Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

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Judged By You (Judge Me Series) Page 30

by Patricia Voois

  I wanted him to come, but decided he had missed this for four years, he needed this today.

  “I can go alone. It is OK. You have fun and tell me who wins.” I winked as I walked away.

  I raced upstairs to get my clothes than headed back down to the bathroom. I showered in no time. I decided to wear a dress I could not be bothered dressing up too much, but I dressed more for comfort. I didn’t know what plans Damon had for dinner, but I could always come home and change if I had too. My black and white sundress was my choice for clothes today. I applied a little makeup but nothing over the top and left my long hair down. With rain being forecast the ends started to curl.

  I walked out into the kitchen once I was done and packed everything into my bag. I found my Cheque book in the cupboard above the fridge and starting writing out the cheques that I needed too. I had this crazy idea when I went back to bed last night after talking to Cameron. I knew that dad would have been so proud of Stephen no matter what he did with his life, but I knew he would be ecstatic to find out that this is what he was planning. I wrote a few cheques before putting it back into the cupboard.

  When I noticed a break coming on, I walked into the lounge room and muted television. I had three sets of eyes on me, and I looked at every single one of them.

  “So, I know you guys are opening up a garage to restore old cars, and what not.” I looked at Stephen and Derek.

  “Cameron told me he told you. He said you did not freak out I wanted to tell you, but I did not want you to lecture me.” Stephen said sounding surprised.

  “I am so proud of you, and I want you know that dad would be proud too.” I stepped forward and handed a Cheque to my brother.

  He took the paper in his hand, his eyes wide. He looked from me to the Cheque and back again.

  “Are you kidding me?” He sniffed.

  “He would want you to be prepared, so that should help that happen.” I smiled at my brother who looked at me with tears.

  Derek and Cameron leaned over and looked at the Cheque my brother was holding. They both tried to grab it at the same time, eyes just as wide. Before I could move or say anything else, I had three sets of arms wrapped around me, squeezing me tight. Varies different degrees of thanks and promises to do housework forever were made. I would never forget this moment.

  “I do have one request.” I squeaked out, they held me so tight I couldn’t breathe.

  They all finally let me go, and each of them kissed my cheek.

  “Anything.” Derek said enthusiastically.

  I took a deep breath………

  “I want you to call it James’.”

  Stephen looked at me with sheer tears in his eyes, that is what dad would have wanted, and he knew it. Stephen nodded as he brought his hand up to his face to wipe the stray tears away. Derek and Cameron comforted him like guys do. A pat on the back with “chin up” response.

  I said good bye and walked away feeling happy about my choice. I always hated to spend our inheritance, but over the past months I have learnt to forgive, forget, love unconditionally, move on, and let the past be the past. Right now I was happy with that.

  The barn door was open, and my beautiful baby sat in the door. The dodge was forever going to be dads pride and joy, but it was my baby. I got in and turned the key, she came to life with a mad rumble. I sucked up my nerves and headed to Carter’s office, I was keen to get this shit over with, then come back and celebrate with the boys and Damon. I had not told him about their plan yet, but I think he would be happy with the choice too.

  Over the past two months, he and Stephen have become close. They both have so much in common, as much as I worried about them to start with I soon learnt that I did not have to be worried anymore. I loved them more than anything. I took off down the road with a squeal of the tires…………..


  Carter’s office was how I remembered it. When I arrived the receptionist told me Carter got called into an emergency meeting but to sit and wait in his office, and that he would not be too much longer. I decide to text Damon;

  I miss you. Hope your day is as good as mine was this morning. Will tell you about it later.

  Almost instantly he replied;

  I miss you too. Can’t wait to hear about it. I am trying to get this sorted and come to your meeting.

  I am here now waiting. I will see you soon if you make it. Love you Xoxo

  Love you too xo

  I put my phone back in my bag and continue to wait. I was waiting for a while before the door opened, and Carter walked in. He had grey suit pants with a crisp white shirt he looked handsome like normal. But I would never tell him that.

  “Savannah.” He put his hand out.

  “Carter.” I took his hand in a quick shake then let it go.

  “Would you be more comfortable here or on the couch?”

  “Here is suitable.” I rummaged through my bag to find the Cheque I had written.

  I found it and passed it over to him. He took it looking at the amount then back to me.

  “This is more than my fee Savannah.” He said shocked.

  “The extra is for your hard work you put in. I know you had to pull some kind of favour from somewhere, and I wanted to thank you once again for that.” I put my head down and looked at the black and white strips on my dress.

  “It was my job. And I do my job well. I’m glad it ended with a happy ending,” Carter said softly. “But I cannot take this from you.”

  I looked up at him. He held the Cheque out to me. We continued to stare at each other or long minutes. I was not going to take it back I needed to pay him for what he did, and the only thing I was going to pay him with was money.

  “I will put the extra into a charity fund.” He finally said.

  I nodded.

