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The Pike_Right To Remain Silent

Page 12

by Erik Schubach

  I hugged her tight. She wouldn't have an excuse to come over after tonight. I nodded to myself as I decided to do something about it right then and there. I looked up into her amazing eyes when she released me, but I captured her hands to play with her extra pinky. I know it should probably weird me out, but I thought it was sort of sexy.

  I started, “Danielle, would...”

  But Johnny interrupted, “This calls for a celebration. Pizza is on me tonight.”

  I turned to him, wondering again just how much that scrap recycling bonus had been. His new job at Myrtle's, washing dishes doesn't pay well.

  Mr. L looked at the stairs and waved us off. “I'll just head in.” Then he looked at Officer Dani and added, “We can slap those onto the cart when they cool, before you leave tonight, and get rid of that monstrosity you created.”

  She rolled her eyes and flipped him off, and they shared a grin then she picked me up by the waist, and I squealed in surprise as she swung me around and set me down, patting my butt in the direction of the stairs. “Be right up, I just gotta grab my laptop. Got a message from the precinct that the records I requested are finally ready.”

  I was blushing hard, and I looked at my feet as I nodded and scooted off to the stairs. Only she could make me feel so bashful after swatting my butt. I told myself I would ask her out tonight since she seemed incapable of doing it herself. Or was it my imagination that she was feeling the same?

  I chuckled to myself, who in the hell would have thought I would be excited about the possibility of dating a cop? A well-built cop... a funny cop... a sexy cop. And I needed to know what that damn tattoo was she was hiding under her shirt. I shook the thoughts out of my head to chase off the fantasies I was engaged in, and took the stairs two at a time.

  She joined us a minute later, and I had to smile over the fact that Johnny sat at the same table with her, doing something on his cell while she pulled up her work. He was getting to accept having her around, and it made a lot of anxiety bleed away from me for some reason.

  I kicked her foot on my way past to get cleaned up. “You do know you're off duty right?”

  She looked embarrassed as she nodded and said, “I'll drop the cop once I review this stuff. I'm playing a hunch.”

  Heh, drop the cop, that was fitting and funny. I tried it on as I asked, “Drop the cop? I like that.” I put a little extra swish in my hips as I headed for my room, sliding my hat and hair off. I smiled when a cork coaster hit my back. Oh yeah, I was getting to her.

  I realized that I was getting comfortable enough with her to take my hair off around her, and that made me smile. Not as much as the hungry looks she gave me, but close.

  After I washed up and changed, I came out with just a floppy hunter green beret on, not bothering to wear a wig. I had cleaned off my makeup and brows and took off the false lashes. I was determined to ask my cop out like me, so she would know who was asking. If it scared her off, then she wasn't the girl for me.

  She glanced up from her laptop then did a double take as I walked up to her. My heart was thudding, and I was so scared until her smile slowly bloomed on her face as she reached a hand out. I took it, and she pulled me close. She almost sighed, then kissed me. I was in heaven.

  Johnny loudly informed us, “Hello, I'm right here.”

  We broke the kiss, and I gasped for air. Before I could say anything, she asked with a little smirk that sent a thrill through my intimate areas, “So, no hair... anywhere?” She raised her eyebrows.

  Ok, I was about to blush myself out of existence at that, but a bucket of cold water was thrown on it by John exclaiming, “Ewww... that's my sister you perv.”

  She was red as a cherry herself, but she was grinning. There was a knock at the door, and Johnny sprang up, “Thank God! Saved by the bell.”

  We chuckled then I met her eyes and bit my lower lip, feeling so small beside her. We were lost in each other's eyes, and she started to ask, “Madelyn, would you like to...” when Johnny dropped the pizza box on the table with a thud that made me jump.

  He muttered to us good naturedly, “Eat now, perv later.” He got his very own cork coaster bouncing off between his eyes for that, and we all shared a chuckle and opened the box and dug in. I was chewing mechanically, all too aware of my leg touching hers under the table. She was getting bold, was she about to ask me out? My heart raced at that thought.

