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Captive Curves

Page 2

by Christa Wick

  He carried me to the bed and placed me center of the mattress. My shoes disappeared, followed by the dress slacks. I offered a façade of resistance, still trying to figure out his game and how I could use it to escape.

  His gaze landed on the black, thigh high stockings. His mouth relaxed, the lips parting as his nostrils flared. Lust, fringed by thick lashes, simmered in his eyes. My nipples puckered and I felt the first twinge of need ripple through my cunt since he’d pulled me from the van.

  Running a finger under the stocking’s band, he lifted one dark brow. “Now this I did not expect, little dove. Almost a shame to tie you up with them, they’re so sexy.”

  Another twinge and I almost moaned. Angry at my body’s reaction, I kicked at him. He caught my leg, gathering both of them together and tucking them between his muscular arm and torso. Starting where my knees pressed together, he trailed a finger slowly towards the gusset of my black panties.

  He pushed one edge of the fabric to the side. His eyes drifted shut, his nostrils flaring once more as he took in my scent. I didn’t need to see the juncture of my thighs to know I was wet or picture the droplets of moisture glistening like translucent pearls at the end of my pubic hair. He brushed a knuckle against the hair then brought the finger to his mouth to suck at it, releasing another burst of cream from my pussy.

  Dropping my legs, he rose quickly and stripped his shirt away. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect body. The skin was a warm, light brown. The thick torso was muscled, his biceps so big I wouldn’t be able to get my hands around them. Massive chest plates, each bigger than my head, were topped with tight dark nipples.

  I forced myself to look away until I heard his shoe drop on the floor. Glancing out the side of my eyes, I saw him balance on one leg and then the other. Wearing just his jeans, he crawled onto the mattress. Straddling my hips, he grabbed hold of the sash, forcing my arms up over my head so he could secure the tie to the slatted headboard.

  Gently, he tucked my breasts back into the bra’s cups and refastened the hooks. His hands trailed down the sides of my stomach and along my hips to stop at the top band of the nylons. Already forgetting his intent to tie me up with them, I watched him carefully roll the left nylon down my thigh and over my knee, the back of his hand softly brushing the inside of my right leg.

  With the nylon removed, he slid off the bed and looped the fabric over the top of my ankle, the ends crossing behind my Achilles tendon before he tied it to one of the footboard’s slats. A moment’s panic surged through me as he reached for my right leg and I kicked at him. Again, he caught me around my calf before I could land the kick.

  Still holding my leg, he climbed back onto the bed. This time his mouth trailed after his hands as he eased the right stocking down my leg. The soft hair crowning his head brushed against my inner thighs, tickling the muscles until my stomach and ass tensed. As I tightened, he looked up the length of my body, his hot gaze scorching my senses.

  His eyes still locked on mine, he stretched forward until his mouth was a hair’s width from my covered pussy. He pressed a kiss against the cloth, his lips landing near the top of my labial split. Taking the fabric between his teeth, he lifted his head, pulling the material tight between the globes of my ass and along the line of my cunt.

  With the fabric dividing my lower lips, he nosed along the gusset to nip and lick at the exposed flesh before he continued removing the stocking. Tying my right foot to the frame so that my legs were spread wide, he prowled back up the bed on his hands and knees. He rolled, landing on his side next to me, and trailed his fingers from my knee up to my pussy. His touched lingered there, lightly probing before resuming the journey over my panties and stomach in a line wet with my juices. Reaching my mouth, he smeared the last of my cream against my lips.

  “Something you need to understand from this point on, baby.” He grabbed an edge of the crimson sash and brushed it against my cheek. “This, little dove, is red.”

  His hand moved back down to my black panties, hooking the waistband and pulling them tighter against my slit. “But these, blanca, are white.”

  I scowled at him, not understanding his game.

  A knock at the bedroom door drew him away. He opened it to reveal a rail thin male barely out of high school by my guess. More boy than man, he whispered something in Dino’s ear, his eyes on my spread legs the entire time. The boy started to lick his lips, the nervous top then bottom pattern repeating itself until Dino finally nodded.

