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Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

Page 28

by Patricia Voois

  “This sucks, you know that right?” I hit my head against the wall as I speak.

  “Yes it does. But don’t let it consume you. You’re tough.”

  I watch as Nicole packs the rest of her bag, she is only supposed to be going for a few days, but she has packed for a month just in case. We weren’t actually told what was going on with her mother, Nicole’s father just said that she was admitted to hospital for more testing, but was asking for her daughter.

  “Okay, I'm almost ready. Just need to pack my work stuff then we can go.” Nicole picks up a large pile of manila folders and places them into her laptop bag.

  “Damon said you don’t have to work while you’re away Nicole. I don’t know why you are taking them with you.”

  “I don’t want to be bored. It will keep my mind off things,” Nicole takes another look around. “Yep that’s all. Let's go before I'm late.”

  I pick up Nicole suitcase a walk out of the room with her in tow. As I head through the lounge room, Damon walks in.

  “Hey there you.” I drop the suitcase and throw my arms around Damon’s neck.

  “Hey Beautiful.” Damon drops his lips to mine.

  Nicole clears her throat behind us and we both laugh, but reluctantly let each other go.

  “I am going to be late if you two don’t keep your hands of each other.” Nicole smiles when she speaks.

  “I was coming to offer you a lift to the airport.” Damon looked at Nicole than me.

  “That’s exceptionally sweet of you,” I looked up at Damon. “Thank you.”

  Damon kissed the top of my head and picked up Nicole suitcase than took her laptop bag of her before gesturing for us to walk ahead of him out the door. Stephen, Derek and Cameron were at the bottom of the stairs, waiting to say good bye.

  One by one they hugged Nicole and told her to be safe and come home quickly because they knew I couldn’t cook. I slapped Derek when he made the comment which made everyone laugh. Cameron was the last to hug Nicole, and she tensed as he embraced her.

  “Ew. Get your sweaty body off me!” She yelped smacking his arms.

  “You love it.” He teased her.

  “Ew. No, I don’t.” Nicole was blushing, we all could see it.

  Cameron’s eyes met mine, and I quickly looked away. Damon’s Aston Martin wasn’t exceptionally roomy in the back, so I offered to take the backseat giving Nicole the room she needed in the front. The doctor had given her the all clear to fly as she is doing exceedingly well so far. All the babies are all at the right size, and her body seems to be coping well. Her blood pressure is within normal ranges, so the heart isn’t working too hard.

  On Nicole’s return, we are finally going to find out the sex of her babies, and to be honest I can't wait! I have been looking online at clothes and debating on what colour schemes to use when I paint the nursery we are adding onto the house. I have ordered three cots, and a three seater pram that Nicole doesn’t know about yet I want to surprise her when our renovations are done and have the boys set up some baby stuff in the room. She will freak I am well aware of this, but I think she will also melt into it.

  By the time we park and get inside Nicole was just on time to check in. I blamed her packing skills, and she blamed my not keeping my hands to myself when it comes to Damon. We decided since Nicole had half hour we would sit down and enjoy a coffee and some lunch from the airport cafe. Nicole and Damon talk about the work stuff while I sit and listen. I know what they are talking about, but I have no input and that’s fine, I don’t want mine and Damon relationship to be consumed by work subjects.

  The announcement for Nicole’s plane to board comes over the speakers, and we all stand to bit Nicole goodbye.

  “I will miss you Sav, take care and be good,” Nicole hugs me tight. “Stay out of trouble and remember I am just a phone call away if you need me.”

  “I will. And I will miss you too. Ring me when you land.” I kiss her cheek as I pull away.

  Damon and Nicole give each other an awkward hug before Nicole walks away. We stand at the gate holding hands until Nicole is out of sight. I miss her already, I've never had Nicole gone for long amounts of time before.

  “I have to go back to work for a few hours. Will you be okay at home or would you like to come to work with me?” Damon takes my hand as we head to the parking lot.