  We got into signing all the additional paperwork that I needed too. I also got copies of all Stephens’s reports, and information for his community service. He was not looking forward to that I can tell you. But he accepted that he needed to do it to avoid going back to jail. It took almost an hour to sign all the appropriate documents and by the time I finished, my hand hurt from writing.

  “That was the last of it.” Carter said putting his pen down.

  I did the same. Thank god that was over.

  “Well thank you for everything.” I said picking up my copies and putting them in a folder.

  “You’re welcome. So… Umm how are you and Damon going?” Carter sat back on his chair as he spoke.

  “That’s none of your business Carter, that’s personal.” I tried to sound as professional as I could be.

  “I know…. I’m. I’m sorry,” Carter softens, but he had a look in his eye….. Something I did not like flashed before me. “I just do not want you to get hurt.”

  “I love him, and he loves me. I’m happy.” I do not know why, but I felt I had to say those words to justify my relationship. I hoped they would protect me.

  “And that is all I hope for you. Happiness.” Carter sits forward on his chair eying me. “You have plans this afternoon?”

  “I’m going out with Damon when he finishes work.” I say shoving the paperwork into my bag and rising to my feet.

  “Sounds lovely.” Carter stands and comes around to me.

  “Once again thank you for your hard work. And I do not mean this rudely, but I hope I never have to deal with you or rob again regarding my brother.” I smile at the end because I need to break the tension that has formed.

  “Neither do I.” Carter offered me a hand and I shake it once more before saying my final good bye.

  “Bye Carter.” I smile gratefully.

  Carter opens his mouth to speak, but the office door opens, the blonde bombshell I saw with Damon months ago strolls into the office. She is his client……….

  “Oh shit, sorry. I did not know you had company,” She purrs. “I will wait outside.”

  “It’s OK I was just leaving.” I offer.

bsp; I start to walk towards the door when carter speaks…..

  “Have you met Rebecca?” I turn to see carter making his way to her side.

  I look to this so called Rebecca is beautiful as I said before. She is model thin, looks the part and dresses to match. She looks like Reese Witherspoon up close. She is flawless. She stands before me in a red strapless dress that goes to her knees.

  “Hi, I’m Rebecca.” She smiles to carter than walks to me putting her hand in mine.

  I did not actually offer her my hand; she just grabs it and shakes his almost viciously.

  “Savannah.” I say politely.

  “You are as pretty as Damon said you were.” She spoke confidently. This threw me, seriously. What was he doing talking about me to his clients?

  “Ah thank you…..I think.”

  Carter cleared his throat, and we both turned to look at him. He had this smug look on his face….. Something told me that I was missing something, and I had a feeling I would not like what it was. I had to get out of here, and I had to go now.

  “Well I am off, delightful to meet you Rebecca and thank you again Carter.” I said before I walked away. Neither of them said anything. The silence was deafening. I left.

  I got the elevator and pressed the button. I was eager to let this chapter go and start the next one. I stepped in when the cart arrived, but Rebecca caught up with me. I could smell her perfume before I entered the cart but silently prayed she was not following me, she had this sweet smell about her.

  “I hope you do not think I’m stalking you.” She laughed.

  “Not at all.” I pressed the ground floor button and stood back.

  I felt uncomfortable here with her, and it was making me nervous, butterflies appeared in my stomach. I took a few deep breaths and tried to gain my composure.

  “You don’t know who I am?” Her voice made my hairs stand on end.

  “I have no idea, and I don’t want to know.” I spoke loud enough for her to hear me, even though I was saying those words in my mind.

  I did not turn around to look at her; I knew she was watching me though because I could feel her eyes burning into me. This was something I was familiar with lately. I continued to count down the floors as the numbers on the screen changed. When we reached the ground floor, I felt relieved. The doors open and I rushed out, being mindful not to look back at her, but I could hear her heels hitting the stone ground behind me.

  When I got to the door, I spotted Damon walking towards me. He had a beautiful smile plastered across his face. I returned the smile and picked up my pace towards him. His face changed when I got closer… almost like he had seen a ghost.

  I stopped.

  When he came to me, he continued to look over my shoulder. I turned to see Rebecca standing behind me with a smug, but pissed off look on her face. I looked back at Damon who was now holding me tightly around my waist; his eyes were cold, empty. I pulled his face down to mine; the look in his eyes was pain.

  “Who is she?” I asked quietly.

  I could hear Rebecca walking towards us.

  Damon swallowed hard, never breaking eye contact with me.

  “Tell me who she is.” I let him go, and tried to step back.

  “Please, don’t go,” Damon pleaded. “I have something to tell you.”

  I wiggled my way out of his hold, even though he fought me for it.

  “Hello Damon.” I turned to see Rebecca, her arms across her chest.

  My heart sank, bile raised in my throat I started shaking.

  “What is going on?” I barked out. “Please someone tell me, what the fuck is happening here.”

  “Do I tell her Damon or do you?” A smile splayed on her lips.

  I turned to Damon; he looked at me painfully then back to Rebecca. He put his head down before taking a step towards me.

  “I love you Savannah. You mean so much to me. You have changed my life and made it better, and I never want anything other than you.” He lifts his head to mine.

