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A Ghostly Ménage

Page 3

by Eve Langlais

  At home, she parked and went into the house, barely shivering when the usual cold chill shot through her as she entered.

  She dumped the books on the living room table in favor of making some dinner. They looked like dull reading and she didn’t want to put herself to sleep till later. Besides it wasn’t like a pile of old books was going to help with a mold and draft problem.

  * * * * *

  Mark wandered over to look at the books Jenna had brought home and almost did a little jig. Containing himself, he instead went looking for his brother and found him lying on Jenna’s-or could it still be considered Derrick’s?-bed.

  “I think it’s working!” he exclaimed.

  “What is?” asked Derrick opening his eyes.

  “Our haunting. She has a pile of books on the family downstairs. She’s researching us.”

  Derrick didn’t seem to find the news as exciting. “And how exactly does that help us? It’s not like any of those books say a witch cursed us and we need a reverse spell to get us out again.”

  Mark frowned. “What the hell is wrong with you? Since when are you the pessimistic one? I thought that was my job.”

  Derrick rubbed his face. “I’m tired of this existence. I want to touch her for real. I want to smell her and bury my face in her hair. And I don’t see how that’s going to happen. We can’t even talk to her.”

  Mark lay down on the bed beside his brother and stretched out. “I know it’s been hard. I’m not saying we’ll get out of here tomorrow, but we’ll escape this prison. We’ll have our revenge and claim our mate. As eldest, I promise.”

  Derrick snorted. “Eldest by like five seconds.”

  Mark grinned. “Still counts, which means I get her first.”

  “Wrestle you for it.”

  “Not likely.”

  Mark intended to be the first one to take her from the front. He wanted to look into her eyes, flushed with passion as he penetrated her velvety sex. Besides, he knew Derrick didn’t care. He’d be taking her from behind in her even tighter and probably virgin hole.

  When they got their solid bodies back, they’d make up for lost time.

  Chapter Three

  The books weren’t as boring as Jenna expected. Dinner eaten, dishes washed, and the lights dimmed, except for the one by the wing chair, she settled down to read.

  The Wolfgang’s had a long history with the town, starting back in the seventeen hundreds when the first Wolfgang had settled in the area and built his home-a single room structure that had grown over the years. In 1871, a fire burned down that original house and they’d replaced it with the home she lived in now.

  However, the house, while historically imbued, was nothing compared to the rumors surrounding the Wolfgang family, according to an unauthorized memoir published about twenty years ago. They were a completely male line with not a single recorded daughter ever born, and pretty much every generation, they sprouted twins. Not all that strange until you considered the fact that only the twins inherited the house, and that the pair always lived in it, even when one of them got married.

  Unverified rumors by townsfolk, which the author included, claimed the brothers shared the one wife. Jenna found the idea of belonging to two men at once titillating, but it had to have been utterly shocking, especially a hundred or so years ago when puritan values held sway.

  As if these allegations weren’t astounding enough, the insinuation about what the brothers were was asinine. The author claimed they were natural born werewolves.

  “Werewolves!” Jenna laughed, but the sound strangled in her throat when icy fingers tickled up her neck. She whipped her head around and, of course, saw no one.

  “Stupid, drafty house.” Casting a suspicious glance around her, she continued to read. The unknown author went on to claim they’d seen it themselves on a full moon. The twin brothers, who would have been the missing brothers’ great grandfather and great-uncle, had supposedly shifted into huge wolves that howled and raced through the woods.

  Jenna couldn’t believe the nonsense the book contained. It was obviously a work of fiction and she was surprised the librarian had even given it to her. Yet, what about that picture in the attic of the boys with those wolves? Jenna snorted. She had to be losing her mind to even contemplate the idea that the wolves had been the boys’ daddy and uncle.

  She pulled out the newspaper article with the picture of the brothers, one smiling, one not. They certainly didn’t look like animals. Although I bet they get wild in bed. The idea made her wet, something that happened a lot lately.

