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Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

Page 14

by Patricia Voois

  I followed him to the bedroom and suddenly felt like a child having a sleep over at the friend’s house. Not knowing which side of the bed to go to if it was me who had to turn the light out etc. I decided to be a child and crawl up the middle of the bed, obviously he would tell me to move if I was on the wrong side, but right now the middle looked the best option. I looked over to see Damon laughing, his smile was breathtaking, I laughed with him, he knew what I was up to I swear.

  Damon flicked the bedside lamp on and wondered to the doorway and turned the main light off, than he came back to the bedside. I watched him as he checked him cell phone, he frowned at something than put it down. Is always seemed to be thinking, I presumed it was because of his job, but I wasn’t going to ask. I flipped the comforter down and crawled under it as I made myself comfortable I saw Damon take his shirt off, his body was ridiculously hot. His ripped abdominal muscles made my mouth water. He was only wearing a pair of silk boxers…… the same as mine. I giggled, and he turned to look at me.

  “What has you giggling?” He asked with a grin.

  “Just that you’re wearing the same boxers that I am.” I couldn’t help but smile. Damon smiled in return and shaking his head.

  He turned off the bedside light and got under the covers next to me, I rolled over and started to move towards the other side of the bed, but before I made it all the way over Damon grabbed me by the hips and shifted me back towards him and cuddled into my back. I felt so secure in his embrace, which was both calming and unsettling all at once. It was silent for minutes; the only sound was our breathing. Calm and collected. I opened my mouth to say good night, but Damon spoke.

  “What were you and Nicole talking about earlier?”

  “Nothing really…….. Good night Damon.” I said, but in a quiet tone, hoping it wouldn’t push the subject.

  Damon shifted and rolled me onto my back. I could just make out his facial features in the darkness. One of his hands came up and cupped my face, his thumb brushing over my lips. He leaned down slowly, and I felt his lips on mine. His tongue was tracing my bottom lips, so I opened my mouth to allow access. Our tongues caressed each other’s; the kiss itself was soft and quite affectionate. It made my toes tingle. The kiss seems to last ages, minutes, hours I don’t know. But it was beautiful. When he finally pulled away, I noticed his breathing had changed, he was faster, and shallow…….my breathing was the same.

  “Your lips are so soft.” He whispered before taking my mouth again. I gathered the courage to wrap my arms around his neck and pull his body closer to mine. While our tongues danced with each other, his hand that was caressing my face worked it's way down my body…….softly touching my neck, shoulder, breast……. Gently caressing of my nipple, then squeezing, hand started to move again……ribs, hip…..thigh…..

  His lips left mine but trailed kisses down my neck and clavicle. His hand moved to my inner thigh slowly but surely going to one place…… There. His fingers moved the fabric aside and found their way to my opening. I could feel that I was already wet from just kissing him, it was ridiculous I swear I could have an orgasm just from his mouth on mine. One fingers slowly penetrated me, followed by another…… I removed my arms from his shoulders and grabbed my pillow instead. I needed something to hold onto. Or something to scream into either way. His fingers continued to work their way in and out of my body, I tried to hold back my moans of pleasure, but they worked their way out in the open. Damon stopped my neck, and I felt him move from my side, but before I could move to see what was happening I felt him grab the band of my boxers and slowly pull them down my legs, I briefly heard them hit the ground somewhere in the silence. He moved between my legs as he moved into position I could feel his erection straining to get out of his pants.

  Once again I felt his fingers entered me. I held my pillow and closed my eyes; this man knew what he was doing without a doubt. I tried to hide my moans of pleasure as his fingers worked their way in and out, biting my lip was the best way to do this….well until he leaned over and kissed me eagerly. His tongue coaxed mine, licking and sucking mine with his. I wanted to release the pillow and touch him, but decided against it, I would continue to hold my pillow and hope my self-restraint kicked in and stayed kicked in. His fingers left my body, only to be replaced by the tip of his cock. He pressed his hips forwards and inch by inch he sunk into me.

  He pulled his lips away from mine, and I opened my eyes.