  “What is going on?” I whisper to him.

  “I’m sorry.” He whispers kissing me softly.

  A tear runs down my cheek as he pulls away from me, but he does not let my hand go. I turn back towards Rebecca.

  “Who are you?” I say breathlessly.

  “I’m Rebecca O’Conner…… Damon’s wife………..”

  My heart stops, I look between the two of them………. Tears run down my face I feel numb.

  Then everything goes black.



  I couldn’t believe she did it to me. Rebecca knew how I felt about Savannah, yet she showed up to Carter’s office anyway. I knew that no good arsehole had something to do with it. She promised me she would stay out of my life, and once again she lied. What the hell have I done? I've fucked everything up again.

  “Savannah, wake up Beautiful.” I lightly tap her cheek.

  She moans a little before opening her eyes. Those beautiful eyes look back at me for a brief moment before she turns her face away from me again. No……..

  “Are you hurt?” Stupid question.

  Of course she’s hurt, your wife just told her you were married!

  “Please move out of the way sir.” I'm pushed out of the way by security.

  A few security guys check over Savannah while I stand back. They ask her several questions before helping her to her feet. She looks over at me briefly flicking her eyes between me and Rebecca. Yes, that bitch is standing next to me.

  “Can we call someone for you?”

  Savannah nods and says something, but I don’t hear her response. I step forward to talk to her but Rebecca grabs my arm. I look down at her hand holding onto me then back up to her.

  “Let me go Rebecca.” I snarl.

  “Let her be Damon. She needs time.”

  “What the fuck do you know? You did this Rebecca; once again you come in and fuck everything up.” I pulled my arm from her grip.

  “Maybe if you told her she wouldn’t be this way.” I could see the satisfied look in Rebecca’s cold eyes.

  “If you would have left like you said, and give me a damn divorce like I asked you for years ago we wouldn’t be here at all.” She was really pressing my buttons.

  Of course to make matters worse Carter strolled into the lobby. He looked at me and Rebecca then over to Savannah who was now sitting on a chair, phone to her ear.

  “Didn’t I say something about deja vu the other day Damon.” Fucking cockhead…

  He walked over to her and waiting for her to finish on the phone before he knelt down in front of her and started talking. She didn’t look at him, but her lips were moving. I need to go over there.

  I walked over to where they were and cut in.

  “Savannah let me explain.”

  She shook her head and closed her eyes. Her beautiful face was tear stained, and all I wanted to do was hold her. I can't believe I did this to her, to us.

  “Leave her alone Damon.” Carter got to his feet and puffed his chest out like he was going to fight me.

  I've been there done that, and last time he got his arse kicked. I suppose I had to give him credit for wanting another round.

  “Get away from her Carter; this is none of your business.” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Oh you know it's just as much my business as it is yours.” Carters smirk said he was enjoying this.

  We just stood there staring at each other, I wanted to knock his fucking teeth out.

  “Both of you just go. Please.” Savannahs voice broke my thoughts.

  I looked down to her. My heart broke, she was a mess. I stepped towards her, but she raised her hand to stop me. I couldn’t walk away from her. She was different from anyone I have ever met. She carries her heart on her sleeve, would do anything for anyone. I love this woman more than I thought possible. She has surely become my world, my life, my love. I wanted her in my future, she was not supposed to find out like this.

sp; I nodded and stepped back from her.

  Rebecca came wondering over to where we were standing. She is the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, I lost so much because of her, not that she was only to blame. If I didn’t have an affair with her, then I wouldn’t have lost my best friend.

  “Maybe we should go somewhere and talk.” She had to be kidding me….

  “I’m not going anywhere with you Rebecca.” I started to laugh at her stupidity.

  Rebecca just continued to look at me dumbfounded.


  I turned to see fucking Cameron running through the doors towards her. FUCK!

  He knelt down in front of her wrapping his arms around her. I could hear her sobs as she buried her face in his shirt. I didn’t want him to touch her, she was mine. Before I could say or do anything, he picked her up off the chair and started carrying her out of the building.

  “Let her go Damon.”

  I ran after him, he was not taking her from me.


  “Fuck off Damon before I kick your fucking arse.” I deserved that…..

  “Let me explain.”

  He walked over to savannahs car putting her in the passenger seat. He kissed her forehead, and I almost fucking lost it, my fists clenched at my sides. He shut the door and came to stand in front of me.

  “You listen to me, you stay away from savannah. If you would have just told her the truth, than you wouldn’t be in this position.” He bit out.

  “I need to talk to savannah.”

  “No, you stay away. If I see you anywhere near her, it will be the last thing you ever do.”

  “Says the man who ran from her when she needed him. I know Stephen took the blame for something you did Cameron. Does savannah know the full story or should I tell her? Would you like that?”

  Than he hit me.

  I deserved that……………

  (Book two in this series will be released April 2013. Actual Date TBA.)

  Other Series by Author;

  Books in this series

  Judged By You (Judge Me Series #1)


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