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Page 12

by Alexi Ferreira

  “You’re right,” I state, still acting as if I’m in shock. “It is darn ugly.” I wrinkle my nose as if disgusted, and then burst out laughing with everyone else when Ceric quickly turns to look at me with an evil look on his face.

  “Is that so?” He advances towards me with a playful glare. “You’re supposed to be on my side, you evil woman,” he teases before he lifts me by the waist, making me screech in surprise as he throws me over his shoulder and spanks me playfully on the ass.

  “Ceric!” I scream. “Don’t you dare.” But I’m laughing too hard to sound believable. Everyone is also laughing at our foolery until Sven walks in with a long box under his arm. He stops in the doorway in shock when he sees Ceric’s ass looking at him.

  “What the fuck?” he mumbles.

  “What have you got there?” Draco asks, as it’s obvious that it was delivered for someone. The long box is wrapped in a beautiful gold and black wrapping paper with a big gold bow on it.

  “Oh.” He looks down at the parcel and then walks towards Aria. “This came for you.” As he starts to hand it to her, Brandr takes it from his hands with a frown on his face.

  “Who the fuck sent you this?” he growls.

  “I don’t know,” she replies with a confused look on her face. He looks at the box as if it’s going to tell him something, turning it over in his hands.

  “Are you going to stare at it the whole day, or are you going to give it to me to open?” Aria asks teasingly as she takes it from his hands. Sitting back on the couch, she starts to unwrap the parcel, Brandr standing over her like an avenging angel. When the wrapping is all off, she takes the lid off the box and then pales at what she sees.

  “Motherfuckers,” Brandr roars in anger. Just then, Aria gasps and drops the box on the floor as she stands up, hurriedly swiping at her clothes. “What’s wrong, sunshine?” His voice is laced with concern when he sees her agitation.

  “There was a spider. It bit me,” she says, still swiping at her clothes.

  “There,” Cassius calls, already moving towards where he sees the spider. “Fuck, this is a black widow.”

  “Where did it bite you?” Brielle asks with a determined look on her face.

  “Here.” Aria shows her a mark that is already reddening on her arm, her face a milky white.

  “Sons of bitches, I’m gonna kill the motherfuckers,” Brandr roars in fury.

  “I can help you,” Brielle says as she takes hold of her arm. Placing her hand over the spider bite and the other under the arm, she closes her eyes. Aria looks at her with big blue eyes as Brandr stands next to her.

  I see perspiration bead on Brielle’s forehead as she frowns, still with her eyes closed. After a few minutes, she opens them, lifting her hands. “There you go. All gone,” she whispers.

  Aria looks down at her arm, a surprised look on her face. “There is nothing there. It’s as if I weren’t bitten, and there was such heat when you were healing me. Thank you.” She draws closer to Brielle again and hugs her close.

  “Well, ladies, I think we have just found another one of us,” Gabriela declares with a splitting smile.

  “Thank you, Brielle,” Brandr calls as he pulls Aria into his arms, burying his face in her neck.

  “Bion, can you check for any clues?” Draco asks. Looking down at where the box is now lying, I see long-stemmed dead roses. Whoever sent those was meaning to frighten Aria, and if it wasn’t for Brielle, she may have been seriously hurt.

  “Yeah, after we kill all the fucking spiders,” Cassius calls out as he’s about to kill another spider that’s crawling on the floor.

  “No,” Bion calls out, “don’t kill them. I can take samples.” He bends to pick up the box and replaces the lid, closing it and preventing any other spiders from escaping. Looking around, I can see the guys who were all laughing just a few minutes ago are now furious. The anger is palpable as it radiates from them.

  “Who dropped the fucking parcel off?” Draco asks as he looks at Sven.

  “A delivery company,” he answers. Pulling out a paper from the back pocket of his jeans, he hands it to Draco. Draco looks down at the paper and then passes it on to Celmund.

  Whoever sent that parcel should start hiding, because looking around, death is looking for them.

