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The Real Prize

Page 3

by Malone, Misty

  She searched her purse for her phone, and was about ready to dump everything out to find it, when she remembered—she'd taken her phone outside with her to work in her garden, and she probably left it out there. She couldn't remember picking it back up. She'd forgotten it again. Oh, great. Now she was stranded along the road with no phone. All she could think about was how disappointed Heath was going to be.

  She had to do something, so she got out and started walking. She remembered a little veterinarian clinic up the road about a mile or so, and she headed for that. She always thought it was out in the middle of nowhere, but now she was glad it was there, and just hoped someone was still working. If they were closed, she didn't know what she'd do.

  She kept walking and was glad when she saw the clinic ahead, and a car parked out back. She was breathing a sigh of relief to see that someone must still be there, when a scruffy looking man in an old pickup pulled over. "Jump in, beautiful," he slurred.

  She could smell alcohol on his breath, and quickly told him, "No, thank you. I'm just going up to this clinic. Thanks, anyway."

  The man stopped his truck and jumped out, heading for her. "I wasn't asking, sweetheart; I was telling you. Get in the truck."

  Panic set in quickly, as Heath's words from just this morning came back to her. He'd warned her about men like this, but she hadn't seen the danger. Well, now she definitely did, but what could she do? She picked up her pace, almost running toward the clinic. "Please, just let me go to this clinic," she said, as much to herself as to him. She was petrified when she heard him mumbling something about what a fine little ass she had, and she heard him getting closer. She took off on a dead run, as fast as she could toward the clinic, wondering what she'd do if they were closed and the door was locked.

  She heard him lunge and felt his hand on her shirt. She was able to pull away, but he growled and grabbed again. He'd gotten hold of her shirt this time, and she whirled around and stomped on his foot with all the strength she had. That startled him just enough for her to run again, but she knew he was still right behind her. He grabbed her again and she lost her balance and fell. Just as he was picking her up, a man came out the door of the clinic and yelled, "What's going on out here? Ma'am, are you okay?"

  Sarah screamed for help, and the man from the clinic headed toward them, baseball bat in hand. Her attacker cursed as he ran back to his truck and drove off. Sarah sat on the ground crying, shaking like a leaf. Her rescuer arrived and helped her up, making sure she was okay. He helped her into the clinic and sat her down in a chair while he got her a drink, and a cloth to clean up her elbows that had gotten scraped when she fell. When he was able to get her calmed down enough, he cleaned her scrapes, then asked her what happened. She slowly got the whole story out, among the hiccups and sobs, even how upset her boyfriend would be.

  "Let me call him for you while you calm down a little more. If he's upset with you, it's because he's worried about you, and I don't blame him there. But if he's as upset as you think he'll be, he must care a great deal for you. I'm sure he'll come get you, and I'll assure him you'll be fine until he gets here," he said, comforting her.

  "Thank you so much. I don't know how to thank you for everything you've done," she said sincerely. "I'm Sarah, by the way."

  "Nice to meet you, Sarah. I'm Bill. Now, let me make that call and let him know you're okay." After he called Heath and filled him in on her whereabouts and the location of her car, he sat down with her. She started crying again when Bill told her Heath was relieved to hear she was okay, and would be there shortly.

  * * *

  Heath was furious when he got the phone call from Bill explaining Sarah's latest misadventure. He was relieved she was okay, but furious with her for what she'd done now. He'd decided earlier exactly how he was going to handle her forgetfulness and lack of concern for her own safety, and this just cemented his decision. He had been worried he wouldn't have the resolve to carry it out, but he now had all the resolve he needed. He went across the street to her next-door neighbor, Ed, and elicited his help in retrieving her car. He and his wife, Sally, had quickly become good friends of Sarah's, so he readily agreed, grabbing his gas can. Luckily, he'd just filled it up earlier today to use in his lawn mower. Heath put the gas can in the trunk of his car, and off they went.

  He filled Ed in on the details on their way there.

  Ed listened to what had happened, and thought several moments before responding. "Heath, I know you've said before that you were concerned about her forgetfulness," Ed started, "but I agree with you now. It has gotten to where it's dangerous. Do you have any idea how we can help her? She's a good person, Sally just loves her, so we'll help if we can. Just tell us what to do."

  Heath looked at his good friend and grinned. "Actually, Ed, I do have an idea, but it's one I'll do myself. I won't need any help, but she may need help sitting later tonight and tomorrow."

  Ed looked at his friend, then chuckled. "Good luck, Heath. I've gotta tell you, I think it's an excellent idea. Sometimes a warm bottom gets through to a woman like nothing else can. It sure helps Sally's attitude when she gets out of hand."

  Heath was shocked. "You and Sally? Really? I had no idea."

  "Well, it's not something I announce publicly. Sally would have a fit if she knew I was telling you this, but I think it's exactly what Sarah needs. I've thought for some time now that she really needs a good man to take her in hand. She's a wonderful lady, she just needs a man to look after her, keep her on the right path. You two are a perfect match, Heath."

  "Do you really think so, Ed?"