  “I will go home. I don’t want to interrupt your work.” I squeeze his hands for reassurance.

  As much as I don’t want to go home, I don’t want Damon to feel like he has to babysit me. I know he means well, but to be honest the time to myself will be good for me. I plan to catch up on some much needed sleep until Damon finishes work. Once we got to bed of a night time, there is never much sleeping, I don’t know how Damon functions on so little sleep, seriously.

  “I will drop you off at home, and I will head over after work.” He plants a soft kiss on my lips before opening the car door.

  I drop into the seat putting my belt on. I really like this Aston, I rub my hands along the dash in.

  “What are you thinking?” Damon asks. His eyes following my hands.

  “How much I like this car. But also how much I love you.” I turn to look at him.

  He grins before leaning over taking my mouth with his. I stoke his tongue with mine, enjoying the feel of him. As I seriously start to turn the kiss into pure bliss, he pulls away slightly.

  “I have to get back to work. And you’re teasing me.” He whispers on my lips.

  I groan in protest as he pulls away altogether. Damon laughs at my childish behaviour as I continue to pout. I have never been a person that thinks about when my next episode of hot and heavy sheet rolling is, but with Damon I do. I love being consumed by him, and I love consuming him myself.

  Damon dropped me home to a lonely house. No one was here but me. The boys left a short note stating they had something to organise and would be back later and not to worry about dinner for them.

  “I won’t.” I said aloud.

  I lay on the couch for several moments before I realised I would never be able to sleep. Deciding that I needed to do something, I took to cleaning the house. I started with the kitchen and worked my way through the living areas. The couch cushions smelt like stale beer and smoke, so I stripped them and put them through the wash before hanging them on the line. I also hand washed the curtains, I remember putting white one up years ago but now they were a brown colour.

  I picked up several empty potato chip bags off the floor. The boys had fun watching NASCAR a few days ago, and never cleaned up after, which was a normal thing mind you. When I moved the lounge chair to pick up a magazine, when I noticed an envelope with Cameron’s name on it. Now, I normally wouldn’t even think about opening it, but the hand writing looked so much like my brothers, and I was almost certain it was. I flipped it over in my palm and noticed the envelope was sealed closed so even if I wanted to look I couldn’t. I put it in my back pocket of my jeans and continued to clean, thinking mainly about what would be inside the mystery case.

  It was almost five when I finally stopped cleaning. I have been at it for five hours and the house finally smelt and felt clean. I managed to pack a few boxes, dismantle standing shelves and take all the photos off the wall in the process. I'm in need of a drink, and decide that since Damon is coming here tonight I will have a beer. I open the fridge and grab out a bottle. I twist the cap off and take guzzle down the bitter fluid. It’s refreshing and going down too easy. Within five, minutes, the beer is gone, so I grab another before heading outside to the porch.

  As I grab the handle on the door, but it flew open knocking me on my arse. I land with a thud as my elbows and butt take most of the force of my fall. My beer shatters on the floor next to me sending glass shards flying, and frothy liquid all over the floor.

  “Holy shit sorry Savannah.” Cameron stands shocked over me.

  He extends his hand, and I take it.

  “Are you right just busting in here like tha
t.” I shout, dusting myself off.

  “I'm sorry, I didn’t think I had to knock.” Cameron looked pissed at my comment.

  “Well you do when Stephen’s no there,” I twisted my elbow slightly and notice the blood. “Shit.”

  “Here, let me help you.” Cameron walks past me, stepping over the contents of beer on the floor to the kitchen.

  I turn around the do the same following him into the kitchen. I walk around the counter and prop myself up onto the bench top as Cameron finds a tea towel and wet the end. He walks over and pulls my elbow lightly so he can place the towel on the gash.


  “It will sting a little, but I need to make sure it doesn’t need stitches,” Cameron looks at the wound. “It’s only a small cut it will be okay. I will clean it and wrap it up for you.”