  “Keep your eyes open, you have such beautiful eyes Savannah.” He whispered.

  As he thrust in and out slowly, I moaned in response. My insides were having a blast, my nerve endings sending all kinds of messages to my brain, and my brain was telling my mouth to say things I didn’t want to say at this moment. I released the pillow and grabbed his face with my hands and brought his lips to mine. I kissed him like I was going to eat him, hungry and savage. I needed a distraction. In response to my attack, his thrusts became harder and faster………….

  Abruptly Damon stopped moving and pulled out slowly. I let his face go, and held the pillow again. He got off the bed and opened his bedside drawer. Ah condom……. I held the foil open, and a few seconds later he was between my thighs again. He grabbed my knees and pushed them towards my stomach as he entered me.

  “Fuck.” I gasped.

  “Are you okay?” Damon said in a worried tone.

  “I’m fine…. it’s just… so….”

  “Deep.” He finished my sentence.

  “Yes that.” I mumbled.

  He continued to rock his hips, thrusting in and out, sometimes with force, other times no so much. I could feel his tip of his cock pushing against my cervix that familiar feeling started to pool. I tried to think about something else to hold off as long as I could, I didn’t want to let go just yet, and I needed to relish the feeling.

  “Slow down or I’m going to ruin this.” I said between breaths.

  “Don’t hold out on me.” He said.

  He released my knees, and I stretched them the best I could whist not interrupting our connection. He leaned over me resting his weight now on his hands, which were either side of my shoulders. I rested my thighs against his hips as he thrust deep inside me. He established a rhythm, and I wasn’t sure if I could hold off any longer, I was moaning, and the tightening was getting tighter….. My pulse was racing. My breathing uneven… it was coming.

  “Ah, god, yes.” My orgasm took over me. I felt his weight change and fingers dig into my left hip, then Damon moaned my name shaking.

  “You feel too good Savannah.” Damon said before claiming my mouth with his.

  He pulled away from my mouth and kissed my cheek softly. Slowly he withdrew from me, “I seriously think you need to go on the pill.” He said before getting up and moving to the bathroom. Maybe I should go to the doctor today and get something, just for the sake of it maybe. I crawled off the bed and went in search for my boxers, well his pants actually. I found them and slipped them on, at the same time, Damon came out of the bathroom, and I entered closing the door behind me.

  I did what I had to do, and washed my hands. I looked in the mirror at my just fucked hair; I really needed to brush it. I ran my fingers through it until all the large knots were gone. I took my hairband off my wrist and braided it. My mother taught me how to braid when I was five, I always did her hair and she thought I would become a hair dresser. Well I did when I was eight, I chopped all my dolls hair off and coloured them with markers. Safe to say, my mother was not too happy about that.

  Once I finished I splashed water over my face, and left the bathroom. The bed side light was on again, and Damon was checking his phone. He looked up when I entered the room.

  “I have to make a phone call sorry, you come to bed, and I won’t be long.” Damon said getting off the bed and heading for the hall.

  I climbed into bed, the same way I did earlier, via the end of the bed. I got under the blankets and got comfortable. I was exhausted. I can’t remember the last time I sle
pt in someone else’s bed, Nicole always came to my bed when she wanted company, and with former boyfriends, it was always my house… the security of my own roof I guess. I could hear a raised voice, and I sat up….. I contemplated going out, but I didn’t want to interrupt. I mean he did that to me, and I have a feeling he did hear what I said to Nicole, but I didn’t want to think about that right now. I wanted to sleep. I lay back down and closed my eyes. And didn’t wake until morning.


  I woke with a jolt. I opened my eyes and sat up straight. Where was I? I looked around the room and remembered I was at Damon’s. I turned to see an empty space beside me. I remembered Damon leaving to make a phone call last night; did he come to bed at all? I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom, and noticed my clothes from the day before folded neatly on the vanity. I picked up my shirt, and it smelt like fabric softener. Someone had washed them….. Damon? I quickly dressed into them and headed for the kitchen. Damon was still nowhere in sight. I needed coffee, like now…… I walked to the counter and seen an envelope with my name on it. I opened it:


  Thank you for staying last night I slept well. I hope you did too.