  When Dino came back to the bed, the boy moved a little more into the room and propped himself against the closed door.

  Dino resumed his position next to me. “Manny wants to watch.”

  “No.” Whispering, I shook my head, my eyes pleading with him not to do anything or let the boy watch. It was bad enough my body was betraying me with every look or stroke Dino offered me, I didn’t need to know just how complete my capitulation to his touch would be or to have it witnessed.

  Dino flicked a finger sharply against my mound. “Manny is Feo’s cousin and Feo’s my friend, blanca.”

  Tugging at the fabric of my underwear, he arched a brow at me and I realized at last that he expected me to disbelieve anything he punctuated with blanca. A code, then, but for what purpose?

  It could only be to con me into trusting him. He was a drug dealer. If he hadn’t killed the body on the floor at the apartment, he lived with the man who had. And it looked like he was the boss. He certainly looked more powerful than Feo or Manny or a dozen of their clones.

  I glared at him. Smiling coldly, Dino pointed at Manny and then at the wall near the foot of the bed. “You can watch me train her from there, pendejo.”

  His warm hand resting lightly on my stomach, Dino licked the edge of my ear, his voice a low murmur. “This is what it takes, little dove. My touching you, fucking you. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to lie and say I won’t enjoy making you come.”

  His hand moved up to the front clasp of my bra. An efficient pinch of his thumb and finger opened it. He brushed the cups away and stared down at my breasts.

  “Buenisima.” He sucked the nipple closest to him into his mouth, his fingers teasing my other breast. Both nipples darkened from their usual strawberry pink as he nibbled and pinched. His mouth and hand were warm, the first wet, the other dry.

  He held the tip between his teeth and looked up at my face. The skin of my breast and nipple stretched, just a hint of pain that was quickly subsumed by my reluctant arousal. He released it for a second and then took another slow licking suck of my flesh into his mouth while he stared across at the other hardened peak and thumbed it.

  “So pale, baby, and red.” His hand traveled down to my panties, lifting the edge of the top band to expose the dark auburn of my pubic hair. “Red makes me hungry.”

  He looked back to my face, his gaze so wicked and sly it quickly stoked my arousal to a blazing bonfire unlike any I’d ever experienced. “You got something I can eat, baby?”

  I shook my head, my denial exaggerated and desperate. I’d come if he placed his lips against me, was already hovering at the edge of orgasm. Just looking at him -- his pupils dilated, nostrils flared and his generous lips swollen from sucking at my nipple -- triggered hard contractions throughout my cunt.

  “But you do, baby.” His fingers slipped under the fabric of my underwear to stroke between my legs. “So much sweet, juicy nectar that you need to share.”

  My breathing grew erratic, my blink rate far exceeding my heart rate as I tried not to lift and press against his fingers.

  “Blanca, I’m just going to take a little taste.”

  Blanca…not a little taste, then, but a feasting upon my plump mound and swollen labia. I shook my head, my pussy bearing down on nothing.

  “Just a little.” Smiling, he slid down, his body still alongside mine.

  Leaving my panties on, he pulled the gusset towards him. One finger spreading my juices while the others held the fabric, he jerked his head at Manny. �
��See, she can’t help herself. Her pussy’s so swollen and wet, the muscles gripping when there’s nothing in her -- yet.”

  Manny nodded like a solemn student, a feeble attempt at an erection poking at his jeans. “Even though she knows you’re using her, lying to her…”

  Smiling, Dino lifted a brow at his protégé. “Am I lying to her or am I lying to you?”

  Manny grinned, then his brow furrowed. “Hey, Dino, man, you’re not lying to me, right?”

  Dino’s head swiveled until he was looking at my face. His gaze holding mine, he probed the edges of my cunt. “I’m lying to blanca.”

  He dipped his head, blocking Manny’s view as his lips made direct contact with my throbbing clit. I managed one last whisper of “no” before my hips took over, their lifts and darts shadowing the path of his tongue. He slid one hand under my ass, kneading the thick flesh as his mouth sucked and kissed and licked.

