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Shifting Magic (Shifted)

Page 7

by Lynn Leite

  “I came as soon as the Alpha called.”

  “Yes, and thank you. We need your help Faith, but before we go any further, I want you to know this is up to you. You can say no and there will be no repercussions.”

  “Say no to what?” Faith was only slightly more comfortable and she still didn’t know why she was there.

  “To pretending to date my Husband,” Nina answered from the porch.

  Faith recognized the petite woman with the raven hair that stood with Ranger on the Alpha house’s porch.

  “Say again?”

  “I’m Nina. We met at the clinic.”

  “Yes, I remember.” Faith was nervous as the woman approached her. She had to have heard her wrong. It was clear that Ranger had taken the human as a mate the way he was shadowing her, but had she just asked her to date Ranger?

  “Faith, Nina can be very blunt. Why don’t you come inside so we can explain?”

  “I think that would be best,” Rory agreed. “Come on in Faith. This might take a while.”

  Faith sat in the huge living area of the Alpha’s home and listened to the plan the Alpha family had come up with to ferret out the leak at the clinic and possibly trap the man that was killing all those girls.

  “You would be in no real danger. We assume that Howland will target Nina.”

  “You’re willing to be a decoy?” Faith asked Nina, who seemed smaller in the room filled with Alpha males. A few of which she had never met.

  “Nina can more than take care of herself,” Ranger said with pride.

  “No offense, but you’re human.”

  “See, I told you it would work,” Nina dropped her veil to let her true nature show through.

  “Oh shit,” Faith shouted as she felt the pulse of power the woman was now emitting. She was not only wolf but something else just as powerful.

  Ranger laughed. “Nina is Malcolm Blackwell’s Daughter.”

  Faith had noticed the Mage was in the room but hadn’t said anything. She was nervous enough. She didn’t think questioning the choice of guests in the room was appropriate. Her eyes kept wandering to the two men that stood in the doorway leading to what she assumed was the kitchen. They were Alpha, yet she had never seen either of them. Were other packs now getting involved?

  “I wondered why he was here. Pleased to meet you sir.” Faith was trying to hide her nervousness.

  “Faith dear, I am so sorry we have been rude.” Royal stepped forward. “I forget you’re not acquainted with all of us here. Malcolm, this is one of my pack and one of Maverick’s most trusted employees, Faith Weir.”

  “Thank you for coming Faith,” Malcolm nodded to her. Faith smiled back still trying to process what was going on. With Nina’s power added to the mass of Alphas in the room, she felt as if her skin would burst into flames any moment.

  ‘You’re welcome’ seemed to be a lame response, so Faith chose to just nod back.

  “Faith, you of course know Maverick, Rory, Hank, Sam, Emory, Willow, Xavier, and Ryder as well as my wife Gemma. Next to her is Kendra, Malcolm’s wife and Nina’s mother. And lastly, my brothers Gage and Knight are there in the doorway.”

  “Hi.” Faith smiled a weak smile. She felt like a bug under a microscope. The Alpha’s brothers, of course. That would explain a lot.

  “Faith, I know we are asking a lot, but it might help countless others.”

  “You say you think someone at the clinic is relaying information to Howland?”

  “We aren’t positive, but it is the only way of him knowing about a meeting just hours after it was arranged. He had to have been tipped off right away for him to have one of his men in position.”

  “So how does my pretending to date a mated man help exactly?”

  Nina answered quickly. “It’s no secret you are attracted to Ranger, right?”

  “Yes. I mean no, I was. I would never. I knew he wasn’t my mate or anything. He’s just…”

  “It’s fine. I get it. Relax. I was just pointing out how that could work for us. If you and Ranger appear to be a couple, then whoever it is that is in contact with Howland will more than likely cozy up to you for more info on the Alpha family. Meanwhile, I appear to be just some

  human that moves in with Willow and Ryder. Making it very clear that I know they are weres.”

