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Forever Wild: A Camden Ranch Novel

Page 35

by Jillian Neal

  His heart stalled and the air in his lungs seized. “Are you … are you serious? You’re ready for this?”

  “I told you I’m not running anymore. I should have said yes before, but we both had a lot to learn. So, I was kind of hoping you’d give it to me now.”

  Wasting no time, he took the box and fell to one knee. For a moment, he lamented not having any time to plan or prepare, but then he understood he’d been preparing for this for half of his life. Swallowing down raw emotion, he reached upwards to wipe away the escaping tears from her cheeks.

  “I love you so much, Indie. And I know you used to tell me all the time that nothing lasted forever, but I fell in love with you as soon as I laid eyes on you, and I just fall more and more in love with you every single day, and nothing about that is ever going to change. So, would you please do me the extraordinary honor of being my wife?”

  Her chin trembled as she nodded her consent. He slipped the ring on her finger, stood, and swept her up in his arms. Raucous applause and wolf whistles echoed around them.

  Startled, they turned to see most of their old classmates trying to see into the concealed space. More than happy to put on a show, he sealed the deal with a forceful kiss that robbed him of breath, of any doubt, of the pain they’d both endured on the other’s behalf, and of everything that might go wrong. If she was his, that was all that mattered. The rest they would figure out together.


  The cool October breeze whipped through the garage bay glowing orange in the setting sun.

  When Indie finished re-installing the ignition switch on the Accord she’d been troubleshooting all afternoon, she rushed to slip her rings back on her finger. She hated taking them off, but working on electrical circuitry made it necessary.

  She’d left them on the last time she’d switched out a generator and both Luke and her father had loudly voiced their disapproval. Staring down at her grease stained fingers juxtaposed with the glimmering diamond wedding bands, she couldn’t help but grin. Being a rancher’s wife wasn’t so bad after all. In fact, she couldn’t think of anything she loved more.

  “You heading home, baby girl?” Her father lifted his head out from under the hood of the Mitsubishi he’d been working on. Indie knew he was anxious to get to Saddlebacks. Diana had been hired there permanently, and as soon as they’d arrived back in the Glen from their trip to the Grand Canyon, Ben had asked her to move in with him.

  “Yeah, Daddy, in just a minute. I was gonna get the rest of those bridles if you’re sure you don’t mind me taking ‘em.”

  “Your horses have been out at the ranch for weeks. Why on earth would I mind you taking the bridles?”

  “I know you don’t mind, I just thought I should ask. Romeo and Juliet love the ranch. They miss you, though.”

  “Well, seein’ as how they now have thousands upon thousands of acres to roam around on, the entire team of Camden horses to keep ‘em company, and my son-in-law to take good care of ‘em, I bet they don’t miss me too much.”

  “They do too. You and Diana need to come out there more often.”

  “Jessie’s been after us to come have dinner. I was kinda tryin’ to give you and Luke a little time without us bothering. You being newlyweds and all. And it ain’t like I don’t see you here at work every few days.”

  “Daddy,” Indie shook her head. “Don’t be ridiculous. We love having you out there.”

  Before she could continue to insist that her father come out to Camden Ranch more often, Aaron’s ancient Ford truck eased up the gravel drive.

  Ben and Indie headed out to meet him.

  “Truck all right, son?” Ben asked anxiously. Indie knew they were both more worried about Aaron than his truck.

  The broad grin on his face when he leapt from the driver’s seat set Indie’s mind at ease.

  “Truck’s great, Mr. Harper, and I’m good, too. I promise. Been going to those meetings at the library in Ogallala for veterans. They’re helping. Listen, Indie, Luke and Nat invited me to dinner out at the Camdens tonight. I found this on my way over, and I thought if you approved maybe you and I could both give Luke a gift. He’s done an awful lot for me. I’ve wanted to get him something for a while, but couldn’t think of what. I think he’d like this.”

  Indie was more interested in the fact that Natalie had also extended an invitation to Aaron for supper than she was Aaron getting Luke a gift. She knew Luke would never accept anything from Aaron other than his friendship. Her husband gave without any expectations that his generosity be returned. It was one of the many things she loved about him.

  But when Aaron pulled a moving bundle of blankets from the front seat her mouth hung open.