  “I can do it.” I say, I don’t need him attending to my needs right now.

  “It’s ok. I did do this, let me help you please.” He looks lost, the look in his eyes tells me this is a terrible idea, but I have to get over this.

  “Okay.” I agree.

  Cameron cleans the small cut, than walks over to the cupboard above the fridge to find the first aid kit. I went to tell him where it was, but he already knew that. I have to keep reminding myself that he know this house and my life just as well as I do. He was such as a big part of my life all those years ago, then suddenly he wasn’t, but he never forgot. I wondered if he ever tried to forget, just like it did.

  “Just relax your arm, I'm going to put some cream on it first then I will put the band aid over the top.” He looked to be concentrating when he did this.

  He stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth, furrowed his brow and hummed. He always did this when he was deep in thought. The giggles were starting to rise in my throat, and I tried to hold them down. But they escaped me. Cameron smiled and shook his head at my response.

  “Sit still Sweet Cheeks.” Cameron said grabbing my arms.

  “When did you become so caring?” It slipped out before I could stop it. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't stop it.

  “When I realised how much I hated the person I was. And when I woke up, and everyone and everything I loved was gone.” Cameron swallowed hard.

  My eyes held with his. I couldn’t look away; he was hurt just like I was. All these years I thought I was the only one hurting and looking at him now, I realise that I wasn’t the only that was. This touched me in places it shouldn’t have. I was screwed. I pulled on my brave face before I responded.

  “Well, it's good that you care, makes you human learn from your mistakes and move on.” I tried to sound confident, but I wasn’t sure it came out that way.

  “Maybe I can't move on Savannah. Maybe I don’t want to move on.” Cameron stepped closer to me.

  I tensed as he took my hands in his.

  His eyes looked from my eyes to my lips then back again…….

  I closed my eyes and held my breath.

  This was not happening.

  “Is everything alright?” Damon voice broke.

  Cameron let go of my hand as Damon came into the kitchen. He looked between the two of us then at the towel covered in blood on the bench next to me.

  “Shit, are you okay Savannah?” Damon came round to me as Cameron stepped back.

  “I slipped and smashed my beer. I hurt my elbow and Cameron was just helping me.” I looked down at my swinging feet. I couldn’t look into his beautiful eyes, I felt guilty.

  “Look at me,” Damon tipped my chin, so I was looking at him. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” I looked in his eyes. All my other thoughts vanished, and it was me and Damon again.

  Cameron cleared his throat as he cleaned up the mess he has made with the first aid kit. He never looked at me, I wanted to thank him silently. I couldn’t if he wasn’t going to look at me again. This left me with speaking to him openly.

  “Thank you Cameron.”

  “You’re welcome. I will just get the dust pan and sweep that glass up.” Cameron excused himself from the kitchen to get the dust pan before I could argue.

  One of Damon’s hands cupped my neck while the other rested on my thigh. He was studying my face, he looked hurt. I have to explain what he saw. I couldn’t do this anymore.

  “Damon….”I swallowed hard.

  “What is it savannah?”

  “Cameron was that person I was talking about.” I watched as his face, waiting for a sign.

  “The person you thought you loved?” He asked quietly.

  “Yes. He wounded me, you healed me. There is so much of my past with Cameron that is coming back to haunt me and I don’t know how to stop it.” I said on the verge of tears.

  “You can't stop it Savannah, but you do have to fight it.” Damon says calmly.

  I leaned in until our lips were lightly touching. My eyes closed on their own, and my breathing accelerated. I needed him to kiss me, I didn’t want this to change anything between us.

  “Tell me that I'm the only one you want Savannah.” He breathed.

  “Damon, you’re the only one I want,” A tear ran down my cheek. “I love you.”

  His mouth found mine, I open instantly as our kiss got needy and passionate. I could hear the sound of broken glass being swept up, but I didn’t stop kissing Damon. I needed him. And the way he kissed me said the same. I felt his hands grab my thighs, and I was being lifted. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he exited the kitchen and made his way to my room. When I looked over his shoulder, I saw Cameron watching us.