  “And Howland’s whole beef is he wants to keep the race pure,” Sam added.

  “Oh, he’s gonna love Nina then,” Faith said rolling her eyes.

  “That’s what we are hoping. Look, Faith, I know it’s a lot to ask,” Rory apologized.

  “I’m honored that you trust me. Alpha, I am happy to serve the pack.”

  “It is settled then. Nina will move in with Willow and Ryder. Ranger, you are going to have to be careful to only see your mate in private. In public, you will be with Faith. I know it will be hard.”

  “More like impossible,” he grunted.

  “Hey, it’s not like a mated wolf is my dream date either,” Faith snapped at him.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean it to sound that way.”

  “I know. Look, we can seem like we hang out at your place a lot. You can be with your mate, and Willow and I can bake cookies or something.”

  “Thanks Faith.”

  Knight and Gage stood sentry at the doorway watching the small blonde stand up for herself in a room full of Alphas.

  “She has guts,” Gage mumbled.

  “That she does, Knight agreed. He didn’t bother to even look at his brother. Faith Weir was far more interesting.

  “Knight, I know that look. Now is not the time to flirt with the new girl.” Gemma knew her bothers-in-law. Each of them had a harem of women willing to fall at their feet with just one look. She knew they didn’t usually take advantage of their attraction to the opposite sex, but the look Knight had on his face said his next target was going to be Faith.

  “I was just looking. She’s beautiful.”

  “That she is. I don’t think anyone will question my son being with her,” Gemma hoped she was right. This was a risk for all involved.

  Knight tried to suppress the growing unease he was feeling as a growl escaped.

  “Knight?” Gemma looked questioningly at him.

  “I just don’t like the whole thing. Mates being kept apart. Nurses being asked to walk into the front lines.” Gemma didn’t miss the emphasis he put on Faith’s involvement.

  “Faith is no more at risk than she was before. Howland will more than likely target Nina. I can’t say as I like it either, but, as with all my daughters-in-law she is stubborn.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “Which part, Knight? Is it Faith specifically or the whole situation?”

  “Let it go Gemma,” Knight growled. He might as well have said it was Faith. Gemma had no idea if Knight’s attraction to the girl was just because he tended to be attracted to most females or if it was something more. She looked to Gage for answers. His shrug told her he had none.

  “I think we may have a problem,” Gemma whispered to Royal as the family started to head out.


  “Your brother.”

  “Which one?”

  “Knight, he seemed very interested in Faith.”

  “He is very interested in all women,” Royal pointed out.

  “I think this might be more, Royal.”

  “You have always been a romantic my dear. With all this mating going on I’m sure you misread his interest.”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. He just seemed off.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on the situation,” Royal promised. He really didn’t think it was necessary. He had spoken to Knight and Gage just before

  they left and hadn’t noticed anything ‘off’ as Gemma had put it. His brothers were well known for their interest in the opposite sex. Faith was a beautiful she-wolf. Of course he was interested. Royal guessed they both were.


  “Did I just see Ranger Cheveyo drop you off?” June asked
on Wednesday. Faith had been hinting that she had a new man trying to gather the attention they were seeking. June was one of the biggest gossips at the clinic. Faith smiled. If June knew about her being dropped off by the Alpha’s son, the whole clinic would know in a matter of hours, maybe minutes.

  “Yes,” she said not bothering to look up from her paper work.


  “So we had lunch, and then I had to work.” Faith fought the smile trying to break through.

  “Oh my god. You’re seeing Ranger? When did this happen?”


  “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “I didn’t know I was required to fill you in on my love life,” Faith joked. She was having too much fun with this.

  “He is so hot. Oh my god!”

  “All the Cheveyo men are hot, June,” Faith added. She was thinking not of Ranger but of his uncle. She couldn’t get the man out of her head, and they hadn’t spoken even one word to each other. To top it off, she didn’t even know his name. Royal had introduced them as they stood together in the doorway. Both men had stared at her. ‘This is Knight and Gage’ he had said. For the life of her, she didn’t know which man was which. All she knew was that one in particular stood out in her mind.

