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Ruled By Pain

Page 9

by Sarah Bale

  “By the powers given to me by the Fates I pronounce you married.”

  The ground rumbled beneath my feet and I felt warm. Hades pulled me into his arms, kissing me.

  “Hello, wife.”

  I grinned up at him. “Hello, husband.”

  Hermes was next, kissing me, and saying, “My Goddess of love, you are more precious than a dove. You are passion and light. And for you I would fight.”

  I laughed and replied, “Thank you, Hermes.”

  Ares frowned when I stood before him. “Never been married before.”

  “Me either.”

  He nodded. “Guess we’ll have to figure it out together.”

  “Guess so.”

  He hedged and then kissed me as well.

  When we pulled away I caressed his cheek. “I’m honored to be your wife, Ares.”

  He nodded once and then made his way to the banquet table, grabbing a goblet of wine. Hades joined me, shaking his head.

  “He shouldn’t indulge until after.”

  “After what?”

  “After the honeymoon.”

  My body tingled, and Hades’ eyes reflected my desire.


  He caught my mouth in another kiss and said, “I am looking forward to it.”

  “Me too,” I replied. “When can we leave?”

  He laughed and said, “Soon. We have to eat dinner and then the fun can start.”

  Vedah stood to the side watching me. It made my skin crawl. She smiled and came to my side and took me by the arm, leading me away from Hades.

  “How does it feel to be the new Goddess of Spring and Love?”

  I wanted to run from her, but something nudged me deep inside telling me to wait and see what she had to say. Was this one of my new gifts?

  I laughed a little. “I feel the same as before.”

  Her eyebrow raised. “Really?”

  My chest twinged and I decided to play dumb.

  “Should I feel different?”

  She replied, “I assumed you would. Now that you are married your powers should have come in. Just a little surprising.”

  “What will I be able to do?”

  She lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “That is for you to discover.”

  “You’re not very helpful.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “For an ‘all seeing Oracle’, you’re not very helpful at all.”

  Energy sparked around Vedah and her eyes narrowed. The light around her dimmed until she was bathed in darkness. I shuddered.

  Ares came up and asked, “What’s going on over here?”

  Vedah smiled. “Whatever do you mean, War God?”

  “One of you is pissed. Murderously so.”

  It definitely wasn’t me.

  I know, my sparrow. I came over to protect you.

  I inhaled sharply. Oh, my god! I’d just heard his voice. In my head.

  He gave me a slight nod in confirmation.

  Vedah put her hand on my arm. “You must be mistaken, War God. No one is angry over here. Perhaps you should go back to your wine.”

  “You’re quite right. Come, wife. Let us go have a drink.”

  He pulled me from Vedah’s grasp and led me to the other side of the table. I picked up a goblet and took a drink.

  “Your hands are shaking,” he murmured.

  “Thanks for saving me.”

  “Anytime.” He took a sip of his drink. “I think you may be right about the Oracle. She’s hiding something.”

  I said, “Whatever it is has to do with me. She wanted to know if my powers have come in.”

  “Have they?”

  I shook my head. “Except hearing your voice in my head, everything is the same.”

  Hearing his voice was different than hearing his thoughts. His thoughts were how he felt where as his voice was literally him speaking to me.

  “That’s not really a power, per se. It’s more of a bonus of being married.”

  I smiled. “Well, it was a nice surprise none-the-less.”

  You won’t feel that way after a while. It gets very old.

  You’re wrong, Ares. I will always see it as a gift.

  His eyes widened. “Very good, my sparrow.”

  I glanced over at Hades and said to Ares, “He didn’t believe me earlier when I said that Vedah was up to no good. Do you believe me?”

  “I do, now. She has always been an odd one, but Oracles are a different breed. She wanted to kill you a moment ago. Like actually murder you.”

  I shivered, and he put his arm around me.

  “She would die before she had a chance to act,” Ares whispered.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I’m a War God. Knowing how someone wants to end another’s life is one of my gifts. It also means I can stop them.”

  I asked, “Why does Hades even need an Oracle?”

  Ares replied, “In the old days the Oracles helped maintain balance within their realms. My brothers were busy and needed help. The Fates thought the Oracles were perfect solutions. They don’t have agendas of their own, so they could be trusted.”

  “I have a feeling the Fates were wrong about Vedah. She definitely has an agenda.”

  “What are you two whispering about?” Hermes asked, a smile on his face as he joined us at the table.

  Ares gave a slight shake of his head.

  I replied, “I was just saying how good this wine is. I’ve never been much of a wine drinker.”

  “Ah, yes. It was a gift from Dionysus. He is talented in that area.”

  I asked, “Will I meet him soon?”

  Hermes' smile faltered.


  “Things are not good on the surface. Zeus is distraught over Hera worsening and the weather is reflecting this. It’s not safe up there right now.” His eyes were wide. “In fact, he says you don’t have to take over Persephone’s surface duties right away, though I’m not sure if that’s a wise choice.”

  I’d forgotten that she lived above ground for six months of the year. I glanced across the room to Hades. I didn’t want to leave him-

  Ares snorted. “This has to be the first time the Underworld is safer than the surface.”