  “Thank you.” I mouthed to him.

  He smiled briefly before nodding “No problem.”

  Chapter 19

  We were all fingers and lips once we got into the bedroom. I was desperate for his touch, for his kiss, for his love. I needed him. Damon set me on my feet our lips never leaving each other. We stated to remove each others clothes in an almost rushed manner. I push Damon’s pants down with my foot as far as I could, before grabbing his hard length. I Could wait anymore I needed to touch him there. He moaned into my mouth as I stroked him in a perfect rhythm.

  Our lips broke apart briefly, I was able remove my pants, and Damon got his the rest of the way off. Once we were both standing naked he grabbed behind my thighs and lifted me, my legs wrapping around his waist while he put against the door to support. I reached between our bodies and lined his hard cock up with my wet entrance. With once swift motion, I was impaled on his length.

  “Fuck, Savannah.” He groaned.

  I whimpered.

  Damon hit my sweet spot over and over, my nerves were getting ready to fire off, and orgasm was fast approaching. My nail bit into his shoulders as he continued to pound me hard. From this angle his cock hit my cervix with even thrust, it was painful slightly but extremely pleasurable.

  “Oh, god.” I moaned as my orgasm hit.

  “Savannah.” Damon grunted before finding his own release.

  I slid down the door as Damon lowers us to the floor. I can feel his length jerking as it continues to empty inside of me. I grab his face between my hands and kiss him long and hard. Our tongues worked together until we were both swallowing each others groans of pleasure. Damon was still hard and inside of me.

  “Did I hurt you?” He asked when our lips broke apart.

  “Not at all.” I whispered.

  “You feel so good.” Damon groaned resting his head against mine.

  “So do you. I love you.”

  Damon lifted his head to look into my eyes. One of his hands came up and brushed a stray hair off my face. “I love you too Savannah.”

  Damon slowly pulls out of me, I winced.

  “You sure you’re okay?” Damon sounded concerned.

  “Yes, I'm OK. That orgasm rocked me,” I said with a blush.

  Damon grinned; you could see the triumph in his eyes. Sex with Damon was always satisfying. I manoeuvred, so I was lying on the floor; I pulled Damon down to join me. I stretched my body ou
t on the cold hard floor. We both lay staring at the ceiling, silence stretching between us. I heard voices down stairs and knew all the boys were home. I let out a loud sigh.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Do you want to hear it?” I looked towards Damon.

  He rolled onto his side, propping himself up on one elbow. His naked body was on show, and for my eyes only. I love it. I joined him by rolling, so we were facing. Just as, I was getting comfortable, Damon got up and held his hand out for me. I grabbed it, and he hauled me to my feet. Before I could ask what we were doing, he pulled the comforter back on my bed and jumped in. I laughed as I crawled up the bed and snuggled into his chest.

  “Stephen went to jail for beating the crap out of someone because of Cameron’s mistakes. I blamed Cameron naturally. He should have thought about his actions before he done them, but he never and that ended up with my brother being put behind bars.” I let out the breath I was holding when I finished.

  “So how does that explain you and Cameron?” Damon’s fingers stroked my naked back as he spoke.

  “Me and Cameron started dating when I was seventeen. He was always around when I was growing up and when I got older things changed between us. He was wild. He liked to party and have a good time, we got into fights more often than not, and Stephen would come to my rescue. Their relationship never changed between them because they wouldn’t let it. Don’t get me wrong, Cameron and my brother have had their share of fist fights over the years, but they always worked it out.” I kissed Damon's chest lightly before I continued.

  “Anyway, I always thought Cameron was it for me, because no matter what I’d always go running back. But after Stephen was sentenced, Cameron disappeared. He left me and Derek to suffer our loss alone.”

  “Do you think Cameron was feeling guilty and hurting himself?” Damon asked quietly.


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