  We all chatted about our days and then got lost in a story about Dani as a five-year-old, stowing away in a race car at the track when her father was on a pit crew. I could see it in my mind's eye clearly. It was easy to picture a woman who became a police officer to protect people, being a thrill seeker even when she was a kid.

  She snagged the last slice before either of us siblings could. She cutely fed me a bite before splitting her attention between her laptop and smiling at me. I asked, “What's so fascinating?”

  She shrugged. “I've been waiting for the call logs for the Market of the past couple of months, and all the security camera footage. I have a theory that I wanted to look into. It seems that every time your thief strikes in the market, there is a diversionary call at the opposite end Pike Place just before he hits. It is pulling us out of position.”

  Johnny shifted in his seat, I knew he didn't feel comfortable with all this cop stuff. She continued, “The problem is they seem to know where all the cameras are and we only seem to get the tops of their heads or their backs. They are well organized, but from what I can see, it is the same two men at least in the videos I have.”

  I smiled at her as she went on, “But Helena in dispatch included various cellphone recordings of some of the diversionary disturbances sent in by witnesses. Maybe there is something useable there.”

  Johnny held stock still at that and Dani finished her last bite as she sifted through videos, her hand sneaking under the table to find my hand and lace out fingers. Her doing her cop stuff here was sort of hot. But then she froze and let go of my hand.

  I started to peek around her screen to see what had her consternation and she lowered the screen so I couldn't see. She closed her eyes and opened them, I was getting alarmed for some reason then she stood. So did Johnny.

  She asked almost in a pleading way, “Johnny, how could you? She's your sister.”

  He looked like a beat dog as my confusion grew and he said in a hoarse voice, “I didn't know. He...”

  She held a hand up looking away from him. “No, don't say another word. Talk to a lawyer first.” She looked genuinely pained as my stomach started churning as I caught up with what was going on.

  I swung my gaze to Johnny, my eyes pleading but he looked away from me. I grabbed her laptop as she stepped around the table to him. I opened it up, and I saw a freeze frame of people in the Market, Johnny was there knocking over a trash can, and I closed my eyes tight to fight off the tears.

  I snapped them back open when Officer O'Brien said, “You have the right to remain silent.” Johnny looked over at me as I stared at O'Brien in horror. She was arresting him? He dropped his head and wouldn't make eye contact with anyone.

  I blurted out, “This is my house O'Brien... he's my brother... you can't.”

  She went on, ignoring my pleas, “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” Message received, she was a cop first. I came last.

  Johnny looked up at me with pleading eyes. “I didn't know he was going to hit your cart.”

  The police officer who I thought I had feelings for hissed out, “Johnny, you idiot. Stop talking. Don't say anything else incriminating around me until you talk to a lawyer.”

  She took his arm gently as she added, “You have the right to an attorney.”

  My shoulders started shaking as I was wracked with silent sobs. She whispered, “I'm so sorry Maddie.”

  The two people I trusted most in this world had just betrayed me. Apparently, John had helped in my robbery, and this cop was taking away my only family. I ran to my room and slammed the door
as she kept reading him his rights. My whole world had been stripped away from me in less than a minute.

  And I sobbed as my chest felt as if it were going to split wide at any moment. I heard the apartment door close, leaving me in a silence that threatened to swallow me whole. My new life was over.

  Chapter 11 – Betrayal

  After I finally composed myself, I looked around the apartment. SHE had left all her things to bring my brother in. I couldn't delve into the depths of the betrayal I felt. She had arrested my brother in my apartment, in front of me. She was like family to me already, and yet she'd take my family away?

  I hated her. I hated the fact that I felt so betrayed because that meant I still had feelings for her. I hated myself. And I hated Johnny for being so stupid again. What was he thinking?


  I started for the door and paused then ran back and grabbed the closest wig to throw some hair on. I was going to look stupid without lashes and green hair, but there was no help for it. I grabbed my purse and a light jacket as I ran for the door and down to the truck. I glanced over to see Mr. Laurey watching from his porch, concern etching his features. The cop's truck was already gone, and I dashed into the garage and hit the button for the door then jumped into our vehicle and drove.