  I was about to reply when the air rippled at the head of a table and an older woman suddenly appeared, adding more fruit to a tray. I gasped.

  “What is it?” Ares asked on full alert, looking around.

  “That woman appeared out of nowhere.”

  Hermes and Ares looked to where I pointed.

  Hermes said, “There is no one there, light of my life.”

  It hit me. She was a spirit. She looked at me and bowed before leaving.

  “I just saw a spirit.”

  Ares asked, “Is that really such a surprise? You’re in the Underworld and you’ve been able to sense them all along.”

  “They never looked like that, though. She looked as real as you or me.”

  Her skin was weathered, and I could tell by the lines around her eyes that she used to laugh a lot. The only thing that made her seem out of place was the faint pink halo of light that surrounded her.

  Hermes smiled. “Hades will be glad to hear that you can see the spirits. When he first came down here that was one of the things that was difficult for him to accept.”

  “What was difficult to accept?” Hades asked as he joined us.

  “I was just telling our wife that you would be glad to hear she can see the spirits.”

  Hades turned to me. “Indeed?”

  “Yes. I just saw one refilling the fruit.”

  He smiled, and it made my knees weak. “Very good. The spirits only show themselves to their rulers.”

  I asked, “So how long do we have to wait before we can head to the chambers? I’m ready to go. Now.”

  Hades laughed. “Then we shall go. Brothers.”

  Hades took me by the arm and Ares and Hermes followed. I couldn’t deny that excitement I felt with each step that we t
ook. I was ready to consummate this marriage.



  Hades started to lead me to my chambers, but I stopped him.

  “Oh no, husband. We’re going to your rooms tonight.”

  Ares said, “If this is where we’re going to spend most of our time then I vote his chambers get updates.”

  Hermes nodded. “Oh yes. I have an idea-”

  Hades said, “No one changes a single thing. Unless Aubrey wants to, of course.”

  I replied, “The only thing that comes to mind is a bigger bed.”

  Hades’ lips twitched. “Noted. I will make sure the staff gets this request.”

  We entered his chambers and I was pleased to see a roaring fire in the fireplace. The room was warm, and I was more than ready to discard my clothing.

  I moved my hair from my shoulder and said, “Undress me, husbands.”

  It was odd. A week ago, the thought of being married to three men would have been unimaginable and simply too sinful to even ponder. But now… now I was more than ready to get this party started.

  Hades stepped behind me and unbuttoned my gown, kissing my back as more flesh was exposed. I shivered and felt him smile against my skin.




  His deep chuckle made the embers burning in my stomach turn to roaring flames. The dress slid from my shoulders and hung around my waist.

  “Turn around,” Hades said. “Let us all see you like this.”

  My knees quivered as I spun around to face my husbands. Hades’ eyes were icy blue as he stared at me. My nipples hardened under his gaze and he smiled. Ares stood behind Hades and was already nude. He fisted his cock and a moan left my lips. Mine. That was all mine.

  Hermes was a few feet away from Ares and watched me with so much love in his eyes that I wanted to weep. I held my arms out to him. He came to me, pulling me against his caramel skin.

  “Hades should be first,” he whispered into my ear.

  I caught his lips in a kiss and replied, “No, my love. I want you first.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. My sweet Hermes wasn’t used to being picked first for anything. He would get used to it over time. Reaching down, I untied his robe. It fell to the ground at our feet. I ran my fingers over his chest. An airy sigh left his lips when I licked his nipple.

  “Hermes, undress me.”

  His eyes fluttered open and he nodded. I could shimmy out of my gown if I wanted, but I waited patiently for him to tug the material down my legs. He surprised me by kneeling, kissing a trail down my stomach to my thigh. I yearned for his touch and he smiled.

  I long to touch you, light of my life.

  Then kiss me where I ache.

  His eyes were wicked as he lifted my leg over his shoulder and kissed my inner thigh, moving toward my most private spot. Hades came behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

  Lean on me, little flower.

  I did as he said just as Hermes licked his way through my folds. Gasping, I arched into him. Hades moved his hands from my waist to my breast and began kneading them while Hermes worked between my legs. The only thing missing was my Ares.

  War God, I crave your touch, too.

  Ares crossed the room and pulled my head to the side, catching my mouth in a hot, possessive kiss. The tempo of his tongue matched Hermes and I cried out as I came.

  Hermes said, “My Queen, I want to be inside you.”

  He took me by the hand and led me to the bed. I laid down and he moved on top of me.

  Caressing his face, I said, “I am yours, husband.”

  He slid into my aching folds at a torturously slow pace until we were fully connected. I felt a surge of power pass between us. He moaned and began moving. I held onto his neck, holding him close as we made love.

  I love you so much, light of my life. I never knew I could feel this way.

  I didn’t either. He made me feel loved and protected. He cried out my name as he came, and I held onto him while he rode out his orgasm. When he was done I kissed him.

  “Thank you.”

  We rose from the bed and I went to Ares.

  His eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Me?”

  “You.” I kissed him. “Always you.”

  He replied, “I’m not going to be gentle.”

  My pussy clenched in anticipation. “I would hope not.”

