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A Ghostly Ménage

Page 5

by Eve Langlais

He claimed her lips in a sweet embrace that made her swoon. Gently, he laid her down, his heavy body partially covering hers. His rigid cock pulsed against her thigh as he softly kissed her whole body.

  He took his time with her, arousing her slowly, easing her worries. When his fingers finally slipped between her legs, she was wet and throbbing.

  Still he teased her, tweaking her clit with his fingers then sliding them into her channel making her clench.

  “Please, Mark,” she begged.

  Only then did he finally settle himself between her legs, the thick head of his cock probing at her cunt. Jenna impatiently grasped his buttocks and thrust up. His shaft penetrated her, filling her up. She squeezed her pelvic muscles around his prick and he groaned.

  The man had incredible control. He drove into her slow and steady, drawing out her pleasure till, like a taut wire pulled too tight, she snapped. Her orgasm hit her hard and she screamed with pleasure. Mark pumped her a few more strokes then went still inside her, even as his mouth found the hollow of her neck. He bit down sharply, the sudden pain nothing compared to the odd sensation as he sucked at her blood. Surprisingly, she had another orgasm. She clutched at him only to feel his body turn insubstantial. When she opened her eyes, he was gone.

  Thoroughly startled, she woke up and found herself alone on the bed. Maybe it was all a dream. A movement caught her attention, and she looked over to see the brothers hugging and slapping each other on the back. Okay, maybe not a dream. Looks like they aren’t ghosts anymore.

  One problem remained, however. She was alone with two very big, all-male brothers. It didn’t help that when they turned to face her, they looked hungry, which fed her desire. A flush spread through her body, moistening her sex. Feeling vulnerable and self-conscious, Jenna crawled off the bed.

  Now what? “Well, um, I guess I’ll have to pack my stuff up so you guys can have your place back.” Jenna bit her lip to hold back tears. She’d grown quite fond of the house, but couldn’t in good conscience keep it. She wouldn’t hold them to their dream promises. Anybody in his right mind would have said anything to get out of that prison.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” said Derrick stalking toward her with purpose.

  “But this is your house.” Warmth coiled in her stomach as Derrick stopped just in front of her. He grabbed her waist and drew her near. Stranger or not, she couldn’t resist.

  “This is our house,” Mark said from behind her, his body brushing up against her back.

  Before she could open her mouth to say another word, they sandwiched her with their bodies and Derrick kissed her. If she’d thought her dream erotic, it was nothing compared to reality. Jenna sagged in their embrace, the myriad sensations too much for her to handle.

  She didn’t know whose arms scooped her, but next thing she knew, she was flat on her back in the huge four-poster bed. Derrick knelt between her legs and, with passionate green eyes, he pulled at her pajama bottoms, while Mark, at her side, tugged at her top.

  “Wait. Shouldn’t we talk about this?” Jenna protested out of a sense of propriety. Surely this is wrong.

  “No,” said Mark. “You’re ours, Jenna. We knew it from the moment we saw you.”

  “We’re going to take you,” promised Derrick.

  “Both of you?” she squeaked. Having it said out loud made her heart beat faster.

  Wolfish grins answered her and even amidst her trepidation, her body trembled with desire.

  Their hot mouths traveled all over her body with searing kisses that made her writhe. A heavy body straddled her upper torso and pinned her hands above her head. Helpless, she opened her eyes and stared up at Derrick.

  “Suck me,” he said in a thick voice. He inched his hips forward and Jenna opened her mouth to inhale him. No sooner had she started sucking than a wet mouth latched onto her pussy and she almost bit Derrick’s cock as she bucked with pleasure.

  Mark held her lower body down and tortured her cunt, licking and sucking her clit, while Derrick pumped her mouth, nearly gagging her.

  Pleasure coiled and drove her to the brink of orgasm. To distract herself, she sucked Derrick harder, bobbing her head as well as she could in her position. But when Mark slid his fingers inside her and found her g-spot, she lost it. Convulsing, she screamed around the cock in her mouth.