  It struck me that I didn't have a clue where she would take him. Wait, she had mentioned her desk at the West Precinct once. She'd take him someplace familiar. I pulled up the location on my cell's driving app. The whole time trying to keep it together. Had Johnny really been involved in my robbery? How many others? She had been saying she thought the recent crime wave in the Market was a concerted effort.

  Oh God, that pushed things past misdemeanor. He'd be looking at a felony or multiple felonies. I screamed long and hard in frustration until my throat was raw. We had finally put our lives back together. How could he be so stupid? So selfish? I was happy for the first time in a very very long time, then he went and threw everything away. I shuddered, realizing I'd have to go through the entire ordeal again.

  I wiped my tears on my sleeve and composed myself as I pulled into the parking lot at the precinct headquarters. I glared at the big black truck in the mostly empty lot. I was in the right place. I took two deep calming breaths then closed my eyes to center myself. I turned the rearview mirror down to look into it and pulled my things from my purse and quickly drew on some eyebrows to hide some of my cancer girl looks.

  Then I hustled into the building. I didn't know where to go, so I went to the front desk, where an older, rail thin officer in uniform was reading a newspaper. He lowered it then set it aside as I reached him. “Yes, miss? What can I do for you?”

  I looked around and said, “My brother was just brought in. I need to know whats going on... if he's ok. And what we need to do.” My voice sounded a little frantic, and I exhaled slowly through my nose, trying to calm down.

  He was actually pretty nice as he said helpfully, “Everything is going to be ok, miss. Let's see what's what, shall we? What's your brother's name?”

  I blurted, “Johnny Stone, Johnathan Colby Stone.”

  He typed something on the computer on the desk and then nodded as he squinted in apology as he ran a hand through his silver hair. “Yes, here he is, he's been checked in and is being processed now. It will be a bit. Then he shook his head almost in dismay. “Grand larceny, conspiracy, disturbing the peace. I hope he has a good lawyer.”

  I lowered my eyes and started wiping the stains on my hands. “We... we can't afford a lawyer. The last time they assigned a public defender.” God, it made Johnny sound like a serial offender.

  The man said in an understanding tone, “Arrangements will be made, I assure you. Why don't you go have a seat in the waiting room, or the cafeteria, I'll let the arresting officers know you are here.” He pointed through some doors as I stiffened over the fact that he was going to let O'Brien know I was here.

  I nodded and took a step and hesitated. This man was nicer to me than any of the Portland police had been and didn't look down upon me because of John's indiscretions. I looked back. “Thank you, officer...”

  He supplied, “LaMont.”

  I gave him a smile of appreciation. “Officer LaMont.” He tipped an imaginary hat to me, and I moved into a waiting room which had chairs lining it on both sides. There was a woman in one chair by the payphone, she had one hand cuffed to the heavy metal chair as she spoke on the phone.

  I sat on the far opposite side. She hung up and then acknowledged me with the rise of her chin, “Hey darlin', I don't bite. What you in for?” I sort of liked her hair, it was in a long sweeping black mohawk, the rest of her hair was shaved, and she had black tattoos all around her neck like a lace collar. Her black makeup completed the punk rock clubbing girl look with her leathers.

  I shrugged and looked down as I sat on my hands. “My brother was just brought in. Theft. He's being processed now.”

  She nodded, her mohawk swaying back and forth. “Cool...” She pointed at herself and said proudly, “Drunk and disorderly.” Then she smirked. “Though I'm not drunk yet, and disorderly is my life. Sort of accidentally started a bar brawl.” She gave me a self-satisfied grin that showed off her white teeth.

  I caught myself smiling back. She was someone who knew who she was and offered no apologies for it. I sort of admired that.

  She held her free hand out. “Nala, Nala Dupree.”

  I looked at her a moment and scolded myself for my apprehension and walked over and sat next to her and shook her hand. “Madelyn Stone.”

  She said as she released my hand, “Love the green hair.”

  I shrugged and said, “Thanks, it's not mine.” Then I chuckled nervously.

