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Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

Page 19

by Patricia Voois


  I keep hearing mumbled voices…….. The constant bleeping of a machine, and if I listen hard enough when nobody talks, I can hear dripping. Drip, drip, drip…….. I don’t want to wake up just yet, so I keep my eyes closed and relax my mind. My hand is hot and sweaty, still in the firm grips of someone else’s hand……. It's Stephens.

  “Are you in any pain?”

  “A little bit.” Stephen whispers.

  “I will come back with more fluids and some pain medication.”

  “Thank you.”

  I hear feet shuffling along the door and the door open and closes. Silence once again fills the room. I don’t open my eyes, but I can feel Stephen looking at me. I squeeze his hand with mine and nod back off to sleep.




  “Savannah wake up sweetheart.”


  “Come on, I’m going to take you home.”


  “Yes. You need to have a shower and eat something.”

  “I don’t want to leave him.”

  I grip on my hand loosens and open my eyes. Damon is squatting down in front of me with a soft smile of his handsome face.

  “We will come back later. It’s after midnight, we have to go.” Damon says softly.

  I look up at Stephen, and he is smiling back at me. He looks like shit, he has purple bruising on his left cheek and a split in his lip, eyes are blood shot also.

  “You look like shit.” I say giving him a weak smile.

  “I feel great,” Stephens answers back with humour in his voice. “Damon, take her home.”

  “But I want to stay here with you.”

  “Sav, I am going to be fine. Come back in the daylight. It’s after midnight. And you haven’t eaten. I’m just going to sleep. You’re lucky they haven’t kicked you out yet, I managed to sweet talk the nurse into letting you stay a little longer, three hours ago.” Stephen said running his thumb down my cheek.

  “Okay. I will be back here in a few hours.” I got up and stretched before leaning down and giving him a half-hearted hug. Trying to be mindful of his broken ribs, and varies wounds.

  “Later Damon.” Stephen said as he took Damon’s outreached hand.

  “See you later Stephen. Don’t go giving those guards a hard time now.” Damon said making Stephen laugh. Stephen held his hands over his stomach laughing, obviously hurting. I looked between the two of them wondering what I had missed.

  Damon took my hand and led me out of the room. Outside the door, two different guards sat watch. One female, who was slim, obviously fit and remarkably pretty sat on the chair while carter and an older male guard stood talking.

  “You’re here late.” I said to carter coming to a stop in front of him. My hand still firmly in Damon’s.

  “I came to talk to you earlier, but you were asleep. So I thought I would wait, I won’t keep you. In the morning, we will have a meeting with Stephen, and I wanted to tell you that you can’t be present for that.” Carter said, looking somewhere between me and Damon.


  “I’m not the one who makes the rules, but I will talk to you afterwards about everything. I am trying to get Stephen out of here; you just have to trust me.” Carter said stepping closer to me.

  “I do. Thank you carter.” I said, before turning and walking down the hall way towards the nurses’ station. When I walked up to the station, the young nurse looked at me and smiled politely.

  “You going home to sleep somewhere more comfortable?” She giggled. Obviously she was the nurse I heard earlier.

  “Yes I am. But I just want to make sure you have my number in case anything happens, I want you to call me.” I said leaning closer to the nurse.

  “We have your number; we have already clarified it with your husband here.” She said pointing to Damon.

  I went to open my mouth to correct her, but Damon tugged my arm. The walk to the car was tiring, so by the time I got into the car, I was ready for sleep again. Damon stopped off at a pizza place that is twenty four seven and got pizzas for dinner/midnight snack. I was starving and in desperate need of a shower.

  “We will go to my place. Nicole dropped off some clothes for you while you were asleep. They are in the back.”

  I hadn’t even thought about Nicole or Derek since I left them sitting in the waiting room. I pulled out my phone to text Nicole.

  Hey Nic thank you for today xo

  A few seconds later I got a response.

  That’s ok Sav, Derek, and I will be up at ten. I have an ultrasound there anyway. I was going to ask if you wanted to be there, but I forgot. :-/

  I am sure I can leave Stephen to his own devices for half hr. I would love to come with you.

  Only if you’re sure. How is he?

  He is ok. I am going to Damon's for the night. See you tomorrow xo

  Try and relax xo

  By the time I had finished texting Nicole, we were pulling up at Damon’s. I got the pizzas out of the car while he got my bag.

  Once inside of his apartment, Damon offered me a glass of red wine, I accepted without much thought. I needed something to help my nerves; this situation with Stephen had my nerves well and truly on the edge. I sat the pizzas on the table and went into the kitchen to get plates while he poured the wine. Five cupboards later I found plates. I took them to the table, and we both sat down and ate. I polished off four pieces of pizza before I was full.

  “Do you mind if I go and have a shower?” I asked before taking a long sip of my red.

  “Make yourself at home Savannah. No need to ask,” Damon reached out and squeezed my hand. “Your clothes are in the bag on the bed.”

  I finished off my drink, and went to the bedroom, getting out my shorts and singlet before heading to the bathroom. I turned the water on and stripped off while the water came up to temperature. It was properly a little hotter than it needed to be, but once I got in, and the initial burn went away, it was incredible.

