Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

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Judged By You (Judge Me Series) Page 29

by Patricia Voois

  “Sometimes I did. But then the thought of what had happened would come back, and I would get angry at him all again. He just left, he was there for the court hearing, my brother was sentenced and then he was gone.” A tear ran down my cheek. The whole memory replayed in my mind.

  “I understand why you feel the way you do.”

  “What do you mean?” I sat up searching Damon's face.

  “He left you when you needed him, there was no goodbye. You always thought he would be there, and it turned out that he wasn’t. And now he comes back into your life, and wants to pick up where he left off maybe, I don’t know,” Something flashed in his eyes. It only lasted a second, but it was there. “Your brother has moved past this so maybe you should too. You need to forgive him Savannah. Cameron loved you, and you loved him. Even in some dysfunctional way …….it was still loving.”

  “I don’t love him anymore. I admit it took me ages to move past him, but I am happy where I am now. I love you, and I'm in love with you. But yes, if Stephen can truly forgive Cameron, than I should be able to as well right?” Damon pulled me down on the bed next to him.

  “After a while you must let go of what lies behind you and move forward. If you don’t, the past will destroy your future.” He kisses the side of my mouth.

  And in that moment it hits me. He is unquestionably right. If I let Cameron get to me, he will ruin everything that I have fought hard against in the past four years. He will ruin whatever chance I have with Damon. And right now, Damon and I are in the best place. I have to let it go because no matter how I look at it, Stephen was guilty, and Cameron should have been there for us all. But he was scared, just like we all were. He just handled it differently.

  I love this man more in this moment than I ever thought possible.

  “I love you Damon.” I stoke his cheek.

  “I love you Savannah.” He leaned in and kissed me quickly before pulling back.

  “So do you have any skeletons in your closet you want to share since I shared mine?” I asked jokingly.

  I looked at Damon who was deep in thought, he was looking away from me. I grabbed his face and brought his eyes to mine.

  “Do you?” I was getting a little worried just with the way he was looking at me.

  “Not yet, I just…… I want to enjoy you while I can. Please trust me Savannah. I love you.” His tone was urgent. Something was seriously bothering him.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? I mean, your kind of worrying me.”

  “I'm sure. It's not relevant right now. What is paramount now is how much I look forward to our future together. I want to be with you Savannah James.” He kisses my neck just below my ear.

  “I want to be with you too.” I whisper.

  “Trust me.” He whispers between soft kisses under my ear.

  “I do.”

  “Good. Let me love you.”

  Than I did.

  I reach my hand around his neck and bring his lips to mine; he opens instantly making this moment deeper. Over the next several hours, we explored each other inside and out. It was so intense and meaningful……. Every stroke, every touch, every kiss…… I would remember……. It was my future I was looking for, not my past.


  I woke around two in the morning, dying of thirst. Damon lay next to me, wrapped around my body. As carefully as I could, I uncoiled myself from him and got out of bed. I searched around for my robe in the dark tripping over several items on the floor. I finally found it next to my short from that day, the envelope that was in the pocket fell to the floor. I picked it up and eyed Cameron’s name on the front. I needed to put the past to rest, and I knew it. I put the envelope in my robe pocket before putting it on.

  I opened the door, being quite so not to wake Damon who was snoring softly. I closed the door behind me and tiptoed to Stephen’s door, the crack in the door allowed me to notice he was sleeping soundly. I smiled to myself before heading down stairs to the kitchen. The light form the television filled the open living area. I walked straight into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. The refreshing beverage went straight down. I refilled my glass before turning to lean against the sink as I did a shadow appeared and I froze.

  Cameron walked over sleepy eyed, stretching.

  “You scared the shit out of me Cameron.” I shrieked.

  “Sorry about that. I was watching television, and heard a noise. Thought Stephen might have been up.” He walked to the cupboard and grabbed a glass.

  I moved out of the way so he could access the sink behind me. We stood in silence just, neither of us saying anything. I glanced in his direction, he looked deep in thought. His brows furrowed.

  “Everything okay?” I asked quietly.

  “Just got a lot on my mind.” He said not looking at me.

  I reached into my pocket of my robe and pulled out the envelope.

  “I found this today when I was cleaning up.” Cameron looked up as I handed it to him.

  “You didn’t open it?” He sounded surprised.

  “It’s not addressed to me. Why? What’s in it?” I raised my brow.

  “A cheque for a hundred grand from Stephen.”

  I eyed Cameron curiously. What the hell was my brother doing giving Cameron that much money? And what the hell was it for? He must have seen the questions written on my face because he answered my unspoken thoughts.

  “You probably don’t want to know, but Stephen gave me this money for a business deposit. We are going into business together.” Cameron put his cup on the sink and started to walk away.

  I instantly walked after him grabbing him by the arm to stop him. He stopped and took a deep breath before turning around to look at me.

  “It’s nothing illegal is it?” I just had to suspiciously.

  “No. It's not. We are opening up a garage here. Going to restore old cars, Stephen always talked about it when he was in prison. Said you would love that, and that you often talked about doing it. We haven’t figured out a name yet so if you think of something let me know.” Cameron’s eyes softened.