  She spoke aloud. “So, is it true, did you share women like your ancestors supposedly did?”

  A faint sound of laughter echoed around her and she jumped out of her chair.

  “Is anybody there?” Again, a cold draft touched her, like the light caress of a man’s hand sliding across her neck. She could have even sworn she felt a brief hug.

  “This is fucking nuts. First thing tomorrow, I am buying some silicone and filling in every crack in this house. Because there is no such thing as ghosts!” Brave words she wished her rapidly racing heart would believe.

  The pages to a book she hadn’t yet touched began flipping. Jenna stared with saucer-wide eyes. “What the fuck?” Fear tightened her belly and she suddenly wished she had a cross-and maybe some holy water. The pages of the book settled and she leaned in to look at the page.

  She read the heading. “Witches?” She snorted. “That’s it. Bedtime for me.” Why she spoke aloud, she didn’t know. Just like she didn’t understand why she chose to wear thick flannel jammies to bed. And she ignored the laughter she could swear tickled her ear.

  There’s no such thing as ghosts.

  * * * * *

  “Bloody hell. Now what?” asked Derrick, somewhat frustrated by the thick layer of clothing Jenna had armored herself in. Even an insubstantial caress of her smooth flesh was better than nothing at all.

  “Now we take a page from Great-uncle George’s book, and go dream walking.”

  “Say what?” Derrick whipped around to look at his brother who had nestled himself on one side of Jenna in the bed. His insubstantial body didn’t even dent the mattress.

  “Our mate is very prone to dreaming. So, I say we join her in it.”

  Derrick looked at his brother with a furrowed brow. “How the fuck do we do that?”

  “He explained it to me once when you were out hunting frogs. He said proximity to the dreamer helped, but basically, we need to fall asleep thinking of her, and when we start our own dream, we need to pull her in.”

  “Oh that sounds easy,” drawled Derrick sarcastically, but he still lay down on Jenna’s other side. “First to dream walk gets to kiss her.”

  Chapter Four

  Jenna found herself in the woods, running frantically-naked. She stopped her mad dash and gaped down at her nude body. “What the hell is going on?”

  A crackling of leaves made her whip her head around. She squinted into the dark, gloomy forest, but couldn’t see a thing. Turning back, she let out a scream at the sight of a pair of green eyes glowing at about waist height. They floated in the darkness as if disembodied and stared at her steadily.

  Jenna took a step back, the coarse ground abrading the sole of her bare foot. Warm air puffed against her back and she whirled. A terrified moan stuck in her throat when she saw how close a second pair of green eyes stood from her. And she could see the body they belonged to. A giant wolf.

  Fuck! Knowing it was stupid, but unable to stop herself, she ran. A loud baying arose behind her, along with the crashing of underbrush as the predators chased her. Jenna’s breath caught in her throat, and she wheezed as she pumped her legs. Branches slapped at her body.

  At last, she emerged from the forest into a moonlit glen. Waving fronds of tall grass provided no concealment. The noise of pursuit grew closer. She turned and took two strides when something hit her from behind and took her down to the grass. She screamed.

  She stru
ggled, expecting sharp teeth to tear into her. Her dazed mind suddenly realized it wasn’t fur and claws that held her down, but flesh and hands. Powerful hands that gripped her wrists and pulled them above her head, stretching her body beneath a very masculine one-make that a very aroused one.

  Jenna quieted and opened her eyes. Night still reigned, but out here in the clearing, the moon illuminated the face of the man who’d tackled her. Familiar green eyes stared back at her.

  “You’re one of the brothers,” she whispered. The impossibility of meeting him made her relax. She had to be dreaming, albeit quite realistically.

  Straight white teeth with pronounced canines flashed in a wide smile. “Well, hello there. Nice to finally meet you. My name is Derrick.”

  He followed up his introduction with a thrust of his hips, and heat coiled through Jenna at the feel of his cock nudging at her clamped thighs. Her nipples tightened as he moved over her, the hair of his chest tickling them. She blushed-unseen she hoped-in the dark.