  His palm supporting me as I strained higher, the flat of his thumb landed against the opening of my sheath. My flesh sucked at his, wanting him in me, my body tied to the bed unable and unwilling to deny him. I wanted that hard bulge I’d felt against my backside fully embedded in my wet sheath, fucking me, fucking, fucking--

  Stars exploded across my vision, the strangled moans filling the room my own. I twitched and jerked, the pulsing of my cunt pushing more of my cream out to coat his face and tongue with my release. Dino surged up the mattress, his hand massaging my tender labia and the small nodule of my clit as his tongue sliced past my lips.

  Groaning, he buried his face at the crook of my shoulder. Bruising kisses dotted my throat. Dino’s breathing became ragged, his squeezing rougher. When he lifted his head at last to gaze into my eyes, his skin was flushed, a light sheen of perspiration glazing his forehead.

  A soft moan from the figure against the wall reminded us that we were not alone. Dino’s head swiveled right and then he snorted. “Fuck, chico, go change your pants.”

  Getting up from the bed, he hustled Manny out and locked both deadbolts. Turning, he rested with one shoulder against the wall and stared at me. The front of his jeans strained away from the flat muscles of his stomach. He ran a hand over his abdomen, softly growling as his gaze broke from mine and cast about the room. Leaning over, he swiped his hand along the floor and came up with a half crushed pack of cigarettes.

  “I’m supposed to be done with these, little dove.” Pulling one out, he lit it and walked over to the window. He drew the drapes aside, opened the window and turned again to look at me.

  The sun coming through the window made his skin glow like burnished gold all over. As my gaze sank lower down his body, I realized I was wrong. There at the belt line was a peek of purplish brown skin, all smooth and swollen, trying to escape his jeans.

  He blinked and drew his bottom lip into his mouth. “Don’t look at me, baby. Not down there -- not anywhere.”

  Was he serious? He had me tied to the bed, my breasts uncovered, my panties wedged between my lower lips and he was telling me not to look at him.

  “Cover me,” I whispered. “Please…”

  His gaze narrowing, he crossed back to the bed, the cigarette hanging loosely between his lips. His hand brushed over my hip and along my lower stomach as he reached for the thin white flat sheet bunched on the mattress next to me. He pinched its edge, his gaze catching and sticking on the rise and fall of my mound as I heaved and squirmed.

  Ash fell from the cigarette’s tip to dust along my panty line. He brushed at it, his fingers lingering at first and then hooking the fabric, tugging until the material tore. His knuckle grazed my cunt hair, his eyes slowly shutting. “You’re still drenched, baby.”

  “Cover me, please.” My pussy was knotting in on itself again, the muscles churning and twisting at the barest whisper of his flesh against mine. “Please, Dino.”

  It was the first time I’d said his name and it didn’t go unnoticed. He looked at me, his expression clouding. “I don’t want you calling me that, little dove.”

  My lips parted, the question of what I should call him rising up, but he shook his head. “Don’t call me anything. I’m no one to you.”

  Already, I knew that wasn’t true and never would be. Even if I escaped this house alive, I would remember him for the rest of my life. Feeling a hot flush spread across my skin, I prayed my body wouldn’t quicken and burn at the memory.

  Dino pulled the sheet across me then palmed my mound. He pressed a finger between my labia, wedging the threadbare fabric and soaking it with my juices.

  Returning to the window, he snubbed the cigarette butt out, checked the pack for a fresh one and growled when he found it empty. I kept watching him even though he had told me not to. His muscles rippled with agitation in the sunlight, the length and thickness of his erection more stark now that I had a side view. Turning his head, he caught me staring.

  Something dark and sinister flashed across his face.

  “You want something to look at, baby girl?” Walking back to where my panties lay shredded on the floor, he scooped them up. Sitting just on the edge of the bed, he unzipped his pants. A quick lift of his tight, muscled ass and he had the jeans and his underwear low down on his hips. Freed, his cock pointed a hard line at the ceiling.

  Dino fisted his cock, my panties between the flesh of his hand and the mottled walnut of his erection. Pre-cum already beaded at its fat tip and I felt myself growing warm and humid all over again, my body a roller coaster of reactions.