  “I will think about it. So you, Derek and Stephen are finally doing it?” It was always talked about when they were growing up, maybe that’s why I wanted to do it so much because I still wanted to be apart of that person I was when I was with them all.

  “Yeah. It should be good. We already have people chasing our restores. Stephen found some of his father’s stuff in the barn a few days ago. And we joked about it, but I found an old garage down the road that would be perfect so, we decided to do it.”

  “Well I'm glad. It will be fantastic.” I was proud of them all. They were doing something extraordinary with all their talent. Together those three were unstoppable.

  “Savannah, I'm sorry about my moment earlier.” Cameron looked down at the floor.

  "I forgive you. I know you feel like you owe me an explanation, but you don't,” I say putting my hands on his chest just over his heart. "I was in here once remember. I have come to realise how hard it was for you to see my brother and your friend go to prison, and you feel guilty for that. I get it, I shouldn’t have blamed you the way I did. I was hurt by you, you hurt me. But it's okay now because I forgive you, I've moved on from this.”

  “I'm glad you forgive me. I can see it now..... I can see the forgiveness in your eyes. You love him don't you?” He questions...... Curiously.

  I take a deep breath before I answer......”Yes,”

  He nods, but he looks wounded....

  “I'm sorry Cameron. I loved you a long time ago, I can't hold onto to past anymore.” I stand of my toes and kiss his cheek.

  “We can be friends yeah? Like old times. We have grown into two entirely different people now, and I think it would be good if we can get that friendship back.” Cameron said hopeful.

  “Of course we can. I would love to be friends.” I smile.

  I put out my hand; Cameron looks at it than brings his hand to mine
before shaking it. We smile at each other, and for once it feels friendly.

  “Good night Cameron.” I say talking my hand back.

  “Good night Savannah.”

  When I walk away from him, I feel the weight I have been carrying around disappear. I feel free from the old Cameron. But I want to get to know the new him as my friend like before.


  I wake to Damon’s head between my legs. His fingers work me over while his tongue sucks at my clit. Incoherent responses leave my mouth, followed by me moaning his name. I hear him chuckle lightly as his fingers continue to work in and out.

  “Don’t stop.” I panted.

  “I don’t plan to.” Damon said with a cheeky smile.

  And he didn’t stop until I come apart around his fingers. He continued his assault until the last shudder stopped, and then he worked his way up my body until the head of his erection was lined up with my slick opening.

  I grabbed his arse and urged him to enter me, he teased me for several moments before he slammed into me. I whimpered on impact. He pounded into me over and over again. I loved it when we made soft passionate love, but It drove me fucking crazy when he worked me hard and fast. I could feel the build of my second orgasm coming hard and fast.

  “Your so wet beautiful. It feels fucking sensational.” He growled.

  “Shut up and fuck me.” I bit out.

  And fuck he did. He sat back on his heel and grabbed my hips roughly, his fingers digging into my side. He used my body as he drove hard and fast into me.

  “Oh yes.” I screamed at my orgasm hit me full force.

  “Beautiful, oh god.” Damon grunted pouring himself into me.

  He leans over my body and kisses me, I taste my arousal of his lips. He continues to thrust softly and slowly, until we both stop convulsing. I am one satisfied woman this morning.

  “Good morning beautiful.” He says when he stops kissing me.

  “Good morning yourself.” I smile back at him.

  The sound of a phone ringing brings me back to reality. Damon pulls out of me then gets of the bed answering his phone.

  “Hello, Damon speaking, yes….. fuck, alright I will be there soon…..Yes, okay bye.” Damon hangs up and swears a few choice words.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, sitting up straight.

  “I have to go into work today, and I know you have that appointment with Carter. But I can't get out of this meeting.” Damon looks at me conflicted.

  “It's okay, you go to work, and I will go see Carter.” I was disappointed, but I was a big girl I could handle him……

  “I don’t want you alone with him, he is trying to cause trouble between us, and I don’t like it Savannah.” Damon walked over to his bag and began sifting through it urgently.

  “It’s okay Damon. Nothing will come between us.” I got off the bed and went to him, hugging him from behind.

  His body tensed at first, but then he relaxed into me. He turned in my arms and hugged me tight. Something that carter knew scared Damon I knew that much. But whatever it was, I wanted to hear it from Damon, not from carter.

  “It will be okay, I promise.” I stood on my toes and kissed him.

  “I want you to ring me after you have finished with him and we will meet somewhere for dinner.” Damon kissed my hair.


  Chapter 20

  Damon never left as soon as he dressed. He stood around eying me for a while before I had pushed him out the door. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t keep thinking about it or I would go crazy. I just had to trust him. And I did trust him. Whatever it was, I was sure we could work through it.

  When I finally went down stairs, my brother was hosting a party in my clean lounge room. The NASCAR race was on, and they had already told me that today nothing was getting done; I shouldn’t even bother to ask. How would they feel If I unplugged the television? I laughed at the thought running through my head.

