreal, Shadow Walker, Mirya, and King of the Dead. He’s the one who opened Pandora’s box after it was stolen.

  Achilles’ heel: Three of note. The first, when his soul leaves his body, his flesh is vulnerable. The second, his attachment to Anya, minor Greek goddess of Anarchy. He has abilities he hasn’t even tapped into yet, probably because he has no idea he has them. Once I teach him...

  Placement: First string


  Demon: Pain

  Height: 6'5"

  Hair: Dark brown

  Eyes: Brown

  Tramp stamp: A ruby, onyx, and sapphire butterfly on his chest and neck

  Other distinguishing marks: Deeply tanned skin; frequently sports scabs caused by self-mutilation

  Preferred weapon: Daggers, sword, guns

  Demon naughtiness: Physical pain and suffering throughout the ages. Acts of random cruelty.

  Notable background: He goes to amazingly excruciating lengths to cause himself pain, i.e. jumping off rooftops and cutting his flesh.

  Achilles’ heel: Once again, an attachment to a female. Danika Ford, the All-seeing Eye. He throws up when flashed. He needs some kind of physical pain at least once an hour.

  Placement: First string


  Demon: Promiscuity

  Height: 6'8"

  Hair: Varying shades of brown and black

  Eyes: Blue

  Tramp stamp: Butterfly on his lower back

  Other distinguishing marks: Pale skin. He’s widely regarded as the most physically “appealing” of all the Lords. I call foul. None of the warriors can compare to me.

  Preferred weapon: Sword. (The one in his pants? Snicker.)

  Demon naughtiness: Out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and infidelity. He can use his voice to project images into a human mind. He can emit the scent of chocolate and champagne to attract a lover.

  Notable background: Without frequent physical release, he’s weakened. He passes out when flashed.

  Note to self: Might be fun to experiment. If I hack off his arms and lock him inside a room, will his balls literally turn blue? Will his cock spontaneously explode?

  Achilles’ heel: Sienna Blackstone, the new keeper of Wrath

  Placement: Secon
d string...unless I need an assassin to infiltrate a woman’s bedroom.


  Demon: Formerly Wrath

  Height: 6'6"

  Hair: Military-cropped, brown

  Eyes: Violet

  Tramp stamp: Butterfly in the middle of his back, and the name Olivia tattooed over his heart, plus countless others—all hold special meaning to him

  Other distinguishing marks: Hugely muscled. He used to have a pair of black gossamer wings that could be hidden behind slits in his back when not in use. He has two eyebrow rings.

  Preferred weapon: He doesn’t discriminate but embraces any weapon at his disposal. My kind of guy.

  Demon naughtiness: n/a

  Note to self: Could be fun to secretly give him another demon, placing him under my reign. Food for thought.

  Notable background: He was beheaded and given a new body by the Sent Ones. His wife, Olivia, is a fallen Sent One. His ties are to Team Good.

  Achilles’ heel: His wife and a former demon minion Legion

  Placement: A possible cut


  Demon: Disease

  Height: 6'5"

  Hair: Silver-white, shoulder-length (brows are black)

  Eyes: Green

  Tramp stamp: Onyx butterfly framed in crimson, located on his stomach. At certain angles, the entire tattoo appears black.

  Other distinguishing marks: He wears long black gloves like a Victorian maiden. He’s ugly as hell and witless. Carries the All-key inside him, which means he can’t be confined in any way—I’m sure there’s a reason that trait sucks ass and I’ll think of it soon.

  Preferred weapon: Does it matter? He can’t fight worth a damn.

  Demon naughtiness: Disease is responsible for a myriad of plagues that resulted in thousands of casualties. He is also at the root of cancer and all additional pestilence, most recently the dreaded Ebola pandemic.


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