  I pumped soap onto the sponge and started washing my body. The bubbles tingled against my skin as they popped. I dragged sponge back and forth over my body, I felt him before I heard him, I startled when he ran his hand down my back.

  “Let me wash your back.” Damon said.

  I handed him the sponge and braced my hands on the tiled wall, the tiles were cold against the palms of my hands. The sponge started at my neck than shoulders Down my spine……..Backs of my legs were next. When asked to lift my feet I did so. I started to giggle when the bottoms of my feet were being washed, but quickly stop as Damon’s fingers worked their way up the inside of my legs. His fingers gently grazed over my sex and continued up my stomach to my breasts.

  He cupped them in his palms using his thumb and forefinger to pinch and massage my nipple into peaks, at the same time, his mouth was sucking, nipping and kissing my neck and shoulder. With his lips hot against my neck and his hands busy I took my hands off the wall moving them between our bodies to find his impressively hard length. Damon let out a grunting noise when I squeezed him in my hand, and started moving it back and forth. While one of his hands remain on my breast, the other strayed down my stomach to my sex. Slowly rubbing he rubbed my clit with his thumb, over and over.

  “Stop. I want to take you in bed.” Damon groaned.

  I rinsed the soap off on my body and got out quickly, Damon did the same. Before I made it out the bathroom door to the bedroom, I was in his arms being carried. His mouth on mine, Our tongues coaxing each other’s. I felt the bed underneath my body as his body covered mine. His hot length at nabbing the entrance of my wet sex. He lifts himself slightly, so his cock was stroking against my clit.

  “Your so wet right now, I can’t wait to feel you.” Damon said before taking my hardened nipple in his mouth. Sucking, and biting lightly.

  “Holy shh…..” I moaned in response. His hard cock working back and forth s
timulating my clit.

  I needed to feel him inside me. And now!

  “Condom?” I asked.

  Damon leaned over to the bedside table and grabbed a foil packet handing it too me. I ripped it and sat up, slowly sheathing his length. I was so god damn horny, I decided to be the one to take control of this situation. Placing my palms on his chest I pushed him down on the bed. A grin played along his mouth while I straddled him positioning my hands either side of his face, I moved so the head of his cock was between my wet folds. Slowly, inch by inch I sunk down onto him. When fully sheathed, I rocked back and forth.

  “Fuck Savannah.” He groaned.

  I moaned in response.

  I was full of him. And it felt fucking right.

  I changed direction and used my knees to push off from the bed, up, down, up down, up…….

  My orgasm was building fast. Damon’s hands gripped my hips…. Hard. I knew he was close also. I worked it faster, falling harder.

  “I’m going to come so hard Savannah. Come with me.” And just like that we both lost it, both coming at the same time. My muscles milking him for every last drop.

  I fell onto his chest when I finished riding out my orgasm. Totally and utterly spent. The feelings that were coming through for this man were going to be my undoing. I was falling in love. He was protective, safe, gentle and in this short time he was becoming my everything. My rock, my safe place………

  “I think I might be…..” I looked up so I could see his handsome face.

  “What?” He asked brushing a stray hair behind my ear.

  “Nothing, serious.” What am I doing? What if he doesn’t see the same thing I do?

  He smiled and kissed my mouth before pulling back to study me. He gently lifted me a little so he could slip out of me. I winced when he did, he was still semi hard, and god help me I think I wanted him again. I rolled off him while he got off the bed and disposed of the condom, I got up and went to the bathroom to get my clothes on and brush my teeth. When I came back to the room Damon was lying in bed, hands behind his head.

  I crawled into bed next to him, laying my head on his chest. His arm then came down and wrapped around my shoulder, making me feel……painless………

  As he brought his other hand down, I entwined our fingers and rested our joined hands on his chest. I kissed his fingers that thread through mine.

  “Thank you for being there for me today Damon. You don’t know how much that meant to me.” I spoke in the darkness.

  “Don’t thank me. I wouldn’t want to be any were else but with you in times like that Savannah.” He kissed my head after he spoke.

  “It scares me what I feel for you right now.” I raised my lips to his.

  “Don’t be scared, embrace it Savannah.” He said before covering his mouth to mine.

  We spent the next two hours exploring each other’s body.


  I woke up the same way I feel asleep, with Damon deep inside me. Moans and grunts filled the room, along with unusually heavy breathing. When I was fully coherent to what was happening he turned me onto my stomach, Who knew being on my hands and knees would be so exhilarating. I had two orgasms in the space on ten minutes. Between his mouth and his amazingly hard cock, it rocked my world.

  After sex for breakfast, we had actual food. Damon cooked bacon and eggs, and the best cup of coffee I have had in my life. I had checked my phone as soon I got the chance and the hospital hadn’t called, but carter text to say he was going into the meeting with the detectives and Stephen that was at eight, it was now nine.

  “Are you ready to go?” Damon asked as he was coming out of the bedroom wearing a suit. The black suit with his red shirt and black tie looked sexy. I itched to touch him because I knew how hot and hard his body was underneath. But knew I had to get to the hospital to see Stephen.