  “I found ‘em dumped on the side of the road. Damn near about broke my heart. Look to be pure bred Beagles. They’d make good ranch dogs. I’d keep ‘em, but I’m outta room and budget for dog food. I was just thinkin’ Luke needs him a pup or two, even if he don’t think he does.”

  “Oh my gosh,” Indie scooped the blanket full of tiny puppies out of Aaron’s arms. “I don’t care what Luke says, we’re keeping them.”

  Ben and Aaron both chuckled as one of the puppies began licking her chin.

  “Maybe now you’ll let Luke sell off that calf he’s taking heat over you babying and keeping, or maybe you two could get to work on me some grandbabies,” Ben chided.

  Indie felt her cheeks heat, but she refused to confirm anything at all. “We are keeping Cassie, and the puppies, and you just remember I won’t be able to fit under cars with a big belly.”

  “I’ll wrench for you for a few months if it gets me grandbabies.”

  When Luke saw his beautiful wife bounding across the field with her arms full of a blanket, he knew something was up. He leapt off the tractor and headed her direction.

  “Well, here comes trouble if I’ve ever seen it,” he teased when he was close enough for her to hear him.

  She stuck her tongue out at him with that same sexy-as-sin smirk that had always and would always do him in.

  “You lookin’ for something to lick, sugar?”

  “Would you hush up and look what Aaron found.” She shifted the blanket and revealed two tiny Beagle pups, both whining pitifully. “Please, please, please.”

  “Indie, honey,” Luke’s protest strangled in his throat when she placed the bundle in his arms.

  “Please. Look how cute they are, and you always wanted dogs.”

  “Yeah, I know but … what about what we’d been discussing lately.” Luke glanced around to locate his brothers and sisters. They weren’t near enough to hear him so he went on. “Not sure you’re gonna want puppies tearing up the house and a newborn.”

  “Yes, but I’m not pregnant yet … I don’t think … and even if I was, they won’t be puppies by the time the baby got here. They’ll be fine. It’ll be perfect.”

  “I’m gonna remind you of that when they’re baying at the moon in the middle of the night and keeping you up.”

  Just then one of the pups nuzzled Luke’s neck and sighed as he absorbed the heat of his body. Poor thing was missing his mama. Luke’s heart swelled, and he knew he might as well go ahead and wave the white flag.

  “Look at that. They love you.” Indie joined the puppies in their pitiful expression.

  “Great, now I have three of you giving me the puppy dog eyes.”

  “Now I just have to train them to use their powers for good,” Indie teased.

  “I assume by good you mean for whatever you want.”


  “It’s a good thing you’re so damn sexy and that I love you so much, Indieanna Camden.”

  “I was just thinking the very same thing.”

  From the Author

  Coming Autumn 2016 – Holly Camden’s story, Cowgirl Education. To hear more about Camden Ranch, my upcoming books, and giveaways, sign up for the mailing list to keep up with all the latest news.

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  About Jillian

  National bestselling author, Jillian Neal, was not only born 30 but also came accessorized with loads of books and adorable handbags in which to carry them, at least that’s what she tells people. After earning a degree in education, she discovered that her passion could never be housed inside a classroom. A vehement lover of love and having maintained a lifelong affair with the awe-inspiring power of words, she set to turn the romance industry on its head. Her overly-caffeinated, troupe-spinning muse is never happy with the standard formula story. She believes every book should be brimming with passion, loaded with hot sexy scenes, packed with a gut-punch of emotion, and have characters that leap off the page and right into your heart.

  Her first series, The Gifted Realm, defines contemporary romance with a fantasy twist. Her Gypsy Beach series will leave you longing to visit the sultry shores of the tiny bohemian beach town, and her erotic romance series, Camden Ranch, will make you certain there is nothing better than a cowboy with a rope and a plan. The sheer amount of coffee required to keep all of those characters dancing in her head would border on lethal, so she unleashes their engaging stories on page after page of spellbinding reads.

  Jillian lives outside of Atlanta with her own sexy sweetheart, their teenage sons, and enough stiletto heels, cowgirl boots, and flip-flops to exist in any of the fictional worlds she brings to life.

  For more information on the author and her stories, check out her website, at




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