  “So, are you the next Alpha mate?”

  “I wish. No June. He is not my mate.”

  “Not yet he isn’t. I heard the mate fever can kick in even after years of dating.”

  “Let it go. We are just dating. And it’s been three days, so let’s not buy the dress just yet, okay?

  “You know I thought he’d go for a human, you know, like his brothers.” Bingo maybe June didn’t like humans. That might be a quality someone leaking info might have.

  “Human or wolf, I guess the fever doesn’t discriminate,” Faith jeered.

  “I don’t know,” June shook her head.

  “Would you ever date a human?”

  “Oh no. My father would have my head. I already have someone. He is wolf.”

  “Is he? Is he your mate?”

  “I don’t know what the fever feels like but I will tell you, if he left, I’d follow. I can’t imagine being away from him.” June sounded like a love sick teen.

  “So, who is this guy?”

  “You don’t know him. Will is from back East.”

  “And he lives here now?” Faith had a feeling June might be telling her boyfriend a lot about what went on around here.

  “He’s thinking about joining the pack.”

  “How nice for you,” Faith said dropping the subject. No use pushing the girl. She might be making something out of nothing. She had however found a link between the clinic and a wolf not of the Cheveyo pack. That was information worth repeating.

  As the day went by, Faith caught the other women whispering and glancing her way. She was enjoying the attention, even if her relationship to Ranger wasn’t real.

  “Hey Faith, your man is here,” Tam said with a hint of jealousy.

  “Thanks Tam, I’ll see you tomorrow,” she smiled. The whole thing with Ranger was not as painful as she thought it would be. The thoughts of the man she had seen on Sunday seemed to have tamed the crush she had on Ranger. “Great, I just transferred my obsession to another Cheveyo male,” she muttered shaking her head. She really needed to get a real man. Maybe when this was over she would start going out with the girls on the weekends.

  “Hey,” Ranger smiled while shifting from one foot to the other. “You ready?”

  “Yeah, thanks for picking me up.”

  “It is the least I could do. Willow called and said she and Ryder are grilling tonight. You okay with just staying in?”

  “Of course, let me get my bag and I’ll be right out.”

  Faith wasn’t surprised when June, Tam, and Michelle followed her back to the lockers.

  “Oooh, dinner at his place,” Michelle cooed.

  “I hear they have that officer living with them now?” June stated.

  “Who Nina? Yeah her place got flooded. Pipe broke or something. She’s staying until the landlord can fix the damage.”

  “She’s human right,” Michelle asked. Maybe she was the leak.

  “Yes she is, but after what she did for Rory I guess they feel they owe her,” Faith feigned indifference.

  “Do you think she has figured out…you know?” June whispered.

  “She knows June. Willow thought it was best.”

  “Shit, you’re kidding!” Michelle said a little too loud. Faith had to stifle a laugh.

  “She’s great. I like her a lot.”

  “Times sure are changing,” Tam muttered and shook her head.”

  “You can say that again. I don’t want to keep Ranger waiting, girls. See you tomorrow.”

  “Hey, try and get some sleep tonight so you won’t be all moon-eyed, and useless tomorrow,” Tam joked.

  “I plan on getting to bed early,” Faith winked

  “I’ll bet,” June grinned.

  “Ready,” Faith said taking Ranger’s arm as they walked out of the clinic.

  “So?” he asked as soon as they were on their way.

  “I don’t think it’s Tam. June has some guy she’s seeing that’s not pack. His name is Will. I didn’t get a last name. She seemed surprised we were dating and you didn’t go human like your brothers.”

  “Sounds promising. Look Faith, I really appreciate this.”

  “It’s fine Ranger. Nina is your mate. I can see the way you look at her. This is hard for you.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “So, is Willow really grilling or should we stop and pick up a movie? You and your mate can be kind of loud you know,” she jabbed.