  My phone rings in my; Nicole’s names flashes on the screen. I have spoken to Nicole a few times since she has been away, but I miss her like crazy.

  “Hey Nic.”

  “Hey Sav. What’s happening there?”

  “Same old shit different day.” I laugh.

  “Those men boys behaving themselves?” She sounds curious.

  I look to the lounge room at the three men sitting watching television. They are all leaning forward on the couch with their hands in popcorn buckets.

  “Yes, they are behaving. They have currently taken possession of the couch to watch the mighty race.” I explain.

  “I’m surprised you are not in there with them,” Nicole laughs down the phone. “You’re a tom boy sometimes Savannah James.”

  “I was going to watch the race, but I have so much stuff to pack up and nobody will help me.” I yell a little and all the boys turn to me and smile.

  Nicole giggles helplessly. “If only I was there…….”

  “Yes I know. So….. How are you doing today? How is your mum?” Nicole’s mum had a heart attack and is in intensive care still.

  “She is okay, making slow progress they say. I’m okay, tired but okay. I need to get a doctor’s appointment with a doctor at this hospital I will be staying for a few more days at least, and I cannot miss those appointments”. I nod in agreement than realise that she cannot see me.

  “I agree. Stay as long as you need. I am planning on moving all the stuff to Derek’s this week. The renovations are going ahead early. The job that was before ours fell through.”

  “Wow. Maybe I will come home to a new house hey.” We both start laughing.

  “I should get going; I have a lot of work to do today. And cheques to write.”

  “Your appointments with carter today, right?” Nicole’s annoyed voice says.

  “Yes that is today. Trust me when I say I am not looking forward to it at all Damon had to go to work, so I am going on my own. It is okay; I mean he is a professional,” I pick up a box and walk to the bathroom. “Is there anything in this bathroom you cannot live without?”

  “Don’t throw out my shampoo, or my perfume bottles I love those things. Oh and my soap bottles,” Nicole complains “And do not change the subject. He is a professional, but he is just creepy. I think he likes you, and he is jealous that you are with Damon.”

  “Nicole, they are all empty,” I explain picking up each bottle and shaking it. “And I do not want to think about it anymore. The feeling is not mutual I just want to get today over with.”

  “They are expensive and I love collecting them. And I want you to ring me when you are done with carter.” She shouts.

  I laugh and agree to keep them for her. We talk for a few more minutes about her dads worries for her and her unborn children and then she has to go.

  “I miss you Nic, love you.”

  “Miss you too Sav, and love you back.”

  Then she is gone. She is going to be at least another five days. I want nothing more than to get on the plane and go to her, I know she is struggling with her family, and she needs her friends, but she will not leave no matter how hard it gets, and I envy her for that. I have a few business dates coming up with Damon, he has been looking forward to taking me too them for a while now, and to be honest I couldn’t wait to meet the people he works with. He talks extremely highly of them.

  I continue to pack the bathroom, packing all the supplies and linen out of the cupboard. When the boxers are full, I realise I cannot lift it and go out to the lounge room to ask for help. As I walk in no body looks at me, they are that engrossed in what’s on the box they do not even know I’m there. I decided to be a bitch, and I walk over and stand in front of the television. When I do, everybody leans to the side to get a look around me; it takes a few seconds for it to register before they crack up

  “Get out of the fucking way Savannah.” Derek yells.

  “Move your fat arse.” Stephen throws his shoe at me, but I dodge it.

�What do you want?” Cameron gets up and physically removes me.

  He picks me up and deposits me on the single couch. I smack him hard while he laughs.

  “That does not hurt you know.” He starts to walk back to his seat.

  “I need someone to pick up these boxes from the bathroom and put them in the back room, please.” I complain getting to my feet again.

  “I will do it later, just sit and watch this for a bit with us.” Stephen pats the spot next to him.

  Our lounge suite is not huge, but it is large enough to fit at least five people on the main part. I decide that I will sit for an hour or so and watch the race then I have to get ready to go out. I will make them pay for this tomorrow.

  “You boys are going to work your arse off tomorrow you got me.” I shout over their cheers and chants.

  “Whatever just shut up and watch.” Derek yells at me.

  It is just like old times. The four of us sit and enjoy the race. We all laugh, and joke about the cars and drivers. Cameron backed the Fords while the rest of us backed the Chevrolets. It has always been this way, and it will continue for many years to come I can see it now. Seeing Stephen enjoying the company of his closest friends and family tugs the hearts strings. He always complained that he missed this race each year he was in prison. I used to commentate the race back to him when I saw him, but it was not as good as the real thing and I knew that.

  Stephen caught my stare and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tight. I felt his silent thank you and nodded. I was just so happy to have him home with us. Deep down I was so grateful for carter and his help, and today I would have to thank him again.

  I was having fun with the boys. I forgot to watch the time, so before I knew it; it was almost time for me to get ready for my meeting with carter.

  “I have to get ready to go.” I say standing up stretching.

  “Do you want me to come with you? I know Damon is working, and he was quite upset that he could not be there.” Stephen said not taking his eyes of the race.


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