  "Absolutely. I don't know if you two have realized it yet," Ed told his friend, with a grin, "but Sally and I have seen it the last few weeks. The way you two look at each other, there's no doubt in our minds. You're both smitten, and we couldn't be happier for you. We think you two compliment each other in so many ways, you just belong together."

  "I think we're perfect together, too," Heath agreed. "I just hope she doesn't get upset and kick me out tonight after I spank her, because I swear, if ever a lady deserved a good spanking, it's Sarah. I do love her, although I haven't told her that yet, but she's giving me gray hair worrying about her. Today's the icing on the cake."

  "You haven't approached the topic of spanking yet?" Ed asked.

  "Not exactly. We talked about her need for consequences just this morning, but nothing specific. Since apparently you're an old hand at this, pun intended, do you have any suggestions?"

  "Just make sure she knows you love her before you start. Afterwards, make sure she knows she's forgiven, and remind her how much you love her. Give her plenty of time, while you hold her tight, to cuddle and calm down. If you two are meant to be, you'll be fine."

  "I sure hope so," Heath said, "because I really do love her."

  "I have to think you two will be fine," Ed said as Heath pulled up behind Sarah's car. They put the gas into her car, and made sure it started up. Ed followed Heath down the road to the clinic and honked as he went past as Heath pulled in to pick up Sarah.

  Heath had barely gotten out of his car when Sarah came running out and straight into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head, holding her tight, and whispering soothing words in her ear. When she calmed down a bit and stopped shaking, he pulled her back far enough to ask, "Are you all right, sweetheart?" He noticed the bandages on her elbows when she first came out the door, and he leaned down to examine them closer.

  "They're fine," she assured him, "thanks to Bill." Heath held Sarah protectively in his left arm while extending his right hand to the stranger walking toward them. "I'm Heath Jenkins," he said, "and you must be Bill."

  "Bill Clifton. Nice to meet you, Heath."

  "I owe you a big thank you for coming to Sarah's rescue."

  "I'm just glad I was still here. I'm usually gone before this on Friday nights, but I was finishing up some paperwork in the office. I came out to make sure the doors were locked before I left,
and I happened to see him grab her and she fell. I knew something wasn't right, so I grabbed my ball bat and headed out."

  "I'm very glad you did. Not everyone wants to get involved these days. Did you take care of her elbows, too?"

  "All I did was wash them out with a sterile solution and put a numbing agent on them. The left one's okay, just scraped up good. I'd watch the right one tonight, though. It's scraped up worse than the left, but it's also got a pretty good cut. I see it's starting to bleed through the bandages again. It's right at the elbow, so it would be a really awkward place for stitches, but if it keeps bleeding you should have it checked out."

  "All right, I'll watch it. Thank you for taking care of her."

  "Glad I could help. It was nice to meet both of you. Take good care of her. I'm afraid she's going to be sore later tonight when the numbing agent wears off."

  "Yeah, I'm sure she will be sore later this evening," Heath said ominously, as they all headed toward his car.

  "Was that my car that went past as you were pulling in here?" Sarah asked.

  "Yes, it was. Ed came over to get your car. It sounded like you were pretty shook up, so I didn't want you driving."

  "I'll have to thank him tomorrow morning. That was really nice of him. And that was so thoughtful of you. I have a lot of people to thank for tonight," she mumbled, more to herself than anyone. She looked at Bill and told him sincerely, "Thank you again, Bill."

  "My pleasure," he answered as Heath was settling her in his car. He waved at them as they left.

  Inside the car, Sarah was a bundle of nerves. She knew Heath was upset, and she knew he had a right to be. She was nervous about what would happen tonight, after their talk this morning, but there was something she just had to tell him, so she took a deep breath and began. "Heath, I know you're upset, and I know you have a right to be. Whatever happens later, I want you to know something first."

  Heath looked over at her and surprised her by taking her hand in his. "What is it you want me to know?"

  Sarah took another deep breath and said, "I want you to know I'm sorry. I mean really, really sorry. I think for the first time I get what you've been trying to tell me. My carelessness almost cost me dearly tonight, and it really scared me. So I'm sorry, not only for not being more careful, but also for scaring you on several occasions, while I just brushed off the possible danger. Can you ever forgive me?"

  Heath pulled into his driveway, but he didn't answer her until he got out and walked around the car. As he opened her door and helped her out he said, "Thank you, Sarah, for telling me how you feel. It sounds like you actually do get it now, and I'm glad." He walked her up onto the front porch without saying any more. Finally, as he opened the door and motioned her inside, he continued, "However, we talked this morning about your need for consequences, and I think that's what this situation screams for. Then we'll both be able to forgive you."

  Sarah couldn't argue with him. She could actually see now how important it was that she change her habits, but she was getting nervous. "What kind of consequences?" she asked, barely over a whisper.

  Heath took her in his arms and gave her a big hug. "Sarah, I want you to know something. Over the past few days I've realized why I've been so worried about you and your safety." He looked deep into her eyes and explained, "I worry about you because I love you. You've become very important to me, and I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." He saw tears come to her eyes, and she looked at him with what he thought was love in her own eyes. He pulled her a little closer and whispered in her ear, "Honey, I love you too much to let something happen to you."