  I couldn’t bring myself to wake you this morning

  You looked so peaceful. I had to move my meeting

  Forward but please make yourself at home. I don’t know

  How long my meeting will take but I will call

  you this afternoon.


  P.s you snore

  “No, I don’t.” Was all I could say. Well I didn’t think I snored, I know Nicole snored. I looked at the clock on the wall and was shocked to see it was nearly eleven o’clock. Shit I had slept for almost half the day. I never slept in; I must have needed the extra sleep.

  I grabbed my belongings and decided it was too uncomfortable to sit around the apartment without company. I headed out the door and to the elevator. While I was in the elevator, I checked my phone. I was hoping to get a call back from at least one of the jobs that I had applied for, but so far there was nothing. I pulled my keys out of my bag and headed for my car. There she sat, the love of my life. That car always put a smile on my face; I unlocked her and jumped it starting it straight away. I needed coffee……. I headed home, but stopped at the coffee shop to grab some coffee and a few muffins. I was starving, and I was sure if Nicole was home, she would be to. All she did these days was eat, bitch, sleep, cry and vomit. I headed for home with coffee in hand, sipping on the strong sweet contents. I had thoughts of last night flash through my mind, and it made me smile. I did like him, and I wanted to call this something more than a good time.

  When I made it home, Derek was sitting on the porch with Angel. “Great.” I muttered to myself. I stored the dodge back in the barn and headed towards the house, putting on a smile for my company.

  “Where have you been Sav?” Derek asked in an angry tone.

  “Good morning Derek, Angel. I have been out.” I said with a smile.

  “Yeah, yeah. So where have you been?” Derek asked with curiosity.

  “Out I said.” Gee, who was he to ask questions.

  “I have been here since nine. I thought someone might have kidnapped you.” Derek said with a worried look on his face. I looked into angels eyes, and she had the same worried look.

  “Why would someone kidnap me Derek?” I started to laugh, because if I didn’t then I might have been a little freaked out too.

  Derek and angel looked at one another and followed me to the front door. I opened it, and we all made our way inside. Angel went straight to the coffee maker, and I excused myself to get changed into something more comfortable and brush my teeth. I chucked on a pair of denim shorts and a singlet, I was just going to sit around the house today, and I needed to get the gardens cleaned though. I was not a green thumb, last time I attempted to make a lovely garden, Nicole ripped me for putting winter and summer flowers together Like what the hell! Maybe I should wait until she gets home before I do that and get her advice it.

  I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Angel smiled and handed me a fresh cup of coffee. “Thanks.” I said taking the cup from her hand.

  “No problems sweetheart.” She said with a smile. I noticed she was a little dull today with her clothing. She wore a full length red dress, with minimal cleavage showing, it had thin straps over the shoulders though. But when she moved to hand Derek his cup, I noticed she still had those good old hooker heals on. I smiled to myself. Something will never change. I wondered if she would still be wearing those things when she was eight months pregnant. I shook that thought from my mind in a hurry; I did not want to be thinking of baby Angels or baby Derek’s.

  “So what brings you by Derek?” I said coming to sit next to him at the table.

  “I thought you might like some company.” He said with a smile.

  God I knew this man too well. He wanted something, of course he did.

  “What do you want? Or how much do you need?”

  “Can’t I just come and visit you?” He asked with a grin.

  “You sound like Stephen, and I know you….. You want something, now what is it.” I couldn’t hide the irritation in my voice.

  “I found a house, and I need a little more money to put down on it before I finance it…..And I was kind of hoping you could lend it to me.” Derek said with puppy dog eyes.

  “You need money…… I should have guessed. How much money?” I don’t know why I was even considering this. Maybe because I have known him since forever and I know he would pay me back……one day.

  “Forty thousand.” Derek said in a soft tone.

  “Fine I will give it to you…….but I want it all paid back to me. Will a Cheque do, or do you need it transferred to your account.” My subconscious was calling me a crazy woman for doing this, but I had my inheritance sitting in an account building interest and I never ever used the money. I always worked for it. Which is why I needed a job again.