  She cocked her head in confusion, and I reached up and slid the green wig side to side on my head since I hadn't had the time to secure it in place.

  She grinned. “Bitchin'.”

  Then she narrowed her eyes. “You're almost shaking girl. They know you're out here?” I nodded, and she said, “They'll come for you to explain things when your bro is done getting' processed. I'll sit with you as long as I can until they come for me. I made my one call.”

  Then she winked. “To my posse, let em' know I rocked it.”

  This woman was bizarre in a cool way, I asked incredulously, “Not to your lawyer?”

  She shook her head. “Nah, Niles will be down here soon enough once word spreads.”

  I muttered, “Wait... posse? Nala? As in Na Na Evermore?”

  Her grin spread across her face again, this time it was a half smirk. “The one and only.”

  Holy bunny turds Batman, she was the bad girl of the punk scene here in Seattle. Like a cross between Paris Hilton and Penny Franklin. The punk circuit sort of followed her and her online video podcasts around. It was one of the most viral video blogs online. Not only did she report on the scene, but she had pipes of her own.

  Ok, I had seriously misjudged her on first glance, when I thought she was just a common criminal because she was cuffed. The same snap judgments people make about Johnny or me. I have to learn not to be so hypocritical in my life.

  She looked around and said, “Tell me yer troubles. They give me fifteen minutes for my phone call. They'll be back soon.”

  And that's all it took, I wound up spilling the whole story to a complete stranger with awesome hair. It was a cathartic release of all the pressures and frustrations that were crushing me, I felt safe because I'd never see this self-made superstar again.

  A few minutes later an officer stepped into the lobby and walked up to her. She held her wrist out, and he unlocked the cuffs. She told him, “Hang on a sec.” Then she looked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder to give it a reassuring squeeze. “Things will work out. Life is chaotic but inside that chaos is order.”

  Then she added as she stood and the officer reached over to grab her upper arm carefully, “Don't be harsh on this Dani chick, she was only doin' her job, you can't fault her for that. It sounds li
ke you're a little smitten there, don't ruin a good thing over something your brother did.”

  I exhaled and shrugged, it wasn't that simple. Nala said, “It was nice meeting you, Greenie.”

  I had to smile and replied, “You too, Swoosh.” She wiggled her eyebrows and swooshed her hand through her mohawk.

  But she paused at the door with the officer when someone stepped into the room and said, “Officer?”

  The man was maybe in his mid-thirties dressed in an impeccable three-piece suit that was easily in the four figures range. There wasn't a blonde hair out of place on his head, and he held a satchel in one hand. He added, “I'm Miss Dupree's attorney, and I need...”

  Nala stopped him. “Don't worry bout' me Niles. I'm not goin' anywhere, I'll just chill in here a bit, I'm kinda' diggin' the relaxed atmosphere. Take care of the needs of my friend here first, on my retainer.”

  The man looked at her and me, and she grinned at the policeman and made an ushering motion with her free hand. “Shall we Officer McCutie?”

  The man growled out, “McMasters,” as he brought her through the door.

  I was still blinking in shock. Nala was having her high priced lawyer help us out?

  The man stepped in front of me, knocking me out of my incomprehension. I stood quickly and smoothed my shirt. He studied me a moment and offered a hand, “Niles Johansson, Esquire. How can I help you today ma'am?” He motioned to the seats, and I sat down, and he sat beside me, handing me his card.

  The door opened again before we could begin and SHE walked into the room, looking frantic. She seemed to relax when she saw me and said, “I had to, Maddie. He's ok, they're processing him. I'm so sorry.”

  I turned my back and looked at Mr. Johansson as I said, “I'm speaking with our lawyer now, Officer O'Brien.”

  I could hear the hurt in her voice and relief as she said, “Oh thank God, a lawyer. He needs to advise Johnny to shut his trap. He keeps incriminating himself though he won't give up his partner.”

  This made Mr. Johansson almost jump to his feet, asking, “Has he asked for a lawyer? If so, did he say anything after that?”


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