  Veins stood out along his arm as he slowly pumped his shaft. His free hand found my breast to squeeze and tug in time with his strokes. My cunt took up the rhythm, my clit sliding between my thick lips with each contraction.

  A flick of his wrist and my panties covered the swollen head, hiding it from my devouring gaze. He looked at me, dragging my eyes up and away.

  He licked his bottom lip then breathed slowly through his pursed mouth. “Are you wet again, baby?”

  I nodded. I was wet and one contraction away from coming. The muscles of my stomach rolled, my torso twisting, hips lifting as my breathing became erratic. I sucked air in, my expression widening as my clit slid up and froze just as his hand tightened around his cock.

  He came inside the fabric, the already black material darkening as his cum erupted. He groaned, his gaze still boring into the back of my head as I started to buck, my body jerking with each flutter of the fabric as thick streams of his climax jetted beneath it.

  Spent, he tossed my panties on the floor and leaned over me. “Next time I come, little dove, it will be inside you.”


  Dino brought me water and food, untying my hands long enough for me to eat and use the toilet. Parading me through the hall with the sheet wrapped around me, he then followed me into the bathroom. I looked at the impossibly small window and glared at him.

  “What, you think I’m going to try to crawl out of that -- in this?”

  Leaning with his back against the wall, he reached a hand down and opened the cabinet below the sink. There was an assortment of bottles and spray cans. He pulled out an aerosol can, rooted around some more and came up with a lighter. “Can’t have you going all flamethrower on my ass, baby.”

  “Fine, take the lighter and leave.” I felt my blood pressure spike as he shook his head. “I can’t pee with you watching.”

  He turned until his ass was resting on the sink’s edge and he was facing the door. “Better?”

  “The mirror’s right there.” I started to dance, my need to go magnified now that I was so close to the toilet. “At least close your eyes.”

  I couldn’t believe I was arguing with him about this. His watching me pee would be the least of my humiliations in this house. “Please, Di--”

  His gaze cut my way, silencing me immediately. Reaching behind him, he turned the faucet on. “Just sit down and try, baby.”

  With the water running, I had no choice. I sat down, the sheet shielding me. Seeing his green eyes glitte
ring at me in the mirror, I scowled at him.

  “How many lovers have you had?”

  I closed my eyes, intent on ignoring him. If I could relax just a little bit more--

  “How many?” he repeated.

  “Worried you weren’t the best?” Near tears, I snarled the question at him.

  Dino turned toward me, his left hip against the sink, his torso twisting at the waist until his face was just a few inches from mine. His hand cupped my breast through the sheet. “Not really, but tell me what you like and I’ll make sure I am.”

  “I like to use the restroom alone.” Glaring at him, I fought to keep the quiver from my lips. He was thumbing the nipple through the fabric, bringing it to a sharp peak as the other nipple slowly hardened.

  “Not going to happen, baby.” He pressed against my chest, his mouth closing in on mine and forcing me to lean against the tank. Stripping the sheet away, his hand started to move down my stomach. “Maybe you just need a little massage to get you started.”

  I blinked. Two of his fingers found my clit. My hands rose to clutch at his shoulders. He kissed me, his tongue slowly sweeping into my mouth as his fingers started a gentle dance, one of them finding the small pearl tucked under the hood of my clit and circling it.

  “Or if I kissed you again, down there, took that swollen little bud between my lips and--”

  A shudder rolled through me, leaving my body in a jagged moan.

  “So close already, little dove?” His hips angled in my direction, Dino unzipped his jeans and guide my hand to his erection.

  My fingers curled around him as his tongue pillaged my mouth.

  Was I really doing this? Giving my captor a hand job while I eagerly allowed him to play with my pussy?

  “This isn’t me,” I whispered.

  “No, baby -- it’s us.” He removed my hand from his cock, kissing and sucking at my fingers as his own increased their tempo against my clit, curling down to tease my hole, taking shallow dips before running a trail of my cream back up the spine of my sex. Rubbing -- hard, soft, a pinch -- and then plunging in me, two fingers wide all the way to the base knuckles as I came, shattering and calling his name, a name that was supposed to mean nothing to me, but suddenly did.


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