  “Thank you Sav, you are the best women in the world, and a Cheque is suitable.” Derek said jumping to his feet and wrapping me in his arms. He basically picked me up off the chair and squeezing me so tight I swear he cracked my ribs. He put me back down on the chair and Angel hugged me also.

  “Thank you sexy.” She whispered into my ear.

  “You will pay me back every last cent you hear me.” I said looking at Derek and pointing my finger.

  “Yes, every last cent with interest. I promise,” He said. “Do you want to come and have a look at the house? It’s only around the corner. I can make a call to the agent, and we can look at it this afternoon.” Derek said pulling his phone out of his pocket.

  “Fine, whatever. I will go to the bank while I’m out and get that Cheque.” I got up from my chair and went to make another coffee. The phone rang just as I put the coffee machine on.


  “What’s for dinner?” Nicole said in a cheerful voice.

  “I have not thought that far ahead yet. Are you thinking about dinner already?” I asked as I approached the freezer, which was empty. God I needed to go shopping.

  “I am a whale, and I’m hungry. You try baking a human. It’s hard work.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Baking a human” not the best choice of words but that was Nicole.

  “There is nothing in the freezer. I can grab something while I’m out this afternoon; I have to head to the bank so I will drop to the grocery store.”

  “How about I cook, I will do a stir fry.” Nicole said in between talking to her customers.

  “Are you sure, I can cook.” I didn’t like cooking, but I would if I had to. And given that everything Nicole smelt made her sick I didn’t want her to ruin our dinner.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I will pick something up and cook. I am a better cook than you anyway. I don’t want to get food poisoning.” She burst out laughing. Was she ever going to let that occasion go?

  “Do you g
uys want to stay for dinner?” I turned to Derek, and Angel to ask.

  “Yeah sure.” They both said in unison.

  “Derek and Angel will be joining us as well. I hope you don’t mind.” I said into the phone.

  “Not a problem. Does the hooker have clothes on?” Nicole said laughing.

  I couldn’t help but laugh too. “Yes she does.” I whispered into the phone. Nicole’s response was silence. I had to snap her out of her trance by yelling her name into the phone a few times.

  “See you later Sav.” Nicole said before hanging up.

  I made my coffee and headed outside to the porch swing. Derek and Angel were hugging and kissing in the dining room, and it made me feel a little awkward, so I walked out. Mind you it should be them walking out as it’s my house not theirs after all. Derek strolled out a short time later on the phone, he winked at me thanked the person on the other end, which I presumed was the real estate agent and hung up.

  “This afternoon at four.” Derek said, also yelling it loud enough for Angel to hear.

  “Sweet. That’s only a few hours away. How about we head out soon, I can go to the bank, and you can pick something up for dessert while we are out then we will go have a look at the house?” I asked.

  “Sure thing. We will take my car, unless you want me to drive yours.” Derek said rubbing his palms together like it was trying to create fire.

  “Not going to happen.” I got up off the chair and hit his shoulder. He cradled it like I actually hurt him. He was a child at heart.

  Derek dropped me at the bank while he and Angel went to the store to grab some essentials. Angel made it clear she needed alcohol to go with dinner and suggested she grab a few bottles of Sauvignon Blanc and we “ladies” could have a drink or two. I thought it sounded like a great idea, and no doubt Derek would get a case of beer as well. Mentally I had to remember if the guest room was clean, no doubt I would have them stay. Angel’s idea of a drink is no less than two bottles to her, and Derek could never have “just a few”.

  The bank was pretty quiet for three in the afternoon. I got in and out within twenty minutes which was a good thing. Would have taken longer if I let “lance” the financial advisor talk me into shares and savings. “You have an extraordinarily large amount in four different accounts Miss James; let me try talking you into investments and buying shares.” He said with I-can-make-you-rich tone. I explained that I was more than happy with my interest I was gaining and was not interested at the moment. This disappointed him I could tell, I swear it started to pout. I took his business card anyway and headed outside to wait for Derek and Angel.


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