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Soylentville: (Faith 3/1.)

Page 3

by Gabriel Wolf

  “The Sexmachine band is over! I’ve had enough!” And this time I really meant it. I kicked the front door of the studio before me and I left the building without ever looking back. I didn’t even close the door, neither I locked it. I really didn’t want it to continue. I guess I didn’t want to continue anything anymore. Not just my work in the studio, not just music composing, but even life itself.

  “Let the end of the world come!”

  I was wandering in the city all day aimlessly. I left the car in the studio’s parking lot. I wasn’t in the mood for driving. I watched the people of the city, watched the passers-by and I was thinking whether they felt the same way inside? Is this why they are doing all this?

  Is this why they are killing each other right now?

  Is this why that boy is stealing that old lady’s bag, who just fell and I’m just hearing that she hit her face and her dental prosthesis into the pavement with a loud cracking sound?

  Is this why that fat man behind the wheel honking violently on the dying pedestrian on the zebra who cannot stand up anymore and with his unmoving behaviour he’s holding back everybody unintentionally and causing a traffic jam?

  Is this why that freshly torn off, bleeding dog head is carried by that little girl in the blue dress?

  “Brothers what have we becometh?” This world I live in would really fit well in a book. It would even fill an entire book. A book about faith.

  It seems like values of humanity don’t worth anything anymore these days. Somebody flushed them down in the toilet. It’s true, there wasn’t too many good things in this world before, but there was music, there were friends, there was sex, lies and games, stealing for fun and there was solidarity between colleagues! I didn’t understand how this world ended up like this, the world I live in. Maybe it was always like this and I was the one, who was too blind to see it?

  Was I too occupied with my musician career?

  With my dreams, my visions?

  With the Galaxy of Gore behind the mirror?

  What a bloody fool I am!

  What did I expect during all these years? This whole thing isn’t even real!

  It never was!

  I should’ve ended it all a long time ago!

  Meanwhile dusk fell upon me and I got home by foot. I saw that our front door was wide open again. Nowadays I often came home to be greeted by this not too promising sight. I already knew what it meant: Dave’s in his funny mood again.

  When I stepped into the hall, from there I saw what was happening in the kitchen. Dave was lying on my wife on the kitchen counter, holding her down with brute force. He was gasping, smiling and sweating like a drugged fucking boar. From that angle, I didn’t see my wife’s expression, I didn’t know if she liked this whole thing or not. Actually, I didn’t even care. There was only one thing pulsating in my mind as a sick, feverish, alien bug from another dimension: to find a rock sharp and pointed enough to scratch. To scratch a lot!

  I went outside to find one.

  Ironically, I found the right stone for the job in Dave’s garden next to his car. It had the perfect shape and had a nice weight to it. I walked back to the house (Dave’s beautiful, white, lucky sports car this time got away without a scratch). I went into the kitchen and tapped Dave’s shoulder a few times, because it seemed like he hasn’t heard me coming in, hasn’t heard me snorting like an angry grown-ass bull. Or maybe he just didn’t give a fuck. Probably the second one. So, I tapped his shoulder politely.

  “What?!” He turned to me angrily, with a questioning expression, still sweating like a moronic pig.

  “I am the Sexmachine sonny boy, you just think yourself to be one.“ I stated objectively and in that second I smashed the pointed stone into his face with everything I had!!

  There wasn’t too much left of his nose, only bone shards and hanging pieces of flesh and torn skin patches. I started moving the stone around, inside his face, because it was hard to pull it out from the freshly made hole. Finally, I was able to pull it out from there. Now I tried to scratch his face a little bit in an artistic way because this was what I originally wanted to do. I think I got carried a way a bit, the same way as I did with my music albums and song lyrics. I successfully made some scratches on his face in best artistic manner while he was already sliding downwards on his knees half blacked-out from the shock the pain caused him. Those scratches could hurt like a son of bitch, but the pain they caused couldn’t exceed the indented crater that was placed there by the anger of mother nature. I mean: by me.

  Probably he already wouldn’t have survived this injury, but I just decided for the first time in my life that I’m gonna finish my artwork! So, I hit him so hard with the stone once more from above, that his skull broke in! A little piece of his skull departed from the rest of his head. That little piece fell to the kitchen floor, then the stone fell out of my hand too. Knock… knock… they sang together in canonical form for a while… then they went silent.

  Before Dave fell to the ground from kneeling position, he was already dead.

  My wife was still lying on the kitchen counter in a half-torn dress and was staring at me with shocked expression:

  “Are you crazy? Why did you do that?”

  “Because I’m a Sexmachine from Hell! And I came for you!”