  CERIC 15

  After testing the roses for DNA, Bion concluded that the roses were handled by a woman; there was also a bleached hair between the roses that Bion determined to belong to a woman in her late twenties.

  Celmund hacked the delivery company’s cameras. After going through a few days of feeds, he found the woman who had sent the box. When zooming in on the woman, we were all speechless to see Lidia, one of the Jezebels we sent packing after she tried to attack Aria because of Brandr. Of course, Brandr is now blaming himself for this, something he has a tendency of doing.

  “Bitch. I’m going to kill her,” Brandr promises as we make our way towards our bikes. I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze lightly, letting him know that I’m here for him. Cassius, Burkhart, and Celmund are already on their bikes, awaiting us as we arrive in the garage. We are going out to look for Lidia; we don’t accept threats to our women no matter who makes them. If she wants to fight dirty, she will have to accept the consequences.

  We make the ride towards town and the apartment we think Lidia is staying in record time. We all accompanied Brandr in case she isn’t there and we have to look for her. Also, to stop him from putting an end to her sorry ass before we can question her.

  Bion found traces of Keres energy when he tested the dead flowers, and then again, the spiders. The computers we managed to extract from the Keres had names and addresses of various women that we will start to follow up and verify if these are the women they have already kidnapped or if they are women with gifts that might be mates to Elemental men, but there was nothing about Lidia. We need to know if she’s working with them or under their influence. Celmund and I make our way to the back of the building, while Brandr, Burkhart, and Cassius go in through the front.

  Making my way up through the fire escape, I hear Brandr confirm that they’re at the door. As soon as we’re in place, I give the go ahead. I hear them knock at the door, but there is no movement within the apartment.

  “We’re going in,” Burkhart states. We continue waiting outside just in case she decides to run through the back.

  “Shit,” Cassius says in our earpieces. “She’s fucking dead.” I look over at Celmund and see a shocked look on his face.

  “How?” I ask.

  “She’s been fucking strangled,” Burkhart reveals. “I’m sure there is nothing to find here; everything’s been tossed. Looks like someone was looking for something.”

  “Let’s go. I don’t like this. Feels like a fucking setup,” Celmund suggests as he starts to make his way down the stairs. We’re nearly at our bikes when we start to hear the sirens. “Move, move. Cops are coming.”

  “Fuck, this was a fucking setup,” I sneer as I start my bike and take off down the road, the others right behind me.

  “Let’s separate,” Cassius calls as we approach an intersection; he turns left, with Burkhart riding next to him. Celmund continues forward, and Brandr and I turn right, making it about a mile before we pull up at a gas station.

  “We need to end this shit. Since the Keres started working with Salazar, they have become fucking cocky.” A few months back, we joined forces with the Russian mafia after finding out that the Keres MC were in bed with Salazar the Castilian mafia boss. Salazar has been after the arms deal that Alexey the Russian mafia boss has with Africa. We have been transporting arms for Alexey for years, but only recently have we become partners. We deliver the arms safely to the clients, and Alexey will help us with information on where the Keres are delivering the women they are kidnapping. After finding out that Salazar was trafficking women for the Keres, Alexey promised to help us stop them.

  Alexey sent us information yesterday on the whereabouts of one
of the warehouses where Salazar keeps women before moving them on to the Middle East. That is why Draco, Wulf, and Bion have gone to meet with the new FBI agent assigned to us. Bion is carrying a little lapel camera for Aria to read the new agent’s mind and make sure we can trust him. We will need the FBI’s assistance while extracting the women.

  We need to find a way to end these fucking Keres. Once we know how our women are involved in saving the Elementals from turning Keres, we can eliminate the ones who have turned. They have come too close for comfort too many times for us to take this lightly anymore.

  “Maybe we should try to get Bion to test Lidia’s body. Don’t you think she was acting strangely the last few weeks she was with us?” Brandr asks, a pensive look to him. “Not that she was ever all that stable, but I think she was worse than normal.”

  “You should know, every time you went with her, we used to worry that you would leave there with missing body parts,” I joke. “Once, we thought a fucking Doberman attacked you.” At my words, he playfully throws a punch, missing my head as I duck. “You had more bites on you than a good bagel.”