  The stroking didn’t stop though. The fingers in her pussy continued to rub her sweet spot and before the quivering had stopped, he brought her back to the edge. She wanted to cry out that she couldn’t take it anymore, but with her full mouth could only manage moans.

  When she finally found her mouth empty along with her sex, she almost cried. The pressure in her body begged for release. Hands repositioned her until she was astride Mark, his swollen cock pressing against her pussy lips. Derrick clasped her waist and guided her down on Mark’s shaft until his thick hard length impaled her.

  Jenna almost swooned. Thankfully, two sets of hands were there to hold her up and move her. Mark’s hands grabbed at her breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples. Derrick’s hands moved to her hips and he rocked her back and forth atop his brother’s rod.

  Jenna keened at the pleasure. Her clit frictioned against Mark’s pubes and his cock thrummed inside her, stretching and probing her with mind-numbing pleasure.

  When she found her rhythm, Derrick slid one of his hands from her waist down the crack of her ass. She didn’t tense till he probed at her anus. She opened her mouth to protest, but Mark suddenly tweaked her nipples hard and she cried out instead. Derrick used this moment of distraction to penetrate her virgin hole with his finger.

  The unexpected tight feeling pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm rolled over her in a powerful wave, her pelvic muscles contracting and squeezing blissfully as both cock and fingers pumped her, drawing out her pleasure.

  The hands holding Jenna up moved and she slumped forward onto Mark’s chest, limper than a cooked noodle. But Mark wasn’t done, he thrust up into her, and with a cry of “Mine!” he came, shooting hotly inside her. Then he latched on to her neck and bit down. Sharp pain as he sucked at the wound made her pull away in surprise. But the pain disappeared quickly and was replaced with a strange vibrating energy. She gasped.

  She didn’t have a chance to ask about this odd sensation for she found herself on her back again with her legs propped on Derrick’s shoulders. With a hard thrust, he sheathed himself inside her still quivering channel.

  Jenna cried out. Surely, her body couldn’t take anymore. But as Derrick plowed her, his thick shaft plunging deep, she got caught in another trembling orgasm.

  Overcome, she barely registered when Derrick bellowed his own claim of “Mine” and spilled his seed inside her. And she lacked the strength to protest when he bit the other side of her neck. Jeez, what do they think they are, vampires?

  That thought and others drifted from her tired mind and body. She fell asleep as they spooned around her protectively.

  Chapter Eight

  Jenna woke to the feel of two bodies pressed against her. For a moment, mortification flushed her cheeks red. Oh my god, what did I do? But the remembered pleasure made her body tingle, and wetness gushed between her thighs. As if that were a signal, distinctly male fingers stroked through her curls.

  She opened her eyes and saw two dark tousled heads leaning over her. And while the look in their eyes intrigued her, what really gave her pause was that they considered her theirs. Their mate. Am I ready for that kind of commitment with not one, but two guys I barely know?

  Confusion swirled through her mind, as did an odd sense of coming home, because regardless of her misgivings, she couldn’t deny a sense of belonging and connection. It gave her the courage to be naughty. “You know,” she said sliding a hand down each of their muscled torsos. “I could have sworn you’d said that having wild monkey sex wasn’t needed to break the spell.”

  They laughed, a deep masculine sound that made her shudder.

  “We were wrong,” Derrick sai
d. “Delightfully so. Tell you what, from now on, no matter what ails us, we promise to try wild sex before anything else.”

  “Hmm,” she said smiling back. “In that case, I’ve got an ache that could really use some fixing.”

  And fix it they did, in a shower that left her clean even if the things they did to her were dirty.

  After the shower, it turned out the boys could cook up a storm in the kitchen as well. Jenna sat in the living room while they stood shirtless and barefoot in front of her.

  Mark wore his serious look again. “Fun as last night and today have been, we need to take care of one last thing to make sure nothing interferes with our future and your happiness.”

  Jenna frowned. “You mean letting the cops and everyone know you’re still alive?”

  “No, that will come tomorrow or the next day. I mean Clarissa. We have to stop her before she can do something worse.”