  In the same moment, we started hearing rattling noise and a low humming sound like the whole planet was shaking. The house was shaking too. Both of us looked out the kitched window that was next to the counter on the left and it was half opened. We saw that in the distance on our red sky a gigantic mushroom shaped cloud started to grow bigger and bigger. We felt the shaking stronger and stronger each second. The low humming sound became a terrible, unbearable hurricane of sounds... that was the loudest and most terrible thing I’ve ever heard or I ever dared to imagine. A pungent odor started to sting my nose for first, then my eyes, then it started to burn my entire face. Is this what the end of the world is like? Today in the Morning News did they really warn us? This time was it really true?

  Chapter three

  "A Dying Age of Suicie"

  September 4, 2077, Washington,

  First United States, Earth, 7:18 am


  “Jim! ... Lieutenant, at ease! Jim, come into my office, I want to have a word with you!”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Close the door behind you and have a seat! Do I remember well that you were transferred here two days ago, Jim? Tell me… for what reason did they transfer you here anyway?”

  “Yes, sir, they transferred me two days ago to this military base. To be honest, they didn’t tell me the reason. Do you want me to look after it, sir? Do you give me permission to do that? Or would you like to do it yourself, and this what you wanted to tell me, sir?

  “It’s not that important Lieutenant! This is not the reason why I called you in. I only know you for two days but you seem like an honest guy to me who takes his work very seriously and exactly knows what he wants. You know, I got confused nowadays and I have second thoughts about certain things. I’d like to hear your personal opinion about them. I will ask you a few questions and I want you to answer me honestly! Tell me, have you heard about Soylentville XIII?”

  “You mean about that the project was closed, sir?”

  “If you call a nuclear assault against a small city a “closing”, then yes. What is your opinion about it?”

  “About the test-colonies on Mars, sir?”

  “Yes, Lieutenant. Do you think this whole thing makes any sense?”

  “I don’t know, sir, I don’t have the permission to speak freely or to have opinion about it, sir.”

  “I told you: at ease, soldier! Leave the formalities! As I said, I’m interested in your personal opinion, Jim.”

  “I don’t have a clue, sir. But I’m sure the people above us… they know the reason of all these things. I’m sure the government exactly knows what they are doing.”

  “I don’t think they know it a
t all. I think this whole project or at least the reasons they tell us are complete bullshit. Why don’t they send people from Earth to be first colonists on Mars? Normal, god fearing, working couples for example? Just every day people, or even scientists? What is this InfraB technology good for? Artificially sped up human growth and shit like that? Why do they try to create a society up there on Mars, that would never work here on Earth either?

  “What do you mean, sir? I mean which one are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about this last one, Soylentville XIII.”

  “Maybe it has something to do with what happened to the pope, sir. They probably try to find out what would the world become without religion. I think this could be the reason.”

  “They do this because the pope commited suicide?”

  “I don’t know, sir. You asked my personal opinion. I think, the pope’s suicide had shaken the whole Christian religion down to its core, I mean it made everyone’s faith in God questionable. If God would exist, then suicide would be a deadly sin and the pope also wouldn’t have commited suicide, because that would’ve sent him directly to Hell.”

  “Do you think he’s there right now?”

  “I don’t know, sir. These days I don’t know what should I believe in anymore. But these first martian colonies… maybe these are the answers for this question. I mean this could be the solution. Maybe this is why they are trying to create new societies to start a better world there, better than the one here on Earth. Because that had already failed.

  “But do they really have to do it so drastically? Like just “growing” people there from thin air? People who never even heard of God? For them the Holy Bible never existed and they never heard about the Ten Commandments?! To never hear about “Thou shalt not kill”, “Thou shalt not steal”, “Thou shalt not fornicate”, to do not lie and to do not desire your neighbor’s wife? It’s not a miracle they “closed” this project! Holy God! These… “things” weren’t even human beings, Jim!

  “Well, sir, in another world maybe everything would have turned out better… without rules, law, police, military, judges, jury and without our so-called “justice”. Maybe they knew it. Maybe they were the real human beings, not us here on Earth. Maybe everyone would have been happier if they just did whatever they wanted. If there are rules and laws, someone will break them sooner or later. If there is faith, sooner or later it will shake, fail and fall. You know, sir, Lucifer was also an angel once. Belief can quickly turn into disbelief. Sometimes the man with the strongest faith becomes the first faithless one.

  What happens when faith fails?

  When God himself fails?

  Then the Chaos and the void shall come.

  The black space.

  Deep space.

  Astral, dark dreams: The Dark Side of Chaos.”

  “So, what do YOU believe in, Jim?”