  “Relax, it’s all good.” Faith was having a hard time keeping a straight face. She liked Ranger, but then again, the way she liked him had changed.

  Faith had to practically run to keep up with Ranger as soon as they entered the house. Nina opened her mouth to say hello and felt Ranger’s mouth crush against hers before she could utter a word.

  “That’s my cue. Faith said rushing back to the kitchen to get as far away from the couple as she could before she saw something she didn’t need to.

  “They at it again?” Willow laughed as Faith skid into the room. “No getting naked in the living room,” she yelled in reminder. Ranger answered with a growl making her laugh.

  “God I missed you,” Ranger managed breathlessly.

  “Oh you did, did you? How much?” Nina’s taunt had the desired result. Ranger lifted her taking the stairs three at a time before crashing into their bedroom.

  “You are in so much trouble,” he said with a gleam in his eye as he stalked forward.

  Nina made no effort to stop him. Witches had nothing that compared to the mating fever. Too bad. She thought with a grin. This was something she wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on.

  Ranger started slowly even though he wanted nothing more than to strip her and bury himself deep inside her body. His lips trailed across her jaw and then her collar bone.

  “Please,” Nina moaned.

  “Please what, little witch?”

  “I need,” she gasped feeling his hands brush her hip. With slow strokes his hands glided along her abdomen and up to caress her breast. The fire burned hot, wicking up from inside, pooling moisture in her belly. Ranger was slowly driving her insane with want. She wanted more, needed more. The heat threatened to overcome her and they had barely started. Then she bit him knowing if she did, there was no way he was going to be able to resist just taking her.

  She was right and, in seconds, she found herself tossed on the bed naked and wanting as her huge mate loomed above her, hesitating not at all before taking her breath away. He filled her, claiming and re-claiming, as he set a rhythm that, if she hadn’t been turned, she wasn’t sure she could take.

  “I love you,” he groaned and held her tighter as she stiffened. She felt love for the man she was now con
nected to for life, but it hadn’t occurred to her he would feel love as well. The mate fever was more of a claiming, a possession, an undeniable attraction that didn’t necessarily come with love. Did it? Nina realized she knew nothing about the specifics of the heat she was immersed in.

  “I love you too Ranger, so much,” she gasped, barely getting the words out before shattering into a million pieces. The words combined with the sensation of his hands roaming the most intimate parts of her anatomy had her flying as stars crossed her vision.


  “Faith, bring out the salad. We will eat on the back deck,” Willow called.

  Faith followed Willow out feeling more and more like a part of the family. She had to keep reminding herself this wasn’t real. The sounds of love making still echoing through the house would have normally clued her in. It seemed natural to her to have Ranger and Nina entwined in the same seat at dinner. She found she liked the woman and felt no residual jealousy from her years of crushing on Nina’s mate. Maybe that was a perk of the fever that others became less interested in you as well.

  Faith was day dreaming and wondering what it would feel like to be so connected to another person. It was hard not to think of that while sitting at a table for the last few nights with a pair of mated shifters. Willow and Ryder may have been mated longer, but that didn’t dim the fire in their eyes when they looked at each other.

  “Faith, Faith, is that okay?”

  “Is what okay?” She shook herself from the daydream that always seemed to include a man she didn’t even know the name of. She really had to see someone about this Alpha fixation. Maybe she could find a nice accountant to date.

  “I asked if Sunday dinner was okay. If we were really a couple and it was serious, you would be included.”

  “Yeah, sure. Whatever you think is best.”

  “You didn’t have plans, did you?” Nina asked with concern.

  “No, it’s fine.” I was fine except for the possibility of making a fool of herself with his uncle. Drooling at the Alpha’s table is probably not a good thing.

  “You know, I noticed no one ever even asked you if you were seeing someone before roping you into this. You don’t have some guy you had to dump to help us, do you?” Nina was genuinely concerned.


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