  Jenna wondered what could be worse than banishing them to limbo, and it wasn’t until she realized they were watching her with worried looks that she caught on. “You think she’d hurt me?”

  “Not if we can help it,” growled Derrick. And then Derrick’s body melted.

  That was the only word for it. The jeans he wore split and fluttered to the floor while his body distorted and grew hair. When the process was done, a large black wolf stood in his place.

  Jenna let out a cry and her eyes grew wide. “What the fuck just happened?”

  “I thought you knew from reading the stories. We’re werewolves, Jenna.”

  “But-but, werewolves are a myth.”

  Mark just shook his head with sad eyes, and then he too changed.

  Jenna’s jaw dropped and she swallowed hard, suddenly scared of the two men she didn’t know at all, no matter their sexual chemistry.

  Together the wolves approached her, and Jenna backed up on the couch, her heart racing. When one of them nosed her, she flinched. Slowly they backed away and left the room.

  Jenna, however, couldn’t escape her fear. Oh my god, I’ve been claimed by werewolves.

  Mark’s heart ached at the look of fear in Jenna’s eyes when they shifted. He reassured himself with the thought that everything had happened so quickly, and that given time Jenna would come around. She is our mate. She will accept us, both sides of us-eventually.

  In the meantime, they needed to ensure her safety-and indulge in some revenge. The witch had to die.

  Exhilaration filled him as he ran in wolf form for the first time in six years. He howled, a sound his brother echoed. Powerful legs pumped and their furry bodies sped through the quickly falling gloom.

  For six years, they’d lost their connection to their beasts. Joined together again, as if absence made them stronger, they thrummed with barely restrained energy. An energy augmented by the claiming of their mate.

  Arriving in town, they slowed their pace and, slinked through the shadows and back alleys until they reached Clarissa’s shop. Shifting back to human form, Derrick shouldered the back door of the shop open. A splintering crack sounded as he broke the wooden door and gained access. They quickly found the stairs leading up to Clarissa’s apartment; stealth was no longer an option. The noise of their entrance would have warned her. Her door was unlocked and they spread out into the rooms. But it was quickly evident she wasn’t there.

  A ball of dread settled in Mark’s stomach. They’d missed her and he knew exactly where she’d gone.

  Derrick came to the same conclusion. “Fuck. We have to get back. Jenna’s in danger.”

  Mark cursed his stupidity in leaving Jenna alone. They’d both been so eager for revenge, they hadn’t even given thought to the fact Jenna was defenseless. They barreled out of the shop, their bodies melting into their wolf shape as they flew out the door. They ran for their house as if their life depended on it, because it did. Without their mate their life would stretch bleakly, and it would mean the end of their line.

  Panting and pushing themselves harder than they’d ever run before, they made the trip back in record time.

  It still wasn’t quick enough.

  Chapter Nine

  Jenna paced the living room, her mind churning over everything that had happened. I can’t believe they’re werewolves. The book had been true, though having seen it with her own eyes, she still had a hard time believing. The idea of magic and witches, of men who could turn into beasts, it was just too much for her logical brain to take. She did realize, however, that she needed to make a decision.

  Do I stay or go? If she left, she’d be starting over again. Alone. Not a big deal; she’d done it before. But if she stayed, the guys expected her to live with them as their mate. Not one of them, but both of them. In essence, she’d be married to two very virile men, men who happened to change into giant wolves. And she’d just bet they howled at the moon.

  Even if she could accept the fact they went furry every so often, the whole living in an open threesome made her squirm. What will people think? Jenna had never thought of herself as someone who cared, and had the situation been temporary, she probably wouldn’t have batted an eye, but forever? What about if they had kids? Would other kids pick on them because of their living arrangements? Although, history seemed to indicate the town had accepted their family in the past. But then another scarier thought struck her. Oh, god, if we have kids, will they be werewolves too?

  Jenna recalled the two big wolves the boys had turned into. Vivid green eyes, thick dark fur, and really big fucking teeth. But if she forgot about the movies, what did she really know? The wolves hadn’t harmed her. No, instead, they’d looked hurt when she’d cringed from them. So if she didn’t fear them eating her, what was there to be scared of?

