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Page 2

by Diane Collier

  Steve tried all the tricks he knew, but Kay seemed to react about the same, a calm contentment. This was a bit unusual for him, he glanced up towards her face every so often to absorb visual cues, but Kay was not giving him much to work with. His discouragement caused him to slow down a bit, which in turn caused Kay to frown slightly, “Why are you slowing down?” She asked directly, giving him a little squeeze with her legs, “I didn’t say you should now did I?” she rolled her eyes, “Oh I suppose you can’t think with the state I left you in.” she sighed, “Well, go ahead, you take care of that, this was just a bit of an appetizer anyway.” She spoke coolly, pushing him away and pulling her jeans up before he could react.

  The pink haired lady sat back up on the seat, contented looking and now focused on the screen, leaving Steve to awkwardly slide back into his own chair as he pulled up his pants, rather confused as to what had just happened. “Did I do something wrong Miss Kay?” It wasn’t like him to have his confidence shaken, but she’d managed to do it without really saying a thing.

  “Oh no.” Kay smiled back to him, but then nodded her head towards the back of the auditorium, a small family had walked in while Steve was busy, and he supposed that might explain why she was so quiet while he was working on her. At least he hoped that was the reason.

  The movie was dull, uninspired and forgotten entirely not long after they walked from the theater, there was no more talking during the film, and the small family who came in didn’t leave until the end of the movie, looking as confused by the ending as Steve had been. With that out of the way, the two of them now walked about the station, it seemed aimless, but eventually Steve realized they were headed towards the hanger.

  “So, wanna see my ship?” Kay asked, a smirk on her face, “I guess I should have given it a more original name, but I like it being called the Pink Pearl.” As they passed through customs, he was about to tell her that he wasn’t allowed in the hanger, but as he opened his mouth to do so, the customs officer gave the all clear and waved them both through. The young escort was a bit stunned, walking through the metal detectors timidly. He expected them to go off even though he wasn’t carrying any metal on him, but of course they didn’t.

  Steve had to jog to catch up with Kay, “How did you do that?” he asked, looking back towards customs, “I’m not supposed to be in this hanger, I don’t have identification, or money or-“

  “You have a job to do, we can talk after that, you remember my terms right?” Kay smiled back to him, pointing to a large ship not to far from customs; it looked like a vessel fit for a medium sized crew, “That’s where we’re headed.” She spoke as she walked, “Get a move on Stevie, we don’t have all night.”

  That was when it dawned on him, what made him uncomfortable about her that he couldn’t quite place, it was how she knew his name though he hadn’t told her when they met. Steve stopped short of the ship, “You shouldn’t have known my name without asking me.” He looked Kay in the eyes, “How did you? I should have just been number sixteen to you, but you called me Stevie. How did you know my name was Steve?”

  Kay smiled back at him, putting her hands on her hips, “Wow, that took you awhile.” She shook her head, “I have no intention of answering you before you fill out your end of the bargain, I knew you’d want to talk when you figured it out, so I even put it in as part of the job.” She crossed her arms, “Though I suppose you could just go back to the Casino right now and blow your money for the night. Maybe sit there for the rest of your life if you like.”

  The thought gave him pause, how did she know all this, “How…?” He frowned, “Who are you?” He frowned, looking back towards customs, he considered leaving, but he couldn’t argue with her, what would he be doing with his life if he just went back now? Hell, if he did, she’d be justified in canceling payment on his services, “Alright, lead on.” He finally consented.

  “There’s a good boy.” Kay said as she pressed a button on the ship’s entrance door with her finger, she gestured him inside and shut the door behind him, leaning against it and watching him as he took in the ship’s features.

  The inside was pretty spacious, as he noted from the outside, it was clearly meant to be manned by a crew and not just one person, it was well furnished and had what appeared to be several luxury accommodations. Whatever Kay did for a day job, it kept her living comfortably. Even in his room on the Astral Horizon he didn’t enjoy some of the features her ship’s living quarters seemed to have.

  Kay grabbed his arm gently and tugged it, “You can check out the ship later if you want Stevie, right now you have a job to do. That interlude in the theater was fun, but it’s time to really pay up.” She said as she dragged him playfully towards a room at the end of a hall in the ship.

  Inside was a bedroom, a variety of colors adorned the things inside, but nothing seemed out of place. Once again the grandness of this being on a ship made his little room in the casino seem small by comparison. For a moment, a wave of depression swept over Steven M. Clora. The feeling spoke to him that he’d never amount to anything more than a slave to the one armed bandit, that he’d never see anything beyond the Astral Horizon. What was the point in his hedonistic lifestyle anyway? In that moment he felt like a parasite, and all over a nice bedroom, that had to be a new low for him.

  His sadness was quite short lived however, as Kay pushed him gently towards the bed until she had him against it, she smiled, “What? Never seen a lady’s bedroom before in your line of work? For shame.” She smiled playfully as she gave him a quick push back onto the bed, hopping up on top of him and looking down into his eyes.