  Chapter four


  “What do I believe in?” Jim asked back shyly. “I don’t know how to say it, Colonel. I started to feel it not long ago and I started to believe in it, sir. It’s some sort of a supernatural message. We can call it a celestial sign, an omen from somewhere above. I feel that it comes from a great distance as if someone would send it or broadcast it from there.

  I call it “the world behind the mirror”.

  In other words, the “Gore Galaxy”.

  It started two days ago when I found something written on my bathroom mirror, written in red… It said “enihcamxes”.

  For first I thought I used my wife’s lipstick during maybe sleepwalking or something. I thought I might have written some gibberish on the mirror while I was half asleep…

  But it turned out, it wasn’t lipstick because I tried to wipe it off, but it didn’t come off! I would’ve been able to wipe off lipstick, so I’m sure it wasn’t that. Which was even stranger I also realized that it was written backwards!

  So, I guess someone wrote it from the other side of the mirror!

  Reading it from the right direction an existing word would be readable, so someone has written this word with something thick and red on the mirror from the inside: “sexmachine”.”

  “From the inside? Man, you cannot be serious! That’s not possible, Jim! That whole story is a mess and it’s quite unsettling, you know that, right? Are you aware of what you are saying? Did you think it over how these statements sound?”

  “Yes, sir. I know it sounds crazy. I’ll be totally honest with you, Colonel, just like always. My memories are indeed a bit messy and foggy. I’m not even sure what I believe in or who I really am. My transfer to this military base isn’t just a mystery because I don’t know the reason why my superior officer transferred me here. It’s also a mystery because I’m not even sure I was sent here by the military! I don’t even know how did I get here.”

  “What?! What do you mean by that? How the Hell did you get here if not by official military transfer? Where have you come from then?”

  “I don’t know... Maybe from the other side of the mirror? Maybe I am that thing… the Sexmachine? Or even if I didn’t write that word, I’m still absolutely sure about that something came through from that other side and now he is among us.

  He’s walking among the stars on foot.

  He lives inside us like fire.

  Black fire.

  Burns with black flames.

  Sir, I believe… the end of the world is coming!

  This would be the closing line of my imaginary novelette if I had ever written it. It would have had two sequels:

  Faith 3/2.: God-Clone (Religion 2.0)

  Faith 3/3.: Jesus Assassination (War of the Liars)

  But these sequels will be never published, since lacking any real ideas I’ve never even written the first part of this trilogy

  “to be honest”.

  A message to my Readers

  This story began with Infra Black song lyrics, so the only fair way to end it is to quote another one. It actually has a little connection with the story (only coincidentally of course).

  Light of Love by Infra Black

  ©2017 Who Knows What the F*ck Records

  (it hasn’t been released yet, maybe it never will be)

  “sounds of Venus

  sound of burps

  retro death-planet sounds

  retro child-eater sounds

  retro death-planet sounds

  retro asian hospital-punk

  Light of Love

  Light of Love

  Lover Lights

  Lover Lights

  lost virginity

  murder family

  lost sanity

  cannibal family

  wannabe trio

  fucked up psycho

  you killed my best friend!

  homo trio

  fucked up psycho

  you killed my girlfriend!

  you fucking killed my only fan!

  run run run baby

  run run run!

  run run run baybee

  run run run!

  run run run Timmy

  run run run!

  run run run faggot

  run run run!”

  enihcamxes yb

  A real message to my Readers

  I’m a Hungarian citizen and I’m not natural born American (as you’ve probably already guessed from the poor language of this text). I translated this novelette from the original Hungarian version that I (unfortunately) wrote.

  My English is a bit crappy, it always was. So, if you find any (or tonnes of) errors, please send me your suggestions for correction to:

  If you help me make this mess better, I’ll put your name, URL address (of your website, even to your Facebook page with your beautiful selfie-shots) on my Aknowledgments page, or to anywhere else nice in this chaotic mess of a novelette where it fits.

  If you scratch mine (which is quite big by the way), I’ll scratch yours! That’s how funny and handsome I am!
  But this time I’m serious: If you find grammatical mistakes, bad punctuation, or you know a better word order for a sentence, please let me know! I’m not a nice person, but I take my work always seriously.

  Being a drama-queen, I can’t stand criticism concerning my own work at all. So, please feel free to say thrash about my work on Amazon and make a detailed review if you hated it. I spent long and tiresome weeks to write all this (especially translating it!) so it won’t be insulting at all if you write outrageous and unfair things about it in your review. Or write something nice in the worst case if you liked it a bit. Write anything you want, just write something already! Because I’m dying for attention!

  About the Author

  Gabriel Wolf is a musician and writer.

  He's a prophet of dark art, a master of the occult.

  His main themes in art are Hell, Vicious Circles and the World Behind the Mirror.


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