  Sarah put her arms around Heath's neck. She had a couple of tears trickling down her cheek as she continued to look deep into his eyes, and seeing the love there, as well. "I love you, too, Heath." He could tell she was sincere. He held her tight for several moments, enjoying the love he could feel flowing through them. He leaned down and kissed her, and she returned the kiss, which turned very passionate, very quickly.

  Finally, Heath held her at arm's length and said, "Sarah, I do love you with every fiber in my body, and will do everything I can to protect you. Because of that, I feel I have to provide the consequences that will help you change. I've decided that starting tonight, anytime you do something careless or forgetful that could be dangerous, like today, you're going to get a spanking." He had his eyes glued to hers when he said this and was watching her reaction carefully.

  He wasn't too surprised when her mouth dropped open. "A what?" she asked incredulously.

  Chapter Three

  Heath caught Sarah's eyes and locked on them as he repeated, "A spanking. I'm sorry, but we really have to do something to change your dangerous habits. I think you see the importance of that after what happened today." She nodded, and he continued. "I think a spanking will make a lasting impression in your mind of what you can expect every time you put yourself in danger again. I don't think it will take very long at all before you're remembering things a whole lot better and being a lot more careful."

  Heath could see the shock on her face and could tell she was trying to work through her feelings as he talked with her while he led her over to his couch. Sitting down, he stood her beside him. He explained, "Now, spankings are most effective on a bare bottom." He reached out and started to unfasten her blue jeans, when she put her hands down to stop him.

  "No, wait a minute, Heath."

  "What is it, sweetie?"

  "You just told me you love me," she said shakily.

  "I do, very much," he assured her.

  "But now you want to hit me? Is that how you show me you love me?"

  Heath pulled Sarah down to sit on his lap and lifted her chin so she was looking at him. "First of all, I'm going to spank you, not hit you. There's a big difference. Do you trust me, Sarah?" When she looked confused, he asked her again, "Do you trust me; do you feel safe with me?"

  She paused a moment before answering, "Yes, I trust you, and I do feel safe with you, probably because you are always so protective of me. But now—"

  "You said you trust me, and I'm glad. I want you to know I would never harm you. There's a difference between harming you and spanking you. Spanking you is one way I'm trying to make sure you aren't harmed." He chuckled at the wide-eyed look she gave him, and explained further. "I think you will agree with me that you could have been harmed today. Am I right?" He waited until she nodded in agreement before he continued. "And you could have been harmed the day you got lost and talked to the policeman. Do you agree?"

  Sarah thought a minute, then reluctantly agreed.

  "And how about the time you ignored the warning light in your car instead of having it checked?" Again she nodded in agreement, and looked away from his eyes, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed. "And the time you forgot to go for your blood test?"

  "Now, wait a minute. Yes, I forgot to go for the blood test, but it wasn't a problem. When I did go for it, he said everything, including my cholesterol, was fine."

  Heath gave her a stern look. "Yes, he did say everything was okay, and I was very happy to hear that. Let me ask you, though, do you enjoy inconveniencing people, or is that a problem in your mind?"

  Sarah looked at him, and he was sure she didn't know what he was talking about. He gave her a moment, and he could tell the exact second it occurred to her, by the forlorn look on her face. "I did inconvenience them, didn't I? I never even thought of that, but you're right. They scheduled time for me and I didn't show, and then they called and rescheduled. They were very polite about it, but that was really rude of me, wasn't it?"

  Heath reached out and squeezed her hand. "I'm sure they know it wasn't intentional on your part. But it is a result of your carelessness, something to think about here. Now, back to your cholesterol, though, how was it a year ago?" He watched her face flush and she looked back at her hands in her lap. She started squirming in his lap, but wasn't answering his question. He pulled her chin up to look into her eyes. "Sarah?"

  "It was high."

  "And what did he say at that time?"

  She responded, but reluctantly. "He said that I should watch my diet and have it checked every six months for a couple years to make sure it wasn't going to become a problem we'd have to treat."

  "So if it would have been high again and you wouldn't have gone for the test, could it have been a dangerous situation?"

  "Yes, I guess so."

  "It could have been a big problem; one I don't even want to think about." Knowing he had made his point, he held her hands and said, "Any of those things could harm you, and I'm trying to prevent that. To prevent that, we have to change some of your careless habits. Talking hasn't done anything to change them, so we have to try something else. I really think this is the best way.

  "Although a spanking may sting, it won't cause you any harm. And I won't lie to you, it will sting. It will hurt, and you won't like it. But I want you to remember, I'm doing this because I love you and I don't want you to be harmed by anyone or anything, if I can prevent it."

  He could tell she was still not sure at all about this, and he tried one more time. "Sarah, seeing you do dangerous and careless things is hard for me to see because I'm scared to death you're going to get hurt. Now, if I didn't care about you as much as I do, I would probably just turn the other way and walk off. That would be much easier for me to do. However, that's not an option for me, simply because I love you. I care way too much about you to ignore the problem and let you harm yourself. I also see how you struggle with yourself at times, and I know you have a hard time forgiving yourself."


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