  “You’re such a prick.” He laughs as he shakes his head. “I’m not the one who had half my hair painted purple when I left a woman.” He smirks. “You looked so good, even Sam wouldn’t be able to resist.” I groan at Nova’s friend’s name.

  “That was done without my knowledge; I was without sleep for over forty-eight hours, dude. What’s your excuse?” I grumble.

  “Fuck, man, I can’t believe the shit we got up to. It’s a good thing we didn’t know how good it is with our mates before we met them, or we would never have touched another woman.” Before I can answer, we see Celmund turn into the gas station, a huge smile on his face.

  “Shit, I haven’t had this much fun in years. You assholes can park at the compound from now on with your women,” he states excitedly. “A cop had the misfortune of pulling me over. While he was busy looking at my license, I tossed his bike down the road with a gust of wind. You should have seen his face . . .” And then he laughs happily. “Have never seen anyone’s eyes widen as his did.”

  “Didn’t he find it strange that a two-hundred-and-fifty-kilo bike was rolling down the road?” I ask sceptically.

  “It wasn’t exactly rolling. More like sliding, and it was downhill. Besides, he needed the exercise. I was doing him a favour,” he quips playfully as he wiggles his eyebrows. We talk for a few more minutes to make sure that the cops won’t be looking for us anymore before we make our way back to the compound.

  When we arrive, we find Cassius and Burkhart already at the bar, having a beer, Tina on Burkhart’s lap, stroking his hair. “Hey, Brothers, all cool?” Burkhart asks with a lift of his brow. We nod to let him know that all went well. We don’t discuss club business in front of the Jezebels, especially since we found two of them to be traitors.

  “Are the others back?” I ask, curious to know if the new agent is trustworthy. Now that we need to extract the kidnapped women, we can’t afford to have an agent who’s still green in the field.

  “Yeah, but apparently, they went to check out the place,” Cassius replies. That means everything went well with the agent and now they’re staking out the warehouse for intel. Good, things are looking good on that side, at least.

  “Here, have a beer, Brother,” Cassius suggests as he slides a beer across the counter of the bar towards me.

  “Not now. I wanna check on what the women are up to first,” I reply as I start to make my way out of the bar, but Tina’s words stop me in my tracks.

  “They’re not here,” she says coyly, fluttering her eyes at me.

  “What do you mean they’re not here?” Brandr roars as he stands from the bar chair he just sat on.

  “I heard your one,” she says, pointing at me, “tell Gunner to order them a cab, that they were going into town.”

  “You better fucking be wrong, because if he let them go out without an escort, he’s fucking dead,” Brandr thunders. I’m already texting Gunner, asking him where he is. A few seconds later, I receive a text informing me that he’s with Sven, and asking if I need anything.

  “Fuck,” I say. “I’m going to gag her, I swear.” I just know she used her persuasion on Gunner, which can be the only answer for him having let them go. “He’s with Sven at the gate. I asked him to come here.” All the brothers tensed when informed that the women may have given us the slip again. They don’t understand how dangerous it can be for them without protection. Their energy levels alone will get them caught by the Keres.

  “They won’t be somewhere with a lot of people because of Aria,” Celmund suggests. The idea of Nova being in danger because of her fool ideas—and I’m sure it was her idea—fills me with such blinding anger that I’m ready to go out and tear the town apart looking for her.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Gunner calls as he walks in, a smirk on his face until he sees the glares on all our faces as we look at him.

  “Did the women leave the compound?” At my question, a frown mars his brow, but then he shakes his head as if confused.

  “Should they have?” he asks.

  “That’s not an answer to his fucking question,” Brandr growls as he paces.

  “I don’t know. I don’t think so, but then I have this image of seeing them climb into a cab.” He looks more confused than ever, and then realization widens his eyes. “No way! You think she . . .? Damn,” he says in anger.

  “Check your phone. What time did you phone for the cab?” I hear Burkhart ask, but I’m already dialling Nova’s number. It rings a few times but then goes to voicemail.