  “I am ready when you are.” I said, racking my eyes up his body to meet his gaze.

  He smiled before making his way back to the table. We finished our coffee’s talking about the upcoming events for today. It felt so natural and normal which was soothing.

  “Nicole has an ultrasound at ten; I am going to ask Derek to sit with Stephen while I go with her.”

  “Let me know if he can’t, I will go sit with him. Even though, he is a grown man, I am sure he will be fine for an hour.”

  “I know I just don’t want to leave him. I am worried that if I miss too much, he will disappear again. It has been hard for me to have timed visits once a week for the past few years.” I stated as I picked a piece of fur off my blouse.

  “Everything will work out Savannah. I can’t begin to imagine how hard it must have been for you, but trust Carter to help Stephen get out of this.” I looked up at the mention of Carters name coming from Damon. I didn’t want things to be weird between me and Damon, or carter and me because of their past…..Mind you I still don’t know what happened between them, for their friendship since they were kids to end. “I have that ball tonight, but I will ring and cancel my place. I don’t want to leave you right now.”

  “No. Damon you are not dropping crucial things to be at my beck and call. You go to your ball; I will see you at my house when you’re done if you want to come over.” I said a bit too fast. I hope he didn’t take it the wrong way, but I honestly didn’t want him to put his plans on hold just for the sake of me. I had Derek, and he would take me home. Or carter…

  “I can change my plans, it’s not that important.” He replied.

  “No, please go to your ball. You got a suit and everything. I will see you once it’s over. Derek will take me home.” I got up from the table, taking our plates and cups to the sink.

  Damon put his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I leaned my head to the side to capture his mouth. Suddenly my phone rang. I broke free and grabbed it out of my bag.


  “Savannah, it's Carter.”

  “Is everything okay?” My heart rate picked up.

  “Everything is OK, just wondering when you are going to be here. I have some news for you.”

  “I’m on my way.” I hung up and turned to Damon.

  He nodded and grabbed his stuff, and I grabbed my bag. We headed to the hospital.


  Damon parked in the car park and offered to walk me in, on the way to the hospital he got a call to go to the office, I told him to go as he had work to do. He told me he would be coming to see me for lunch. I kissed him and said our good byes. When I got to Stephens floor, I noticed that the guards were still by his door. Different ones from yesterday. Mentally I tried to think of how many guards you would need for a prison I came up with a lot.

  Laughter filled the room when I walked in. Derek and Nicole were sitting in the arm chairs chatting with Stephen. I walked over to them all and gave them hugs, I once again hugged Stephen best I could, without causing further injury. He looked awful today but had a smile on his face.

  “How did it go this morning?” I asked, sitting on the side of the bed. My hand felt something hard under the blanket near his feet, when I lifted it, I saw cuffs connected to his ankle. I looked up at Stephen in horror.

  “It’s, so I don’t run away you know. Because I am totally fit right now.” We all burst out laughing. It freaked me out more than anything. But it was good to see him a little more relaxed. “Carter will be along shortly. They just asked me questions and talked about my safety in that shit hole. Nothing too serious. Carter had to leave with them to have a chat or something. Hey, you going with Nicole to her ultrasound?”

  “If that’s okay? I was going to see if Derek could wait with you while I did that. We will have to leave soon to go downstairs to radiology.”

  “Savannah, I am not going anywhere. You don’t need to baby sit me. But yes, Derek and I have a lot to talk about.” Stephen said turning towards Derek. I frowned when I looked between the two of them. The look that they both had, was what I used to s
ee before a fist fight when they are teenagers.

  I leaned up and hugged Stephen again before I mentioned for Nicole, it was almost ten, so we had to get down stairs.

  Nicole told me how excited she was to see her little “tadpole” on the screen. People traffic was quite light, so we got to radiology in no time. While Nicole checked in with the front desk, I took a seat in the waiting room. When Nicole came out ten minutes later she was wearing a purple gown, I let out a laugh. She looked ridiculous.

  “Nicole. Come through love.” An older woman with black hair said coming around the corner.

  “Is my sister able to come in to?” Nicole asked, pointing to me. I couldn’t help my full teeth smile, she called me her sister.

  “Of course.” The woman said smiling back at me.

  We went into the dark room. A long flat table free stood next to a machine that had a monitor on top.

  “Lay on here please Nicole.” The woman asked sweetly.

  Nicole laid on the table, which I presume is a special bed of some sort. The radiologist placed a pillow under Nicole’s head and covered her with a white sheet. She asked Nicole a few questions about her last period and how far along she thought she was. The woman then asked Nicole to pull her gown up to just under her breasts, and pulled the sheet down before tucking into her underpants. To be honest I was surprised Nicole was wearing any; it’s not unusual for her to go without.

  “Now, I’m just going to put some gel on your tummy, it will be cold at first.” You could hear the gel being squeezed out of a bottle onto her tummy. Nicole yelped a little when the Coolness hit her. A small microphone looking device was then placed over her stomach running along the gel.

  The screen comes to life with shades of grey, black and white. I had no idea what I was looking at, but wow…….


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