  It wasn’t long before she started to remove his shirt, as well as her own. She moved with expert precision that made it clear to him that she had experience in this that might surpass even his, though she seemed to not be one for too much teasing once they were actually on the bed. Perhaps that was why she’d made it a point to go to the movie first. Either way, both of them were stripped down rather quickly.

  The activity moved to the middle of the bed rather than the edge as she teased him much as she did before in the dark theater. She stroked him until he was nice and hard. She seemed to examine his member and give a small nod of approval, “It’ll do well enough.” She smiled, “But I suppose I really should give it a try.” She grinned as she straddled him, pressing in slowly at first, but taking it in rather quickly. Kay rocked her hips against him a couple times, she seemed to be testing something, she reached down and pulled him up towards her into a sitting position before she rocked a couple more times, this time not stopping.

  Steve was more than willing to go along with her movements, after the incident at the site of the worst movie of his generation, he felt a strong need for release, and this woman seemed to be more than ready to give him just that if she kept moving like she was.

  Their movements started to speed up, especially when Kay bit him on the neck, one of his favorites, she seemed to have a sense for his buttons, but he still couldn’t quite figure her out. Kay moaned louder in here than she had before, seeming to enjoy it more, but Steve still didn’t feel like he was quite giving her the bang for her buck so to speak. So he decided to try and do something about it, he pressed her down onto her back, grinning playfully.

  “Ohhhh, really?” she smirked, wrapping her legs around him, “Go ahead, give it a shot.” She said, seeming to thrust against him still, even as he had her pinned. She was making it very difficult for him to control himself.

  He started to give her the sort of thrusting he’d given many a woman before, he was known pretty well for being a solid lover, and his efforts were not entirely in vain, she did seem to be getting into it more. That might have been part of his problem, he was finding it incredibly difficult not to submit to the urge to orgasm in this sexy woman, he wanted to hold out until she had, but as he continued, that seemed to grow less likely by the second.

  “Hey, you’re pretty good.” Kay giggled after a solid squeal of pleasu
re, “My turn though.” Her eyes seemed to gleam as she suddenly rocked him onto his back in a surprising feat of strength. With the new position of her back on top, she wasted no time in matching his pace, then taking it up a notch from there.

  That was it, there was no holding back for him anymore, he put everything he could into thrusting up into her, knowing full well that she was going to drive him over the edge in seconds anyway with that pace, thankfully it seemed to pay off. Just as he felt himself release inside her, he also felt her body tense up around his member, he’d made it, just barely, but she screamed in appreciation, and after she was done shaking, collapsed on top of him.

  “My second in command asked me.” Kay smirked up to him, “Her name is Jackie, Jackie Clora, and she knew you had a gambling problem. That if we didn’t come bail you out, you’d probably just keep in the cycle of gambling, fucking, sleeping and more gambling.” Kay rolled onto her back and off Steve, “So she asked me to let you join the crew, I’m Kay Redguard, but I suppose I’m more well known by my other name.” she smirked, “Kay the Red.” She sighed a little, “I think it’s the hair, but red sounds so much cooler than pink.” She shrugged, “So little Stevie, you have a choice to make, I’ve paid off your debt, since your sister was so insistent that I do so. You can join my crew, but expect to work,” she grinned, poking his spent member playfully, “and I mean in more ways than one.” She sighed, “Or you can go back to the casino, gamble away all the money I gave you, and never see your sister again.”

  The information dump was a lot to take in, Steve hadn’t seen his sister in years, he’d just fucked a legendary space pirate, and his sister was a member of the crew. Not to mention the same pirate queen had just offered him a position on her crew, which would mean that he’d finally be able to get off this damned station. Steve had questions, lots of them, but as he opened his mouth Kay stopped him.

  “Are you joining my Crew, yes or no, I know you’ve got a lot you’ll want to know, but I need to know if you’re with us, or not?” she was already up and getting dressed, still keeping an eye on him.

  He nodded, who would pass up an opportunity like this? It was all he ever wanted, and by the looks of things, he wouldn’t even be missing out on much to do it. He had questions, but if he’d be with Kay the Red and her crew, there would be plenty of time to answer them. He felt he’d made the right choice.

  Later that night, on Steve’s favorite slot machine, a young man would sit and win the jackpot, then proceed to blow it all, putting himself in debt to the casino, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  For now, Steve was just happy that no longer would he be a prisoner, the stars called to him, and finally, he could answer their call. Freedom felt good, and now, Steven Marcus Clora had finally found something in life he felt was worth holding onto aboard the Pink Pearl with Kay the Red and his sister, to say nothing of the other crew members he would meet. Life would never be dull again, and in Steve’s eyes, that was perfect.

  Copyright © 2012 Diane Collier - All rights reserved.

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