  “Aria’s not answering her phone.” Brandr swears as he angrily throws his phone against the couch. “They’re fucking irresponsible.”

  “Nova’s not answering, either,” I inform them, just as tempted to throw mine, but the thought that she might try to phone me back keeps me holding it tightly in my hand. “Where’s Bjarni and Caelius?” They were supposed to stay behind at the compound. If they were here, there is no way Nova would have been able to use her persuasion on Gunner.

  “They’re on the other side of the compound, fixing the wall,” Gunner states, already texting them.

  “I’m going,” I state, already making my way outside. There is no way I’m waiting around while my woman may be in danger.

  “I’m coming with,” Brandr replies. Looking back at him, I see the others also following me. I guess we’ll all be looking for them. As I reach my bike, Bjarni and Caelius come charging towards us, Bjarni’s muscles bunching as he runs.

  “What happened?” he growls.

  “Looks like Nova persuaded Gunner to let all of them out. Apparently, they went to town.” At Celmund’s words, Bjarni growls low in his throat. Turning, he jogs towards the garage and his bike, Caelius behind him. Starting our bikes, we make our way out of the compound. As we turn left into town, we see Draco, Wulf, and Bion about to turn in. We don’t say anything, just charge out. I see all three of them turn their bikes and follow us.

  Just before we get into town, we stop. Getting off the bike, I close my eyes and widen my senses, trying to find my mate. I hear Wulf swear behind me, knowing that one of the brothers must have told him what’s happening.

  “Got a trace,” Bjarni growls, already making his way back to his bike. We all follow as he takes off. As we make our way into town, about five minutes in, I start to feel Nova’s energy. I swear I’m going to teach her a lesson. How can she place herself and the others in danger like this? As we draw closer, I realize where we are going.

  Nova brought them to Sam’s apartment, of all places. As we park, I see the curtain move in his apartment. Yeah, now they are hiding. Well, Hellcat, you better hide, because I will teach you never to place yourself in danger like this again.

  We’re off our bikes and on our way to the entrance of the building before the bikes can even quiet. Bjarni doesn’t wait for them to open the door downstairs; he places both hands against
the door and gives a mighty push. The door flies in, hitting the floor with a thunderous crash.

  When we reach the landing to his apartment, I see his door wide open, Sam standing outside, waiting for us with a nervous look. “Go right in. You don’t need to break my door,” he jokes, but there’s a wary look to him as he sees our angry faces. “I didn’t invite them, just so you know.”

  “Tattletale,” I hear Nova shriek from inside.

  NOVA 16

  “Are you sure about this?” Jasmine asks with a weary look on her face.

  “Honey, if you don’t wanna go, it’s fine, but I’m ready for some trouble. Can you imagine how pissed Bjarni will be? He can’t spank me, so he needs to get creative,” Gabriela says as she lovingly strokes her extended stomach. I start laughing at her playfulness. She has been so excited the whole day that I thought she would give us away while Bjarni and Caelius were still there.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be with Sam. Besides, I’m sure we won’t be there that long before they come after us. Depending how today goes, maybe next time we can make it longer,” Aria suggests with a wicked smile. “We can’t frighten them that much the first time.”

  “Fine, I’m in. Who’s helping with Orion?” Jasmine asks with a naughty smile. Since singing to him the other day, Orion has chosen me as his favourite person. Every time he sees me, a toothless grin splits his chubby little cheeks, and his beautiful amethyst eyes like his fathers widen in wonder.

  “I guess you’re with me. Hey, little guy.” He starts to coo as I stretch my arms towards him. “I think you’ve been around Ceric too long,” I tease, making the women laugh. As soon as I have Orion, I turn, making my way towards the garage where Brielle said she last saw Gunner.

  Entering the garage, I see him leaning over the hood of an SUV with no shirt on. He may not be an Elemental, but the man sure is fine. His muscles ripple across his back as he leans forward, making us sigh in pleasure. At the noise, he shoots up from his position, turning as his hand shoots to his gun at his waist.


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