  Suddenly, the weight on her body that had her thinking naughty things disappeared, and she heard cursing and thumping. She jumped up to see Derrick and another naked man rolling on the ground hitting each other.

  “Stop it,” she cried. But the pair kept tumbling in the grass. Forking two fingers in her mouth, she whistled. The strident sound stopped the combatants and, untangling themselves, they stood to face her.

  Holy fuck. Apparently the story of the Wolfgang brothers had made an impression on her for standing in the flesh-albeit dream flesh-were Derrick and Mark. Looming hunks of maleness with chiseled abs, tapered waists, muscled thighs and arms, and to her embarrassingly horny imagination, two very well hung cocks.

  They stared back at her, the one whom she thought was Derrick with a cocky smile full of promise, and the other with a longing in his eyes that made her wet even though he hadn’t touched her.

  Derrick sniffed the air. “I smell something good, Mark.”

  Jenna blushed. Surely they couldn’t smell her arousal. Apparently, her dream had other ideas because their cocks lengthened and thickened in ways that made her cunt tremble in lust.

  “Listen. I know this is a dream and all, but do you mind not looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?” asked Derrick walking towards her with masculine grace that made her want to jump on him and devour him. He’s like a walking sex ad.

  “Like you’re going to e-eat me,” she stammered taking a step back. Dream or not, this was pretty heavy stuff, even for her.

  “But I do. I want to taste every inch of you,” said Derrick with glowing eyes.

  Mark grabbed his brother and stopped him from moving forward. “I apologize for my brother’s lack of manners and for disrupting your dream. We didn’t mean to frighten you. It’s our first attempt at dream walking and apparently we have much to learn.”

  Jenna frowned, squashing her disappointment. “Dream walking? I don’t understand.”

  “It’s complicated-”

  Derrick interrupted his brother. “We need your help.”

  Jenna smiled. She sure hoped she remembered this dream. It would make an interesting scene in her next book. “Help you how?”

  “Get our bodies back.”

  “But you’re dead.” And digging up some corpses did not sound like fun. She truly had a sick mind, even in sleep apparently.

  “Not exactly. We were placed in limbo by a witch,” said the serious-looking Mark.

  “This is getting better and better,” giggled Jenna. “Let me guess. We need to have wild monkey sex, and poof, you’ll be living men again. Damn this is going to make a great book.”

  Quicker than she could follow, Derrick grabbed her. He pressed her against his hard cock. She forgot to breathe.

  “This isn’t a joke, Jenna. We’ve been trying to get your attention since you moved in. You need to find the spell that did this to us and reverse it.”

  Jenna sobered. “Let’s say I even believe you. Where would I find this spell?”

  Derrick kept her pinned against him and spoke over her shoulder. “I don’t know if I like this plan, Mark. She’s just a tiny thing. She could get hurt.”

  Before she had a chance to retort-no one had ever called her tiny, not with her childbearing hips-an equally nude and aroused male body pressed up against her back. It was enough to make a girl swoon and Jenna almost did, her knees buckling at the sweet heat that flashed through her. Two sets of hands and bodies held her up. She closed her eyes, wallowing in the decadence of the attentions of two men. Her arousal soaked her pussy.

  “Fuck. I can’t-” Derrick claimed her lips in a scorching kiss. His mouth caressed hers while his brother licked her neck in exploration. She moaned into Derrick’s mouth.

  Jenna fell into a swirling well of pleasure. The sensations of their lips and tongues made her mindless. When the twins tried to pull away with matching strangled groans, she clutched Derrick’s face and wiggled her bottom back against Mark.

  They couldn’t resist. They dove back in for more, their embraces frantic with need. She found herself on the ground, their hot mouths latched to each of her breasts.

  She panted, writhing as their wicked tongues swirled around her nipples. Who cares if this is a dream? This feels so fucking good. She clasped both their heads and gyrated her hips in need. Dream or not, she wanted them to touch her. Fuck her.