  He led me to a chair by the fireplace and said, “Hold on to the back.”

  I did as he said, and he pushed me forward so my breasts spilled over the top.

  “Do you want one of my brothers to pleasure your breasts while I fuck you?”

  I nodded, and Hermes came to the front of the chair. He took one nipple into his mouth and fondled the other. I moaned, and Ares held onto my hips. My moans turned to grunts when he slammed into me. Each thrust shoved my body harder into the chair and I knew I’d be bruised. But I welcomed each one.

  I don’t know what I did to deserve a creature like you. No one else has ever let me be my true self.

  It’s because we are meant to be, Ares.

  He groaned, and his fingers dug into my flesh. The pain was incredible, and I liked it. I was about to ask for more when I felt the power flow between us like it had with Hermes. Ares roared my name as he came, jetting his seed inside me. When he was done, he kissed my shoulder.

  “Thank you, wife.”

  I nodded. My legs shook, and I wasn’t sure I could make it to Hades, who watched me from the other side of the room. He came to me, scooping me into his arms.

  “You only have to ask,” he murmured.

  My body pulsed, and I said, “I want you to take me in our bed.”

  His eyes flickered in surprise, but he carried me to the bed. He laid me on the mattress.

  “I’m not sure I can be gentle.”

  There was truth in his eyes and a little bit of fear.

  I replied, “Then don’t be.”

  He stared at me, unsure.

  I spread my legs and said, “Fuck me, Hades. Fuck me hard.”

  His eyes darkened, and he replied, “As you wish.”

  He entered me in a single thrust. Before I could fully enjoy our connection, he pulled out and slammed into me again. My breasts shook at the force. He bent my knees and continued to pound into me. And I loved every single moment of it. I reached between our bodies and scraped my thumb over my clit. My stomach tightened, and I knew I was close to coming.

  “Not now, little flower,” he rasped out. “Wait for me.”

  I willed by body to relax as his fingers dug into my thighs. His head tilted back and a bead of sweat ran down his neck. I leaned up and licked his neck and he groaned.

  A jolt of energy surged between us and went right to my core.

  “Oh Gods,” I cried out. “Yes!”

  Hades’ body shook as he came, and I was right behind him. This orgasm was like none I’d ever had before. My entire body pulsed as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. Hades held onto me, crying out my name.

  Hades, this is too much.

  Hold on, little flower.

  His voice was enough to center me. I focused on his gaze while our bodies ebbed the tidal wave of our orgasm. Finally, after an eternity, my heart rate returned to normal. Hades moved next to me, keeping his arm snaked around my waist. I kissed him, slow and sweet.

  “Thank you, husband.”

  He rubbed his nose against mine. “I’m sorry for losing myself.”

  “Don’t be. I enjoyed it.”

  And I had. Too much, really. I already craved more.

  Ares flopped on the bed near us and said, “Gods, I’m starving.”

  My stomach rumbled, agreeing. There was a ripple in the air and two spirits entered our room. I recognized Diana as one.

  “Thank you, Diana.”

  She smiled at me and bowed.

  “I’m sorry, spirit, I don’t know your name.”

  His mouth moved an
d then I felt a word. David.

  “We thank you as well, David. Peace be with you tonight.”

  The two bowed and were gone a second later.

  Hades kissed me. “Thank you for being kind to them. You don’t know how much it means for them to be acknowledged.”

  I did know. I’d spent my entire life hiding and staying out of the light. Now, it felt great to just be myself.

  Ares lifted the lid from one of the trays. “Let’s eat.”

  Hermes joined us and said, “And after we can take a bath.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows. “All of us?”

  “If that is what you wish, then yes.”

  I nodded. “It is.”

  Hades said, “While we bathe I will have the spirits change the bedding.”

  I blushed and asked, “Can they bring some other things?”

  “Such as?”

  “Bedroom toys.”

  My three husbands stared at me, mouths agape.

  I grinned. “What?”

  Hades laughed, deep and loud. “Wife, you amaze me.”

  And that’s when I knew I was in love with the Lord of the Underworld.

  We spent the rest of the evening making love until I was exhausted. With each intimate encounter I felt more energy and power coursing through my veins. At one point the old bed was replaced with a new one that had more than enough room for the four of us. We spent hours christening it and I think Ares made it his personal goal to see if we could break the frame.

  I awoke knowing it was morning and slipped from the bed. I grabbed Hades’ robe and put it on, tying the belt as I padded from the room. The hallways were filled with spirits doing their tasks and chores. I said hello to each one that I saw. In return they bowed. By the time I reached the dining room I had lost count of how many I’d seen.

  Vedah sat at the table in Hades’ spot and it rubbed me the wrong way.

  She watched me as I filled my plate with food and sat in my chair.


  I glanced at her. “Excuse me?”

  “What powers did you awaken to?”

  Her question bothered me for two reasons. One- it wasn’t her business. Two- I hadn’t awoken to any powers.

  I replied, “I didn’t.”

  She leaned forward. “Surely at least one came to you?”

  I took a bite of my eggs. “Nope.”

  “Your mind is quiet today. Have you learned how to veil your thoughts or did the three Gods wear you out that much?”


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