  Nothing but the actual commitment itself. It seems too soon to make that kind of decision. I barely know them, and most of what I learned was in a dream. But I can’t deny how they make me feel. Wild and alive, cherished and beautiful. I’ve never believed in love at first sight, nor did I think it would happen with two men instead of one, but if I’m honest with myself, I have to admit I don’t want to leave. I want to be with them. I want to experience the love-both emotional and physical-they’re offering.

  As soon as they came back she’d tell them. She settled herself in a chair to wait, but within minutes, she heard the doorbell.

  Her heart raced. They’d just come in, wouldn’t they? Could it be Clarissa? No, the guys were pretty determined to take care of her, something Jenna preferred not to think about. Then logic kicked in. It’s Halloween. Shoot, I’ll bet it’s trick-or-treaters, and I forgot to buy candy.

  She grabbed her purse and searched for change to hand out while walking to the door. However, it wasn’t a midget-sized ghoul or goblin, but a sneering blonde witch who shoved her way in.

  “I don’t need your help anymore,” stammered Jenna, dread forming an icy ball in her stomach. “Turns out it was just, um, pipes. Yeah, air in the pipes. No ghosts here.”

  Clarissa laughed, and the sound was like nails on a chalkboard. “Oh, please. I can see I’m too late. You somehow managed to free them.”

  Jenna backed up, breaking out in a cold sweat. “You should leave. The guys will be back any second, and they won’t be happy to see you.”

  Clarissa rolled her eyes. “Now there’s an understatement. But you see, I think I’ve got a better plan. You’re their mate, aren’t you?”

  “N-no.” Jenna stammered, not liking the calculating look in her eyes.

  “Liar. Have you bonded with them yet?”


  “Did they bite you?”

  Jenna’s eyes widened. She knows what they are.

  “Your face says it all. Perfect. You see, I thought putting them in limbo would make them bow to my will, but that failed. But if I were to put their mate in limbo or threaten something equally horrible, what do you think? I’ll bet they’d do anything to keep you safe.”

  Jenna’s mind raced, looking for a way to keep Mark and Derrick
out of the trap Clarissa planned, but she waited a second too long. Clarissa began chanting in a strange language. A cold wind stirred. Jenna tried to run, but found herself frozen in place. Even worse, her feet left the floor and she drifted up.

  Clarissa chuckled nastily and moved further into the room until she stood beside Jenna’s floating body. Jenna wondered for a moment if she’d gone ghosty, however Clarissa grabbed one of her legs, tugging her down from the ceiling where she bobbed like a helium balloon, and Jenna inwardly sighed with relief. Not that hanging in the air frozen is any better, but at least the guys can see me. Speaking of which… A shaggy head poked through the archway.

  With bared teeth and a rumbling growl, the large wolf stepped into the room followed closely by his brother. They were truly huge and intimidating, but at the same time possessed a wild beauty. Even better, they wanted to protect her.

  “Stop where you are,” ordered Clarissa. She grabbed a handful of Jenna’s hair and yanked. Jenna blinked back tears. “It looks like we both have something the other wants. What do you say we do a trade? The girl’s life in exchange for your were power.”

  With her head tilted back, Jenna couldn’t see, but she heard Mark. He must have shifted back. “It’s over, Clarissa. You would have been smarter to leave town than threaten our mate.”

  “In case you hadn’t noticed, I have the upper hand, not you. Now, give me your word and I won’t hurt her.” Clarissa punctuated her threat with a vicious tug. Jenna cried out and tried to move a hand, an arm, anything, but the damned bitch had her paralyzed.

  And that really pissed her off! Problem was she couldn’t do anything about it.

  Derrick watched as Clarissa threatened his mate. The bitch! He’d been angry at what Clarissa had done to him and his brother, but now he was absolutely fucking livid. However, he knew something Clarissa didn’t. The mating bond did more than mark a relationship, it gave them access to extra powers, like the ability to shield himself and his mate from the magic Clarissa thought to use.


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