  Though it was only a fantasy, she wondered what making love to two men at once would feel like.

  “No,” gasped one of her dream lovers. “Derrick, stop. We have to tell her more before it’s too late.”

  Too late for what? She was consumed with aching, unfulfilled need as they rolled away from her and helped her stand on shaky feet.

  Jenna blinked at them dazedly, not understanding why her subconscious made them stop. It’s my dream. Why the fuck aren’t they making love to me? I can tell they want to. Their erections stood proudly from their groins and she reached out to touch one, only to have it move back out of reach. A distressed sound came out of her lips. She was so damned horny. Why wouldn’t they let her play?

  “Jenna, sweetheart. Please, you have to listen. I promise when we get our bodies back we’ll make love to you until you can’t walk, but right now you have to listen.”

  Jenna crossed her arms over her chest. “And if I don’t want to listen? This is my dream. Maybe I’ll just wake myself up and finish what you started.”

  That got their attention. Their jaws literally dropped.

  “She is so fucking made for us,” said Derrick in a thick voice.

  “Yes, she is,” agreed Mark. “Now listen, Jenna. You’re going to have to look up witch spells and find one that can put somebody in limbo.”

  “And just where am I supposed to find a spell? I don’t exactly have a little black book of spells, you know.”

  “Google it, “said Mark dryly. “Then find out how to reverse it.”

  Jenna rolled her eyes. “Okay. Whatever.”

  Mark was the one to grab her this time. “I’m serious, sweetheart. This isn’t a dream. Well it is, but my brother and I are quite real. Kind of. Damn it, just do it.”

  “Great, my dream is being haunted by horny brothers.”

  “We’re not real ghosts. Could a real ghost do this?” Derrick leaned in and nipped her neck hard.

  The pain woke Jenna and unlike her previous dreams, this one remained quite vivid-from the conversation with the Wolfgang brothers right down to the feel of their erect cocks pressing against her.

  “Make me horny, will you,” she muttered throwing off the comforter. She shimmied out of her pajama bottoms and underwear and spread her legs wide.

  “I hope you’re watching,” she said. Then she touched herself.

  Derrick dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed and watched Jenna masturbate. He wasn’t the only dumbfounded one. Mark couldn’t resist the show either and knelt beside him.

  He wasn’t sure when he began to stroke his cock in ti
me to her rubs over her clit. He was hypnotized at the way she pleasured herself, her nimble fingers touching her slick flesh, her moisture just begging for a hot tongue. Derrick pumped his shaft and moved to sit between her legs.

  “What are you doing?” asked Mark hoarsely.

  “Getting off. You should do the same.” He continued to work his cock right over the quickening movements of her hand. Her face was beautiful, her eyes shut and her mouth open, panting.

  “Come for me baby,” he crooned, not caring if she could hear him. He knew she was close; he could see it in her face and in the tenseness of her body. For the first time, a hand job wasn’t enough. He wanted to pretend for one moment that he was buried inside her.

  When she thrust her pelvis up on the brink of her orgasm, he pumped his ghostly cock forward and penetrated her with his spiritual flesh.

  With a gasp, she opened her eyes, and for a moment, Derrick could have sworn she saw him. Then she came with a keening cry, and insubstantial as he was, the pressure of her release around his ghostly cock was enough to make him come too.

  Oh, fuck. If she can affect me like this even in limbo, it’s going to be insane when I finally get to touch her in person.

  Chapter Five

  The next morning, accompanied by a constant cold freeze as she dressed, showered, and ate breakfast, Jenna couldn’t stop thinking of the dream-and the aftermath.

  My imagination. It has to be. I don’t believe in ghosts and magic. But trying to believe that was becoming difficult because, even if one ignored the ghostly caresses on her skin, she could no longer ignore the doors that swung open at her approach, the picture frames that rattled, the drapes that fluttered, and the myriad other poltergeist-type acts.

  What about when it felt like one of them fucked me last night while I was masturbating? She must have still been asleep when she imagined it.


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